Beispiel #1
        private static ECDsa loadECDSAFromPrivateKey(AccountPrivateKey privateKey)
            var ecparams = new ECParameters();

            ecparams.Curve = ECCurve.NamedCurves.nistP256;
            var ecPoint = new ECPoint();

            ecPoint.X  = XConvert.GetECBytesFromBigInteger(privateKey.X);
            ecPoint.Y  = XConvert.GetECBytesFromBigInteger(privateKey.Y);
            ecparams.Q = ecPoint;
            ecparams.D = XConvert.GetECBytesFromBigInteger(privateKey.D);
Beispiel #2
        private static ECDsa loadECDSAFromPublicKey(AccountPublicKey publicKey)
            var param = new ECParameters
                Curve = ECCurve.NamedCurves.nistP256,
                Q     = new ECPoint
                    X = XConvert.GetECBytesFromBigInteger(publicKey.X),
                    Y = XConvert.GetECBytesFromBigInteger(publicKey.Y),

        private Pb.CommonReply PostTx(string bcname, Transaction tx)
            var pbtx  = XConvert.LocalTxToPbTx(tx);
            var reqTx = new Pb.TxStatus
                Txid   = pbtx.Txid,
                Tx     = pbtx,
                Bcname = bcname,
            var postRes = client.PostTx(reqTx);

            if (postRes.Header.Error != Pb.XChainErrorEnum.Success)
                Console.WriteLine("post tx failed, txid=" + tx.Txid + " err=" + (int)postRes.Header.Error);
Beispiel #4
        // Query a block with block id
        /// <summary>Query a block with block id</summary>
        /// <param name="bcname">the name of blockchain</param>
        /// <param name="blockid">block id</param>
        /// <return>the request response, the <c>Data</c> field is a Block type</return>
        public Response QueryBlock(string bcname, string blockid)
            var req = new Pb.BlockID
                Header      = GetDefaultHeader(),
                Bcname      = bcname,
                Blockid     = ByteString.CopyFrom(XConvert.HexStringToByteArray(blockid)),
                NeedContent = true,
            var res = client.GetBlock(req);

            if (res.Header.Error != Pb.XChainErrorEnum.Success)
                Console.WriteLine("query block failed. errcode=" + (int)res.Header.Error +
                                  ", logid=" + req.Header.Logid);
                return(MakeErrorResponse(ErrorCode.ConnectFailed, null));
            var block = XConvert.PbBlockToLocalBlock(res);

            return(MakeResponse("", block));
Beispiel #5
        // Transfer given amount of UTXO resource to another address
        /// <summary>Transfer given amount of UTXO resource to another address</summary>
        /// <param name="bcname">the name of the blockchain</param>
        /// <param name="to">the receiver address</param>
        /// <param name="amount">the amount of UTXO resource</param>
        /// <param name="desc">addtional information attached to this transaction</param>
        /// <return>the response contains the Txid of this transaction</return>
        public Response Transfer(string bcname, string to, BigInteger amount, string desc)
            var response = new Response()
                Error = new XChainError()
                    ErrorCode    = ErrorCode.Success,
                    ErrorMessage = "Success",

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bcname) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(to))
                return(MakeErrorResponse(ErrorCode.ParamError, null));
            var utxo = SelectUTXO(bcname, this.Account.Address, this.Account.PublicKey, amount);

            if (utxo == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Select utxo failed");
                return(MakeErrorResponse(ErrorCode.SelectUTXOError, null));
            var tx = AssembleTx(utxo, this.Account, null, to, amount, null, desc);

            if (tx == null)
                Console.WriteLine("AssembleTx failed");
                return(MakeErrorResponse(ErrorCode.UnknownError, null));
            // post transaction
            var postRes = PostTx(bcname, tx);

            if (postRes == null || postRes.Header.Error != Pb.XChainErrorEnum.Success)
                Console.WriteLine("InvokeContract: PostTx failed");
                return(MakeErrorResponse(ErrorCode.PostError, null));
            response.Txid = XConvert.ByteArrayToHexString(tx.Txid).ToLower();
Beispiel #6
        // Invokes contract method with given args
        // TODO: multisig is not supported
        /// <summary>Invokes contract method with given args.
        ///     TODO: multisig is not supported</summary>
        /// <param name="bcname">the name of blockchain</param>
        /// <param name="contractName">the name of contract to invoke</param>
        /// <param name="method">the method name of contract to invoke</param>
        /// <param name="args">the arguments of contract</param>
        /// <param name="authRequire">add more address if multisig needed, otherwise keep null</param>
        /// <param name="contractType">the contract VM type, default to WASM</param>
        /// <param name="desc">description info, default to empty</param>
        public Response InvokeContract(string bcname, string contractName, string method,
                                       SortedDictionary <string, byte[]> args, List <string> authRequire = null, string desc = "",
                                       ContactVMType.Type contractType = ContactVMType.Type.WASM)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bcname) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(method))
                return(MakeErrorResponse(ErrorCode.ParamError, null));
            // pre-execute contract
            var execRes = PreExecWithSelectUTXO(bcname, this.Account.Address,
                                                this.Account.PrivateKey, 0, contractName, method, args, contractType,
                                                this.Account.Address, authRequire);

            if (execRes == null)
                Console.WriteLine("InvokeContract: PreExecWithSelectUTXO failed");
                return(MakeErrorResponse(ErrorCode.PostError, null));
            // check contract response
            var contractResult = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            for (var i = 0; i < execRes.Response.Responses.Count; i++)
                if (execRes.Response.Responses[i].Status >= 400)
                    Console.WriteLine("Contract execute failed. res=" +
                    return(new Response
                        Error = new XChainError
                            ErrorCode = ErrorCode.Success,
                            ErrorMessage = "Success",
                contractResult.Add(execRes.Response.Requests[i].ContractName + ":" + execRes.Response.Requests[i].MethodName,

            // assemble transaction
            var tx = AssembleTx(execRes.UtxoOutput, this.Account, authRequire, "", 0, execRes.Response, desc);

            if (tx == null)
                Console.WriteLine("InvokeContract: AssembleTx failed");
                return(MakeErrorResponse(ErrorCode.UnknownError, null));

            // post transaction
            var postRes = PostTx(bcname, tx);

            if (postRes == null || postRes.Header.Error != Pb.XChainErrorEnum.Success)
                Console.WriteLine("InvokeContract: PostTx failed");
                return(MakeErrorResponse(ErrorCode.PostError, null));
            var res = new Response
                Error = new XChainError
                    ErrorCode = ErrorCode.Success,
                Txid = XConvert.ByteArrayToHexString(tx.Txid),
                Data = contractResult,
