Beispiel #1
        private void button_SaveM_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (textBox_CardM.Text.Length != 15)
                MessageBox.Show("第一副卡卡号长度错误(卖方卡号长度为15),请换卡", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            if (textBox_CardV.Text.Length != 16)
                MessageBox.Show("结算卡卡号长度错误(卖方卡号长度为16),请换卡", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            if (textBox_pwd.Text.Trim() != textBox_pwd2.Text.Trim())
                MessageBox.Show("两次输入的密码不同,请重新输入", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            DataSet ds    = new DataSet();
            string  szErr = "";

            string[] szFirmInf = comboBox_NameM.Text.Split('-');
            int      iFirmID   = Convert.ToInt16(szFirmInf[0]);
            string   szSql     = "select * from mng_card where STORE_CARD='" + MyStart.gszCardFirmFirst + textBox_CardM.Text.Trim() + "'";

                int iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr);
                if (iRst != 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("发卡出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    MyIniFile.WriteLog("发卖方卡", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr);
                    goto Eend;
                int iNum = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
                if (iNum > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("卡号重复,请换卡", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    goto Eend;

                szSql = "select * from mng_card a where CARD_TYPE = 1 and store_id = " + iFirmID;
                iRst  = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr);
                if (iRst != 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("发卡出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    MyIniFile.WriteLog("发卖方卡", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr);
                    goto Eend;
                iNum = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
                if (iNum > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("该卖方已发第一副卡和结算卡,请换卖方", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    goto Eend;

                if (textBox_CardM.TextLength == 0 || textBox_CardV.TextLength == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("第一副卡和结算卡必须同时发放,请输入卡号", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    goto Eend;
                if (textBox_pwd.TextLength != 6)
                    MessageBox.Show("必须设置提款密码!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    goto Eend;
                EbHttpClass objHttp = new EbHttpClass();
                string      szPwd   = "1," + textBox_pwd.Text;
                bool        bRst    = objHttp.IssueNewUserCard(textBox_CardV.Text, szFirmInf[1], textBox_TelM.Text, textBox_CertIDM.Text, ref szPwd, ref szErr);
                if (!bRst)
                    MessageBox.Show("后台注册结算卡失败( " + szErr + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    goto Eend;

                //EbHttpClass objHttp = new EbHttpClass();
                szPwd = textBox_pwd.Text;
                bRst  = objHttp.IssueNewFirmCard(textBox_CardM.Text, textBox_CardV.Text, szFirmInf[1], textBox_TelM.Text, textBox_CertIDM.Text, ref szPwd, ref szErr);
                if (!bRst)
                    MessageBox.Show("后台注册卖方卡失败( " + szErr + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    goto Eend;

                szPwd = textBox_pwd.Text + "," + szPwd;
                        + iFirmID + ",'" + textBox_PersonM.Text.Trim() + "','" + textBox_TelM.Text.Trim() + "','"
                        + textBox_CertIDM.Text.Trim() + "',1,'"
                        + MyStart.gszCardFirmFirst + textBox_CardM.Text.Trim() + "',' ',curtime()," + MyStart.giUserID + ")";
                iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(szSql, ref szErr);
                if (iRst < 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("发卖方第一副卡出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    MyIniFile.WriteLog("发卖方卡", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr);
                    goto Eend;
                szSql = iFirmID + "-持卡人" + textBox_PersonM.Text.Trim() + "-电话" + textBox_TelM.Text.Trim() + "-卡号"
                        + textBox_CardM.Text.Trim();
                MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("发卖方第一副卡", szSql, "MSG", MyStart.giUserID);

                        + iFirmID + ",'" + textBox_PersonM.Text.Trim() + "','" + textBox_TelM.Text.Trim() + "','"
                        + textBox_CertIDM.Text.Trim() + "',3,'"
                        + textBox_CardV.Text.Trim() + "',' ',curtime()," + MyStart.giUserID + ")";
                iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(szSql, ref szErr);
                if (iRst < 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("发卖方结算卡出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    MyIniFile.WriteLog("发卖方卡", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr);
                    goto Eend;

                szSql = iFirmID + "-持卡人" + textBox_PersonM.Text.Trim() + "-电话" + textBox_TelM.Text.Trim() + "-卡号"
                        + textBox_CardV.Text.Trim();
                MyFunc.WriteToDbLog("发卖方结算卡", szSql, "MSG", MyStart.giUserID);

