Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Revit external command to list all valid built-in parameters for a given selected element.
        /// </summary>
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIDocument uidoc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument;
            Document   doc   = uidoc.Document;

            Element e
                = LabUtils.GetSingleSelectedElementOrPrompt(

            if (null == e)

            bool isSymbol = false;

            #region Check for FamilyInstance
            // for a family instance, ask user whether to
            // display instance or type parameters;
            // in a similar manner, we could add dedicated
            // switches for Wall --> WallType,
            // Floor --> FloorType etc. ...
            if (e is FamilyInstance)
                FamilyInstance inst = e as FamilyInstance;
                if (null != inst.Symbol)
                    string symbol_name
                        = LabUtils.ElementDescription(
                              inst.Symbol, true);

                    string family_name
                        = LabUtils.ElementDescription(
                              inst.Symbol.Family, true);

                    string msg =
                        "This element is a family instance, so it "
                        + "has both type and instance parameters. "
                        + "By default, the instance parameters are "
                        + "displayed. If you select 'No', the type "
                        + "parameters will be displayed instead. "
                        + "Would you like to see the instance "
                        + "parameters?";

                    if (!LabUtils.QuestionMsg(msg))
                        e        = inst.Symbol;
                        isSymbol = true;
            #endregion // Check for FamilyInstance

            #region Check for element type
            ElementId idType = e.GetTypeId();

            if (ElementId.InvalidElementId != idType)
                // The selected element has a type; ask user
                // whether to display instance or type
                // parameters.

                ElementType typ = doc.GetElement(idType)
                                  as ElementType;

                Debug.Assert(null != typ,
                             "expected to retrieve a valid element type");

                string type_name = LabUtils.ElementDescription(
                    typ, true);

                string msg =
                    "This element has an ElementType, so it has "
                    + "both type and instance parameters. By "
                    + "default, the instance parameters are "
                    + "displayed. If you select 'No', the type "
                    + "parameters will be displayed instead. "
                    + "Would you like to see the instance "
                    + "parameters?";

                if (!LabUtils.QuestionMsg(msg))
                    e        = typ;
                    isSymbol = true;
            #endregion // Check for element type

            SortableBindingList <ParameterData> data = new SortableBindingList <ParameterData>();
                WaitCursor waitCursor = new WaitCursor();
                Array      bips       = Enum.GetValues(typeof(BuiltInParameter));
                int        n          = bips.Length;
                Parameter  p;
                foreach (BuiltInParameter a in bips)
                        p = e.get_Parameter(a);

                        #region Check for external definition
                        Definition         d    = p.Definition;
                        ExternalDefinition e    = d as ExternalDefinition; // this is never possible
                        string             guid = (null == e) ? null : e.GUID.ToString();
                        #endregion // Check for external definition

                        if (null != p)
                            //string value = LabUtils.GetParameterValue2( p, doc );
                            string valueString = (StorageType.ElementId == p.StorageType)
                ? LabUtils.GetParameterValue2(p, doc)
                : p.AsValueString();

                            data.Add(new ParameterData(a, p, valueString));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Debug.Print("Exception retrieving built-in parameter {0}: {1}",
                                    a, ex);
            string description = LabUtils.ElementDescription(e, true)
                                 + (isSymbol
          ? " Type"
          : " Instance");

            using (BuiltInParamsCheckerForm form = new BuiltInParamsCheckerForm(description, data))