Beispiel #1
        public List <Models.DbModels.tb_token> GetByPage(XXF.Db.DbConn PubConn, int pno, int pagesize, string keywords, DbModels.TokenType tokentype, out int totalcount)
            List <DbModels.tb_token> tokenlist = new List <DbModels.tb_token>();
            string basesql = "select {0} from " + tokentype.ToString() + " ";
            string whercon = "";

            XXF.Db.SimpleProcedureParameter para = new SimpleProcedureParameter();
            string querysql = string.Format(basesql, "ROW_NUMBER() over (order by createtime desc) as rownum, token,userid,id,username,appid,createtime,expires");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords))
                para.Add("@keywords", keywords);
                whercon = " where token=@keywords or userid like '%' + @keywords + '%' or username  like '%' + @keywords + '%' or appid  like '%' + @keywords + '%' ";

            querysql = string.Concat("select A.* from (", querysql, whercon, ") A ", " where A.rownum between ", (pno - 1) * pagesize + 1, " and ", pagesize * pno);
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, querysql, para.ToParameters());
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
            totalcount = (int)PubConn.ExecuteScalar(string.Format(basesql, " count(*) ") + whercon, para.ToParameters());
 public virtual List<tb_shuntruleconn_config_model> Get(DbConn PubConn,DateTime lastUpdateTime)
     return XXF.ProjectTool.SqlHelper.Visit(ps =>
         List<ProcedureParameter> Par = new List<ProcedureParameter>();
         StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
         if (lastUpdateTime == default(DateTime))
             stringSql.Append(@"select s.* from tb_distribution_rule_config s");
             stringSql.Append(@"select s.* from tb_distribution_rule_config s where s.f_last_update_time>=@lastTime");
             ps.Add("lastTime", lastUpdateTime);
       //      int rev = PubConn.ExecuteSql(stringSql.ToString(), ps.ToParameters());
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), ps.ToParameters());
         var rs = new List<tb_shuntruleconn_config_model>();
         if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0)
             foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                 var r = CreateModel(dr);
         return rs;
Beispiel #3
        public List <DbModels.certcenterlog> GetPage(XXF.Db.DbConn PubConn, int pno, int pagesize, string keywords, out int totalcount)
            string basesql  = "select {0} from certcenterlog ";
            string querysql = string.Format(basesql, " ROW_NUMBER() over (order by reqtime desc ) as rownum,id,url,reqdata,userid,username,reqtime,ip,opecontent");

            XXF.Db.SimpleProcedureParameter para = new SimpleProcedureParameter();
            string wherecon = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords))
                wherecon = " where userid like '%' +@keywords+'%' or username  like '%' +@keywords+'%' or url  like '%' +@keywords+'%'  or ip  like '%' +@keywords+'%' ";
                para.Add("@keywords", keywords);
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            querysql = string.Concat("select A.* from (", querysql, wherecon, ") A", " where A.rownum between ", (pno - 1) * pagesize + 1, " and ", pagesize * pno);

            PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, querysql, para.ToParameters());
            List <DbModels.certcenterlog> listlog = new List <DbModels.certcenterlog>();

