Beispiel #1
        private AsmDcl[] ExtractInputs()
            List <AsmDcl> inputs = new List <AsmDcl>();

            if (commands.Length > 0 &&
                commands[0].Target.Length == 6 &&
                //logic is quite different for ps_2_x
                //instead of dcl_texcoord0 v0
                //you get:
                //dcl t0
                //dcl v0
                //for colour

                for (int i = 0; i < this.commands.Length; i++)
                    if (this.commands[i].Target.Length == 3 &&
                        this.commands[i].Target == "dcl")
                        //if it's an output, it'll have one arg, going to a tX or vX register

                        if (this.commands[i].OpCount == 1)
                            AsmOp op = this.commands[i].GetOp(0);
                            if (op.TokenCount >= 1)
                                byte index;

                                string token = op.GetToken(0);
                                if (token.Length > 1 &&
                                    (token[0] == 'v' || token[0] == 't') &&
                                    char.IsNumber(token[1]) &&
                                    byte.TryParse(token.Substring(1), out index))
                                    if (token[0] == 'v')                                     // colour
                                        inputs.Add(new AsmDcl(VertexElementUsage.Color, index));
                                        inputs.Add(new AsmDcl(VertexElementUsage.TextureCoordinate, index));
                for (int i = 0; i < this.commands.Length; i++)
                    if (this.commands[i].Target.Length > 4 &&
                        this.commands[i].Target.Substring(0, 4) == "dcl_")
                        //it's an output, or an input..
                        //if it's an input, it'll have one arg, going to an vX register

                        if (this.commands[i].OpCount == 1)
                            AsmOp op = this.commands[i].GetOp(0);
                            if (op.TokenCount >= 1)
                                string token = op.GetToken(0);
                                if (token.Length > 1 &&
                                    token[0] == 'v' &&
                                    //it's an input!
                                    AsmDcl input;
                                    if (AsmDcl.Parse(this.commands[i].Target.Substring(4), out input))

Beispiel #2
        private AsmDcl[] ExtractOuputs()
            List <AsmDcl> dclList = new List <AsmDcl>();

            if (commands.Length > 0 &&
                commands[0].Target.Length == 6 &&
                //vs_3_0 is the odd one out here, using dcl_position0.. style declarations

                for (int i = 0; i < this.commands.Length; i++)
                    if (this.commands[i].Target.Length > 4 &&
                        this.commands[i].Target.Substring(0, 4) == "dcl_")
                        //it's an output, or an input..
                        //if it's an output, it'll have one arg, going to an oX register

                        if (this.commands[i].OpCount == 1)
                            AsmOp op = this.commands[i].GetOp(0);
                            if (op.TokenCount >= 1)
                                string token = op.GetToken(0);
                                if (token.Length > 1 &&
                                    token[0] == 'o' &&
                                    //it's an output!
                                    AsmDcl output;
                                    if (AsmDcl.Parse(this.commands[i].Target.Substring(4), out output))
                //all others just use registers with funky names.
                //oPos			- VS position out
                //oTXX			- VS tex out
                //oD0, oD1		- VS colour out
                //oCX			- PS colour out
                //oDepth		- PS depth out

                //loop through all the commands,
                for (int c = 0; c < commands.Length; c++)
                    //loop their args
                    for (int i = 0; i < commands[c].OpCount; i++)
                        AsmOp op = commands[c].GetOp(i);

                        //find any that point to the special 'o' args
                        string reg = null;

                        if (op.TokenCount > 0)
                            reg = op.GetToken(0);

                            if (reg.Length == 1 && reg[0] == '-' && op.TokenCount > 1)
                                reg = op.GetToken(1);

                            if (reg.Length > 1 &&
                                reg[0] == 'o')
                                AsmDcl?dcl = null;
                                //here we go. found an output.

                                if (reg.Length == 4 && reg == "oPos")
                                    dcl = new AsmDcl(VertexElementUsage.Position, 0);
                                if (reg.Length == 6 && reg == "oDepth")
                                    dcl = new AsmDcl(VertexElementUsage.Depth, 0);

                                if (reg.Length == 3 && (reg[1] == 'D' || reg[1] == 'C') && char.IsNumber(reg[2]))
                                    dcl = new AsmDcl(VertexElementUsage.Color, byte.Parse(reg[2].ToString()));

                                if (reg.Length == 3 && reg[1] == 'T' && char.IsNumber(reg[2]))
                                    dcl = new AsmDcl(VertexElementUsage.TextureCoordinate, byte.Parse(reg[2].ToString()));
                                if (reg.Length == 4 && reg[1] == 'T' && char.IsNumber(reg[2]) && char.IsNumber(reg[3]))
                                    dcl = new AsmDcl(VertexElementUsage.TextureCoordinate, byte.Parse(reg.Substring(2)));

                                if (dcl != null && dclList.Contains(dcl.Value) == false)
