Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses net output (detect) to predictions.
        /// </summary>
        private List <YoloPrediction> ParseDetect(DenseTensor <float> output, Image image)
            var result = new ConcurrentBag <YoloPrediction>();

            var(w, h)         = (image.Width, image.Height);                                   // image w and h
            var(xGain, yGain) = (_model.Width / (float)w, _model.Height / (float)h);           // x, y gains
            var gain = Math.Min(xGain, yGain);                                                 // gain = resized / original

            var(xPad, yPad) = ((_model.Width - w * gain) / 2, (_model.Height - h * gain) / 2); // left, right pads

            Parallel.For(0, (int)output.Length / _model.Dimensions, (i) =>
                if (output[0, i, 4] <= _model.Confidence)
                    return;                                       // skip low obj_conf results
                Parallel.For(5, _model.Dimensions, (j) =>
                    output[0, i, j] = output[0, i, j] * output[0, i, 4]; // mul_conf = obj_conf * cls_conf

                Parallel.For(5, _model.Dimensions, (k) =>
                    if (output[0, i, k] <= _model.MulConfidence)
                        return;                                                           // skip low mul_conf results
                    float xMin = ((output[0, i, 0] - output[0, i, 2] / 2) - xPad) / gain; // unpad bbox tlx to original
                    float yMin = ((output[0, i, 1] - output[0, i, 3] / 2) - yPad) / gain; // unpad bbox tly to original
                    float xMax = ((output[0, i, 0] + output[0, i, 2] / 2) - xPad) / gain; // unpad bbox brx to original
                    float yMax = ((output[0, i, 1] + output[0, i, 3] / 2) - yPad) / gain; // unpad bbox bry to original

                    xMin = Clamp(xMin, 0, w - 0);                                         // clip bbox tlx to boundaries
                    yMin = Clamp(yMin, 0, h - 0);                                         // clip bbox tly to boundaries
                    xMax = Clamp(xMax, 0, w - 1);                                         // clip bbox brx to boundaries
                    yMax = Clamp(yMax, 0, h - 1);                                         // clip bbox bry to boundaries

                    YoloLabel label = _model.Labels[k - 5];

                    var prediction = new YoloPrediction(label, output[0, i, k])
                        Rectangle = new RectangleF(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin)


Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses net output (detect) to predictions.
        /// </summary>
        private List <YoloPrediction> ParseDetect(DenseTensor <float> output, Image image)
            var result = new List <YoloPrediction>();

            var(xGain, yGain) = (_model.Width / (float)image.Width, _model.Height / (float)image.Height);

            for (int i = 0; i < output.Length / _model.Dimensions; i++) // iterate tensor
                if (output[0, i, 4] <= _model.Confidence)

                for (int j = 5; j < _model.Dimensions; j++)              // compute mul conf
                    output[0, i, j] = output[0, i, j] * output[0, i, 4]; // conf = obj_conf * cls_conf

                for (int k = 5; k < _model.Dimensions; k++)
                    if (output[0, i, k] <= _model.MulConfidence)

                    var xMin = (output[0, i, 0] - output[0, i, 2] / 2) / xGain; // top left x
                    var yMin = (output[0, i, 1] - output[0, i, 3] / 2) / yGain; // top left y
                    var xMax = (output[0, i, 0] + output[0, i, 2] / 2) / xGain; // bottom right x
                    var yMax = (output[0, i, 1] + output[0, i, 3] / 2) / yGain; // bottom right y

                    YoloLabel label = _model.Labels[k - 5];

                    var prediction = new YoloPrediction(label, output[0, i, k])
                        Rectangle = new RectangleF(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin)


Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses net outputs (sigmoid) to predictions.
        /// </summary>
        private List <YoloPrediction> ParseSigmoid(DenseTensor <float>[] output, Image image)
            var result = new ConcurrentBag <YoloPrediction>();

            var(w, h)         = (image.Width, image.Height);                                   // image w and h
            var(xGain, yGain) = (_model.Width / (float)w, _model.Height / (float)h);           // x, y gains
            var gain = Math.Min(xGain, yGain);                                                 // gain = resized / original

            var(xPad, yPad) = ((_model.Width - w * gain) / 2, (_model.Height - h * gain) / 2); // left, right pads

            Parallel.For(0, output.Length, (i) =>                                              // iterate model outputs
                int shapes = _model.Shapes[i];                                                 // shapes per output