            foreach (DataRow a in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
            totalcount = (int)PubConn.ExecuteScalar(string.Format(basesql, " count(*) ") + wherecon, para.ToParameters());
 public tb_tempdata_model GetByTaskID(DbConn PubConn, int taskid)
     return SqlHelper.Visit(ps =>
         ps.Add("taskid", taskid);
         string sql = "select * from tb_tempdata where taskid=@taskid";
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, sql, ps.ToParameters());
         tb_tempdata_model model = CreateModel(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
         return model;
        public virtual tb_node_model Get(DbConn PubConn, int id)
            List<ProcedureParameter> Par = new List<ProcedureParameter>();
            Par.Add(new ProcedureParameter("@id", id));
            StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
            stringSql.Append(@"select s.* from tb_node s where");
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), Par);
            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
				return CreateModel(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
            return null;
Beispiel #6
 public virtual string Get2(DbConn PubConn, string key)
     List<ProcedureParameter> Par = new List<ProcedureParameter>();
     Par.Add(new ProcedureParameter("@key", key));
     StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
     stringSql.Append(@"select value from tb_config s WITH(NOLOCK) where s.[key]=@key");
     DataSet ds = new DataSet();
     PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), Par);
     if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
         return Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
     return null;
Beispiel #7
 public virtual tb_consumer_model GetByTempId(DbConn PubConn, long tempid)
     List<ProcedureParameter> Par = new List<ProcedureParameter>();
     Par.Add(new ProcedureParameter("@tempid", tempid));
     StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
     stringSql.Append(@"select s.* from tb_consumer s  WITH(NOLOCK)  where s.tempid=@tempid");
     DataSet ds = new DataSet();
     PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), Par);
     if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
         return CreateModel(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
     return null;
Beispiel #8
 public virtual tb_mqpath_model GetByPartitionID(DbConn PubConn, int partitionid)
     List<ProcedureParameter> Par = new List<ProcedureParameter>();
     Par.Add(new ProcedureParameter("@partitionid", partitionid));
     StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
     stringSql.Append(@"select m.* from tb_mqpath_partition s,tb_mqpath m WITH(NOLOCK) where s.partitionid=@partitionid and");
     DataSet ds = new DataSet();
     PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), Par);
     if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
         return CreateModel(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
     return null;
Beispiel #9
        public List <DbModels.api> GetGradeApis(XXF.Db.DbConn PubConn, int apptype, int appgradeno)
            string  sql = "SELECT  apiid,apptype,appgradeno,categoryid,apiname,apititle,area,controller,action,para,apidesc,freeze  FROM api where apptype=" + apptype + " and appgradeno=" + appgradeno;
            DataSet ds  = new DataSet();

            PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, sql, null);
            List <DbModels.api> list = new List <DbModels.api>();

            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
Beispiel #10
 public virtual List<tb_config_model> List(DbConn PubConn)
     List<ProcedureParameter> Par = new List<ProcedureParameter>();
     StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
     stringSql.Append(@"select s.* from tb_config s WITH(NOLOCK)");
     DataSet ds = new DataSet();
     PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), Par);
     List<tb_config_model> rs = new List<tb_config_model>();
     if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
         foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
     return rs;
 public int GetMaxCommandID(DbConn PubConn)
     return SqlHelper.Visit(ps =>
         StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
         stringSql.Append(@"select max(id) from tb_command s ");
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), ps.ToParameters());
         if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
           return Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
         return 0;
Beispiel #12
 public virtual tb_consumer_client_model GetByClient(DbConn PubConn, string client)
     return SqlHelper.Visit((ps) =>
         ps.Add("@client", client);
         StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
         stringSql.Append(@"select top 1 s.* from tb_consumer_client s WITH(NOLOCK) where s.client=@client");
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), ps.ToParameters());
         if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
             return CreateModel(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
         return null;
Beispiel #13
 public virtual tb_mqpath_model Get(DbConn PubConn, string mqpath)
     return SqlHelper.Visit((ps) => {
         List<ProcedureParameter> Par = new List<ProcedureParameter>();
         Par.Add(new ProcedureParameter("@mqpath", mqpath));
         StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
         stringSql.Append(@"select s.* from tb_mqpath s WITH(NOLOCK) where s.mqpath=@mqpath");
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), Par);
         if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
             return CreateModel(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
         return null;
 public virtual string GetTempData(DbConn PubConn, int taskid)
     return SqlHelper.Visit(ps =>
         StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
         stringSql.Append(@"select s.* from tb_tempdata s where s.taskid=@taskid");
         ps.Add("taskid", taskid);
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), ps.ToParameters());
         if (ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
             return Convert.ToString( ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["tempdatajson"]);
         return null;
Beispiel #15
        public CertCenter.Models.DbModels.tb_token GetToken(XXF.Db.DbConn PubConn, string userid, string appid, CertCenter.Models.DbModels.TokenType tokentype)
            string sql = " select token,userid,id,username,appid,createtime,expires from " + tokentype.ToString() + " where userid=@userid and appid=@appid";
            List <ProcedureParameter> Par = new List <ProcedureParameter>();

