Beispiel #1
        ScriptElement NextAssignment(Stream s)
            // read the next script element (the expected assignment).
            FuncCallScriptElement assignment = NextScriptElement(s) as FuncCallScriptElement;

            ScriptElement[] parameters = new ScriptElement[assignment.parameters.Length];

            // go through all parameters of the assignment.
            for (int i = 0; i < assignment.parameters.Length; i++)
                ScriptElement param = assignment.parameters[i];
                // if the parameter is...
                // ...a string constant, then...
                if (param is DataScriptElement && ((DataScriptElement)param).elem is StringDataElement)
                    // ...retrieve it's value.
                    string str = ((StringDataElement)((DataScriptElement)param).elem).data;
                    // if it contains only whitespace, if it is a number, or if it is part of a file name, then...
                    if (str.Trim().Length == 0 || str.All(char.IsDigit) || str.Contains("\\") || str.ToLower().Contains(".yk") || str.ToLower().Contains(".ogg"))
                        // ...just use it in the expression.
                        parameters[i] = param;
                    // otherwise...
                        string id = null;
                        // ...generate a new one...
                        id = "S" + (++stringCount);
                        // ...and add it to the list of known strings.
                        stringTable.Add(id, new ScriptLine(-1, null, str));
                        // then use an external string reference as the new expression.
                        parameters[i] = new DataScriptElement(new ExternalStringDataElement(id, stringTable));
                // ...a temporary variable reference, then...
                else if (param is DataScriptElement && ((DataScriptElement)param).elem is VarTempRefDataElement)
                    // ...replace it by the current substitution expression.
                    parameters[i] = substituteExpressions[((VarTempRefDataElement)((DataScriptElement)param).elem).id];
                // ...something else, then...
                    // ...just use it in the expression.
                    parameters[i] = param;

            ScriptElement expression = null;

            // if the assignment has...
            // ...more than 1 elements, then...
            if (parameters.Length > 1)
                // ...create an expression from those.
                expression = new ExpressionScriptElement(parameters);
            // ...exactly 1 element, then...
            else if (assignment.parameters.Length == 1)
                expression = parameters[0];
            // elements, ...
                // ...then read the next script element and use it as expression.
                expression = NextScriptElement(s);
Beispiel #2
         * Reads the next script element from the stream.
         * This could be an entire command or a single parameter.
        ScriptElement NextScriptElement(Stream s)
            BinaryReader  br   = new BinaryReader(s);
            ScriptElement elem = null;

            // read the next data element.
            DataElement cmd = NextDataElement(s);

            // if no data element could be found, ...
            if (cmd == null)
                // ...return nothing.

            // if the element is...
            switch (cmd.type)
            // ...a function call, then...
            case DataElement.TYPE_FUNC: {
                // ...determine how many parameters the function call takes.
                int             paramCount = br.ReadInt32();
                ScriptElement[] parameters = new ScriptElement[paramCount];

                // for each parameter...
                for (var j = 0; j < paramCount; j++)
                    // it's value
                    DataElement param = NextDataElement(s);

                    // if the parameter is a temporary variable reference, then...
                    if (param is VarTempRefDataElement)
                        // ...replace it by the appropriate substitution expression.
                        parameters[j] = substituteExpressions[((VarTempRefDataElement)param).id];
                        // after that, continue with the next parameter.

                    // if the function is called...
                    // ..."StrOut" and this parameter is a string, ...
                    if ((((FuncDataElement)cmd).name.Equals("StrOut") || ((FuncDataElement)cmd).name.Equals("StrOutNW")) && param is StringDataElement)
                        // (...then this is a line of text to be displayed.)
                        // (we want to store those in a separate file to make it easier to translate them.)