                if (Convert.ToDecimal(textBox_Fee_M.Text) > 0)
                    long lVal = (long)(Convert.ToDecimal(textBox_Fee_M.Text) * 100);
                    szSql = "insert into rec_firm (card_no,rmrk,store_id,oper_time,oper_type,chg_val,oper_id,tmn_id) values ('"
                            + textBox_CardV.Text.Trim() + "','" + MyStart.gszCardFirmFirst + textBox_CardM.Text.Trim() + "'," + iFirmID + ",curtime(),'ISSU',"
                            + lVal + "," + MyStart.giUserID + ",'" + frm_Main.POS_ID + "')";
                    iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(szSql, ref szErr);
                    if (iRst < 1)
                        MessageBox.Show("记录卖方第一副卡与结算卡工本费出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                        MyIniFile.WriteLog("发卖方第一副卡与结算卡收费", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr);
                        goto Eend;

                MessageBox.Show("发卖方卡成功!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                GridDataRefresh(iFirmID, 0);
                //GridDataRefresh(miFirmID, miStallID);
                textBox_CardM.Text   = "";
                textBox_CardV.Text   = "";
                textBox_PersonM.Text = "";
                textBox_TelM.Text    = "";
                textBox_CertIDM.Text = "";
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("发卖方卡失败( " + ex.Message + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Beispiel #2
        private void button_ChgCard_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (textBox_Card_New.TextLength != 16)
                MessageBox.Show("请输入换卡后,新卡卡号", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            string szSql = "";

            if (radioButton_chg_card.Checked)
                if (textBox_Card_Old.TextLength != 16)
                    MessageBox.Show("请输入换卡前,旧卡卡号", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                if (mszFlag.ToUpper() == "USER_CARD")//买方卡
                    szSql = "select user_name,user_tel,cert_id,card_flag,card_pwd from base_ucard where user_card='" + textBox_Card_Old.Text.Trim() + "'";
                    szSql = "select STORE_PERSON, user_tel, cert_id,STORE_ID,RMRK from mng_card where CARD_TYPE = 3 and STORE_CARD = '" + textBox_Card_Old.Text.Trim() + "'";
            if (radioButton_chg_cell.Checked)
                if (textBox_chg_cell.TextLength <= 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("手机号不能为空", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                if (mszFlag.ToUpper() == "USER_CARD")//买方卡
                    szSql = "select user_name,user_card,cert_id,card_flag,card_pwd from base_ucard where user_tel='" + textBox_chg_cell.Text.Trim() + "'";
                    szSql = "select STORE_PERSON, STORE_CARD, cert_id,STORE_ID,RMRK from mng_card where CARD_TYPE = 3 and user_tel = '" + textBox_chg_cell.Text.Trim() + "'";
            if (radioButton_chg_cert.Checked)
                if (textBox_chg_cert.TextLength <= 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("身份证号不能为空", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                if (mszFlag.ToUpper() == "USER_CARD")//买方卡
                    szSql = "select user_name,user_tel,user_card,card_flag,card_pwd from base_ucard where cert_id='" + textBox_chg_cert.Text.Trim() + "'";
                    szSql = "select STORE_PERSON, user_tel, STORE_CARD,STORE_ID,RMRK from mng_card where CARD_TYPE = 3 and  cert_id= '" + textBox_chg_cert.Text.Trim() + "'";

            //if (mszFlag.ToUpper() == "USER_CARD")//买方卡
            //    szSql = "select user_name,user_tel,cert_id from base_ucard where user_card='" + textBox_Card_Old.Text + "'";
            //    szSql = "select STORE_PERSON, user_tel, cert_id,STORE_ID from mng_card where CARD_TYPE = 3 and STORE_CARD = '" + textBox_Card_Old.Text + "'";
                DataSet ds    = new DataSet();
                string  szErr = "";
                int     iRst  = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr);
                if (iRst != 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("卡片查询出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    MyIniFile.WriteLog(this.Text + "换卡", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr);
                    goto Eend;
                int iNum = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
                if (iNum < 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("查不到卡片信息,请换卡", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    goto Eend;
                if (iNum > 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("卡号关联多买方,请换卡", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    goto Eend;
                DataRow dr    = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                string  szPwd = "";
                if (mszFlag.ToUpper() == "USER_CARD")//买方卡
                    szPwd = dr[4].ToString();
                    string[] szItem = dr[4].ToString().Split(',');
                    szPwd = szItem[0];

