Beispiel #1
        private void AddSingleElementFunc <TProperty>(XName name, Expression <Func <T, TProperty> > propFunc,
                                                      XmlMapper <TProperty> mapper) where TProperty : class, new()
            Func <T, XElement> func = ObjectToXmlFuncGenerator <T> .GenerateSingleElemenetFunc(name, propFunc, mapper);

            _elementFuncs.Add(name, func);
Beispiel #2
        private void AddCollectionElementFunc <TProperty>(string name,
                                                          Expression <Func <T, ICollection <TProperty> > > propFunc,
                                                          XmlMapper <TProperty> mapper) where TProperty : class, new()
            Func <T, XElement> func = ObjectToXmlFuncGenerator <T> .GenerateCollectionElementFunc(name, propFunc, mapper);

            _elementCollectionFuncs.Add(name, func);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Adds a mapping for a collection of elements to a collection of properties of a complex type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TProperty">The type of the objects in the property collection.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the XML element.</param>
        /// <param name="propFunc">An expression representing the object property.</param>
        /// <param name="mapper">
        ///     An <see cref="XmlMapper{T}" /> to map the child element to the complex property type.
        /// </param>
        public void Add <TProperty>(string name, Expression <Func <T, ICollection <TProperty> > > propFunc,
                                    XmlMapper <TProperty> mapper)
            where TProperty : class, new()
            string childName  = null;
            int    slashIndex = name.IndexOf('/');

            if (slashIndex > -1)
                childName = name.Substring(slashIndex + 1);
            _elementCollectionActions.Add(name, _xmlToObjectActionGenerator.Generate(propFunc, mapper, childName));

            AddCollectionElementFunc(name, propFunc, mapper);
Beispiel #4
        public Action <XElement, TItem> Generate <TProperty>(Expression <Func <TItem, ICollection <TProperty> > > propFunc, XmlMapper <TProperty> mapper, string childName)
            where TProperty : class, new()
            var property = propFunc.Body as MemberExpression;

            if (property == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Expression does not represent a Property.");

            var generator = new CustomCollectionElementConverterActionGenerator <TItem, TProperty>((PropertyInfo)property.Member,
                                                                                                   x => mapper.ToObject(x), childName);

Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 ///     Adds a mapping for an element to a property of a complex type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TProperty">The type of the property.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the XML element.</param>
 /// <param name="propFunc">An expression representing the object property.</param>
 /// <param name="mapper">
 ///     An <see cref="XmlMapper{T}" /> to map the child element to the complex property type.
 /// </param>
 public void Add <TProperty>(XName name, Expression <Func <T, TProperty> > propFunc, XmlMapper <TProperty> mapper)
     where TProperty : class, new()
     _elementActions.Add(name, _xmlToObjectActionGenerator.Generate(propFunc, mapper));
     AddSingleElementFunc(name, propFunc, mapper);
Beispiel #6
        public static Func <T, XElement> GenerateCollectionElementFunc <TProperty>(string name, Expression <Func <T, ICollection <TProperty> > > propFunc, XmlMapper <TProperty> mapper)
            where TProperty : class, new()
            var itemParam      = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
            var invoke         = Expression.Invoke(propFunc, itemParam);
            var mapperConstant = Expression.Constant(mapper);

            XName containerElementName;
            XName childElementName;

            GetContainerElementName(name, out containerElementName, out childElementName);

            var containerNameConstant  = Expression.Constant(containerElementName);
            var childNameConstant      = Expression.Constant(childElementName);
            var propertyEnumerableType = typeof(IEnumerable <>).MakeGenericType(typeof(TProperty));
            var toXml = mapper.GetType()
                        .GetMethod("ToXml", new[] { propertyEnumerableType, typeof(XName), typeof(XName) });
            var callToXml = Expression.Call(mapperConstant, toXml, invoke, containerNameConstant,

            var func = Expression.Lambda <Func <T, XElement> >(callToXml, itemParam).Compile();

Beispiel #7
        public static Func <T, XElement> GenerateSingleElemenetFunc <TProperty>(XName name, Expression <Func <T, TProperty> > propFunc, XmlMapper <TProperty> mapper) where TProperty : class, new()
            var itemParam      = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
            var invoke         = Expression.Invoke(propFunc, itemParam);
            var mapperConstant = Expression.Constant(mapper);
            var nameConstant   = Expression.Constant(name);
            var toXml          = mapper.GetType().GetMethod("ToXml", new[] { typeof(TProperty), typeof(XName) });
            var callToXml      = Expression.Call(mapperConstant, toXml, invoke, nameConstant);

            var func = Expression.Lambda <Func <T, XElement> >(callToXml, itemParam).Compile();
