public void SetData(ModelImportStatus _mos)
            mos = _mos;
            string message = "";
            ObservableCollection<ErrorMessages> messageList = new ObservableCollection<ErrorMessages>();
            GenerateMessages(out message, out messageList, true);
            foreach(ErrorMessages em in messageList){

            DataGridMessageList.ItemsSource = messageList;

            MessageText.Text = message;

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Carry out the block model import
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SelectedBMFile"></param>
        /// <param name="SelectedFormatBMFile"></param>
        /// <param name="importMap"></param>
        /// <param name="blockRawFileReader"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal bool DoBMImport(string SelectedBMFile, string SelectedFormatBMFile, ImportDataMap importMap, RawFileReader blockRawFileReader, string XODBProjectID, string modelAlias)
            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
            int cxColumnID = importMap.GetColumnIDMappedTo("CentroidX");
            int cyColumnID = importMap.GetColumnIDMappedTo("CentroidY");
            int czColumnID = importMap.GetColumnIDMappedTo("CentroidZ");
            ColumnStats xOrigin = blockRawFileReader.GetDimensions(cxColumnID);
            ColumnStats yOrigin = blockRawFileReader.GetDimensions(cyColumnID);
            ColumnStats zOrigin = blockRawFileReader.GetDimensions(czColumnID);

            int approxNumLines = xOrigin.count;

            Stream bmFileStream = new FileStream(SelectedBMFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
           // Stream bmFileStream = new FileStream(SelectedBMFile, FileMode.Open);
            ModelImportStatus mos = new ModelImportStatus();
            Guid newModelGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
            Guid authorGuid = new Guid();
            List<string> status = bit.PerformBMImport(mos, newModelGuid, bmFileStream, null, importMap, xOrigin.min, yOrigin.min, zOrigin.min, backgroundWorker, approxNumLines, XODBProjectID, modelAlias, authorGuid, ConnectionString);
            return true;
Beispiel #3
 private void bw_DoCoalQualityImportWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
     ImportDataMap importMap = (ImportDataMap)e.Argument;
     ModelImportStatus status = commandDirector.DoCoalQualityImport(SelectedFile, SelectedFormatFile, importMap, blockRawFileReader,
         XODBProjectID, doDuplicateCheck, doImportOverwrite);
     lastestImportUpdateStatus = status;
Beispiel #4
 private void bw_DoSurveyImportWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
     ImportDataMap importMap = (ImportDataMap)e.Argument;
     ModelImportStatus status = commandDirector.DoSurveyImport(SelectedFile, SelectedFormatFile, importMap, blockRawFileReader, XODBProjectID, doImportOverwrite, this.doDuplicateCheck);
     lastestImportUpdateStatus = status;
     workerSurveyDataImport.ReportProgress((int)0, "");
Beispiel #5
        public void ResetUI(){
            blockRawFileReader = new RawFileReader();
            ModelColumnDefinitions columnDefs = new ModelColumnDefinitions();
            lastestImportUpdateStatus = null;
            SelectedFormatFile = "";
            LabelLoadedFile.Content = "no file loaded";
            //currentDBFieldsMetaInfo = new List<ColumnMetaInfo>();
            this.SelectedImportType = -1;

Beispiel #6
        private void CollarImportExecuted(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
            if (ComboBoxProjectList.SelectedValue == null) {
                ComboBoxProjectList.BorderBrush = Brushes.Red;
                MessageBox.Show("You must select a project before importing");
            Guid XODBProjectID = (Guid)ComboBoxProjectList.SelectedValue;
            bool overwrite = (bool)checkBoxOverwrite.IsChecked;
            ImportDataMap importMap = MapConfigTable.GetImportDataMap(MapConfigTable.collarPrimaryTableName);
            // add into map details of which columns are foreign keys
            if (collarDBFields != null)

