a wrapper class around user-defined types, for quick acess to their YAXLib related attributes
Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MemberWrapper"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="memberInfo">The member-info to build this instance from.</param>
        /// <param name="callerSerializer">The caller serializer.</param>
        public MemberWrapper(MemberInfo memberInfo, YAXSerializer callerSerializer)
            if (!(memberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property || memberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field))
                throw new Exception("Member must be either property or field");

            m_memberInfo = memberInfo;
            m_isProperty = (memberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property);

            Alias = StringUtils.RefineSingleElement(m_memberInfo.Name);

            if (m_isProperty)
                m_propertyInfoInstance = (PropertyInfo)memberInfo;
                m_fieldInfoInstance = (FieldInfo)memberInfo;

            m_memberType = m_isProperty ? m_propertyInfoInstance.PropertyType : m_fieldInfoInstance.FieldType;

            m_memberTypeWrapper = TypeWrappersPool.Pool.GetTypeWrapper(MemberType, callerSerializer);


            TreatErrorsAs = callerSerializer != null ? callerSerializer.DefaultExceptionType : YAXExceptionTypes.Error;

            // discovver YAXCustomSerializerAttributes earlier, because some other attributes depend on it
            var attrsToProcessEarlier = new HashSet <Type> {
                typeof(YAXCustomSerializerAttribute), typeof(YAXCollectionAttribute)

            foreach (var attrType in attrsToProcessEarlier)
                var customSerAttrs = m_memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(attrType, true);
                foreach (var attr in customSerAttrs)

            foreach (var attr in m_memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(false))
                // no need to preces, it has been proccessed earlier
                if (attrsToProcessEarlier.Contains(attr.GetType()))
                //if (attr is YAXCustomSerializerAttribute)
                //    continue; // no need to preces, it has been proccessed earlier

                if (attr is YAXBaseAttribute)
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the type wrapper corresponding to the specified type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">The type whose wrapper is needed.</param>
        /// <param name="caller">reference to the serializer instance which called this method.</param>
        /// <returns>the type wrapper corresponding to the specified type</returns>
        public UdtWrapper GetTypeWrapper(Type t, YAXSerializer caller)
            lock (this.m_lockDic) {
                UdtWrapper result;
                if (!this.m_dicTypes.TryGetValue(t, out result))
                    result = new UdtWrapper(t, caller);
                    this.m_dicTypes.Add(t, result);

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The basic method which performs the whole job of deserialization.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseElement">The element to be deserialized.</param>
        /// <returns>object containing the deserialized data</returns>
        private object DeserializeBase(XElement baseElement)
            if (baseElement == null)
                return m_desObject;

            if (m_udtWrapper.HasCustomSerializer)
                return InvokeCustomDeserializerFromElement(m_udtWrapper.CustomSerializerType, baseElement);

            var realTypeAttr = baseElement.Attribute_NamespaceSafe(m_yaxLibNamespaceUri + m_trueTypeAttrName);
            if (realTypeAttr != null)
                Type theRealType = ReflectionUtils.GetTypeByName(realTypeAttr.Value);
                if (theRealType != null)
                    m_type = theRealType;
                    m_udtWrapper = TypeWrappersPool.Pool.GetTypeWrapper(m_type, this);

            if (m_type.IsGenericType && m_type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(KeyValuePair<,>))
                return DeserializeKeyValuePair(baseElement);

            if (KnownTypes.IsKnowType(m_type))
                return KnownTypes.Deserialize(baseElement, m_type, TypeNamespace);

            if ((m_udtWrapper.IsTreatedAsCollection || m_udtWrapper.IsTreatedAsDictionary) && !IsCraetedToDeserializeANonCollectionMember)
                if (m_udtWrapper.DictionaryAttributeInstance != null)
                    return DeserializeTaggedDictionaryValue(baseElement, m_udtWrapper.Alias, m_type, m_udtWrapper.CollectionAttributeInstance, m_udtWrapper.DictionaryAttributeInstance);
                    return DeserializeCollectionValue(m_type, baseElement, m_udtWrapper.Alias, m_udtWrapper.CollectionAttributeInstance);

            if (ReflectionUtils.IsBasicType(m_type))
                return ReflectionUtils.ConvertBasicType(baseElement.Value, m_type);

            object o = null;
            if (m_desObject != null)
                o = m_desObject;
                o = m_type.InvokeMember(string.Empty, BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, new object[0]);

            bool foundAnyOfMembers = false;
            foreach (var member in GetFieldsToBeSerialized())
                if (!member.CanWrite)

                if (member.IsAttributedAsDontSerialize)

