/// <summary>
		/// Update method to implement
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="state"></param>
		/// <param name="input"></param>
		protected abstract void Update(UpdateState state, InputState input);
		/// <summary></summary>
		/// <param name="state"></param>
		/// <param name="input"></param>
		protected override sealed void Update(UpdateState state, InputState input)
			Vector2 r = input.ThumbSticks.RightStick * (rotAcceleration * rotAcceleration * 0.05f + new Vector2(1, 1));

			viewRotation += r * RotationSensitivity * 0.04f;

			float cap = v_cap;

			if (viewRotation.Y > cap)
				viewRotation.Y = cap;
			if (viewRotation.Y < -cap)
				viewRotation.Y = -cap;

			rotAcceleration += input.ThumbSticks.RightStick * (new Vector2(0.5f, 0.25f) * (1.5f - move.Length() * 0.5f)) * 1.25f;
			rotAcceleration *= 0.9f;

#if !XBOX360
			if (state.PlayerInput[PlayerIndex].ControlInput == ControlInput.KeyboardMouse)
				rotAcceleration *= 0;//no rotation acceleration for mouse

			move *= 0.75f;
			move += input.ThumbSticks.LeftStick / 4;

			if (rotAcceleration.LengthSquared() > 0 && r.LengthSquared() > 0)
				Vector2 v1 = rotAcceleration, v2 = r;
				float a = Vector2.Dot(v1, v2);
				if (a > 0)
					rotAcceleration *= a;
					rotAcceleration *= 0.25f;

			Matrix m1, rotation;

			if (zUp)
				//z is up, so rotate left/right is around z.
				Matrix.CreateRotationZ(-viewRotation.X, out rotation);
				//x is always left to right, so rotate up/down is around x
				Matrix.CreateRotationX(viewRotation.Y + MathHelper.PiOver2, out m1);
				//y is up, so rotate left/right is around y.
				Matrix.CreateRotationY(-viewRotation.X, out rotation);
				Matrix.CreateRotationX(viewRotation.Y, out m1);

			Matrix.Multiply(ref m1, ref rotation, out rotation);

			Vector3 pos = Position;
			pos -= (rotation.Forward * move.Y * MovementSensitivity.Y * -8 + rotation.Left * move.X * MovementSensitivity.X * 8);// new Vector3(move.X * -8, 0, move.Y * 8);

			Matrix.CreateTranslation(ref pos, out m1);
			Matrix.Multiply(ref rotation, ref m1, out rotation);

			CameraMatrix = rotation;