            Par.Add(new ProcedureParameter("@userid", userid));
            Par.Add(new ProcedureParameter("@appid", appid));
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, sql, Par);

            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 1)
 public virtual tb_version_model GetCurrentVersion(DbConn PubConn, int taskid,int version)
     return SqlHelper.Visit(ps =>
         ps.Add("@taskid", taskid);
         ps.Add("@version", version);
         StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
         stringSql.Append(@"select s.* from tb_version s where s.taskid=@taskid and s.version=@version");
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), ps.ToParameters());
         if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count>0)
             return CreateModel(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
         return null;
 public tb_user_model GetUserName(DbConn PubConn, string userstaffno)
     return SqlHelper.Visit(ps =>
         ps.Add("userstaffno", userstaffno);
         string sql = "select id,username,userrole from tb_user where userstaffno=@userstaffno";
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, sql, ps.ToParameters());
         if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
             tb_user_model m = CreateModel(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
             return m;
             return null;
 public List<tb_version_model> GetTaskVersion(DbConn PubConn, int taskid)
     return SqlHelper.Visit(ps =>
         ps.Add("@taskid", taskid);
         string sql = "select version,zipfilename from tb_version where taskid=@taskid";
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, sql, ps.ToParameters());
         List<tb_version_model> model = new List<tb_version_model>();
         foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
             tb_version_model m = CreateModel(dr);
         return model;
Beispiel #19
 public virtual tb_datanode_model Get2(DbConn PubConn, int datanodepartition)
     return SqlHelper.Visit((ps) =>
         List<ProcedureParameter> Par = new List<ProcedureParameter>();
         Par.Add(new ProcedureParameter("@datanodepartition", datanodepartition));
         StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
         stringSql.Append(@"select s.* from tb_datanode s WITH(NOLOCK) where s.datanodepartition=@datanodepartition");
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), Par);
         if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
             return CreateModel(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
         return null;
Beispiel #20
 public bool CheckMaxPartitionIndexOfMqPathIsRunning(DbConn PubConn, int mqpathid)
     List<ProcedureParameter> Par = new List<ProcedureParameter>();
     Par.Add(new ProcedureParameter("@mqpathid", mqpathid));
     Par.Add(new ProcedureParameter("@state", (int)XXF.BaseService.MessageQuque.BusinessMQ.SystemRuntime.EnumMqPathPartitionState.Running));
     StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
     stringSql.Append(@"select top 1 id from tb_mqpath_partition s WITH(NOLOCK)  where s.mqpathid=@mqpathid and partitionindex = (select max(partitionindex) from tb_mqpath_partition s WITH(NOLOCK)  where s.mqpathid=@mqpathid) and state=@state");
     DataSet ds = new DataSet();
     PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), Par);
     if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
         if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] is DBNull)
             return false;
         return true;
     return true;
Beispiel #21
        public static string GetConnStr(CertCenter.Models.DbModels.TokenType tokentype, string userid = "")
            string constr = "";

            switch (tokentype)
            case CertCenter.Models.DbModels.TokenType.usertoken:
                constr = XXF.Db.DbConfig.GetConfig("dydDbConn");

            case CertCenter.Models.DbModels.TokenType.shoptoken:
                using (XXF.Db.DbConn PubConn = XXF.Db.DbConfig.CreateConn(XXF.Db.DbType.SQLSERVER, XXF.Db.DbConfig.GetConfig("dydDbConn")))
                    string sql = "select f_shzh,f_shdqbm,f_shsj from tb_shop_area where f_shzh=@userid or f_shsj=@userid";
                    XXF.Db.SimpleProcedureParameter para = new SimpleProcedureParameter();
                    para.Add("@userid", userid);
                    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                    PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, sql, para.ToParameters());

