Log() public method

Takes the natural logarithm of the scalar.
public Log ( ) : ScalarValue
return ScalarValue
Beispiel #1
 protected override ScalarValue GetValue(ScalarValue value)
Beispiel #2
 static ScalarValue GetValue(ScalarValue value, Double newBase)
     return value.Log(newBase);
Beispiel #3
        public static ScalarValue Polylog(int n, ScalarValue z)
            if (n == 2)
                return SpenceFunction.DiLog(z);

            if (n == -1)
                return PolylogNeg1(z);

            if (n == 0)
                return PolylogZero(z);

            if (n == 1)
                return PolylogPos1(z);

            if (n == -2)
                return PolylogNeg2(z);

            if (n == -3)
                return PolylogNeg3(z);

            if (n == -4)
                return PolylogNeg4(z);

            if (n < -4)
                return PolylogNegative(n, z);

            if (z == ScalarValue.One && n > 1)
                return PolylogZetaPositive(n);

            if (-z == ScalarValue.One && n > 1)
                return PolylogZetaNegative(n);

            /*  This recurrence provides formulas for n < 2.
             *   d                 1
             *   --   Li (x)  =   ---  Li   (x)  .
             *   dx     n          x     n-1
            var s = ScalarValue.Zero;
            var ah = Math.Abs(z.Re) + Math.Abs(z.Im);
            int i, j;

            if (ah > 3.0)
                return PolylogInversion(n, z);
            else if (ah >= 0.75)
                var ad = 0.0;
                var x = z.Log();
                var h = -((-x).Log());

                for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
                    h += 1.0 / i;

                var p = ScalarValue.One;
                s = PolylogZetaPositive(n);

                for (j = 1; j <= n + 1; j++)
                    p = p * x / j;

                    if (j == n - 1)
                        s += h * p;
                        s += PolylogZetaPositive(n - j) * p;

                j = n + 3;
                x = x * x;

                for (; ; )
                    p = p * x / ((j - 1) * j);
                    h = PolylogZetaPositive(n - j);
                    h = h * p;
                    s += h;
                    ah = Math.Abs(h.Re) + Math.Abs(h.Im);
                    ad = Math.Abs(s.Re) + Math.Abs(s.Im);

                    if (ah < ad * double.Epsilon)

                    j += 2;

                return s;
            else if(ah >= 1e-6)
                var p = z * z * z;
                var ad = 0.0;
                var k = 3.0;
                var h = ScalarValue.Zero;

                    p = p * z;
                    k += 1.0;
                    h = p / Math.Pow(k, n);
                    s += h;
                    ah = Math.Abs(h.Re) + Math.Abs(h.Im);
                    ad = Math.Abs(s.Re) + Math.Abs(s.Im);
                while (ah > ad * 1.1e-16);

            s += z * z * z / Math.Pow(3.0, n);
            s += z * z / Math.Pow(2.0, n);
            return s + z;
Beispiel #4
 ScalarValue GetValue(ScalarValue value, double newBase)