public override void Add(Type designType, Type toolboxType)
            var info = new PropertyEditorInformation
                ToolboxTypeName = toolboxType.FullName,
                DesignTypeName  = designType.FullName,

        public override void Add(string designTypeName, string toolboxTypeName)
            var info = new PropertyEditorInformation
                ToolboxTypeName = toolboxTypeName,
                DesignTypeName  = designTypeName,

        private IPropertyEditorModel CreateTypeEditorModel(PropertyEditorInformation info)
            // todo:should check if the toolbox type would like to use another type editor;
            // ie in the case of a guid registered to a string and not an object
            var toolboxType = _typeFinder.Find(info.ToolboxTypeName);
            var modelType   = typeof(PropertyEditorModel <>);
            var genType     = modelType.MakeGenericType(toolboxType);
            var model       = Activator.CreateInstance(genType) as IPropertyEditorModel;