                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
                    string dqbm = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["f_shdqbm"].ToString();
                    string t    = XXF.Db.DbConfig.GetConfig("ShopAreaConnectString");
                    throw new Exception("no show");
                    // constr = XXF.Db.DbAreaRule.ShopAreaPartitionRule(t, Convert.ToInt32(dqbm));

            case CertCenter.Models.DbModels.TokenType.managetoken:
                constr = XXF.Db.DbConfig.GetConfig("CrmDbConn");

            if (constr == "")
                throw new Exception("车有问题。");
 public List<tb_performanceinfo_model> GetAllWithTask(DbConn PubConn, string nodeid, string taskid, string orderby, DateTime? lastupdatetime)
     return SqlHelper.Visit(ps =>
         StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
         stringSql.Append(@"select p.*,n.nodename,t.taskname from tb_performance p,tb_node n,tb_task t where and ");
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeid))
             stringSql.Append(@" and p.nodeid=@nodeid ");
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(taskid))
             stringSql.Append(@" and taskid=@taskid ");
             ps.Add("@taskid", taskid);
         if (lastupdatetime!=null)
             stringSql.Append(@" and lastupdatetime>@lastupdatetime ");
             ps.Add("@lastupdatetime", lastupdatetime);
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby))
             stringSql.Append(@" order by  " + orderby);
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), ps.ToParameters());
         List<tb_performanceinfo_model> rs = new List<tb_performanceinfo_model>();
         if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
             foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                 tb_performanceinfo_model m = new tb_performanceinfo_model();
                 m.model = CreateModel(dr);
                 m.nodename = Convert.ToString(dr["nodename"]);
                 m.taskname = Convert.ToString(dr["taskname"]);
         return rs;
 public List<tb_user_model> GetAllUsers(DbConn PubConn)
     return SqlHelper.Visit(ps =>
         StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
         stringSql.Append(@"select * from tb_user s order by id desc");
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), ps.ToParameters());
         List<tb_user_model> rs = new List<tb_user_model>();
         if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
             foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
         return rs;
Beispiel #24
 public virtual List<tb_datanode_model> List(DbConn PubConn, List<int> datanodepartitions)
     return SqlHelper.Visit((ps) =>
         List<tb_datanode_model> rs = new List<tb_datanode_model>();
         if (datanodepartitions.Count > 0)
             List<ProcedureParameter> Par = new List<ProcedureParameter>();
             StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
             stringSql.Append(string.Format(@"select s.* from tb_datanode s WITH(NOLOCK) where datanodepartition in ({0})", SqlHelper.CmdIn<int>(Par, datanodepartitions)));
             DataSet ds = new DataSet();
             PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), Par);
             if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                 foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
         return rs;
Beispiel #25
 public virtual DateTime? GetLastUpdateTimeOfMqPath(DbConn PubConn, string mqpath)
     return SqlHelper.Visit<DateTime?>((ps) =>
         List<ProcedureParameter> Par = new List<ProcedureParameter>();
         Par.Add(new ProcedureParameter("@mqpath", mqpath));
         StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
         stringSql.Append(@"select lastupdatetime from tb_mqpath s WITH(NOLOCK) where s.mqpath=@mqpath");
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), Par);
         if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
             var o = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["lastupdatetime"];
             if (Convert.IsDBNull(o))
                 return null;
                 return Convert.ToDateTime(o);
         return null;
 public List<tb_command_model> GetNodeCommands(DbConn PubConn, int nodeid, int lastmaxid)
     return SqlHelper.Visit(ps =>
         ps.Add("@nodeid", nodeid);
         ps.Add("@id", lastmaxid);
         StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
         stringSql.Append(@"select s.* from tb_command s where (s.nodeid=@nodeid or s.nodeid=0) and>@id order by id asc");
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), ps.ToParameters());
         List<tb_command_model> rs = new List<tb_command_model>();
         if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
             foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
         return rs;
 public List<tb_category_model> GetList(DbConn PubConn,string keyword)
     return SqlHelper.Visit(ps =>
         string sql = "select id,categoryname,categorycreatetime from tb_category ";
         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keyword))
             ps.Add("keyword", keyword);
             sql += "where categoryname like '%'+@keyword+'%'";
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, sql, ps.ToParameters());
         List<tb_category_model> Model = new List<tb_category_model>();
         foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
             tb_category_model m = CreateModel(dr);
         return Model;
        public List<int> GetTaskIDsByState(DbConn PubConn, int taskstate,int nodeid)
            return SqlHelper.Visit(ps =>
                ps.Add("@taskstate", taskstate);
                ps.Add("@nodeid", nodeid);
                StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
                stringSql.Append(@"select id from tb_task s where s.taskstate=@taskstate and s.nodeid=@nodeid");
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), ps.ToParameters());
                List<int> rs = new List<int>();
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                return rs;

