Beispiel #1
        public static bool testminlm(bool silent)
            bool   result      = new bool();
            bool   waserrors   = new bool();
            bool   referror    = new bool();
            bool   lin1error   = new bool();
            bool   lin2error   = new bool();
            bool   eqerror     = new bool();
            bool   converror   = new bool();
            bool   scerror     = new bool();
            bool   othererrors = new bool();
            int    rkind       = 0;
            int    ckind       = 0;
            double epsf        = 0;
            double epsx        = 0;
            double epsg        = 0;
            int    maxits      = 0;
            int    n           = 0;
            int    m           = 0;

            double[] x      = new double[0];
            double[] xe     = new double[0];
            double[] b      = new double[0];
            double[] xlast  = new double[0];
            int      i      = 0;
            int      j      = 0;
            int      k      = 0;
            double   v      = 0;
            double   s      = 0;
            double   stpmax = 0;

            double[,] a = new double[0, 0];
            double fprev = 0;
            double xprev = 0;

            minlm.minlmstate  state = new minlm.minlmstate();
            minlm.minlmreport rep   = new minlm.minlmreport();
            int i_ = 0;

            waserrors   = false;
            referror    = false;
            lin1error   = false;
            lin2error   = false;
            eqerror     = false;
            converror   = false;
            scerror     = false;
            othererrors = false;

            // Reference problem.
            // RKind is a algorithm selector:
            // * 0 = FJ
            // * 1 = FGJ
            // * 2 = FGH
            x = new double[2 + 1];
            n = 3;
            m = 3;
            for (rkind = 0; rkind <= 2; rkind++)
                x[0] = 100 * AP.Math.RandomReal() - 50;
                x[1] = 100 * AP.Math.RandomReal() - 50;
                x[2] = 100 * AP.Math.RandomReal() - 50;
                if (rkind == 0)
                    minlm.minlmcreatefj(n, m, ref x, ref state);
                if (rkind == 1)
                    minlm.minlmcreatefgj(n, m, ref x, ref state);
                if (rkind == 2)
                    minlm.minlmcreatefgh(n, ref x, ref state);
                while (minlm.minlmiteration(ref state))
                    // (x-2)^2 + y^2 + (z-x)^2
                    state.f = AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[0] - 2) + AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[1]) + AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[2] - state.x[0]);
                    if (state.needfg | state.needfgh)
                        state.g[0] = 2 * (state.x[0] - 2) + 2 * (state.x[0] - state.x[2]);
                        state.g[1] = 2 * state.x[1];
                        state.g[2] = 2 * (state.x[2] - state.x[0]);
                    if (state.needfij)
              [0]   = state.x[0] - 2;
              [1]   = state.x[1];
              [2]   = state.x[2] - state.x[0];
                        state.j[0, 0] = 1;
                        state.j[0, 1] = 0;
                        state.j[0, 2] = 0;
                        state.j[1, 0] = 0;
                        state.j[1, 1] = 1;
                        state.j[1, 2] = 0;
                        state.j[2, 0] = -1;
                        state.j[2, 1] = 0;
                        state.j[2, 2] = 1;
                    if (state.needfgh)
                        state.h[0, 0] = 4;
                        state.h[0, 1] = 0;
                        state.h[0, 2] = -2;
                        state.h[1, 0] = 0;
                        state.h[1, 1] = 2;
                        state.h[1, 2] = 0;
                        state.h[2, 0] = -2;
                        state.h[2, 1] = 0;
                        state.h[2, 2] = 2;
                    scerror = scerror | !rkindvsstatecheck(rkind, ref state);
                minlm.minlmresults(ref state, ref x, ref rep);
                referror = referror | rep.terminationtype <= 0 | (double)(Math.Abs(x[0] - 2)) > (double)(0.001) | (double)(Math.Abs(x[1])) > (double)(0.001) | (double)(Math.Abs(x[2] - 2)) > (double)(0.001);

            // 1D problem #1
            for (rkind = 0; rkind <= 2; rkind++)
                x    = new double[1];
                n    = 1;
                m    = 1;
                x[0] = 100 * AP.Math.RandomReal() - 50;
                if (rkind == 0)
                    minlm.minlmcreatefj(n, m, ref x, ref state);
                if (rkind == 1)
                    minlm.minlmcreatefgj(n, m, ref x, ref state);
                if (rkind == 2)
                    minlm.minlmcreatefgh(n, ref x, ref state);
                while (minlm.minlmiteration(ref state))
                    state.f = AP.Math.Sqr(Math.Sin(state.x[0]));