                string szCard = "";
                if (radioButton_chg_card.Checked)
                    szCard             = textBox_Card_Old.Text.Trim();
                    label_ChgCard.Text = "卡号:" + szCard + "\r\n" + "持卡人:" + dr[0].ToString() + "\r\n" + "联系电话:" + dr[1].ToString() + "\r\n" + "身份证号:" + dr[2].ToString();
                if (radioButton_chg_cell.Checked)
                    szCard             = dr[1].ToString();
                    label_ChgCard.Text = "卡号:" + szCard + "\r\n" + "持卡人:" + dr[0].ToString() + "\r\n" + "联系电话:" + textBox_chg_cell.Text + "\r\n" + "身份证号:" + dr[2].ToString();
                if (radioButton_chg_cert.Checked)
                    szCard             = dr[2].ToString();
                    label_ChgCard.Text = "卡号:" + szCard + "\r\n" + "持卡人:" + dr[0].ToString() + "\r\n" + "联系电话:" + dr[1].ToString() + "\r\n" + "身份证号:" + textBox_chg_cert.Text;
                EbHttpClass objHttp = new EbHttpClass();
                bool        bRst    = objHttp.CheckPwd(szCard, textBox_chg_pwd.Text.Trim(), ref szErr);
                if (!bRst)//if (szPwd != textBox_chg_pwd.Text)
                    MessageBox.Show("卡号密码错误,不能换卡", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    goto Eend;

                if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show("是否继续换卡操作?", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information))
                    goto Eend;

                //EbHttpClass objHttp = new EbHttpClass();
                bRst = false;

                /*int iVal = 0;// Convert.ToInt16(Convert.ToDecimal( textBox_Val.Text)*100)/100;
                 * int iFee = miFee * 100;// Convert.ToInt16(Convert.ToDecimal(textBox_Fee.Text)*100);
                 * if (iFee > 0)
                 * {
                 *  if (iVal == 0)
                 *  {//银石后台读余额
                 *      bRst = objHttp.QryCard(MyStart.gszCardYtbFirst + textBox_Card_Old.Text, ref iVal,ref miUncofirmVal, ref szErr);
                 *      if (!bRst)
                 *      {
                 *          MessageBox.Show("后台读余额失败( " + szErr + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                 *          return;
                 *      }
                 *      textBox_Val.Text = (Convert.ToDecimal(iVal) /100).ToString("0.00");
                 *  }
                 *  if(iVal<iFee)
                 *  {
                 *      if(DialogResult.No== MessageBox.Show("卡内余额不足,是否继续?", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question))
                 *          return;
                 *  }
                 *  //扣费 -- not code yet
                 *  ;
                 * }*/

                string   szNewPwd = "888888";// + textBox_New_Pwd.Text;
                string[] szX      = comboBox_Why.Text.Split('-');
                decimal  dFee     = Convert.ToDecimal(textBox_Fee.Text);
                bRst = objHttp.ChangeCard(szCard, textBox_Card_New.Text, szX[0], dFee, ref szNewPwd, ref szErr);
                if (!bRst)
                    MessageBox.Show("后台换卡失败( " + szErr + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    goto Eend;

                if (mszFlag.ToUpper() != "USER_CARD")//重新捆绑
                    miStoreID = Convert.ToInt16(dr[3]);
                    szSql = "select STORE_CARD, STORE_NAME,USER_TEL, a.cert_id from mng_card a,base_store b "
                            + "where a.STORE_ID = b.STORE_ID and CARD_TYPE = 1 and a.STORE_ID = " + miStoreID;
                    iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr);
                    if (iRst != 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("换卖方卡查询出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                        MyIniFile.WriteLog(this.Text + "换卖方卡", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr);
                        goto Eend;
                    iNum = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
                    if (iNum < 1)
                        MessageBox.Show("查不到卖方卡信息,请换卡", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                        goto Eend;

                    dr   = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                    bRst = objHttp.IssueNewFirmCard(dr[0].ToString().Substring(1, 15), textBox_Card_New.Text, dr[1].ToString(), dr[2].ToString(), dr[3].ToString(), ref szNewPwd, ref szErr);
                    if (!bRst)
                        MessageBox.Show("后台绑定新的结算卡失败( " + szErr + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                        goto Eend;