                Parallel.For(0, _model.Anchors[0].Length, (a) =>                               // iterate anchors
                    Parallel.For(0, shapes, (y) =>                                             // iterate shapes (rows)
                        Parallel.For(0, shapes, (x) =>                                         // iterate shapes (columns)
                            int offset = (shapes * shapes * a + shapes * y + x) * _model.Dimensions;

                            float[] buffer = output[i].Skip(offset).Take(_model.Dimensions).Select(Sigmoid).ToArray();

                            if (buffer[4] <= _model.Confidence)
                                return;                                                               // skip low obj_conf results
                            List <float> scores = buffer.Skip(5).Select(b => b * buffer[4]).ToList(); // mul_conf = obj_conf * cls_conf

                            float mulConfidence = scores.Max();                                       // max confidence score

                            if (mulConfidence <= _model.MulConfidence)
                                return;                                                               // skip low mul_conf results
                            float rawX = (buffer[0] * 2 - 0.5f + x) * _model.Strides[i];              // predicted bbox x (center)
                            float rawY = (buffer[1] * 2 - 0.5f + y) * _model.Strides[i];              // predicted bbox y (center)

                            float rawW = (float)Math.Pow(buffer[2] * 2, 2) * _model.Anchors[i][a][0]; // predicted bbox w
                            float rawH = (float)Math.Pow(buffer[3] * 2, 2) * _model.Anchors[i][a][1]; // predicted bbox h

                            float[] xyxy = Xywh2xyxy(new float[] { rawX, rawY, rawW, rawH });

                            float xMin = Clamp((xyxy[0] - xPad) / gain, 0, w - 0); // unpad, clip tlx
                            float yMin = Clamp((xyxy[1] - yPad) / gain, 0, h - 0); // unpad, clip tly
                            float xMax = Clamp((xyxy[2] - xPad) / gain, 0, w - 1); // unpad, clip brx
                            float yMax = Clamp((xyxy[3] - yPad) / gain, 0, h - 1); // unpad, clip bry

                            YoloLabel label = _model.Labels[scores.IndexOf(mulConfidence)];

                            var prediction = new YoloPrediction(label, mulConfidence)
                                Rectangle = new RectangleF(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin)


Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses net output to predictions.
        /// </summary>
        private List <YoloPrediction> ParseOutput(DenseTensor <float>[] output, Image image)
            var result = new List <YoloPrediction>();

            var(xGain, yGain) = (_model.Width / (float)image.Width, _model.Height / (float)image.Height);

            for (int i = 0; i < output.Length; i++)       // iterate outputs
                int shapes = _shapes[i];                  // shapes per output

                for (int a = 0; a < _anchors.Length; a++) // iterate anchors
                    for (int y = 0; y < shapes; y++)      // iterate rows
                        for (int x = 0; x < shapes; x++)  // iterate columns
                            int offset = (shapes * shapes * a + shapes * y + x) * _model.Dimensions;

                            float[] buffer = output[i].Skip(offset).Take(_model.Dimensions).Select(Sigmoid).ToArray();

                            var objConfidence = buffer[4];         // extract object confidence

                            if (objConfidence < _model.Confidence) // check predicted object confidence

                            List <float> scores = buffer.Skip(5).Select(x => x * objConfidence).ToList();

                            float mulConfidence = scores.Max();        // find the best label

                            if (mulConfidence <= _model.MulConfidence) // check class obj_conf * cls_conf confidence

                            var rawX = (buffer[0] * 2 - 0.5f + x) * _strides[i];        // predicted bbox x (center)
                            var rawY = (buffer[1] * 2 - 0.5f + y) * _strides[i];        // predicted bbox y (center)

                            var rawW = MathF.Pow(buffer[2] * 2, 2) * _anchors[i][a][0]; // predicted bbox width
                            var rawH = MathF.Pow(buffer[3] * 2, 2) * _anchors[i][a][1]; // predicted bbox height

                            float[] xyxy = Xywh2xyxy(new float[] { rawX, rawY, rawW, rawH });

                            var xMin = xyxy[0] / xGain; // final bbox tlx scaled with ratio (to original size)
                            var yMin = xyxy[1] / yGain; // final bbox tly scaled with ratio (to original size)
                            var xMax = xyxy[2] / xGain; // final bbox brx scaled with ratio (to original size)
                            var yMax = xyxy[3] / yGain; // final bbox bry scaled with ratio (to original size)

                            YoloLabel label = _model.Labels[scores.IndexOf(mulConfidence)];

                            var prediction = new YoloPrediction(label, mulConfidence)
                                Rectangle = new RectangleF(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin)