            // get the selected project ID

            ModelImportStatus status = commandDirector.DoCollarImport(SelectedFile, SelectedFormatFile, importMap, blockRawFileReader, XODBProjectID, overwrite);
            lastestImportUpdateStatus = status;
            //if(status.finalErrorCode != ModelImportStatus.OK){
            //    string ss = status.GenerateStringMessage(true);
            //    lastestImportUpdateStatus.SaveReportData();
            //    if (status.finalErrorCode == ModelImportStatus.DATA_CONSISTENCY_ERROR)
            //    {
            //        string headline = "Import complete.  " + status.linesReadFromSource + " data lines read, " + status.recordsAdded + " new records added \n" + status.recordsUpdated + " existing records updated.";
            //        MessageBox.Show("Warnings issued during import.\n\n" + headline + ".\n\n" + ss);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        MessageBox.Show("Import failed.  " + ss);
            //    }

            //    MessageBox.Show("Import complete.  "+status.linesReadFromSource+" data lines read, "+status.recordsAdded+" new records added \n"+status.recordsUpdated+" existing records updated.");
            if (lastestImportUpdateStatus != null)
                ImportStatusWindow ii = new ImportStatusWindow();

            //workerBMDataImport = new BackgroundWorker();
            //workerBMDataImport.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            //workerBMDataImport.WorkerSupportsCancellation = false;
            //workerBMDataImport.DoWork += bw_DoCollarImportWork;
            //// Method to call when Progress has changed
            //workerBMDataImport.ProgressChanged += bw_BMImportProgressChanged;
            //// Method to run after BackgroundWorker has completed?
            //workerBMDataImport.RunWorkerCompleted += bw_BMImportRunWorkerCompleted;
            e.Handled = true;

Beispiel #7
 private void bw_DoLASBatchImportWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
     string[] ss = (string[])e.Argument;
     ModelImportStatus status = commandDirector.BatchImportLasFiles(ss, XODBProjectID);
     lastestImportUpdateStatus = status;
     workerLASBatchDataImport.ReportProgress((int)0, "");
Beispiel #8
        internal ModelImportStatus DoCollarImport(string SelectedFile, string SelectedFormatBMFile, ImportDataMap importMap, RawFileReader blockRawFileReader, Guid XODBProjectID, bool overwrite)
            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
            // get the current collar names in this project
            List<CollarInfo> existingHoles = this.GetHolesForProject(XODBProjectID);

            List<string> existingHoleNames = new List<string>();
            foreach (CollarInfo ci in existingHoles)

            ModelImportStatus mos = new ModelImportStatus();
            Stream fileStream = new FileStream(SelectedFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); 
            //Stream fileStream = new FileStream(SelectedFile, FileMode.Open);
            bit.PerformCollarImport(mos, fileStream, null, importMap, this.backgroundWorker, XODBProjectID, ConnectionString, existingHoleNames, overwrite);
            return mos;
Beispiel #9
        internal ModelImportStatus BatchImportLasFiles(string[] filePaths, Guid currentProjectID)

            ModelImportStatus finalStatus = new ModelImportStatus();

            LASBatchImportTools ll = new LASBatchImportTools();
            List<string> messages = new List<string>();
            int importCount = 0;
            int failCount = 0;
            string report = "";
            Dictionary<string, ModelImportStatus> mosList = new Dictionary<string, ModelImportStatus>();
            bool reportStatus = false;
            if (this.backgroundWorker != null)
                reportStatus = true;

            int fileCount = filePaths.Length;
            int thisFileNum = 0;

            var dataDict = new Dictionary<string, List<object>>();
            int holeCount = 0;

            foreach (string file in filePaths)
                var data = new List<object>();
                double pct = ((double)thisFileNum / (double)fileCount) * 100.0;
                if (reportStatus)
                    backgroundWorker.ReportProgress((int)pct, "Processing las file "+thisFileNum+" of "+fileCount+", "+file);

                ModelImportStatus mis = new ModelImportStatus();