                    if (state.needfg | state.needfgh)
                        state.g[0] = 2 * Math.Sin(state.x[0]) * Math.Cos(state.x[0]);
                    if (state.needfij)
              [0]   = Math.Sin(state.x[0]);
                        state.j[0, 0] = Math.Cos(state.x[0]);
                    if (state.needfgh)
                        state.h[0, 0] = 2 * (Math.Cos(state.x[0]) * Math.Cos(state.x[0]) - Math.Sin(state.x[0]) * Math.Sin(state.x[0]));
                    scerror = scerror | !rkindvsstatecheck(rkind, ref state);
                minlm.minlmresults(ref state, ref x, ref rep);
                lin1error = rep.terminationtype <= 0 | (double)(Math.Abs(x[0] / Math.PI - (int)Math.Round(x[0] / Math.PI))) > (double)(0.001);

            // Linear equations
            for (n = 1; n <= 10; n++)
                // Prepare task
                matgen.rmatrixrndcond(n, 100, ref a);
                x  = new double[n];
                xe = new double[n];
                b  = new double[n];
                for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
                    xe[i] = 2 * AP.Math.RandomReal() - 1;
                for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
                    v = 0.0;
                    for (i_ = 0; i_ <= n - 1; i_++)
                        v += a[i, i_] * xe[i_];
                    b[i] = v;

                // Test different RKind
                for (rkind = 0; rkind <= 2; rkind++)
                    // Solve task
                    for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
                        x[i] = 2 * AP.Math.RandomReal() - 1;
                    if (rkind == 0)
                        minlm.minlmcreatefj(n, n, ref x, ref state);
                    if (rkind == 1)
                        minlm.minlmcreatefgj(n, n, ref x, ref state);
                    if (rkind == 2)
                        minlm.minlmcreatefgh(n, ref x, ref state);
                    while (minlm.minlmiteration(ref state))
                        if (state.needf | state.needfg | state.needfgh)
                            state.f = 0;
                        if (state.needfg | state.needfgh)
                            for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
                                state.g[i] = 0;
                        if (state.needfgh)
                            for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
                                for (j = 0; j <= n - 1; j++)
                                    state.h[i, j] = 0;
                        for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
                            v = 0.0;
                            for (i_ = 0; i_ <= n - 1; i_++)
                                v += a[i, i_] * state.x[i_];
                            if (state.needf | state.needfg | state.needfgh)
                                state.f = state.f + AP.Math.Sqr(v - b[i]);
                            if (state.needfg | state.needfgh)
                                for (j = 0; j <= n - 1; j++)
                                    state.g[j] = state.g[j] + 2 * (v - b[i]) * a[i, j];
                            if (state.needfgh)
                                for (j = 0; j <= n - 1; j++)
                                    for (k = 0; k <= n - 1; k++)
                                        state.h[j, k] = state.h[j, k] + 2 * a[i, j] * a[i, k];
                            if (state.needfij)
                      [i] = v - b[i];
                                for (i_ = 0; i_ <= n - 1; i_++)
                                    state.j[i, i_] = a[i, i_];
                        scerror = scerror | !rkindvsstatecheck(rkind, ref state);
                    minlm.minlmresults(ref state, ref x, ref rep);
                    eqerror = eqerror | rep.terminationtype <= 0;
                    for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
                        eqerror = eqerror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[i] - xe[i])) > (double)(0.001);

            // Testing convergence properties using
            // different optimizer types and different conditions
            s = 100;
            for (rkind = 0; rkind <= 2; rkind++)
                for (ckind = 0; ckind <= 3; ckind++)
                    epsg   = 0;
                    epsf   = 0;
                    epsx   = 0;
                    maxits = 0;
                    if (ckind == 0)
                        epsf = 0.0001;
                    if (ckind == 1)
                        epsx = 0.0001;
                    if (ckind == 2)
                        maxits = 2;
                    if (ckind == 3)
                        epsg = 0.0001;
                    x = new double[3];
                    n = 3;
                    m = 3;
                    for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