                        // get the text
                        string line = ((StringDataElement)param).data;
                        // generate a new line number
                        string id = "L" + (++lineCount);
                        // add those to the list of known strings...
                        stringTable.Add(id, new ScriptLine(fontID, speaker, line));
                        // ...and replace the string parameter with reference to the line number
                        parameters[j] = new DataScriptElement(new ExternalStringDataElement(id, stringTable));
                    // ..."StrOutNWC", ...
                    else if (((FuncDataElement)cmd).name.Equals("StrOutNWC"))
                        // (...then this parameter represents a name.)
                        // if the parameter is...
                        // ...a string, then...
                        if (param is StringDataElement)
                            // (...we want to store it separately to make it easier to translate.)
                            string name = ((StringDataElement)param).data;
                            // set the current speaker to this name.
                            speaker = name;
                            string id = null;
                            // for each entry on our list of known strings...
                            foreach (var entry in stringTable)
                                // ...check if it is a name.
                                if (entry.Key[0] == 'N' && entry.Value.Text.Equals(name))
                                    // if it is, remember it's ID...
                                    id = entry.Key;
                                    // ...and stop searching.
                            // if you didn't find a matching ID, ...
                            if (id == null)
                                // generate a new one...
                                id = "N" + (++nameCount);
                                // ...and add it - together with the name - to the list of known strings.
                                stringTable.Add(id, new ScriptLine(-1, null, name));
                            // finally, replace the parameter by a reference to the name ID.
                            parameters[j] = new DataScriptElement(new ExternalStringDataElement(id, stringTable));
                        // ...a variable string reference, then...
                        else if (param is VarStringRefDataElement)
                            // ...set the current speaker to "me"...
                            speaker = "me";
                            // ...and keep the parameter as it is.
                            parameters[j] = new DataScriptElement(param);
                        // ...something else, ...
                            // ...then we just keep it as it is.
                            parameters[j] = new DataScriptElement(param);
                    // ...none of the above, ...
                        // ...then we just keep the parameter as it is.
                        parameters[j] = new DataScriptElement(param);

                // if the function is called "PF" (PrintFlush?), then...
                if (((FuncDataElement)cmd).name.Equals("PF"))
                    // ...reset the current speaker.
                    speaker = "";

                // if the function is called "FontSet" and the second parameter is an integer, then...
                if (((FuncDataElement)cmd).name.Equals("FontSet") && parameters.Length >= 2 && parameters[1] is DataScriptElement dataElem && dataElem.elem is IntDataElement intElem)
                    // ...keep track of the current font
                    fontID =;

                // save the current position in the code stream.
                long pos = s.Position;
                // read the next data element
                DataElement next = NextDataElement(s);
                // check if the next data element is a opening control flow element.
                // if it is, then...
                if (next is ControlDataElement && ((ControlDataElement)next).name.Equals("{"))
                    // ...create an empty list of script elements.
                    List <ScriptElement> body = new List <ScriptElement>();

                    ScriptElement cur;
                    // (read script elements and add them to the list of commands until you encounter a closing flow control element.)
                    // repeat:
                    while (true)
                        // read the next script element.
                        cur = NextScriptElement(s);
                        // if it is a closing flow control element, ...
                        if (cur is JumpLabelScriptElement && ((JumpLabelScriptElement)cur).name.Equals("}"))
                            // ...stop repeating immediately
                        // otherwise, add it to the list of commands.

                    // if the function is a branching operation, then...
                    if (((FuncDataElement)cmd).name.Equals("if"))
                        // the current position in the code stream.
                        pos = s.Position;
                        // read the next data element
                        next = NextDataElement(s);
                        // check if the next data element is a else clause.
                        // if it is, then...
                        if (next is ControlDataElement && ((ControlDataElement)next).name.Equals("else"))
                            // ...discard the opening flow control element.
                            // ...create an empty list of script elements.
                            List <ScriptElement> falsebody = new List <ScriptElement>();

                            // (read script elements and add them to the list of commands until you encounter a closing flow control element.)
                            // repeat:
                            while (true)
                                // read the next script element.
                                cur = NextScriptElement(s);
                                // if it is a closing flow control element, ...
                                if (cur is JumpLabelScriptElement && ((JumpLabelScriptElement)cur).name.Equals("}"))
                                    // ...stop repeating immediately
                                // otherwise, add it to the list of commands.
                            // use the first (and only) parameter of the function call as branching condition, wrap it - together with the code blocks - in a script element and save it as the result.
                            elem = new BranchScriptElement(parameters[0], body, falsebody);
                        // it it's not, then...
                            // ...jump back to the previously saved code position.
                            s.Seek(pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            // use the first (and only) parameter of the function call as branching condition, wrap it - together with the code block - in a script element and save it as the result.
                            elem = new BranchScriptElement(parameters[0], body, null);
                    // if it it not, then
                        elem = new SwitchFunctionScriptElement(((FuncDataElement)cmd).name, parameters, body);
                // if not, ...
                    // ...jump back to the previously saved code position.
                    s.Seek(pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    // wrap the method name and and list of parameters in a script element and save it as the result.
                    elem = new FuncCallScriptElement(((FuncDataElement)cmd).name, parameters);

