Beispiel #1
        public override void ApplyImpulse(float dt)
            cpBody a = this.a;
            cpBody b = this.b;

            cpVect n  = this.n;
            cpVect r1 = this.r1;
            cpVect r2 = this.r2;

            // compute relative velocity
            float vrn = cp.normal_relative_velocity(a, b, r1, r2, n);

            // compute velocity loss from drag
            float v_damp = (this.target_vrn - vrn) * this.v_coef;

            this.target_vrn = vrn + v_damp;

            float j_damp = v_damp * this.nMass;

            this.jAcc += j_damp;
            cp.apply_impulses(a, b, this.r1, this.r2, cpVect.cpvmult(this.n, j_damp));
Beispiel #2
        // k1 and k2 are modified by the function to contain the outputs.

        public static cpMat2x2 k_tensor(cpBody a, cpBody b, cpVect r1, cpVect r2)
            float m_sum = a.m_inv + b.m_inv;

            // start with Identity*m_sum
            float k11 = m_sum, k12 = 0.0f;
            float k21 = 0.0f, k22 = m_sum;

            // add the influence from r1
            float a_i_inv = a.i_inv;
            float r1xsq   = r1.x * r1.x * a_i_inv;
            float r1ysq   = r1.y * r1.y * a_i_inv;
            float r1nxy   = -r1.x * r1.y * a_i_inv;

            k11 += r1ysq; k12 += r1nxy;
            k21 += r1nxy; k22 += r1xsq;

            // add the influnce from r2
            float b_i_inv = b.i_inv;
            float r2xsq   = r2.x * r2.x * b_i_inv;
            float r2ysq   = r2.y * r2.y * b_i_inv;
            float r2nxy   = -r2.x * r2.y * b_i_inv;

            k11 += r2ysq; k12 += r2nxy;
            k21 += r2nxy; k22 += r2xsq;

            // invert
            float det = k11 * k22 - k12 * k21;

            cp.AssertSoft(det != 0.0f, "Unsolvable constraint.");

            float det_inv = 1.0f / det;

            return(new cpMat2x2(
                       k22 * det_inv, -k12 * det_inv,
                       -k21 * det_inv, k11 * det_inv
            public static Edge SupportEdgeForSegment(cpSegmentShape seg, cpVect n)
                ulong hashid = seg.hashid;

                Edge edge;

                if (cpVect.cpvdot(, n) > 0.0f)
                    edge = new Edge(
                        new EdgePoint(seg.ta, cp.CP_HASH_PAIR(seg.hashid, 0)),
                        new EdgePoint(seg.tb, cp.CP_HASH_PAIR(seg.hashid, 1)),
                    edge = new Edge(
                        new EdgePoint(seg.tb, cp.CP_HASH_PAIR(seg.hashid, 1)),
                        new EdgePoint(seg.ta, cp.CP_HASH_PAIR(seg.hashid, 0)),
                        seg.r, cpVect.cpvneg(
Beispiel #4
        public float SubtreeSegmentQuery(Node subtree, object obj, cpVect a, cpVect b, float t_exit, cpSpatialIndexSegmentQueryFunc func, object data)
            if (subtree.isLeaf)
                return(func(obj, subtree.obj, data));
                float t_a =, b);
                float t_b =, b);

                if (t_a < t_b)
                    if (t_a < t_exit)
                        t_exit = cp.cpfmin(t_exit, SubtreeSegmentQuery(subtree.A, obj, a, b, t_exit, func, data));
                    if (t_b < t_exit)
                        t_exit = cp.cpfmin(t_exit, SubtreeSegmentQuery(subtree.B, obj, a, b, t_exit, func, data));
                    if (t_b < t_exit)
                        t_exit = cp.cpfmin(t_exit, SubtreeSegmentQuery(subtree.B, obj, a, b, t_exit, func, data));
                    if (t_a < t_exit)
                        t_exit = cp.cpfmin(t_exit, SubtreeSegmentQuery(subtree.A, obj, a, b, t_exit, func, data));

Beispiel #5
        public void SetVerts(int count, cpVect[] verts)
            Count = count;
            if (Count <= CP_POLY_SHAPE_INLINE_ALLOC)
                this.planes = new cpSplittingPlane[2 * CP_POLY_SHAPE_INLINE_ALLOC];
                this.planes = new cpSplittingPlane[2 * Count];

            // This a pretty bad way to do this in javascript. As a first pass, I want to keep
            // the code similar to the C.

