Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a <see cref="Package"/> that can be used to compile an <see cref="AssetItem"/> by analyzing and resolving its dependencies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The package packageSession that can be used to compile the asset item.</returns>
        public static Package CreateCompilePackageFromAsset(this PackageSession session, AssetItem originalAssetItem)
            // create the compile root package and package session
            var assetPackageCloned = new Package();
            //the following line is necessary to attach a session to the package
            // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable
            var compilePackageSession = new PackageSession(assetPackageCloned);

            AddAssetToCompilePackage(session, originalAssetItem, assetPackageCloned);

Beispiel #2
        public static void AddAssetToCompilePackage(this PackageSession session, AssetItem originalAssetItem, Package assetPackageCloned)
            if (originalAssetItem == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("originalAssetItem");

            // Find the asset from the session
            var assetItem = originalAssetItem.Package.FindAsset(originalAssetItem.Id);

            if (assetItem == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot find the specified AssetItem instance in the session");

            // Calculate dependencies
            // Search only for references
            var dependencies = session.DependencyManager.ComputeDependencies(assetItem.Id, AssetDependencySearchOptions.Out | AssetDependencySearchOptions.Recursive, ContentLinkType.Reference);

            if (dependencies == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The asset doesn't exist in the dependency manager anymore");

            var assetItemRootCloned = dependencies.Item.Clone();

            // Store the fullpath to the sourcefolder, this avoid us to clone hierarchy of packages
            assetItemRootCloned.SourceFolder = assetItem.FullPath.GetParent();

            if (assetPackageCloned.Assets.Find(assetItemRootCloned.Id) == null)

            // For each asset item dependency, clone it in the new package
            foreach (var assetLink in dependencies.LinksOut)
                // Only add assets not already added (in case of circular dependencies)
                if (assetPackageCloned.Assets.Find(assetLink.Item.Id) == null)
                    // create a copy of the asset item and add it to the appropriate compile package
                    var itemCloned = assetLink.Item.Clone();

                    // Store the fullpath to the sourcefolder, this avoid us to clone hierarchy of packages
                    itemCloned.SourceFolder = assetLink.Item.FullPath.GetParent();
Beispiel #3
        public static void LoadSolution(PackageSession session, string filePath, List <string> packagePaths, ILogger sessionResult)
            var solutionDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath);

            if (solutionDirectory == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Must be absolute", "filePath");

            // The session should save back its changes to the solution
            session.SolutionPath = filePath;

            var solution = Solution.FromFile(filePath);

            foreach (var project in solution.Projects)
                string packagePath;
                if (IsPackage(project, out packagePath))
                    var packageFullPath = Path.Combine(solutionDirectory, packagePath);

            var     versionHeader = solution.Properties.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "VisualStudioVersion");
            Version version;

            if (versionHeader != null && Version.TryParse(versionHeader.Value, out version))
                session.VisualStudioVersion = version;
                session.VisualStudioVersion = null;
Beispiel #4
        public static void SaveSolution(PackageSession session, ILogger log)
            // If the solution path is not set, we can't save a solution (sln)
            if (session.SolutionPath == null)

            var solutionPath = UPath.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, session.SolutionPath);

                Solution solution;

                var solutionDir = solutionPath.GetParent();

                // If the solution already exists, we need to update it
                if (File.Exists(solutionPath))
                    solution = Solution.FromFile(solutionPath);
                    solution = new Solution {
                        FullPath = solutionPath

                // Pre-create solution wide global sections
                if (!solution.GlobalSections.Contains("SolutionConfigurationPlatforms"))
                    solution.GlobalSections.Add(new Section("SolutionConfigurationPlatforms", "GlobalSection", "preSolution", Enumerable.Empty <PropertyItem>()));
                if (!solution.GlobalSections.Contains("ProjectConfigurationPlatforms"))
                    solution.GlobalSections.Add(new Section("ProjectConfigurationPlatforms", "GlobalSection", "postSolution", Enumerable.Empty <PropertyItem>()));
                if (!solution.GlobalSections.Contains("NestedProjects"))
                    solution.GlobalSections.Add(new Section("NestedProjects", "GlobalSection", "preSolution", Enumerable.Empty <PropertyItem>()));

