public override CodeTypeReference GetReferenceFor(NamespaceModel referencingNamespace, bool collection, bool forInit = false)
            var type = ValueType;

            if (XmlSchemaType != null)
                // some types are not mapped in the same way between XmlSerializer and XmlSchema >(
                // XmlSerializer is inconsistent: maps xs:decimal to decimal but xs:integer to string,
                // even though xs:integer is a restriction of xs:decimal
                type = XmlSchemaType.GetEffectiveType(Configuration);
                UseDataTypeAttribute = XmlSchemaType.IsDataTypeAttributeAllowed(Configuration) ?? UseDataTypeAttribute;

            if (collection)
                if (forInit)
                    type = (Configuration.CollectionImplementationType ?? Configuration.CollectionType).MakeGenericType(type);
                    type = Configuration.CollectionType.MakeGenericType(type);

            return new CodeTypeReference(type);
 public virtual CodeTypeReference GetReferenceFor(NamespaceModel referencingNamespace, bool collection, bool forInit = false)
     var name = referencingNamespace == Namespace ? Name : string.Format("{2}{0}.{1}", Namespace.Name, Name, ((referencingNamespace ?? Namespace).IsAmbiguous ? "global::" : string.Empty));
     if (collection)
         name = forInit ? SimpleModel.GetCollectionImplementationName(name, Configuration) : SimpleModel.GetCollectionDefinitionName(name, Configuration);
     return new CodeTypeReference(name);
 private NamespaceModel CreateNamespaceModel(Uri source, XmlQualifiedName qualifiedName)
     NamespaceModel namespaceModel = null;
     if (!qualifiedName.IsEmpty && qualifiedName.Namespace != XmlSchema.Namespace)
         var key = new NamespaceKey(source, qualifiedName.Namespace);
         if (!Namespaces.TryGetValue(key, out namespaceModel))
             var namespaceName = BuildNamespace(source, qualifiedName.Namespace);
             namespaceModel = new NamespaceModel(key, _configuration) { Name = namespaceName };
             Namespaces.Add(key, namespaceModel);
     return namespaceModel;