/// <summary>
        /// Calculates distance between two locations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="System.Double"/>The distance in meters</returns>
        /// <param name="a">Location a</param>
        /// <param name="b">Location b</param>
        public static double DistanceFrom(this Position a, Position b)
            double distance = Math.Acos(
                (Math.Sin(a.Latitude) * Math.Sin(b.Latitude)) +
                (Math.Cos(a.Latitude) * Math.Cos(b.Latitude))
                * Math.Cos(b.Longitude - a.Longitude));

            return EquatorRadius * distance;
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculates bearing between start and stop.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>The <see cref="System.Double"/>.</returns>
 /// <param name="start">Start coordinates.</param>
 /// <param name="stop">Stop coordinates.</param>
 public static double BearingFrom(this Position start, Position stop)
     var deltaLon = stop.Longitude - start.Longitude;
     var cosStop = Math.Cos(stop.Latitude);
     return Math.Atan2(
         (Math.Cos(start.Latitude) * Math.Sin(stop.Latitude)) -
         (Math.Sin(start.Latitude) * cosStop * Math.Cos(deltaLon)),
         Math.Sin(deltaLon) * cosStop);
		public async void GetOpenWeatherForecast_ShouldReturnTheWeatherForecast ()
			var openWeatherMapService = new OpenWeatherMapService (new HttpClient ());

			var location = new Position {
				Latitude = 41.890969, Longitude = -87.676392 

			var resultTask = openWeatherMapService.Get7DayForecastAsync (location);
			resultTask.Wait ();

			Assert.IsNotNull (resultTask.Result);
        public Position(Position position)
            if (position == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("position");

            Timestamp = position.Timestamp;
            Latitude = position.Latitude;
            Longitude = position.Longitude;
            Altitude = position.Altitude;
            AltitudeAccuracy = position.AltitudeAccuracy;
            Accuracy = position.Accuracy;
            Heading = position.Heading;
            Speed = position.Speed;
        public void GetForecast_ShouldReturnA7DayForecast()
            //TODO supply mock instance
            var openWeatherMapService = new OpenWeatherMapService (new HttpClient ());
            var forecastService = new ForecastService (openWeatherMapService);
            var location = new Position {
                Latitude = 41.890969, Longitude = -87.676392

            var resultTask = forecastService.GetForecastAsync (location);

            resultTask.Wait ();

            Assert.IsNotNull (resultTask.Result);
            Assert.AreEqual (resultTask.Result.WeatherList.Count, 7);
Beispiel #6
		public async Task<Forecast> GetForecastAsync (Position location)
			var openGroupForecast = await _openGroupMapService.Get7DayForecastAsync (location);
			var forecast = new Forecast () {
				Location = location

			var daysClean = 0;
			var dtf = new DateTimeFormatInfo ();
			foreach (var forecastItem in openGroupForecast.Forecasts) {
				var weather = forecastItem.WeatherList.FirstOrDefault ();
				var date = new DateTime (1970, 1, 1).AddSeconds (forecastItem.Dt);
				forecast.GroupList.Add (new GroupViewTemplate {
					GroupCondition = weather.Description,
					DayAbbreviation = dtf.GetAbbreviatedDayName (date.DayOfWeek),
					EventStart = Convert.ToInt32(forecastItem.Temperature.Max) + "º",
					EventEnd = Convert.ToInt32(forecastItem.Temperature.Min) + "º",
					Icon = GetWeatherIcon (weather.Main)

			foreach (var forecastItem in openGroupForecast.Forecasts) {
				var date = new DateTime (1970, 1, 1).AddSeconds (forecastItem.Dt);
				if (date.Date.Date < DateTime.Now.Date.Date)
				var weatherForToday = forecastItem.WeatherList [0];
				forecast.BadWeatherDay = date;
				forecast.Reason = ConvertReason (weatherForToday.Main);
				forecast.ReasonDescription = weatherForToday.Description;
				if (WeatherIsBad (weatherForToday))
			forecast.ScheduledGroupsCount = daysClean;

			return forecast;
		public void OnLocationChanged (Location location)
			if (location.Provider != this.activeProvider)
				if (this.activeProvider != null && this.manager.IsProviderEnabled (this.activeProvider))
					LocationProvider pr = this.manager.GetProvider (location.Provider);
					TimeSpan lapsed = GetTimeSpan (location.Time) - GetTimeSpan (this.lastLocation.Time);

					if (pr.Accuracy > this.manager.GetProvider (this.activeProvider).Accuracy
						&& lapsed < timePeriod.Add (timePeriod))

				this.activeProvider = location.Provider;

			var previous = Interlocked.Exchange (ref this.lastLocation, location);
			if (previous != null)

			var p = new Position();
			if (location.HasAccuracy)
				p.Accuracy = location.Accuracy;
			if (location.HasAltitude)
				p.Altitude = location.Altitude;
			if (location.HasBearing)
				p.Heading = location.Bearing;
			if (location.HasSpeed)
				p.Speed = location.Speed;

			p.Longitude = location.Longitude;
			p.Latitude = location.Latitude;
			p.Timestamp = Geolocator.GetTimestamp (location);