                // reset handled exceptions status
                m_exceptionOccurredDuringMemberDeserialization = false;

                string elemValue = string.Empty; // the element value gathered at the first phase
                XElement xelemValue = null; // the XElement instance gathered at the first phase
                XAttribute xattrValue = null; // the XAttribute instance gathered at the first phase

                // first evaluate elemValue
                bool createdFakeElement = false;

                var serializationLocation = member.SerializationLocation;

                if (member.IsSerializedAsAttribute)

                    // find the parent element from its location
                    XAttribute attr = XMLUtils.FindAttribute(baseElement, serializationLocation, member.Alias.OverrideNsIfEmpty(TypeNamespace));
                    if (attr == null) // if the parent element does not exist
                        // loook for an element with the same name AND a yaxlib:realtype attribute
                        XElement elem = XMLUtils.FindElement(baseElement, serializationLocation, member.Alias.OverrideNsIfEmpty(TypeNamespace));
                        if (elem != null && elem.Attribute_NamespaceSafe(m_yaxLibNamespaceUri + m_trueTypeAttrName) != null)
                            elemValue = elem.Value;
                            xelemValue = elem;
                            this.OnExceptionOccurred(new YAXAttributeMissingException(
                                StringUtils.CombineLocationAndElementName(serializationLocation, member.Alias)),
                                (!member.MemberType.IsValueType && m_udtWrapper.IsNotAllowdNullObjectSerialization) ? YAXExceptionTypes.Ignore : member.TreatErrorsAs);
                        foundAnyOfMembers = true;
                        elemValue = attr.Value;
                        xattrValue = attr;
                else if (member.IsSerializedAsValue)
                    XElement elem = XMLUtils.FindLocation(baseElement, serializationLocation);
                    if (elem == null) // such element is not found
                        this.OnExceptionOccurred(new YAXElementMissingException(
                                (!member.MemberType.IsValueType && m_udtWrapper.IsNotAllowdNullObjectSerialization) ? YAXExceptionTypes.Ignore : member.TreatErrorsAs);
                        XText[] values = elem.Nodes().OfType<XText>().ToArray();
                        if(values.Length <= 0)
                            // loook for an element with the same name AND a yaxlib:realtype attribute
                            XElement innerelem = XMLUtils.FindElement(baseElement, serializationLocation, member.Alias.OverrideNsIfEmpty(TypeNamespace));
                            if (innerelem != null && innerelem.Attribute_NamespaceSafe(m_yaxLibNamespaceUri + m_trueTypeAttrName) != null)
                                elemValue = innerelem.Value;
                                xelemValue = innerelem;
                                this.OnExceptionOccurred(new YAXElementValueMissingException(serializationLocation),
                                    (!member.MemberType.IsValueType && m_udtWrapper.IsNotAllowdNullObjectSerialization) ? YAXExceptionTypes.Ignore : member.TreatErrorsAs);
                            foundAnyOfMembers = true;
                            elemValue = values[0].Value;
                else // if member is serialized as an xml element
                    bool canContinue = false;
                    XElement elem = XMLUtils.FindElement(baseElement, serializationLocation, member.Alias.OverrideNsIfEmpty(TypeNamespace));
                    if (elem == null) // such element is not found
                        if ((member.IsTreatedAsCollection || member.IsTreatedAsDictionary) && member.CollectionAttributeInstance != null &&
                            member.CollectionAttributeInstance.SerializationType == YAXCollectionSerializationTypes.RecursiveWithNoContainingElement)
                            if (AtLeastOneOfCollectionMembersExists(baseElement, member))
                                elem = baseElement;
                                canContinue = true;
                                foundAnyOfMembers = true;
                                member.SetValue(o, member.DefaultValue);
                        else if (!ReflectionUtils.IsBasicType(member.MemberType) && !member.IsTreatedAsCollection && !member.IsTreatedAsDictionary)
                            // try to fix this problem by creating a fake element, maybe all its children are placed somewhere else
                            XElement fakeElem = XMLUtils.CreateElement(baseElement, serializationLocation, member.Alias.OverrideNsIfEmpty(TypeNamespace));
                            if (fakeElem != null)
                                createdFakeElement = true;
                                if (AtLeastOneOfMembersExists(fakeElem, member.MemberType))
                                    canContinue = true;
                                    foundAnyOfMembers = true;
                                    elem = fakeElem;
                                    elemValue = elem.Value;