                XODB.Import.Client.Processing.LASImport li = new XODB.Import.Client.Processing.LASImport();
                LASFile lf = li.GetLASFile(file, mis);
                if (lf == null)
                    mis.errorMessages.Add("Failed to load LAS file " + file);
                    mosList.Add(file, mis);

                data = ll.ProcessLASFile(lf, file, mis, currentProjectID, this.backgroundWorker);
                string msg = "";
                if (msg != null)
                    report += msg + "\n";

                mosList.Add(file, mis);
                dataDict.Add(file, data);

                if (thisFileNum % 5 == 0 || (filePaths.Length-thisFileNum) < 1) //FIXME magic number, should look at used memory and make a choice on that
                    //insert into DB to avoid memory issues
                    var subdict = dataDict;
                    dataDict = new Dictionary<string, List<object>>();

                    subdict = null;

            string finalReport = "Immport status:\nFiles imported:" + importCount + "\nFailed files:" + failCount + "\n\nMessages:\n";

            finalReport += report;
            int totRecordsAddedCount = 0;
            int totLinesReadCount = 0;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ModelImportStatus> kvp in mosList) {
                string lfName = kvp.Key;
                ModelImportStatus ms = kvp.Value;
                totRecordsAddedCount += ms.recordsAdded;
                totLinesReadCount += ms.linesReadFromSource;
                if (ms.finalErrorCode != ModelImportStatus.OK) {
                    finalStatus.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.GENERAL_LOAD_ERROR;
                foreach (string m in ms.warningMessages) {
                foreach (string m in ms.errorMessages)
            finalStatus.linesReadFromSource = totLinesReadCount;
            finalStatus.recordsAdded = totRecordsAddedCount;

            return finalStatus;

Beispiel #10
        internal ModelImportStatus DoLithoImport(string SelectedFile, string SelectedFormatFile, ImportDataMap importMap, RawFileReader blockRawFileReader, Guid XODBProjectID, bool doOverwrite, bool checkForDuplicates)
            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
            ModelImportStatus mos = new ModelImportStatus();

            GeneralFileInfo gfi = new GeneralFileInfo();
            int numLines = gfi.numLines;

            //Stream fileStream = new FileStream(SelectedFile, FileMode.Open);
            Stream fileStream = new FileStream(SelectedFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read , FileShare.ReadWrite);
            bit.PerformLithoImport(mos, fileStream, null, importMap, this.backgroundWorker, XODBProjectID, ConnectionString, numLines, doOverwrite, checkForDuplicates);
            return mos;
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Import the block model.  This is ultimatly carried out throught he import library which must be 
        /// passed the streams for the import file (and defintiion possibly).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bmFileName"></param>
        /// <param name="formatFileName"></param>
        /// <param name="projectID"></param>
        /// <param name="alias"></param>
        /// <param name="authorGuid"></param>
        /// <param name="res2"></param>
        /// <param name="domains"></param>
        /// <param name="targetFolder"></param>
        /// <param name="attmemptModelLoad"></param>
        /// <param name="notes"></param>
        /// <param name="stage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ModelImportStatus  DoNewModelImport(string bmFileName, string formatFileName, string projectID, string alias, Guid authorGuid, ref List<string> domains, string targetFolder, bool attmemptModelLoad, string notes, string stage, Guid stageMetaID)
            ModelImportStatus mos = new ModelImportStatus();
            mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.OK;
            double _originX = -1;
            double _originY = -1;
            double _originZ = -1;

