Beispiel #1
        private void Btn3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_o_u_id.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_o_code.Text))

            using (MySQLConn sql = new MySQLConn(ConstantLib.BasicConn_Real))
                sql.Query = "select ifnull(td_donut,0) " +
                            "  from domamall.z_product_masters " +
                            " where p_id = " + Convert.ToInt32(txt_p_id.EditValue.ToString());
                DataSet ds = sql.selectQueryDataSet();

                int ncnt = Convert.ToInt32(sql.selectQueryForSingleValue());

                if (ncnt > 0)
                    lblRes1.Text = ncnt.ToString();
                    lblRes1.Text = "0";
Beispiel #2
        private int MonthDataCnt()
            int nCnt = 0;

            using (MySQLConn sql = new MySQLConn(ConstantLib.BasicConn_Real))
                sql.Query = "SELECT count(*) FROM domamall.tb_ps_charge_month " +
                            "WHERE yymm = '" + dtS_DATE.EditValue3.Substring(0, 6) + "' and LENGTH(acc_date) > 0  and p_type = '01' ";
                DataSet ds = sql.selectQueryDataSet();
                nCnt = Convert.ToInt32(sql.selectQueryForSingleValue());

            dtAcc_Date.EditValue = "";
            string sAccDate;

            using (MySQLConn sql = new MySQLConn(ConstantLib.BasicConn_Real))
                sql.Query = "SELECT date_format(acc_date, '%Y-%m-%d') FROM domamall.tb_ps_charge_month " +
                            "WHERE yymm = '" + dtS_DATE.EditValue3.Substring(0, 6) + "' and LENGTH(acc_date) > 0  and p_type = '01' group by acc_date ";
                DataSet ds = sql.selectQueryDataSet();
                sAccDate = sql.selectQueryForSingleValue();
            dtAcc_Date.EditValue = sAccDate;

Beispiel #3
        private void gridView1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var gv          = sender as GridView;
            var rowIndex    = gv.FocusedRowHandle;
            var columnIndex = gv.FocusedColumn.VisibleIndex;

            if (columnIndex == 5)
                DataRow dr  = this.efwGridControl1.GetSelectedRow(0);
                int     nId = Convert.ToInt32(txtId.EditValue.ToString());
                if (nId != 0)
                    this.txtId.EditValue = dr["id"].ToString();
                    popup           = new frmDN01_Pop01();
                    popup.Id        = Convert.ToInt32(txtId.EditValue.ToString());
                    txtId.EditValue = "0";
            if (columnIndex == 32)
                using (MySQLConn sql = new MySQLConn(ConstantLib.BasicConn_Real))
                    string sDelivery_Cd = txtDelivery_cd.EditValue.ToString();
                    sql.Query = "select d_address from domamall.tb_am_product_delivers " +
                                "              where d_code  =  '" + sDelivery_Cd + "' ";
                    DataSet ds = sql.selectQueryDataSet();

                    string sDelivery_Query = sql.selectQueryForSingleValue() + txto_delivery_num.EditValue;
Beispiel #4
        private void efwGridControl1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataRow dr = this.efwGridControl1.GetSelectedRow(0);

            txtcancel.EditValue      = "";
            txtcontents_id.EditValue = "";
            if (dr != null && dr["idx"].ToString() != "0")
                using (MySQLConn sql = new MySQLConn(ConstantLib.BasicConn_Real))
                    sql.Query = "select ifnull(contents_id,'0') FROM  domalife.donut_shooting_list where contents_id  = '" + txtidx.EditValue + "' ";
                    DataSet ds = sql.selectQueryDataSet();
                    txtcontents_id.EditValue = sql.selectQueryForSingleValue().ToString();

                if (txtcontents_id.Text.Length > 5 ^ txtr_login_id.EditValue.ToString() == "AdminLife")
                    txtcancel.EditValue = "반환 불가";
                    txtcancel.EditValue = "반환 가능";
Beispiel #5
        private int MonthDataCnt()
            int nCnt = 0;

            using (MySQLConn sql = new MySQLConn(ConstantLib.BasicConn_Real))
                sql.Query = "SELECT count(*) FROM domamall.tb_ps_charge_month " +
                            "WHERE yymm = '" + dtS_DATE.EditValue3.Substring(0, 6) + "' and LENGTH(acc_date) > 0 and p_type = '02' ";
                DataSet ds = sql.selectQueryDataSet();
                nCnt = Convert.ToInt32(sql.selectQueryForSingleValue());

Beispiel #6
        private void EfwSimpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtStory_id.Text))

            using (MySQLConn sql = new MySQLConn(ConstantLib.BasicConn_Real))
                sql.Query = "select contents " +
                            "  from domalife.story_list " +
                            " where story_id = " + Convert.ToInt32(txtStory_id.EditValue);
                DataSet ds = sql.selectQueryDataSet();

                txtContents.EditValue = sql.selectQueryForSingleValue();
Beispiel #7
        private void frmDN25_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // base.FrmLoadEvent();
            DevExpress.Utils.AppearanceObject.DefaultFont = new System.Drawing.Font("맑은고딕", 9);

            this.IsMenuVw  = true;
            this.IsSearch  = true;
            this.IsNewMode = true;
            this.IsSave    = false;
            this.IsDelete  = false;
            this.IsCancel  = false;
            this.IsPrint   = false;
            this.IsExcel   = false;

