internal static SqliteCommand GetSqliteCommand <T>(DbContext context, IList <T> entities, TableInfo tableInfo, SqliteConnection connection, SqliteTransaction transaction)
            SqliteCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();

            command.Transaction = transaction;

            OperationType operationType = tableInfo.BulkConfig.OperationType;

            if (operationType == OperationType.Insert)
                command.CommandText = SqlQueryBuilderSqlite.InsertIntoTable(tableInfo, OperationType.Insert);
            else if (operationType == OperationType.InsertOrUpdate)
                command.CommandText = SqlQueryBuilderSqlite.InsertIntoTable(tableInfo, OperationType.InsertOrUpdate);
            else if (operationType == OperationType.InsertOrUpdateDelete)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Sqlite supports only UPSERT(analog for MERGE WHEN MATCHED) but does not have functionality to do: 'WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE THEN DELETE'" +
                                                "What can be done is to read all Data, find rows that are not is input List, then with those do the BulkDelete.");
            else if (operationType == OperationType.Update)
                command.CommandText = SqlQueryBuilderSqlite.UpdateSetTable(tableInfo);
            else if (operationType == OperationType.Delete)
                command.CommandText = SqlQueryBuilderSqlite.DeleteFromTable(tableInfo);

            var type                 = tableInfo.HasAbstractList ? entities[0].GetType() : typeof(T);
            var entityType           = context.Model.FindEntityType(type);
            var entityPropertiesDict = entityType.GetProperties().Where(a => tableInfo.PropertyColumnNamesDict.ContainsKey(a.Name)).ToDictionary(a => a.Name, a => a);
            var properties           = type.GetProperties();

            foreach (var property in properties)
                if (entityPropertiesDict.ContainsKey(property.Name))
                    var    propertyEntityType = entityPropertiesDict[property.Name];
                    string columnName         = propertyEntityType.GetColumnName();
                    var    propertyType       = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(property.PropertyType) ?? property.PropertyType;

                    /*var sqliteType = SqliteType.Text; // "String" || "Decimal" || "DateTime"
                     * if (propertyType.Name == "Int16" || propertyType.Name == "Int32" || propertyType.Name == "Int64")
                     *  sqliteType = SqliteType.Integer;
                     * if (propertyType.Name == "Float" || propertyType.Name == "Double")
                     *  sqliteType = SqliteType.Real;
                     * if (propertyType.Name == "Guid" )
                     *  sqliteType = SqliteType.Blob; */

                    var parameter = new SqliteParameter($"@{columnName}", propertyType); // ,sqliteType // ,null

            var shadowProperties = tableInfo.ShadowProperties;

            foreach (var shadowProperty in shadowProperties)
                var parameter = new SqliteParameter($"@{shadowProperty}", typeof(string));

            command.Prepare(); // Not Required (check if same efficiency when removed)