			var changed = PositionChanged;
			if (changed != null)
				changed (this, new PositionEventArgs (p));
        public void OnLocationChanged(Android.Locations.Location location)
            Log.Debug (tag, "Location changed");
            var lat = location.Latitude;
            var lng = location.Longitude;
            var geo = new Geocoder (this);
            List<Address> getAddress = new List<Address>(geo.GetFromLocation(lat,lng,1));
            Address returnedAddress = getAddress.FirstOrDefault();
            if (returnedAddress != null) {
                System.Text.StringBuilder strReturnedAddress = new StringBuilder ();
                for (int i = 0; i < returnedAddress.MaxAddressLineIndex; i++) {
                    strReturnedAddress.Append (returnedAddress.GetAddressLine (i)).AppendLine (" ");
                loc.Text = strReturnedAddress.ToString ();
                getLoc.Text = "My Location";
                pos1 = new Xamarin.Forms.Labs.Services.Geolocation.Position()
                    Latitude = location.Latitude,
                    Longitude = location.Longitude

                //determine whether closer to los gatos or palo alto
                if (loc.Text.Contains("Palo Alto")) {
                    town = false;
                    getSpot.Enabled = true;
                } else if (loc.Text.Contains("Los Gatos")) {
                    town = true;
                    getSpot.Enabled = true;
                } else {
                    //set alert for executing the task
                    AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder (this);
                    alert.SetTitle ("Sorry, you are too far from Palo Alto or Los Gatos");
                    alert.SetNeutralButton ("OK", (senderAlert, args) => {} );
                    //run the alert in UI thread to display in the screen
                    RunOnUiThread (() => {
Beispiel #9
        public async Task <double> GetDistancia(string posUno, string posDos)
            var positionsUno = (await(new Geocoder()).GetPositionsForAddressAsync(posUno)).ToList();

            if (!positionsUno.Any())

            var positionsDos = (await(new Geocoder()).GetPositionsForAddressAsync(posDos)).ToList();

            if (!positionsDos.Any())

            var pos1 = new Xamarin.Forms.Labs.Services.Geolocation.Position()
                Latitude  = positionsUno.First().Latitude,
                Longitude = positionsUno.First().Longitude
                            //Latitude = 48.4568664,
                            //Longitude = 35.0352648

            var pos2 = new Xamarin.Forms.Labs.Services.Geolocation.Position()
                Latitude  = positionsDos.First().Latitude,
                Longitude = positionsDos.First().Longitude
                            //Latitude = 48.3837615903,
                            //Longitude = 35.0011338294

            var distance = Xamarin.Forms.Labs.Services.Geolocation.PositionExtensions.DistanceFrom(pos1, pos2);


Beispiel #10
        public async Task<double> GetDistancia(string posUno, string posDos)
            var positionsUno = (await (new Geocoder()).GetPositionsForAddressAsync(posUno)).ToList();
            if (!positionsUno.Any())
                return -1.0;

            var positionsDos = (await (new Geocoder()).GetPositionsForAddressAsync(posDos)).ToList();
            if (!positionsDos.Any())
                return -1.0;

            var pos1 = new Xamarin.Forms.Labs.Services.Geolocation.Position()
                Latitude = positionsUno.First().Latitude,
                Longitude = positionsUno.First().Longitude
                //Latitude = 48.4568664,
                //Longitude = 35.0352648

            var pos2 = new Xamarin.Forms.Labs.Services.Geolocation.Position()
                Latitude = positionsDos.First().Latitude,
                Longitude = positionsDos.First().Longitude
                //Latitude = 48.3837615903,
                //Longitude = 35.0011338294

            var distance = Xamarin.Forms.Labs.Services.Geolocation.PositionExtensions.DistanceFrom(pos1, pos2);

            return distance;

		private void Finish (Location location)
			var p = new Position();
			if (location.HasAccuracy)
				p.Accuracy = location.Accuracy;
			if (location.HasAltitude)
				p.Altitude = location.Altitude;
			if (location.HasBearing)
				p.Heading = location.Bearing;
			if (location.HasSpeed)
				p.Speed = location.Speed;

			p.Longitude = location.Longitude;
			p.Latitude = location.Latitude;
			p.Timestamp = Geolocator.GetTimestamp (location);

			if (this.finishedCallback != null)

			this.completionSource.TrySetResult (p);
Beispiel #12
		private void OnListenerPositionChanged(object sender, PositionEventArgs e)
			if (!IsListening) // ignore anything that might come in afterwards

			lock (positionSync)
				lastPosition = e.Position;

				EventHandler<PositionEventArgs> changed = PositionChanged;
				if (changed != null)
					changed(this, e);
Beispiel #13
        public PositionEventArgs(Position position)
            if (position == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("position");