                        x[i] = 6;
                    if (rkind == 0)
                        minlm.minlmcreatefj(n, m, ref x, ref state);
                    if (rkind == 1)
                        minlm.minlmcreatefgj(n, m, ref x, ref state);
                    if (rkind == 2)
                        minlm.minlmcreatefgh(n, ref x, ref state);
                    minlm.minlmsetcond(ref state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits);
                    while (minlm.minlmiteration(ref state))
                        if (state.needf | state.needfg | state.needfgh)
                            state.f = s * AP.Math.Sqr(Math.Exp(state.x[0]) - 2) + AP.Math.Sqr(AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[1]) + 1) + AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[2] - state.x[0]);
                        if (state.needfg | state.needfgh)
                            state.g[0] = s * 2 * (Math.Exp(state.x[0]) - 2) * Math.Exp(state.x[0]) + 2 * (state.x[0] - state.x[2]);
                            state.g[1] = 2 * (AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[1]) + 1) * 2 * state.x[1];
                            state.g[2] = 2 * (state.x[2] - state.x[0]);
                        if (state.needfgh)
                            state.h[0, 0] = s * (4 * AP.Math.Sqr(Math.Exp(state.x[0])) - 4 * Math.Exp(state.x[0])) + 2;
                            state.h[0, 1] = 0;
                            state.h[0, 2] = -2;
                            state.h[1, 0] = 0;
                            state.h[1, 1] = 12 * AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[1]) + 4;
                            state.h[1, 2] = 0;
                            state.h[2, 0] = -2;
                            state.h[2, 1] = 0;
                            state.h[2, 2] = 2;
                        if (state.needfij)
                  [0]   = s * (Math.Exp(state.x[0]) - 2);
                            state.j[0, 0] = s * Math.Exp(state.x[0]);
                            state.j[0, 1] = 0;
                            state.j[0, 2] = 0;
                  [1]   = AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[1]) + 1;
                            state.j[1, 0] = 0;
                            state.j[1, 1] = 2 * state.x[1];
                            state.j[1, 2] = 0;
                  [2]   = state.x[2] - state.x[0];
                            state.j[2, 0] = -1;
                            state.j[2, 1] = 0;
                            state.j[2, 2] = 1;
                        scerror = scerror | !rkindvsstatecheck(rkind, ref state);
                    minlm.minlmresults(ref state, ref x, ref rep);
                    if (ckind == 0)
                        converror = converror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[0] - Math.Log(2))) > (double)(0.05);
                        converror = converror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[1])) > (double)(0.05);
                        converror = converror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[2] - Math.Log(2))) > (double)(0.05);
                        converror = converror | rep.terminationtype != 1;
                    if (ckind == 1)
                        converror = converror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[0] - Math.Log(2))) > (double)(0.05);
                        converror = converror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[1])) > (double)(0.05);
                        converror = converror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[2] - Math.Log(2))) > (double)(0.05);
                        converror = converror | rep.terminationtype != 2;
                    if (ckind == 2)
                        converror = converror | rep.terminationtype != 5 | rep.iterationscount != maxits;
                    if (ckind == 3)
                        converror = converror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[0] - Math.Log(2))) > (double)(0.05);
                        converror = converror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[1])) > (double)(0.05);
                        converror = converror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[2] - Math.Log(2))) > (double)(0.05);
                        converror = converror | rep.terminationtype != 4;

            // Other properties:
            // 1. test reports (F should form monotone sequence)
            // 2. test maximum step
            for (rkind = 0; rkind <= 2; rkind++)
                // reports:
                // * check that first report is initial point
                // * check that F is monotone decreasing
                // * check that last report is final result
                n     = 3;
                m     = 3;
                s     = 100;
                x     = new double[n];
                xlast = new double[n];