                        if (!canContinue)
                            this.OnExceptionOccurred(new YAXElementMissingException(
                                StringUtils.CombineLocationAndElementName(serializationLocation, member.Alias.OverrideNsIfEmpty(TypeNamespace))),
                                (!member.MemberType.IsValueType && m_udtWrapper.IsNotAllowdNullObjectSerialization) ? YAXExceptionTypes.Ignore : member.TreatErrorsAs);
                        foundAnyOfMembers = true;
                        elemValue = elem.Value;

                    xelemValue = elem;

                // Phase2: Now try to retrieve elemValue's value, based on values gathered in xelemValue, xattrValue, and elemValue
                if (m_exceptionOccurredDuringMemberDeserialization)
                    if (m_desObject == null) // i.e. if it was NOT resuming deserialization, set default value, otherwise existing value for the member is kept
                        if (!member.MemberType.IsValueType && m_udtWrapper.IsNotAllowdNullObjectSerialization)
                                member.SetValue(o, null);
                                    new YAXDefaultValueCannotBeAssigned(member.Alias.LocalName, member.DefaultValue),
                        else if (member.DefaultValue != null)
                                member.SetValue(o, member.DefaultValue);
                                    new YAXDefaultValueCannotBeAssigned(member.Alias.LocalName, member.DefaultValue),
                            if (!member.MemberType.IsValueType)
                                member.SetValue(o, null /*the value to be assigned */);
                else if (member.HasCustomSerializer || member.MemberTypeWrapper.HasCustomSerializer)
                    Type deserType = member.HasCustomSerializer ?
                        member.CustomSerializerType :

                    object desObj;
                    if (member.IsSerializedAsAttribute)
                        desObj = InvokeCustomDeserializerFromAttribute(deserType, xattrValue);
                    else if (member.IsSerializedAsElement)
                        desObj = InvokeCustomDeserializerFromElement(deserType, xelemValue);
                    else if (member.IsSerializedAsValue)
                        desObj = InvokeCustomDeserializerFromValue(deserType, elemValue);
                        throw new Exception("unknown situation");

                        member.SetValue(o, desObj);
                        OnExceptionOccurred(new YAXPropertyCannotBeAssignedTo(member.Alias.LocalName), m_defaultExceptionType);
                else if (elemValue != null)
                    RetreiveElementValue(o, member, elemValue, xelemValue);
                    if (createdFakeElement && !m_exceptionOccurredDuringMemberDeserialization)
                        foundAnyOfMembers = true;

                if (createdFakeElement && xelemValue != null)
                    // remove the fake element

            // if an empty element was given and non of its members have been retreived then return null, not an instance
            if (!foundAnyOfMembers && !baseElement.HasElements && !baseElement.HasAttributes && baseElement.IsEmpty)
                return null;

            return o;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the namespace applying to the object type specified in <paramref name="wrapper"/>
        /// to the <paramref name="className"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wrapper">The wrapper around the object who's namespace should be added</param>
        /// <param name="className">The root node of the document to which the namespace should be written</param>
        private XElement CreateElementWithNamespace(UdtWrapper wrapper, XName className)
            XName elemName = className.OverrideNsIfEmpty(wrapper.Namespace);
            if (elemName.Namespace == wrapper.Namespace)
                RegisterNamespace(elemName.Namespace, wrapper.NamespacePrefix);
                RegisterNamespace(elemName.Namespace, null);