        public List<tb_task_model> GetLongRunningTaskIDs(DbConn PubConn, int maxrunningtimeseconds)
            return SqlHelper.Visit(ps =>
                ps.Add("@maxrunningtime", DateTime.Parse("1900-01-01").AddSeconds((int)maxrunningtimeseconds));
                ps.Add("@taskstate", (int)EnumTaskState.Running);
                StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
                stringSql.Append(@"select * from tb_task s where (s.tasklastendtime-s.tasklaststarttime)>@maxrunningtime and taskstate=@taskstate");
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), ps.ToParameters());
                List<tb_task_model> rs = new List<tb_task_model>();
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                return rs;

 public List<tb_node_model> GetList(DbConn PubConn, string keyword, string cstime, string cetime, int pagesize, int pageindex, out int count)
     int _count = 0;
     List<tb_node_model> Model = new List<tb_node_model>();
     DataSet dsList = SqlHelper.Visit<DataSet>(ps =>
         string sqlwhere = "";
         string sql = "select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by id desc) as rownum,id,nodename,nodecreatetime,nodeip,nodelastupdatetime,ifcheckstate from tb_node where 1=1 ";
         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keyword))
             ps.Add("keyword", keyword);
             sqlwhere = " and (nodename like '%'+@keyword+'%' or nodeip like '%'+@keyword+'%') ";
         DateTime d = DateTime.Now;
         if (DateTime.TryParse(cstime, out d))
             ps.Add("CStime", Convert.ToDateTime(cstime));
             sqlwhere += " and nodecreatetime>=@CStime";
         if (DateTime.TryParse(cetime, out d))
             ps.Add("CEtime", Convert.ToDateTime(cetime));
             sqlwhere += " and nodecreatetime<=@CEtime";
         _count = Convert.ToInt32(PubConn.ExecuteScalar("select count(1) from tb_node where 1=1 " + sqlwhere, ps.ToParameters()));
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         string sqlSel = "select * from (" + sql + sqlwhere + ") A where rownum between " + ((pageindex - 1) * pagesize + 1) + " and " + pagesize * pageindex;
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, sqlSel, ps.ToParameters());
         return ds;
     foreach (DataRow dr in dsList.Tables[0].Rows)
         tb_node_model n = CreateModel(dr);
     count = _count;
     return Model;
 public List<tb_senderror_model> GetErrors(DbConn PubConn, int lastlogid)
     return SqlHelper.Visit(ps =>
         ps.Add("@lastlogid", lastlogid);
         StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
         stringSql.Append(@"select top 100 s.*,t.taskcreateuserid,t.taskname from tb_error s,tb_task t where>@lastlogid and order by desc");
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), ps.ToParameters());
         List<tb_senderror_model> rs = new List<tb_senderror_model>();
         if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
             foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                 tb_senderror_model model = new tb_senderror_model();
                 model.error_model = CreateModel(dr);
                 model.taskcreateuserid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["taskcreateuserid"]);
                 model.taskname = Convert.ToString(dr["taskname"]);
         return rs;
Beispiel #32
        public Models.DbModels.api Get(DbConn PubConn, string apiname, int apptype)
            XXF.Db.SimpleProcedureParameter para = new SimpleProcedureParameter();
            para.Add("area", apiname ?? "");