                for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
                    x[i] = 6;
                if (rkind == 0)
                    minlm.minlmcreatefj(n, m, ref x, ref state);
                if (rkind == 1)
                    minlm.minlmcreatefgj(n, m, ref x, ref state);
                if (rkind == 2)
                    minlm.minlmcreatefgh(n, ref x, ref state);
                minlm.minlmsetcond(ref state, 0, 0, 0, 4);
                minlm.minlmsetxrep(ref state, true);
                fprev = AP.Math.MaxRealNumber;
                while (minlm.minlmiteration(ref state))
                    if (state.needf | state.needfg | state.needfgh)
                        state.f = s * AP.Math.Sqr(Math.Exp(state.x[0]) - 2) + AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[1]) + AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[2] - state.x[0]);
                    if (state.needfg | state.needfgh)
                        state.g[0] = s * 2 * (Math.Exp(state.x[0]) - 2) * Math.Exp(state.x[0]) + 2 * (state.x[0] - state.x[2]);
                        state.g[1] = 2 * state.x[1];
                        state.g[2] = 2 * (state.x[2] - state.x[0]);
                    if (state.needfgh)
                        state.h[0, 0] = s * (4 * AP.Math.Sqr(Math.Exp(state.x[0])) - 4 * Math.Exp(state.x[0])) + 2;
                        state.h[0, 1] = 0;
                        state.h[0, 2] = -2;
                        state.h[1, 0] = 0;
                        state.h[1, 1] = 2;
                        state.h[1, 2] = 0;
                        state.h[2, 0] = -2;
                        state.h[2, 1] = 0;
                        state.h[2, 2] = 2;
                    if (state.needfij)
              [0]   = Math.Sqrt(s) * (Math.Exp(state.x[0]) - 2);
                        state.j[0, 0] = Math.Sqrt(s) * Math.Exp(state.x[0]);
                        state.j[0, 1] = 0;
                        state.j[0, 2] = 0;
              [1]   = state.x[1];
                        state.j[1, 0] = 0;
                        state.j[1, 1] = 1;
                        state.j[1, 2] = 0;
              [2]   = state.x[2] - state.x[0];
                        state.j[2, 0] = -1;
                        state.j[2, 1] = 0;
                        state.j[2, 2] = 1;
                    scerror = scerror | !rkindvsstatecheck(rkind, ref state);
                    if (state.xupdated)
                        othererrors = othererrors | (double)(state.f) > (double)(fprev);
                        if ((double)(fprev) == (double)(AP.Math.MaxRealNumber))
                            for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
                                othererrors = othererrors | (double)(state.x[i]) != (double)(x[i]);
                        fprev = state.f;
                        for (i_ = 0; i_ <= n - 1; i_++)
                            xlast[i_] = state.x[i_];
                minlm.minlmresults(ref state, ref x, ref rep);
                for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
                    othererrors = othererrors | (double)(x[i]) != (double)(xlast[i]);
            n      = 1;
            x      = new double[n];
            x[0]   = 100;
            stpmax = 0.05 + 0.05 * AP.Math.RandomReal();
            minlm.minlmcreatefgh(n, ref x, ref state);
            minlm.minlmsetcond(ref state, 1.0E-9, 0, 0, 0);
            minlm.minlmsetstpmax(ref state, stpmax);
            minlm.minlmsetxrep(ref state, true);
            xprev = x[0];
            while (minlm.minlmiteration(ref state))
                if (state.needf | state.needfg | state.needfgh)
                    state.f = Math.Exp(state.x[0]) + Math.Exp(-state.x[0]);
                if (state.needfg | state.needfgh)
                    state.g[0] = Math.Exp(state.x[0]) - Math.Exp(-state.x[0]);
                if (state.needfgh)
                    state.h[0, 0] = Math.Exp(state.x[0]) + Math.Exp(-state.x[0]);
                othererrors = othererrors | (double)(Math.Abs(state.x[0] - xprev)) > (double)((1 + Math.Sqrt(AP.Math.MachineEpsilon)) * stpmax);
                if (state.xupdated)
                    xprev = state.x[0];

            // end
            waserrors = referror | lin1error | lin2error | eqerror | converror | scerror | othererrors;
            if (!silent)
                System.Console.Write("TESTING LEVENBERG-MARQUARDT OPTIMIZATION");
                System.Console.Write("REFERENCE PROBLEM:                        ");
                if (referror)
                System.Console.Write("1-D PROBLEM #1:                           ");
                if (lin1error)
                System.Console.Write("1-D PROBLEM #2:                           ");
                if (lin2error)
                System.Console.Write("LINEAR EQUATIONS:                         ");
                if (eqerror)
                System.Console.Write("CONVERGENCE PROPERTIES:                   ");