            return new XElement(elemName, null);
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the sequence of fields to be serialized for the specified type. This sequence is retreived according to 
 /// the field-types specified by the user.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="typeWrapper">The type wrapper for the type whose serializable 
 /// fields is going to be retreived.</param>
 /// <returns>the sequence of fields to be serialized for the specified type</returns>
 private IEnumerable<MemberWrapper> GetFieldsToBeSerialized(UdtWrapper typeWrapper)
     foreach (var member in typeWrapper.UnderlyingType.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public))
         char name0 = member.Name[0];
         if ((Char.IsLetter(name0) || name0 == '_') &&
             (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property || member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field))
             MemberWrapper memInfo = new MemberWrapper(member, this);
             if (memInfo.IsAllowedToBeSerialized(typeWrapper.FieldsToSerialize))
                 yield return memInfo;
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="YAXSerializer"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="t">The type of the object being serialized/deserialized.</param>
 /// <param name="exceptionPolicy">The exception handling policy.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultExType">The exceptions are treated as the value specified, unless otherwise specified.</param>
 /// <param name="option">The serialization option.</param>
 public YAXSerializer(Type t, YAXExceptionHandlingPolicies exceptionPolicy, YAXExceptionTypes defaultExType, YAXSerializationOptions option)
     m_type = t;
     m_exceptionPolicy = exceptionPolicy;
     m_defaultExceptionType = defaultExType;
     m_serializationOption = option;
     // this must be the last call
     m_udtWrapper = TypeWrappersPool.Pool.GetTypeWrapper(m_type, this);
     if (m_udtWrapper.HasNamespace)
         TypeNamespace = m_udtWrapper.Namespace;
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MemberWrapper" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="memberInfo">The member-info to build this instance from.</param>
        /// <param name="callerSerializer">The caller serializer.</param>
        public MemberWrapper(MemberInfo memberInfo, YAXSerializer callerSerializer)
            Order = int.MaxValue;

            if (!(memberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property || memberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field))
                throw new Exception("Member must be either property or field");

            _memberInfo = memberInfo;
            _isProperty = memberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property;

            Alias = StringUtils.RefineSingleElement(_memberInfo.Name);

            if (_isProperty)
                _propertyInfoInstance = (PropertyInfo)memberInfo;
                _fieldInfoInstance = (FieldInfo)memberInfo;

            _memberType = _isProperty ? _propertyInfoInstance.PropertyType : _fieldInfoInstance.FieldType;

            _memberTypeWrapper = TypeWrappersPool.Pool.GetTypeWrapper(MemberType, callerSerializer);
            if (_memberTypeWrapper.HasNamespace)
                Namespace       = _memberTypeWrapper.Namespace;
                NamespacePrefix = _memberTypeWrapper.NamespacePrefix;


            TreatErrorsAs = callerSerializer != null ? callerSerializer.DefaultExceptionType : YAXExceptionTypes.Error;

            // discover YAXCustomSerializerAttributes earlier, because some other attributes depend on it
            var attrsToProcessEarlier = new HashSet <Type>
                typeof(YAXCustomSerializerAttribute), typeof(YAXCollectionAttribute)

            foreach (var attrType in attrsToProcessEarlier)
                var customSerAttrs = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(_memberInfo, attrType, true);
                foreach (var attr in customSerAttrs)

            foreach (var attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(_memberInfo, true))
                // no need to process, it has been processed earlier
                if (attrsToProcessEarlier.Contains(attr.GetType()))

                if (attr is YAXBaseAttribute)

            // now override some values from member-type-wrapper into member-wrapper
            // if member-type has collection attributes while the member itself does not have them,
            // then use those of the member-type
            if (_collectionAttributeInstance == null && _memberTypeWrapper.CollectionAttributeInstance != null)
                _collectionAttributeInstance = _memberTypeWrapper.CollectionAttributeInstance;

            if (_dictionaryAttributeInstance == null && _memberTypeWrapper.DictionaryAttributeInstance != null)
                _dictionaryAttributeInstance = _memberTypeWrapper.DictionaryAttributeInstance;
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MemberWrapper"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="memberInfo">The member-info to build this instance from.</param>
        /// <param name="callerSerializer">The caller serializer.</param>
        public MemberWrapper(MemberInfo memberInfo, YAXSerializer callerSerializer)
            Order = Int32.MaxValue;

            if (!(memberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property || memberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field))
                throw new Exception("Member must be either property or field");

            m_memberInfo = memberInfo;
            m_isProperty = (memberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property);