                // ---------------------------------------------
                // 0. Pre-select only platforms effectively used by this session
                // ---------------------------------------------
                var platformsUsedBySession = new SolutionPlatformCollection();
                platformsUsedBySession.AddRange(AssetRegistry.SupportedPlatforms.Where(platform => platform.Type == PlatformType.Windows));

                foreach (var package in session.LocalPackages)
                    foreach (var profile in package.Profiles.Where(profile => profile.Platform != PlatformType.Shared && profile.ProjectReferences.Count > 0))
                        var platformType = profile.Platform;
                        if (!platformsUsedBySession.Contains(platformType))
                            platformsUsedBySession.AddRange(AssetRegistry.SupportedPlatforms.Where(platform => platform.Type == platformType));

                // ---------------------------------------------
                // 1. Update configuration/platform
                // ---------------------------------------------
                var configs = new List <Tuple <string, SolutionPlatform, SolutionPlatformPart> >();
                foreach (var configName in platformsUsedBySession.SelectMany(solutionPlatform => solutionPlatform.Configurations).Select(config => config.Name).Distinct())
                    foreach (var platform in platformsUsedBySession)
                        foreach (var platformPart in platform.GetParts())
                            // Skip platforms with IncludeInSolution == false
                            if (!platformPart.IncludeInSolution)

                            configs.Add(new Tuple <string, SolutionPlatform, SolutionPlatformPart>(configName, platform, platformPart));

                // Order per config and then per platform names
                configs = configs.OrderBy(part => part.Item1, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).ThenBy(part => part.Item3.SafeSolutionName, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).ToList();

                // Write configs in alphabetical order to avoid changes in sln after it is generated
                var solutionPlatforms = solution.GlobalSections["SolutionConfigurationPlatforms"];
                foreach (var config in configs)
                    var solutionConfigPlatform = string.Format("{0}|{1}", config.Item1, config.Item3.SafeSolutionName);
                    if (!solutionPlatforms.Properties.Contains(solutionConfigPlatform))
                        solutionPlatforms.Properties.Add(new PropertyItem(solutionConfigPlatform, solutionConfigPlatform));

                // Remove projects that are no longer available on the disk
                var projectToRemove = solution.Projects.Where(project => !project.IsSolutionFolder && !File.Exists(project.FullPath)).ToList();
                foreach (var project in projectToRemove)

                // ---------------------------------------------
                // 2. Update each package
                // ---------------------------------------------
                foreach (var package in session.LocalPackages)
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(package.Meta.Name))
                        log.Error($"Error while saving solution [{solutionPath}]. Package [{package.FullPath}] should have a Meta.Name");

                    var packageFolder = solution.Projects.FindByGuid((Guid)package.Id);

                    // Packages are created as solution folders in VisualStudio
                    if (packageFolder == null)
                        // Create this package as a Solution Folder
                        packageFolder = new Project(solution,
                                                    Enumerable.Empty <Section>(),
                                                    Enumerable.Empty <PropertyItem>(),
                                                    Enumerable.Empty <PropertyItem>());

                        // As it is making a copy, we need to get it back
                        packageFolder = solution.Projects[package.Id];

                    // Update the path to the solution everytime we save a package
                    var relativeUrl = package.FullPath.MakeRelative(solutionDir);
                    packageFolder.Sections.Add(new Section(XenkoPackage, "ProjectSection", "preProject", new[] { new PropertyItem(relativeUrl, relativeUrl) }));

                    // ---------------------------------------------
                    // 2.1. Update each project
                    // ---------------------------------------------
                    foreach (var profile in package.Profiles.OrderBy(x => x.Platform == PlatformType.Windows ? 0 : 1))
                        foreach (var project in profile.ProjectReferences)
                            var projectInSolution = solution.Projects.FindByGuid(project.Id);

                            if (projectInSolution == null)
                                var projectRelativePath = project.Location.MakeRelative(solutionDir);

                                // Create this package as a Solution Folder
                                projectInSolution = new Project(solution,
                                                                Enumerable.Empty <Section>(),
                                                                Enumerable.Empty <PropertyItem>(),
                                                                Enumerable.Empty <PropertyItem>());


                                // Resolve it again, as the original code is making a clone of it (why?)
                                projectInSolution = solution.Projects.FindByGuid(project.Id);

                            // Projects are always in a package (solution folder) in the solution
                            projectInSolution.ParentGuid = package.Id;

                            // Update platforms per project (active solution and build flag per platform)

                            // Clear all platform properties for this project and recompute them here

                            foreach (var config in configs)
                                var configName   = config.Item1;
                                var platform     = config.Item2;
                                var platformPart = config.Item3;

                                // Filter exe project types
                                if (project.Type == ProjectType.Executable && !platformPart.UseWithExecutables)