                if (converror)
                System.Console.Write("STATE FIELDS CONSISTENCY:                 ");
                if (scerror)
                System.Console.Write("OTHER PROPERTIES:                         ");
                if (othererrors)
                if (waserrors)
                    System.Console.Write("TEST FAILED");
                    System.Console.Write("TEST PASSED");
            result = !waserrors;
        public static bool testminlm(bool silent)
            bool result = new bool();
            bool waserrors = new bool();
            bool referror = new bool();
            bool lin1error = new bool();
            bool lin2error = new bool();
            bool eqerror = new bool();
            bool converror = new bool();
            bool scerror = new bool();
            bool othererrors = new bool();
            int rkind = 0;
            int ckind = 0;
            double epsf = 0;
            double epsx = 0;
            double epsg = 0;
            int maxits = 0;
            int n = 0;
            int m = 0;
            double[] x = new double[0];
            double[] xe = new double[0];
            double[] b = new double[0];
            double[] xlast = new double[0];
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int k = 0;
            double v = 0;
            double s = 0;
            double stpmax = 0;
            double[,] a = new double[0,0];
            double fprev = 0;
            double xprev = 0;
            minlm.minlmstate state = new minlm.minlmstate();
            minlm.minlmreport rep = new minlm.minlmreport();
            int i_ = 0;

            waserrors = false;
            referror = false;
            lin1error = false;
            lin2error = false;
            eqerror = false;
            converror = false;
            scerror = false;
            othererrors = false;
            // Reference problem.
            // RKind is a algorithm selector:
            // * 0 = FJ
            // * 1 = FGJ
            // * 2 = FGH
            x = new double[2+1];
            n = 3;
            m = 3;
            for(rkind=0; rkind<=2; rkind++)
                x[0] = 100*AP.Math.RandomReal()-50;
                x[1] = 100*AP.Math.RandomReal()-50;
                x[2] = 100*AP.Math.RandomReal()-50;
                if( rkind==0 )
                    minlm.minlmcreatefj(n, m, ref x, ref state);
                if( rkind==1 )
                    minlm.minlmcreatefgj(n, m, ref x, ref state);
                if( rkind==2 )
                    minlm.minlmcreatefgh(n, ref x, ref state);
                while( minlm.minlmiteration(ref state) )
                    // (x-2)^2 + y^2 + (z-x)^2
                    state.f = AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[0]-2)+AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[1])+AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[2]-state.x[0]);
                    if( state.needfg | state.needfgh )
                        state.g[0] = 2*(state.x[0]-2)+2*(state.x[0]-state.x[2]);
                        state.g[1] = 2*state.x[1];
                        state.g[2] = 2*(state.x[2]-state.x[0]);
                    if( state.needfij )
              [0] = state.x[0]-2;
              [1] = state.x[1];
              [2] = state.x[2]-state.x[0];
                        state.j[0,0] = 1;
                        state.j[0,1] = 0;
                        state.j[0,2] = 0;
                        state.j[1,0] = 0;
                        state.j[1,1] = 1;
                        state.j[1,2] = 0;
                        state.j[2,0] = -1;
                        state.j[2,1] = 0;
                        state.j[2,2] = 1;
                    if( state.needfgh )
                        state.h[0,0] = 4;
                        state.h[0,1] = 0;
                        state.h[0,2] = -2;
                        state.h[1,0] = 0;
                        state.h[1,1] = 2;
                        state.h[1,2] = 0;
                        state.h[2,0] = -2;
                        state.h[2,1] = 0;
                        state.h[2,2] = 2;
                    scerror = scerror | !rkindvsstatecheck(rkind, ref state);
                minlm.minlmresults(ref state, ref x, ref rep);
                referror = referror | rep.terminationtype<=0 | (double)(Math.Abs(x[0]-2))>(double)(0.001) | (double)(Math.Abs(x[1]))>(double)(0.001) | (double)(Math.Abs(x[2]-2))>(double)(0.001);
            // 1D problem #1
            for(rkind=0; rkind<=2; rkind++)
                x = new double[1];
                n = 1;
                m = 1;
                x[0] = 100*AP.Math.RandomReal()-50;
                if( rkind==0 )
                    minlm.minlmcreatefj(n, m, ref x, ref state);
                if( rkind==1 )
                    minlm.minlmcreatefgj(n, m, ref x, ref state);
                if( rkind==2 )