            Alias = StringUtils.RefineSingleElement(m_memberInfo.Name);

            if (m_isProperty)
                m_propertyInfoInstance = (PropertyInfo)memberInfo;
                m_fieldInfoInstance = (FieldInfo)memberInfo;

            m_memberType = m_isProperty ? m_propertyInfoInstance.PropertyType : m_fieldInfoInstance.FieldType;

            m_memberTypeWrapper = TypeWrappersPool.Pool.GetTypeWrapper(MemberType, callerSerializer);
            if (m_memberTypeWrapper.HasNamespace)
                Namespace = m_memberTypeWrapper.Namespace;
                NamespacePrefix = m_memberTypeWrapper.NamespacePrefix;


            TreatErrorsAs = callerSerializer != null ? callerSerializer.DefaultExceptionType : YAXExceptionTypes.Error;

            // discovver YAXCustomSerializerAttributes earlier, because some other attributes depend on it
            var attrsToProcessEarlier = new HashSet<Type> {typeof (YAXCustomSerializerAttribute), typeof (YAXCollectionAttribute)};
            foreach (var attrType in attrsToProcessEarlier)
                var customSerAttrs = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(m_memberInfo, attrType, true);
                foreach (var attr in customSerAttrs)

            foreach (var attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(m_memberInfo, true))
                // no need to preces, it has been proccessed earlier
                if (attrsToProcessEarlier.Contains(attr.GetType()))

                if (attr is YAXBaseAttribute)

            // now override some values from memeber-type-wrapper into member-wrapper
            // if member-type has collection attributes while the member itself does not have them,
            // then use those of the member-type
            if (m_collectionAttributeInstance == null && m_memberTypeWrapper.CollectionAttributeInstance != null)
                m_collectionAttributeInstance = m_memberTypeWrapper.CollectionAttributeInstance;

            if (m_dictionaryAttributeInstance == null && m_memberTypeWrapper.DictionaryAttributeInstance != null)
                m_dictionaryAttributeInstance = m_memberTypeWrapper.DictionaryAttributeInstance;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the specified object from a basic type to another type as specified.
        /// It is meant by basic types, primitive data types, strings, and enums.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">The object to be converted.</param>
        /// <param name="dstType">the destination type of conversion.</param>
        /// <returns>the converted object</returns>
        public static object ConvertBasicType(object value, Type dstType)
            object convertedObj = null;

            if (dstType.IsEnum)
                UdtWrapper typeWrapper = TypeWrappersPool.Pool.GetTypeWrapper(dstType, null);
                convertedObj = typeWrapper.EnumWrapper.ParseAlias(value.ToString());
            else if (dstType == typeof(DateTime))
                convertedObj = StringUtils.ParseDateTimeTimeZoneSafe(value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            else if (dstType == typeof(decimal))
                // to fix the asymetry of used locales for this type between serialization and deseralization
                convertedObj = Convert.ChangeType(value, dstType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            else if (dstType == typeof(bool))
                string strValue = value.ToString().Trim().ToLower();
                if (strValue == "false" || strValue == "no" || strValue == "0")
                    convertedObj = false;
                else if (strValue == "true" || strValue == "yes" || strValue == "1")
                    convertedObj = true;
                    int boolIntValue = 0;
                    if (Int32.TryParse(strValue, out boolIntValue))
                        convertedObj = boolIntValue == 0 ? false : true;
                        throw new Exception("The specified value is not recognized as boolean: " + strValue);
            else if (dstType == typeof(Guid))
                return(new Guid(value.ToString()));
                Type nullableType;
                if (IsNullable(dstType, out nullableType))
                    if (value == null || value.ToString() == String.Empty)
                    return(ConvertBasicType(value, nullableType));

                IFormatProvider ifProvider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
                convertedObj = Convert.ChangeType(value, dstType, ifProvider);

Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MemberWrapper"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="memberInfo">The member-info to build this instance from.</param>
        /// <param name="callerSerializer">The caller serializer.</param>
        public MemberWrapper(MemberInfo memberInfo, YAXSerializer callerSerializer)
            if (!(memberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property || memberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field))
                throw new Exception("Member must be either property or field");

            m_memberInfo = memberInfo;
            m_isProperty = (memberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property);

            Alias = m_memberInfo.Name;

            if (m_isProperty)
                m_propertyInfoInstance = (PropertyInfo)memberInfo;
                m_fieldInfoInstance = (FieldInfo)memberInfo;

            m_memberType = m_isProperty ? m_propertyInfoInstance.PropertyType : m_fieldInfoInstance.FieldType;

            m_memberTypeWrapper = TypeWrappersPool.Pool.GetTypeWrapper(MemberType, callerSerializer);