            txtCoidNo.EditValue = UserInfo.instance().LOGIN_ID;
            dtS_DATE.EditValue  = DateTime.Now;
            dtE_DATE.EditValue  = DateTime.Now;

            using (MySQLConn sql = new MySQLConn(ConstantLib.BasicConn_Real))
                sql.Query = "select code_id FROM  domaadmin.tb_common_code where gcode_id = 00048 and code_nm  = '" + UserInfo.instance().Name + "' ";
                DataSet ds = sql.selectQueryDataSet();

                txtCoidName.EditValue = sql.selectQueryForSingleValue().ToString();

            gridView1.OptionsView.ShowFooter = true;

                new ColumnControlSet("idx", txtidx)
                , new ColumnControlSet("r_u_name", txtr_u_name)
                , new ColumnControlSet("r_u_nickname", txtr_nickname)
                , new ColumnControlSet("r_login_id", txtr_login_id)
                , new ColumnControlSet("contents_id", txtcontents_id)

            this.efwGridControl1.Click += efwGridControl1_Click;

Beispiel #8
        private void SwitchChk()
            if (MonthDataCnt() > 0)
                toggleSwitch1.IsOn = true;
                toggleSwitch1.IsOn = false;

            string sAccDate = "";

            dtAcc_Date.EditValue = "";
            using (MySQLConn sql = new MySQLConn(ConstantLib.BasicConn_Real))
                sql.Query = "SELECT date_format(acc_date, '%Y-%m-%d') FROM domamall.tb_ps_charge_month " +
                            "WHERE yymm = '" + dtS_DATE.EditValue3.Substring(0, 6) + "' and LENGTH(acc_date) > 0  and p_type = '02' group by acc_date ";
                DataSet ds = sql.selectQueryDataSet();
                sAccDate = sql.selectQueryForSingleValue();
            dtAcc_Date.EditValue = sAccDate;
Beispiel #9
        private void Btn1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_o_u_id.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_o_code.Text))

            using (MySQLConn sql = new MySQLConn(ConstantLib.BasicConn_Real))
                sql.Query = "select count(*) " +
                            "  from                      " +
                            "  (                         " +
                            "   select                    as src_idx " +
                            "        , 221                     as contents_type " +
                            "        , b.send_id               as user_id " +
                            "        , c.u_name                as user_name " +
                            "        , c.u_nickname            as user_nickname " +
                            "        , c.login_id              as login_id " +
                            "        , a.o_code                as o_code " +
                            "        , (SELECT p_id FROM domamall.tb_am_product_order_datas where o_code = a.o_code limit 1) as p_id " +
                            "        , b.recv_id               as recomender_u_id       " +
                            "        , d.u_name                as recomender_u_name " +
                            "        , d.u_nickname            as recomender_u_nickname " +
                            "        , d.login_id              as recomender_login_id " +
                            "        , date_format(adddate(a.o_delivery_end_date, interval 72 hour), '%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') as expiration_date " +
                            "        , 'N'                     as is_write " +
                            "        , a.o_date " +
                            "        , a.o_deposit_confirm_date " +
                            "        , (SELECT IFNULL(group_concat(t.pm_id), 0) FROM domamall.tb_promotion_products t left join domamall.tb_am_product_order_datas tt on t.p_id = tt.p_id where tt.o_code = a.o_code ) as pm_id " +
                            "             , (select IF((select count(1) from domamall.tb_cate_product t  left join domamall.tb_am_product_order_datas tt on t.p_id = tt.p_id where tt.o_code = a.o_code " +
                            "           and (t.c_org_code like 'DC001#DC00115%' or t.c_org_code like 'DC001#DC00120%' or t.c_org_code like 'DC001#DC00121%' or t.c_org_code like 'DC001#DC00122%') ) > 0, 'Y', 'N')) as hangawi_yn " +
                            "        , a.reco_possible_donut as reco_donut " +
                            "        , (select chef_id from  domamall.tb_doma_chef_relations where user_id = b.recv_id and chef_type = 'C' and is_use = 'Y' limit 1) as chef_id " +
                            "     from domamall.tb_am_product_orders a " +
                            "      left join domalife.member_relations b on a.o_u_id  = b.recv_id " +
                            "      left join domalife.member_master c    on b.send_id = c.u_id " +
                            "      inner join domalife.member_master d   on a.o_u_id  = d.u_id " +
                            "    where a.o_type IN ('O','D','F') " +
                            "      and a.o_deposit_confirm_date is not null " +
                            "      and a.order_mall_type = 'PRIVATE' " +
                            "      and a.o_u_id          = '" + txt_o_u_id.EditValue + "' " +
                            "      and a.o_code          = '" + txt_o_code.EditValue + "' " +
                            "   order by a.o_date desc " +
                            "  ) pp " +
                            "where pp.pm_id not like '%3%' " +
                            "  and pp.hangawi_yn = 'N' " +
                            "  and pp.reco_donut > 0 " +
                            "  and pp.user_id != pp.chef_id ";
                DataSet ds = sql.selectQueryDataSet();

                int ncnt = Convert.ToInt32(sql.selectQueryForSingleValue());

                if (ncnt > 0)
                    lblRes1.Text = "생성!";
                    lblRes1.Text = "비생성!";