                    minlm.minlmcreatefgh(n, ref x, ref state);
                while( minlm.minlmiteration(ref state) )
                    state.f = AP.Math.Sqr(Math.Sin(state.x[0]));
                    if( state.needfg | state.needfgh )
                        state.g[0] = 2*Math.Sin(state.x[0])*Math.Cos(state.x[0]);
                    if( state.needfij )
              [0] = Math.Sin(state.x[0]);
                        state.j[0,0] = Math.Cos(state.x[0]);
                    if( state.needfgh )
                        state.h[0,0] = 2*(Math.Cos(state.x[0])*Math.Cos(state.x[0])-Math.Sin(state.x[0])*Math.Sin(state.x[0]));
                    scerror = scerror | !rkindvsstatecheck(rkind, ref state);
                minlm.minlmresults(ref state, ref x, ref rep);
                lin1error = rep.terminationtype<=0 | (double)(Math.Abs(x[0]/Math.PI-(int)Math.Round(x[0]/Math.PI)))>(double)(0.001);
            // Linear equations
            for(n=1; n<=10; n++)
                // Prepare task
                matgen.rmatrixrndcond(n, 100, ref a);
                x = new double[n];
                xe = new double[n];
                b = new double[n];
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    xe[i] = 2*AP.Math.RandomReal()-1;
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    v = 0.0;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                        v += a[i,i_]*xe[i_];
                    b[i] = v;
                // Test different RKind
                for(rkind=0; rkind<=2; rkind++)
                    // Solve task
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        x[i] = 2*AP.Math.RandomReal()-1;
                    if( rkind==0 )
                        minlm.minlmcreatefj(n, n, ref x, ref state);
                    if( rkind==1 )
                        minlm.minlmcreatefgj(n, n, ref x, ref state);
                    if( rkind==2 )
                        minlm.minlmcreatefgh(n, ref x, ref state);
                    while( minlm.minlmiteration(ref state) )
                        if( state.needf | state.needfg | state.needfgh )
                            state.f = 0;
                        if( state.needfg | state.needfgh )
                            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                state.g[i] = 0;
                        if( state.needfgh )
                            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                for(j=0; j<=n-1; j++)
                                    state.h[i,j] = 0;
                        for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                            v = 0.0;
                            for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                                v += a[i,i_]*state.x[i_];
                            if( state.needf | state.needfg | state.needfgh )
                                state.f = state.f+AP.Math.Sqr(v-b[i]);
                            if( state.needfg | state.needfgh )
                                for(j=0; j<=n-1; j++)
                                    state.g[j] = state.g[j]+2*(v-b[i])*a[i,j];
                            if( state.needfgh )
                                for(j=0; j<=n-1; j++)
                                    for(k=0; k<=n-1; k++)
                                        state.h[j,k] = state.h[j,k]+2*a[i,j]*a[i,k];
                            if( state.needfij )
                      [i] = v-b[i];
                                for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                                    state.j[i,i_] = a[i,i_];
                        scerror = scerror | !rkindvsstatecheck(rkind, ref state);
                    minlm.minlmresults(ref state, ref x, ref rep);
                    eqerror = eqerror | rep.terminationtype<=0;
                    for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                        eqerror = eqerror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[i]-xe[i]))>(double)(0.001);
            // Testing convergence properties using
            // different optimizer types and different conditions
            s = 100;
            for(rkind=0; rkind<=2; rkind++)
                for(ckind=0; ckind<=3; ckind++)
                    epsg = 0;
                    epsf = 0;
                    epsx = 0;
                    maxits = 0;
                    if( ckind==0 )
                        epsf = 0.0001;
                    if( ckind==1 )
                        epsx = 0.0001;
                    if( ckind==2 )
                        maxits = 2;
                    if( ckind==3 )
                        epsg = 0.0001;
                    x = new double[3];
                    n = 3;
                    m = 3;
                    for(i=0; i<=2; i++)
                        x[i] = 6;
                    if( rkind==0 )
                        minlm.minlmcreatefj(n, m, ref x, ref state);