            TreatErrorsAs = callerSerializer != null ? callerSerializer.DefaultExceptionType : YAXExceptionTypes.Error;

            // discovver YAXCustomSerializerAttributes earlier, because some other attributes depend on it
            var attrsToProcessEarlier = new HashSet<Type> {typeof (YAXCustomSerializerAttribute), typeof (YAXCollectionAttribute)};
            foreach (var attrType in attrsToProcessEarlier)
                var customSerAttrs = m_memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(attrType, true);
                foreach (var attr in customSerAttrs)

            foreach (var attr in m_memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(false))
                // no need to preces, it has been proccessed earlier
                if (attrsToProcessEarlier.Contains(attr.GetType()))
                //if (attr is YAXCustomSerializerAttribute)
                //    continue; // no need to preces, it has been proccessed earlier

                if (attr is YAXBaseAttribute)
Beispiel #11
        public void TestWrappers()
            var typeToTest = typeof (Guid);
            var serializer = new YAXSerializer(typeToTest);
            var typeWrapper = new UdtWrapper(typeToTest, serializer);

Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the type wrapper corresponding to the specified type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">The type whose wrapper is needed.</param>
        /// <param name="caller">reference to the serializer instance which called this method.</param>
        /// <returns>the type wrapper corresponding to the specified type</returns>
        public UdtWrapper GetTypeWrapper(Type t, YAXSerializer caller)
            lock (m_lockDic)
                UdtWrapper result;
                if (!m_dicTypes.TryGetValue(t, out result))
                    result = new UdtWrapper(t, caller);
                    m_dicTypes.Add(t, result);

                return result;
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the sequence of fields to be serialized for the specified type. This sequence is retreived according to 
        /// the field-types specified by the user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typeWrapper">The type wrapper for the type whose serializable 
        /// fields is going to be retreived.</param>
        /// <returns>the sequence of fields to be serialized for the specified type</returns>
        private IEnumerable<MemberWrapper> GetFieldsToBeSerialized(UdtWrapper typeWrapper)
            foreach (var member in typeWrapper.UnderlyingType.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public))
                char name0 = member.Name[0];
                if ((Char.IsLetter(name0) || name0 == '_') &&
                    (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property || member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field))
                    if((typeWrapper.IsCollectionType || typeWrapper.IsDictionaryType)) //&& typeWrapper.IsAttributedAsNotCollection)

                    var memInfo = new MemberWrapper(member, this);
                    if (memInfo.IsAllowedToBeSerialized(typeWrapper.FieldsToSerialize))
                        yield return memInfo;
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the sequence of fields to be serialized for the specified type. This sequence is retreived according to 
        /// the field-types specified by the user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typeWrapper">The type wrapper for the type whose serializable 
        /// fields is going to be retreived.</param>
        /// <returns>the sequence of fields to be serialized for the specified type</returns>
        private IEnumerable<MemberWrapper> GetFieldsToBeSerialized(UdtWrapper typeWrapper)
            foreach (var member in typeWrapper.UnderlyingType.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public))
                char name0 = member.Name[0];
                if ((Char.IsLetter(name0) || name0 == '_') && // TODO: this is wrong, .NET supports unicode variable names or those starting with @
                    (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property || member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field))
                    var prop = member as PropertyInfo;
                    if (prop != null)
                        // ignore indexers; if member is an indexer property, do not serialize it
                        if (prop.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0)

                        // don't serialize delegates as well
                        if (ReflectionUtils.IsTypeEqualOrInheritedFromType(prop.PropertyType, typeof(Delegate)))

                    if((typeWrapper.IsCollectionType || typeWrapper.IsDictionaryType)) //&& typeWrapper.IsAttributedAsNotCollection)

                    var memInfo = new MemberWrapper(member, this);
                    if (memInfo.IsAllowedToBeSerialized(typeWrapper.FieldsToSerialize, m_udtWrapper.DontSerializePropertiesWithNoSetter))
                        yield return memInfo;
Beispiel #15
        public void TestWrappers()
            var typeToTest = typeof (TimeSpan);
            var serializer = new YAXSerializer(typeToTest);
            var typeWrapper = new UdtWrapper(typeToTest, serializer);

            Assert.That(typeWrapper.IsKnownType, Is.True);