            Position = position;
 public static Task<bool> DriveTo(this IDevice device, Position position)
     return device.LaunchUriAsync(position.DriveToLink());
        protected void SensorData(double rad, Position pos, int count, Dictionary<string, string> sensorInfo, Dictionary<string, string> sensorCoord, bool city)
            string place = (!city) ? "pa" : "lg";
            string zone = "1";
            var request1 = HttpWebRequest.Create (string.Format (@"http://api.landscape-computing.com/nboxws/rest/v1/site/" + place + "/query/summary/?key=" + api_KEY));
            request1.ContentType = "application/json";
            request1.Method = "GET";

            using (HttpWebResponse response1 = request1.GetResponse () as HttpWebResponse) {
                if (response1.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    Log.Debug (tag, "Error fetching data. Server returned status code: {0}", response1.StatusCode);
                using (StreamReader reader1 = new StreamReader (response1.GetResponseStream ())) {
                    var content1 = reader1.ReadToEnd ();
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (content1)) {
                        Log.Debug (tag, "Response contained empty body...");
                    } else {
                        var occ = content1.Split('|');
                        for (int i = 0; i < occ.Length; i++) {
                            var sensorId = occ[i].Split(':')[0];
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sensorId)) {
                                var occupied = Char.ToString(occ[i].Split(':')[1][1]);
                                if (occupied == "0") {
                                sensorInfo.Add(sensorId, occupied);
                            } else	{
            var request = HttpWebRequest.Create (string.Format (@"http://api.landscape-computing.com/nboxws/rest/v1/zone/" + place + "_" + zone + "/?key=" + api_KEY));
            request.ContentType = "application/json";
            request.Method = "GET";

            using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse () as HttpWebResponse) {
                if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    Log.Debug (tag, "Error getting data. Server returned status code: {0}", response.StatusCode);
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (response.GetResponseStream ())) {
                    string content = reader.ReadToEnd ();
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (content)) {
                        Log.Debug (tag, "Response contained empty body...");
                    } else {
                        var test = content.Split(new string[] { "sensorId" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                        for (int i = 1; i < test.Length - 1; i++) {
                            string temp = test[i];
                            if (temp.Contains("guid")) {
                                int sFrom = temp.IndexOf("<guid>") + "<guid>".Length;
                                int sTo = temp.LastIndexOf("</guid>");
                                string senseId = temp.Substring(sFrom, sTo - sFrom);
                                int gFrom = temp.IndexOf("<gpsCoord>") + "<gpsCoord>".Length;
                                int gTo = temp.IndexOf("</gpsCoord>");
                                string coordinates = temp.Substring (gFrom, gTo - gFrom);
                                sensorCoord.Add (senseId, coordinates);

            Dictionary<string, List<double>> dict = new Dictionary<string, List<double>>();
            foreach (var sensor in sensorCoord) {
                if (sensorInfo.ContainsKey (sensor.Key)) {
                    List<double> vals = new List<double>();
                    double occ = Double.Parse(sensorInfo [sensor.Key]);
                    if (occ == 0) {
                        string latSt = sensor.Value.Split (',') [0];
                        string lngSt = sensor.Value.Split (',') [1];
                        double lat = 0;
                        double lng = 0;
                        Double.TryParse (latSt, out lat);
                        Double.TryParse (lngSt, out lng);
                        float[] distance = new float[1];
                        Location.DistanceBetween(pos.Latitude, pos.Longitude, lat, lng, distance);
                        double dist = System.Convert.ToDouble(distance[0]) / 1609.344;
                        if (dist <= rad) {
                            Log.Debug (tag, "{0}", dist);
                            vals.Add (occ);
                            vals.Add (lat);
                            vals.Add (lng);
                            dict.Add (sensor.Key, vals);
                        } else
                            Log.Debug (tag, "Not {0}", dist);
                    } else
                } else
                    Log.Debug (tag, "what");

            foreach (var sensor in dict) {
                Log.Debug (tag, "{0}, {1}", sensor.Key, sensor.Value [0]);
                /*foreach (var value in sensor.Value) {
                    Log.Debug (tag, "{0}: {1}", sensor.Key, value);

            getSpot.Text = "Refresh";
            total.Text = sensorInfo.Count().ToString();
            open.Text = dict.Count.ToString();
Beispiel #16
		private void UpdatePosition (CLLocation location)
			Position p = (this.position == null) ? new Position () : new Position (this.position);

			if (location.HorizontalAccuracy > -1)
				p.Accuracy = location.HorizontalAccuracy;
				p.Latitude = location.Coordinate.Latitude;
				p.Longitude = location.Coordinate.Longitude;

			if (location.VerticalAccuracy > -1)
				p.Altitude = location.Altitude;
				p.AltitudeAccuracy = location.VerticalAccuracy;

			if (location.Speed > -1)
				p.Speed = location.Speed;

			p.Timestamp = new DateTimeOffset (location.Timestamp);

			this.position = p;

			OnPositionChanged (new PositionEventArgs (p));

Beispiel #17
		private void OnUpdatedHeading (object sender, CLHeadingUpdatedEventArgs e)
			if (e.NewHeading.TrueHeading == -1)

			Position p = (this.position == null) ? new Position () : new Position (this.position);

			p.Heading = e.NewHeading.TrueHeading;

			this.position = p;

			OnPositionChanged (new PositionEventArgs (p));