                if (mszFlag.ToUpper() == "USER_CARD")//换买方卡
                    szSql = "update base_ucard CHG_DT=curtime(),CHG_ID=" + MyStart.giUserID + ",card_flag='STOP' where user_card = '" + szCard + "'";
                    szSql = "update mng_card set CHG_DT=curtime(),CHG_ID=" + MyStart.giUserID + ",card_flag='STOP' where CARD_TYPE = 3 and STORE_CARD = '" + szCard + "'";
                iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(szSql, ref szErr);
                if (iRst < 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("换卡出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    MyIniFile.WriteLog(this.Text + "换卡", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr);
                    goto Eend;
                if (mszFlag.ToUpper() == "USER_CARD")//换买方卡
                    //szSql = "update base_ucard set user_card = '" + textBox_Card_New.Text
                    //    + "',CHG_DT=curtime(),CHG_ID=" + MyStart.giUserID + " where user_card = '" + szCard + "'";
                    szSql = "insert into base_ucard(user_card, user_name, oper_time, USER_TEL, card_flag, CERT_ID, ADD_ID, rmrk, user_addr, card_type, parent_ID) "
                            + "(select '" + textBox_Card_New.Text + "', user_name, curtime(), USER_TEL, 'BGN', CERT_ID, " + MyStart.giUserID + ", rmrk, user_addr, card_type, parent_ID " +
                            "from base_ucard where user_card = '" + szCard + "')";
                    //szSql = "update mng_card set STORE_CARD = '" + textBox_Card_New.Text
                    //    + "',CHG_DT=curtime(),CHG_ID=" + MyStart.giUserID + " where CARD_TYPE = 3 and STORE_CARD = '" + szCard + "'";
                    szSql = "insert into mng_card(STORE_ID, STALL_ID, STORE_PERSON, USER_TEL, CARD_TYPE, STORE_CARD, CARD_STAT, ADD_DT, ADD_ID, CERT_ID, STALL_INF) "
                            + "(select STORE_ID, STALL_ID, STORE_PERSON, USER_TEL, 3, '" + szCard + "', 'BGN', curtime(),  " + MyStart.giUserID + ", CERT_ID, STALL_INF " +
                            "from mng_card where STORE_CARD = '" + szCard + "')";
                iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(szSql, ref szErr);
                if (iRst < 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("换卡出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    MyIniFile.WriteLog(this.Text + "换卡", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr);
                    goto Eend;
                MyFunc.WriteToDbLog(this.Text + "-换卡", "旧卡号" + szCard + ",新卡号" + textBox_Card_New.Text, "MSG", MyStart.giUserID);
                MessageBox.Show("换卡成功!", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                if (checkBox_Fee.Checked && Convert.ToDecimal(textBox_Fee.Text) > 0)
                    long lVal = (long)(Convert.ToDecimal(textBox_Fee.Text) * 100);
                    if (mszFlag.ToUpper() == "USER_CARD")//换买方卡
                        szSql = "insert into rec_user (card_no,oper_time,oper_type,chg_val,oper_id,tmn_id) values ('" + szCard
                                + "',curtime(),'CHG'," + lVal + "," + MyStart.giUserID + ",'" + frm_Main.POS_ID + "')";
                        iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(szSql, ref szErr);
                        if (iRst < 1)
                            MessageBox.Show("记录买方换卡工本费出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                            MyIniFile.WriteLog("买方换卡", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr);
                            goto Eend;
                        szSql = "select STORE_ID from mng_card where STORE_CARD='" + szCard + "'";
                        szErr = "";
                        iRst  = MyStart.oMyDb.ReadData(szSql, "tableA", ref ds, ref szErr);
                        if (iRst < 1)
                            MessageBox.Show("查找卖方换卡记录出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                            MyIniFile.WriteLog("卖方换卡", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr);
                            goto Eend;
                        dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                        int iFirmID = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]);

                        szSql = "insert into rec_firm (card_no,store_id,oper_time,oper_type,chg_val,oper_id,tmn_id) values ('"
                                + MyStart.gszCardFirmFirst + szCard + "'," + iFirmID + ",curtime(),'CHG',"
                                + lVal + "," + MyStart.giUserID + ",'" + frm_Main.POS_ID + "')";
                        iRst = MyStart.oMyDb.WriteData(szSql, ref szErr);
                        if (iRst < 1)
                            MessageBox.Show("记录卖方换卡工本费出错(错误原因:" + szErr + ")", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                            MyIniFile.WriteLog("卖方换卡", "SQL=" + szSql + ",Err=" + szErr);
                            goto Eend;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("更换卡片失败( " + ex.Message + " )", "操作提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);