Beispiel #1
        public override sealed float Score(BasicStats stats, float tfn)
            double F = stats.TotalTermFreq + 1 + tfn;
            // approximation only holds true when F << N, so we use N += F
            double N = F + stats.NumberOfDocuments;

            return((float)(-SimilarityBase.Log2((N - 1) * Math.E) + this.F(N + F - 1, N + F - tfn - 2) - this.F(F, F - tfn)));
Beispiel #2
        public override sealed float Score(BasicStats stats, float tfn)
            long   N  = stats.NumberOfDocuments;
            long   F  = stats.TotalTermFreq;
            double ne = N * (1 - Math.Pow((N - 1) / (double)N, F));

            return(tfn * (float)(SimilarityBase.Log2((N + 1) / (ne + 0.5))));
Beispiel #3
        public override sealed float Score(BasicStats stats, float tfn)
            // we have to ensure phi is always < 1 for tiny TTF values, otherwise nphi can go negative,
            // resulting in NaN. cleanest way is to unconditionally always add tfn to totalTermFreq
            // to create a 'normalized' F.
            double F    = stats.TotalTermFreq + 1 + tfn;
            double phi  = (double)tfn / F;
            double nphi = 1 - phi;
            double p    = 1.0 / (stats.NumberOfDocuments + 1);
            double D    = phi * SimilarityBase.Log2(phi / p) + nphi * SimilarityBase.Log2(nphi / (1 - p));

            return((float)(D * F + 0.5 * SimilarityBase.Log2(1 + 2 * Math.PI * tfn * nphi)));
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// The <em>f</em> helper function defined for <em>B<sub>E</sub></em>. </summary>
 private double F(double n, double m)
     return((m + 0.5) * SimilarityBase.Log2(n / m) + (n - m) * SimilarityBase.Log2(n));
Beispiel #5
        public override sealed float Score(BasicStats stats, float tfn)
            float lambda = (float)(stats.TotalTermFreq + 1) / (stats.NumberOfDocuments + 1);

            return((float)(tfn * SimilarityBase.Log2(tfn / lambda) + (lambda + 1 / (12 * tfn) - tfn) * LOG2_E + 0.5 * SimilarityBase.Log2(2 * Math.PI * tfn)));