                                var platformName = platformPart.SafeSolutionName;

                                var solutionConfigPlatform = string.Format("{0}|{1}", configName, platformName);

                                var configNameInProject   = configName;
                                var platformNameInProject = platformPart.GetProjectName(project.Type);

                                var platformTarget = platform;
                                if (profile.Platform != PlatformType.Shared)
                                    platformTarget = platformsUsedBySession.FirstOrDefault(plat => plat.Type == profile.Platform);
                                    if (platformTarget == null)
                                        // This should not happen as we control our platforms, but when we develop a new one
                                        // we might get it and it is better to cleary state why we are failing.
                                        log.Error("Project contains an unsupported platform " + profile.Platform);
                                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported platform " + profile.Platform);

                                bool isPartOfBuild = platformTarget == platform;
                                // If the config doesn't exist for this platform, just use the default config name
                                if (!platformTarget.Configurations.Contains(configName))
                                    configNameInProject = platformTarget.Configurations.FirstOrDefault().Name;
                                    isPartOfBuild       = false;

                                // If the config doesn't exist for this platform, just use the default config name
                                if (platformTarget.GetParts().All(part => part.GetProjectName(project.Type) != platformNameInProject))
                                    platformNameInProject = platformTarget.GetParts().FirstOrDefault(part => part.IsProjectHandled(project.Type)).SafeSolutionName;
                                    isPartOfBuild         = false;

                                var projectConfigPlatform = string.Format("{0}|{1}", configNameInProject, platformNameInProject);

                                var propertyActive = solutionConfigPlatform + ".ActiveCfg";
                                var propertyBuild  = solutionConfigPlatform + ".Build.0";

                                if (!projectInSolution.PlatformProperties.Contains(propertyActive))
                                    projectInSolution.PlatformProperties.Add(new PropertyItem(propertyActive, projectConfigPlatform));

                                // Only add Build and Deploy for supported configs
                                if (isPartOfBuild)
                                    projectInSolution.PlatformProperties.Add(new PropertyItem(propertyBuild, projectConfigPlatform));

                                    // If the project is an executable, mark it as deploy
                                    if (project.Type == ProjectType.Executable)
                                        var propertyDeploy = solutionConfigPlatform + ".Deploy.0";
                                        projectInSolution.PlatformProperties.Add(new PropertyItem(propertyDeploy, projectConfigPlatform));

                    // ---------------------------------------------
                    // 3. Remove unused packages from the solution
                    // ---------------------------------------------
                    for (int i = solution.Projects.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        var project = solution.Projects[i];
                        if (IsPackage(project) && !session.Packages.ContainsById(project.Guid))

            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error($"Error while saving solution [{solutionPath}]", ex);
Beispiel #5
 public abstract IEnumerable <string> Select(PackageSession packageSession, IContentIndexMap contentIndexMap);
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs the second step of package migration, after assets have been loaded.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session.</param>
 /// <param name="log">The log.</param>
 /// <param name="dependentPackage">The source package.</param>
 /// <param name="dependency">The dependency.</param>
 /// <param name="dependencyPackage">The dependency package.</param>
 /// <param name="dependencyVersionBeforeUpdate">The version before the update.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual bool UpgradeAfterAssetsLoaded(PackageSession session, ILogger log, Package dependentPackage, PackageDependency dependency, Package dependencyPackage, PackageVersionRange dependencyVersionBeforeUpdate)
Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs the package migration, before assets are loaded
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session.</param>
 /// <param name="log">The log.</param>
 /// <param name="dependentPackage">The source package.</param>
 /// <param name="dependency">The dependency.</param>
 /// <param name="dependencyPackage">The dependency package.</param>
 /// <param name="assetFiles">The asset files.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public abstract bool Upgrade(PackageSession session, ILogger log, Package dependentPackage, PackageDependency dependency, Package dependencyPackage, IList <PackageLoadingAssetFile> assetFiles);
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs a preprocessing step of package migration, before assembly references are loaded.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session.</param>
 /// <param name="log">The log.</param>
 /// <param name="dependentPackage">The source package.</param>
 /// <param name="dependency">The dependency.</param>
 /// <param name="dependencyPackage">The dependency package.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual bool UpgradeBeforeAssembliesLoaded(PackageSession session, ILogger log, Package dependentPackage, PackageDependency dependency, Package dependencyPackage)
Beispiel #9
 protected AssetTracker(PackageSession session)
     this.session = session;