                    if( rkind==1 )
                        minlm.minlmcreatefgj(n, m, ref x, ref state);
                    if( rkind==2 )
                        minlm.minlmcreatefgh(n, ref x, ref state);
                    minlm.minlmsetcond(ref state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits);
                    while( minlm.minlmiteration(ref state) )
                        if( state.needf | state.needfg | state.needfgh )
                            state.f = s*AP.Math.Sqr(Math.Exp(state.x[0])-2)+AP.Math.Sqr(AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[1])+1)+AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[2]-state.x[0]);
                        if( state.needfg | state.needfgh )
                            state.g[0] = s*2*(Math.Exp(state.x[0])-2)*Math.Exp(state.x[0])+2*(state.x[0]-state.x[2]);
                            state.g[1] = 2*(AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[1])+1)*2*state.x[1];
                            state.g[2] = 2*(state.x[2]-state.x[0]);
                        if( state.needfgh )
                            state.h[0,0] = s*(4*AP.Math.Sqr(Math.Exp(state.x[0]))-4*Math.Exp(state.x[0]))+2;
                            state.h[0,1] = 0;
                            state.h[0,2] = -2;
                            state.h[1,0] = 0;
                            state.h[1,1] = 12*AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[1])+4;
                            state.h[1,2] = 0;
                            state.h[2,0] = -2;
                            state.h[2,1] = 0;
                            state.h[2,2] = 2;
                        if( state.needfij )
                  [0] = s*(Math.Exp(state.x[0])-2);
                            state.j[0,0] = s*Math.Exp(state.x[0]);
                            state.j[0,1] = 0;
                            state.j[0,2] = 0;
                  [1] = AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[1])+1;
                            state.j[1,0] = 0;
                            state.j[1,1] = 2*state.x[1];
                            state.j[1,2] = 0;
                  [2] = state.x[2]-state.x[0];
                            state.j[2,0] = -1;
                            state.j[2,1] = 0;
                            state.j[2,2] = 1;
                        scerror = scerror | !rkindvsstatecheck(rkind, ref state);
                    minlm.minlmresults(ref state, ref x, ref rep);
                    if( ckind==0 )
                        converror = converror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[0]-Math.Log(2)))>(double)(0.05);
                        converror = converror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[1]))>(double)(0.05);
                        converror = converror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[2]-Math.Log(2)))>(double)(0.05);
                        converror = converror | rep.terminationtype!=1;
                    if( ckind==1 )
                        converror = converror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[0]-Math.Log(2)))>(double)(0.05);
                        converror = converror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[1]))>(double)(0.05);
                        converror = converror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[2]-Math.Log(2)))>(double)(0.05);
                        converror = converror | rep.terminationtype!=2;
                    if( ckind==2 )
                        converror = converror | rep.terminationtype!=5 | rep.iterationscount!=maxits;
                    if( ckind==3 )
                        converror = converror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[0]-Math.Log(2)))>(double)(0.05);
                        converror = converror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[1]))>(double)(0.05);
                        converror = converror | (double)(Math.Abs(x[2]-Math.Log(2)))>(double)(0.05);
                        converror = converror | rep.terminationtype!=4;
            // Other properties:
            // 1. test reports (F should form monotone sequence)
            // 2. test maximum step
            for(rkind=0; rkind<=2; rkind++)
                // reports:
                // * check that first report is initial point
                // * check that F is monotone decreasing
                // * check that last report is final result
                n = 3;
                m = 3;
                s = 100;
                x = new double[n];
                xlast = new double[n];
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    x[i] = 6;
                if( rkind==0 )
                    minlm.minlmcreatefj(n, m, ref x, ref state);
                if( rkind==1 )
                    minlm.minlmcreatefgj(n, m, ref x, ref state);
                if( rkind==2 )
                    minlm.minlmcreatefgh(n, ref x, ref state);