            // ...a flow control element, then...
            case DataElement.TYPE_CTRL: {
                // ...create a new jump label with the same name and save it as the result.
                elem = new JumpLabelScriptElement(((ControlDataElement)cmd).name);

            // ...a variable int or string reference, then...
            case DataElement.TYPE_VINT:
            case DataElement.TYPE_VSTR: {
                // (...we expect an assignment operation to follow.)
                // read assigned expression.
                ScriptElement expression = NextAssignment(s);
                // wrap the variable int/string reference and the expression in a new script element and save it as the result.
                elem = new AssignmentScriptElement(cmd, expression);

            // ...a temporary variable id, then...
            case DataElement.TYPE_VTMP: {
                // (...we expect an assignment operation to follow.)
                // (after that we expect a command which uses this temporary variable.)
                // read assigned expression.
                ScriptElement expression = NextAssignment(s);
                // set the current temp variable expression to the one we just read...
                substituteExpressions[((VarTempRefDataElement)cmd).id] = expression;
                // ...and return nothing this time.

            // integer constant, then...
            case DataElement.TYPE_CINT: {
                // (...we have reached a very confusing part of this binary script format.)
                // (we expect an assignment to follow, basically "0 = <something>".)
                // (this sets the current flag pointer (represented by the 0) to <something>.)
                // (the flag pointed to by the pointer can be a accessed by using flag_$, globalflag_$, str_$ or globalstr_$.)
                // read the next script element (the expected assignment).
                FuncCallScriptElement assignment = NextScriptElement(s) as FuncCallScriptElement;
                ScriptElement         expression = null;

                // if the assignment has...
                // ...more than 1 element, ...
                if (assignment.parameters.Length > 1)
                    // ...then create an expression from those.
                    expression = new ExpressionScriptElement(assignment.parameters);
                // ...exactly 1 element, ...
                else if (assignment.parameters.Length == 1)
                    // ...then it already is a valid expression.
                    expression = assignment.parameters[0];
                // elements, ...
                    // ...then read the next script element and use it as expression.
                    expression = NextScriptElement(s);

                // wrap the integer and the expression in a new script element and save it as the result.
                elem = new AssignmentScriptElement(cmd, expression);

            // ...something else, ...
            default: {
                // the script is probably damaged, so we throw an error.
                throw new Exception("Script format invalid");

            // return the saved result
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Flattens nested script elements to a list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elem">The element to flatten</param>
        /// <param name="nested">Whether this is NOT a top-level element</param>
        /// <returns>The flattened list of elements</returns>
        List <ScriptElement> Flatten(ScriptElement elem, bool nested)
            List <ScriptElement> list = new List <ScriptElement>();

            if (elem is FuncCallScriptElement)
                // new parameter array
                ScriptElement[] parameters = new ScriptElement[(elem as FuncCallScriptElement).parameters.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
                    ScriptElement param = (elem as FuncCallScriptElement).parameters[i];
                    if (param is DataScriptElement)
                        parameters[i] = param;
                        // flatten all non-data parameters
                        list.AddRange(Flatten(param, true));
                        parameters[i] = new DataScriptElement(new VarTempRefDataElement(tempVarID - 1));

                if (nested)
                    list.Add(new DataScriptElement(new VarTempRefDataElement(tempVarID++)));
                    list.Add(new FuncCallScriptElement("=", new ScriptElement[0]));
                list.Add(new FuncCallScriptElement((elem as FuncCallScriptElement).name, parameters));
            else if (elem is ExpressionScriptElement)
                ScriptElement[] parameters = new ScriptElement[(elem as ExpressionScriptElement).parameters.Length + (elem as ExpressionScriptElement).operators.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < (elem as ExpressionScriptElement).parameters.Length; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        string op = (elem as ExpressionScriptElement).operators[i - 1];
                        if (op.Equals("=="))
                            op = "=";
                        parameters[i * 2 - 1] = new DataScriptElement(new ControlDataElement(op));
                    ScriptElement param = (elem as ExpressionScriptElement).parameters[i];
                    if (param is DataScriptElement)
                        parameters[i * 2] = param;
                        // flatten all non-data parameters
                        list.AddRange(Flatten(param, true));
                        parameters[i * 2] = new DataScriptElement(new VarTempRefDataElement(tempVarID - 1));

                list.Add(new DataScriptElement(new VarTempRefDataElement(tempVarID++)));
                list.Add(new FuncCallScriptElement("=", parameters));
            else if (elem is BranchScriptElement)
                ScriptElement cond = (elem as BranchScriptElement).condition;

                if (!(cond is DataScriptElement))
                    list.AddRange(Flatten(cond, true));
                    cond = new DataScriptElement(new VarTempRefDataElement(tempVarID - 1));

