/// <summary>
        /// Loads in data from the raw secret data provided
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="secret">The raw secret data</param>
        /// <example>
        /// This example demonstrates loading a <see cref="MemorySecret"/> from a
        /// a byte array containing an encoded secret.
        /// <code language="C#">
        /// // 6●sW↑
        /// byte[] rawSecret = new byte[]
        /// {
        ///     55, 21, 41, 18, 59
        /// };
        /// Secret secret = new MemorySecret();
        /// secret.Load(rawSecret);
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        public override void Load(byte[] secret)
            if (secret == null || secret.Length != Length)
                throw new InvalidSecretException("Secret must contatin exactly 5 bytes");

            byte[] decodedBytes  = DecodeBytes(secret);
            string decodedSecret = ByteArrayToBinaryString(decodedBytes);

            if (decodedSecret[3] != '1' && decodedSecret[4] != '1')
                throw new ArgumentException("The specified data is not a memory code", "secret");

            GameID = Convert.ToInt16(decodedSecret.ReversedSubstring(5, 15), 2);
            Memory = (Memory)Convert.ToByte(decodedSecret.ReversedSubstring(20, 4), 2);

            // Because the game and return type are stored in the cipher and checksum
            // we compare it against all four possible values. It's ugly, but it works.
            string desiredString = SecretParser.CreateString(secret);

            var memories = new[]
                new MemorySecret(Game.Ages, GameID, Memory, true),
                new MemorySecret(Game.Ages, GameID, Memory, false),
                new MemorySecret(Game.Seasons, GameID, Memory, true),
                new MemorySecret(Game.Seasons, GameID, Memory, false)

            bool found = false;

            foreach (var memSecret in memories)
                if (desiredString == memSecret.ToString())
                    TargetGame     = memSecret.TargetGame;
                    IsReturnSecret = memSecret.IsReturnSecret;
                    found          = true;

            if (!found)
                throw new InvalidSecretException("Cound not determine all properties of this secret");
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a string that represents the current secret.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>A string that represents the current secret.</returns>
 /// <seealso cref="SecretParser.CreateString"/>
 /// <remarks>
 /// ToString will format the secret as it would be represented in the games.
 /// Internally, this method calls <see cref="ToBytes"/> and passes the result
 /// to <see cref="SecretParser.CreateString"/>.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <example>
 /// This example demonstrates how to get secret string from a <see cref="GameSecret"/>.
 /// <code language="C#">
 /// GameSecret secret = new GameSecret()
 /// {
 ///     TargetGame = Game.Ages,
 ///     GameID = 14129,
 ///     Hero = "Link",
 ///     Child = "Pip",
 ///     Animal = Animal.Dimitri,
 ///     Behavior = ChildBehavior.BouncyD,
 ///     IsLinkedGame = true,
 ///     IsHeroQuest = false
 /// };
 /// string secretString = secret.ToString(secret);
 /// // H~2:@ ←2♦yq GB3●( 6♥?↑6
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 public override string ToString()