C# (CSharp) ZocBuild.Database.ScriptRepositories DvcsScriptRepositoryBase - 2 Beispiele gefunden. Dies sind die am besten bewerteten C# (CSharp) Beispiele für die ZocBuild.Database.ScriptRepositories.DvcsScriptRepositoryBase, die aus Open Source-Projekten extrahiert wurden. Sie können Beispiele bewerten, um die Qualität der Beispiele zu verbessern.
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Represents a script repository that stores build scripts in a distributed version control system.
The build script files in the distributed version repository must be organized with the same structure as required by FileSystemScriptRepository. The root location must contain subdirectories for each database schema, each named with the name of the schema. Within those directories should be a directory for each database object type: Function, Procedure, Type, View. Within those directories should be the build scripts, with file names ending with ".sql". The name of each file should be the same name as the database object it creates.