                minlm.minlmsetcond(ref state, 0, 0, 0, 4);
                minlm.minlmsetxrep(ref state, true);
                fprev = AP.Math.MaxRealNumber;
                while( minlm.minlmiteration(ref state) )
                    if( state.needf | state.needfg | state.needfgh )
                        state.f = s*AP.Math.Sqr(Math.Exp(state.x[0])-2)+AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[1])+AP.Math.Sqr(state.x[2]-state.x[0]);
                    if( state.needfg | state.needfgh )
                        state.g[0] = s*2*(Math.Exp(state.x[0])-2)*Math.Exp(state.x[0])+2*(state.x[0]-state.x[2]);
                        state.g[1] = 2*state.x[1];
                        state.g[2] = 2*(state.x[2]-state.x[0]);
                    if( state.needfgh )
                        state.h[0,0] = s*(4*AP.Math.Sqr(Math.Exp(state.x[0]))-4*Math.Exp(state.x[0]))+2;
                        state.h[0,1] = 0;
                        state.h[0,2] = -2;
                        state.h[1,0] = 0;
                        state.h[1,1] = 2;
                        state.h[1,2] = 0;
                        state.h[2,0] = -2;
                        state.h[2,1] = 0;
                        state.h[2,2] = 2;
                    if( state.needfij )
              [0] = Math.Sqrt(s)*(Math.Exp(state.x[0])-2);
                        state.j[0,0] = Math.Sqrt(s)*Math.Exp(state.x[0]);
                        state.j[0,1] = 0;
                        state.j[0,2] = 0;
              [1] = state.x[1];
                        state.j[1,0] = 0;
                        state.j[1,1] = 1;
                        state.j[1,2] = 0;
              [2] = state.x[2]-state.x[0];
                        state.j[2,0] = -1;
                        state.j[2,1] = 0;
                        state.j[2,2] = 1;
                    scerror = scerror | !rkindvsstatecheck(rkind, ref state);
                    if( state.xupdated )
                        othererrors = othererrors | (double)(state.f)>(double)(fprev);
                        if( (double)(fprev)==(double)(AP.Math.MaxRealNumber) )
                            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                                othererrors = othererrors | (double)(state.x[i])!=(double)(x[i]);
                        fprev = state.f;
                        for(i_=0; i_<=n-1;i_++)
                            xlast[i_] = state.x[i_];
                minlm.minlmresults(ref state, ref x, ref rep);
                for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                    othererrors = othererrors | (double)(x[i])!=(double)(xlast[i]);
            n = 1;
            x = new double[n];
            x[0] = 100;
            stpmax = 0.05+0.05*AP.Math.RandomReal();
            minlm.minlmcreatefgh(n, ref x, ref state);
            minlm.minlmsetcond(ref state, 1.0E-9, 0, 0, 0);
            minlm.minlmsetstpmax(ref state, stpmax);
            minlm.minlmsetxrep(ref state, true);
            xprev = x[0];
            while( minlm.minlmiteration(ref state) )
                if( state.needf | state.needfg | state.needfgh )
                    state.f = Math.Exp(state.x[0])+Math.Exp(-state.x[0]);
                if( state.needfg | state.needfgh )
                    state.g[0] = Math.Exp(state.x[0])-Math.Exp(-state.x[0]);
                if( state.needfgh )
                    state.h[0,0] = Math.Exp(state.x[0])+Math.Exp(-state.x[0]);
                othererrors = othererrors | (double)(Math.Abs(state.x[0]-xprev))>(double)((1+Math.Sqrt(AP.Math.MachineEpsilon))*stpmax);
                if( state.xupdated )
                    xprev = state.x[0];
            // end
            waserrors = referror | lin1error | lin2error | eqerror | converror | scerror | othererrors;
            if( !silent )
                System.Console.Write("TESTING LEVENBERG-MARQUARDT OPTIMIZATION");
                System.Console.Write("REFERENCE PROBLEM:                        ");
                if( referror )
                System.Console.Write("1-D PROBLEM #1:                           ");
                if( lin1error )
                System.Console.Write("1-D PROBLEM #2:                           ");
                if( lin2error )
                System.Console.Write("LINEAR EQUATIONS:                         ");
                if( eqerror )
                System.Console.Write("CONVERGENCE PROPERTIES:                   ");
                if( converror )
                System.Console.Write("STATE FIELDS CONSISTENCY:                 ");
                if( scerror )
                System.Console.Write("OTHER PROPERTIES:                         ");
                if( othererrors )
                if( waserrors )
                    System.Console.Write("TEST FAILED");
                    System.Console.Write("TEST PASSED");
            result = !waserrors;
            return result;