            para.Add("@apptype", apptype);
            StringBuilder stringSql = new StringBuilder();
            stringSql.Append(@"select s.* from api s where s.appname=@appname and s.apptype=@apptype");
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, stringSql.ToString(), para.ToParameters());
            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                return CreateModel(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
            return null;
 public List<tb_loginfo_model> GetList(DbConn PubConn, string keyword, int id, string cstime, string cetime, int logtype, int taskid, int nodeid, int pagesize, int pageindex, out int count)
     List<tb_loginfo_model> model = new List<tb_loginfo_model>();
     int _count = 0;
     DataSet dsList = SqlHelper.Visit<DataSet>(ps =>
         string sqlwhere = "";
         string sql = "select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by desc) as rownum,E.*,ISNULL(T.taskcreateuserid,0) taskcreateuserid, u.username as taskusername,T.taskname,n.nodename as tasknodename from tb_log E left join tb_task T on left join tb_user u on left join tb_node n on where 1=1 ";
         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keyword))
             ps.Add("keyword", keyword);
             sqlwhere = " and msg like '%'+@keyword+'%' ";
         if (taskid != -1)
             ps.Add("taskid", taskid);
             sqlwhere = " and E.taskid=@taskid";
         if (nodeid != -1)
             ps.Add("nodeid", nodeid);
             sqlwhere = " and E.nodeid=@nodeid";
         if (id != -1)
             ps.Add("id", id);
             sqlwhere = " and";
         DateTime d = DateTime.Now;
         if (DateTime.TryParse(cstime, out d))
             ps.Add("CStime", Convert.ToDateTime(cstime));
             sqlwhere += " and E.logcreatetime>=@CStime";
         if (DateTime.TryParse(cetime, out d))
             ps.Add("CEtime", Convert.ToDateTime(cetime));
             sqlwhere += " and E.logcreatetime<=@CEtime";
         if (logtype != -1)
             ps.Add("logtype", logtype);
             sqlwhere += " and E.logtype=@logtype";
         _count = Convert.ToInt32(PubConn.ExecuteScalar("select count(1) from tb_log E where 1=1 " + sqlwhere, ps.ToParameters()));
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         string sqlSel = "select * from (" + sql + sqlwhere + ") A where rownum between " + ((pageindex - 1) * pagesize + 1) + " and " + pagesize * pageindex;
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, sqlSel, ps.ToParameters());
         return ds;
     foreach (DataRow dr in dsList.Tables[0].Rows)
         tb_loginfo_model m = new tb_loginfo_model();
         m.log_model = CreateModel(dr);
         m.taskusername = Convert.ToString(dr["taskusername"]);
         m.taskname = Convert.ToString(dr["taskname"]);
     count = _count;
     return model;
 public List<tb_command_model_Ex> GetList(DbConn PubConn, int commandstate, int taskid, int nodeid, int pagesize, int pageindex, out int count)
     int _count = 0;
     List<tb_command_model_Ex> Model = new List<tb_command_model_Ex>();
     DataSet dsList = SqlHelper.Visit<DataSet>(ps =>
         string sqlwhere = "";
         string sql = "select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by desc) as rownum,C.*,T.taskname,n.nodename from tb_command C LEFT JOIN tb_task T on left join tb_node n on where 1=1 ";
         if (taskid!=-1)
             ps.Add("taskid", taskid);
             sqlwhere = " and C.taskid=@taskid ";
         if (nodeid != -1)
             ps.Add("nodeid", nodeid);
             sqlwhere = " and C.nodeid=@nodeid ";
         if (commandstate != -1)
             ps.Add("commandstate", commandstate);
             sqlwhere = " and C.commandstate=@commandstate ";
         _count = Convert.ToInt32(PubConn.ExecuteScalar("select count(1) from tb_command C where 1=1 " + sqlwhere, ps.ToParameters()));
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         string sqlSel = "select * from (" + sql + sqlwhere + ") A where rownum between " + ((pageindex - 1) * pagesize + 1) + " and " + pagesize * pageindex;
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, sqlSel, ps.ToParameters());
         return ds;
     foreach (DataRow dr in dsList.Tables[0].Rows)
         tb_command_model_Ex n = CreateModelEX(dr);
     count = _count;
     return Model;
 public tb_command_model_Ex GetOneCommand(DbConn PubConn, int id)
     return SqlHelper.Visit(ps =>
         ps.Add("id", id);
         string sql = "select C.*,T.taskname from tb_command C LEFT JOIN tb_task T on where";
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         PubConn.SqlToDataSet(ds, sql, ps.ToParameters());
         tb_command_model_Ex model = CreateModelEX(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
         return model;