public void ApplyHediffAndRegisterWithBodyPartList(HediffItem hi, HediffAssociation CurHA, AssociatedHediffHistory CurAHH, List <BodyPartRecord> BPRL, bool debug = false)
     foreach (BodyPartRecord BPR in BPRL)
         ApplyHediffAndRegisterSingleBodyPart(hi, CurHA, CurAHH, BPR, debug);
        public void ApplyHediffAndRegisterSingleBodyPart(HediffItem hi, HediffAssociation CurHA, AssociatedHediffHistory CurAHH, BodyPartRecord BPR = null, bool debug = false)
            Hediff h = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(hi.hediff, Pawn, BPR);

            if (hi.HasSeverity)
                h.Severity = hi.severity.RandomInRange;

            //Applying hediff to full body if BPR is null
  , BPR, null);

            //Recording hediff applied in registry

            if (CurHA.specifics.HasLimit)

            // destroy parent hediff if discard upon remove setting and random is satisfied
            if (CurHA.specifics.HasDiscard && CurHA.specifics.discard.HasUponApplyDiscard && Rand.Chance(CurHA.specifics.discard.uponApply.chance.RandomInRange))
            // add grace destroy if grace setting upon remove and random is satisfied
            if (CurHA.specifics.HasGrace && CurHA.specifics.grace.HasUponApplyGrace && Rand.Chance(CurHA.specifics.grace.uponApply.chance.RandomInRange))
                CurAHH.grace += CurHA.specifics.grace.uponApply.tickAmount.RandomInRange;