                ControlDataElement openingThen = new ControlDataElement("{"), closingThen = new ControlDataElement("}"), openingElse = null, closingElse = null;
                if ((elem as BranchScriptElement).falsebody != null)
                    openingElse      = new ControlDataElement("{");
                    closingElse      = new ControlDataElement("}");
           = openingElse;
           = openingThen;
           = closingElse;
           = openingElse;
           = closingThen;
           = openingThen;

                list.Add(new FuncCallScriptElement("if", new ScriptElement[] { cond }));

                list.Add(new DataScriptElement(openingThen));
                foreach (ScriptElement cmd in (elem as BranchScriptElement).truebody)
                    list.AddRange(Flatten(cmd, false));
                list.Add(new DataScriptElement(closingThen));

                if ((elem as BranchScriptElement).falsebody != null)
                    list.Add(new DataScriptElement(new ControlDataElement("else")));
                    list.Add(new DataScriptElement(openingElse));
                    foreach (ScriptElement cmd in (elem as BranchScriptElement).falsebody)
                        list.AddRange(Flatten(cmd, false));
                    list.Add(new DataScriptElement(closingElse));
            else if (elem is SwitchFunctionScriptElement)
                // new parameter array
                ScriptElement[] parameters = new ScriptElement[(elem as SwitchFunctionScriptElement).parameters.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
                    ScriptElement param = (elem as SwitchFunctionScriptElement).parameters[i];
                    if (param is DataScriptElement)
                        parameters[i] = param;
                        // flatten all non-data parameters
                        list.AddRange(Flatten(param, true));
                        parameters[i] = new DataScriptElement(new VarTempRefDataElement(tempVarID - 1));

                list.Add(new FuncCallScriptElement((elem as SwitchFunctionScriptElement).name, parameters));
                ControlDataElement opening = new ControlDataElement("{");
                ControlDataElement closing = new ControlDataElement("}");
       = closing;
       = opening;

                list.Add(new DataScriptElement(opening));
                foreach (ScriptElement cmd in (elem as SwitchFunctionScriptElement).body)
                    list.AddRange(Flatten(cmd, false));
                list.Add(new DataScriptElement(closing));
            else if (elem is AssignmentScriptElement)
                ScriptElement expr = (elem as AssignmentScriptElement).expression;
                DataElement   var  = (elem as AssignmentScriptElement).var;

                if (expr is DataScriptElement)
                    // special exception for the $ variable (e.g. clear_main.yks)
                    if (var is IntDataElement)
                        list.Add(new DataScriptElement(new VarTempRefDataElement(tempVarID++)));
                        list.Add(new FuncCallScriptElement("=", new[] { expr }));
                        list.Add(new DataScriptElement(var));
                        list.Add(new FuncCallScriptElement("=", new[] { new DataScriptElement(new VarTempRefDataElement(tempVarID - 1)) }));
                        list.Add(new DataScriptElement(var));
                        list.Add(new FuncCallScriptElement("=", new[] { expr }));
                    List <ScriptElement> cmds = Flatten(expr, true);
                    // special exception for the $ variable (e.g. clear_main.yks)
                    if (var is IntDataElement)
                        list.Add(new DataScriptElement(var));
                        list.Add(new FuncCallScriptElement("=", new[] { new DataScriptElement(new VarTempRefDataElement(tempVarID - 1)) }));
                        // replace the last temp var reference by the variable
                        for (int i = cmds.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            if (cmds[i] is DataScriptElement && (cmds[i] as DataScriptElement).elem is VarTempRefDataElement)
                                cmds[i] = new DataScriptElement((elem as AssignmentScriptElement).var);
                        throw new Exception("No VarTempRefDataElement found");
            else if (elem is JumpLabelScriptElement)
                list.Add(new DataScriptElement(new ControlDataElement((elem as JumpLabelScriptElement).name)));