            string connString = global::System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["XODBConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
            if (attmemptModelLoad)
                //IStorageFile formatFile = _storageProvider.GetFile(formatFileName);
                IStorageFile bmFile = _storageProvider.GetFile(bmFileName);
                Stream bmFileStream = bmFile.OpenRead();
                Stream bmTempFileStream = bmFile.OpenRead();
                // try and automatically detect the origin coordinates from the file itself - a datamine file 
                // always carries the origin coords in XMORIG, YMORIG, ZMORIG
                XODB.Import.FormatSpecification.ImportDataMap idm = null;
                    StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(bmTempFileStream);
                    string headerLine = "";
                    string firstDataLine = "";
                    if (sr != null)
                        headerLine = sr.ReadLine();
                        firstDataLine = sr.ReadLine();
                        bit.ParseDataLinesForOrigins(headerLine, firstDataLine, out _originX, out _originY, out _originZ);
                        // auto generate a format defintion based on Goldfields typical input column data
                        idm = bit.AutoGenerateFormatDefinition(headerLine);

                catch (Exception ex) {
                    mos.AddWarningMessage("Unable to auto detect origin and other format information from the file\n\n" + ex.ToString());
                var opts = new TransactionOptions();
                opts.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted;
                using (new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Suppress, opts))
                        Guid blockModelGUID = Guid.NewGuid();
                        mos.modelID = blockModelGUID;
                        domains = bit.PerformBMImport(mos, blockModelGUID, bmFileStream, null, idm, _originX, _originY, _originZ, null, 1000, projectID, alias, authorGuid, connString);
                        List<Tuple<string, string>> doms = new List<Tuple<string, string>>();
                        string domainColumnName = "Domain";
                        foreach (string ss in domains)
                            doms.Add(new Tuple<string, string>(domainColumnName, ss));
                        XODB.Helpers.BMImportHelper.UpdateDomains(doms, blockModelGUID);
                        XODB.Helpers.BMImportHelper.AddModelNotes(notes, blockModelGUID);
                        XODB.Helpers.BMImportHelper.UpdateStage(blockModelGUID, stageMetaID, stage);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.ERROR_WRITING_TO_DB;
                        mos.AddErrorMessage("Error importing block model:\n" + ex.ToString());
                //TODO call into import library with the stream object for the import

            return mos;
Beispiel #12
        public void AppendModel(ContentItem c)
            var m = c.As<BlockModelPart>();

            string statusMessage = "";
            string connString = global::System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["XODBConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
            bool completed = false;
            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
            string targetFolder;
            bool attmemptModelLoad;
            var bmFileName = ExtractBlockModelFromZip(m.BmFileName, out targetFolder, out attmemptModelLoad);
            IStorageFile bmFile = _storageProvider.GetFile(bmFileName);
            Stream bmFileStream = bmFile.OpenRead();
            ModelImportStatus mos = new ModelImportStatus();

                // Special append method for GF requirements - contains X, Y, Z, and value to append.
                // target model must have matching X, Y and Z centroids.
                // auto generate a format defintion based on Goldfields typical input column data 
                var opts = new TransactionOptions();
                opts.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted;
                using (new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Suppress, opts))
                    mos = bit.PerformBMAppend(bmFileStream, m.BmGuid, m.Alias, m.ColumnNameToAdd, m.ColumnIndexToAdd, connString);
                    mos.importTextFileName = m.BmFileName;
                    mos.targetModelName = m.Alias;
                statusMessage += string.Format("Successfully appended data to block model:\n{0} - {1}\n\nFrom file:{2}\n\n", m.Alias, m.BmGuid, m.BmFileName);
                completed = true;

            catch (Exception ex)
                statusMessage += string.Format("Error appending data to block model:\n{0} - {1}\n\nFrom file:{2}\n\nError:\n{3}\n\n", m.Alias, m.BmGuid, m.BmFileName, ex.ToString());
            finally {
                statusMessage += mos.GenerateStringMessage();
            statusMessage += string.Format("Time Elapsed: {0}\n\n", m.Processed.HasValue ? (DateTime.UtcNow - m.Processed.Value).ToString(@"hh\h\:mm\m\:ss\s\:fff\m\s") : "Unknown");

            _userService.EmailUsers(m.Recipients.SplitStringArray(), completed ? "Model Append Succeeded" : "Model Append Failed", statusMessage);