            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                cpVect a = verts[(i - 1 + Count) % Count];
                cpVect b = verts[i];
                cpVect n = cpVect.cpvnormalize(cpVect.cpvrperp(cpVect.cpvsub(b, a)));

                this.planes[i + Count] = new cpSplittingPlane(n, b);
Beispiel #6
        //MARK: Quick Hull

        public static void LoopIndexes(ref cpVect[] verts, int count, out int start, out int end)
            start = 0;
            end   = 0;

            cpVect min = verts[0];
            cpVect max = min;

            for (int i = 1; i < count; i++)
                cpVect v = verts[i];

                if (v.x < min.x || (v.x == min.x && v.y < min.y))
                    min   = verts[i];
                    start = i;
                else if (v.x > max.x || (v.x == max.x && v.y > max.y))
                    max = verts[i];
                    end = i;
Beispiel #7
        public override void PreStep(float dt)
            cpBody a = this.a;
            cpBody b = this.b;

            this.r1 = cpTransform.Vect(a.transform, cpVect.cpvsub(this.anchorA, a.cog));
            this.r2 = cpTransform.Vect(b.transform, cpVect.cpvsub(this.anchorB, b.cog));

            cpVect delta = cpVect.cpvsub(cpVect.cpvadd(b.p, this.r2), cpVect.cpvadd(a.p, this.r1));
            float  dist  = cpVect.cpvlength(delta);
            float  pdist = 0.0f;

            if (dist > this.max)
                pdist  = dist - this.max;
                this.n = cpVect.cpvnormalize(delta);
            else if (dist < this.min)
                pdist  = this.min - dist;
                this.n = cpVect.cpvneg(cpVect.cpvnormalize(delta));
                this.n     = cpVect.Zero;
                this.jnAcc = 0.0f;

            // calculate mass normal
            this.nMass = 1.0f / cp.k_scalar(a, b, this.r1, this.r2, this.n);

            // calculate bias velocity
            float maxBias = this.maxBias;

            this.bias = cp.cpfclamp(-cp.bias_coef(this.errorBias, dt) * pdist / dt, -maxBias, maxBias);
        public bool SegmentQuery(cpVect a, cpVect b, float radius, ref cpSegmentQueryInfo info)
            if (info == null)
                info = new cpSegmentQueryInfo(null, b, cpVect.Zero, 1.0f);

            cpPointQueryInfo nearest = null;

            PointQuery(a, ref nearest);

            if (nearest.distance <= radius)
                info.shape  = this;
                info.alpha  = 0.0f;
                info.normal = cpVect.cpvnormalize(cpVect.cpvsub(a, nearest.point));
                segmentQuery(a, b, radius, ref info);

            return(info.shape != null);
        /// Return a contact set from an arbiter.
        public cpContactPointSet GetContactPointSet()
            cpContactPointSet set = new cpContactPointSet();

            set.count  = GetCount();
            set.points = new PointsDistance[set.count];

            bool swapped = this.swapped;

            set.normal = (swapped ? cpVect.cpvneg(this.n) : this.n);

            for (int i = 0; i < set.count; i++)
                // Contact points are relative to body CoGs;
                cpVect p1 = cpVect.cpvadd(this.body_a.p, this.contacts[i].r1);
                cpVect p2 = cpVect.cpvadd(this.body_b.p, this.contacts[i].r2);

                set.points[i]          = new PointsDistance();
                set.points[i].pointA   = (swapped ? p2 : p1);
                set.points[i].pointB   = (swapped ? p1 : p2);
                set.points[i].distance = cpVect.cpvdot(cpVect.cpvsub(p2, p1), this.n);
Beispiel #10
        public static int QHullReduce(float tol, cpVect[] verts, int verts_index, int count, cpVect a, cpVect pivot, cpVect b, ref cpVect[] result, int result_index)
            if (count < 0)
            else if (count == 0)
                result[result_index] = pivot;
                int left_count = QHullPartition(ref verts, verts_index, count, a, pivot, tol);
                int index      = QHullReduce(tol, verts, verts_index + 1, left_count - 1, a, verts[verts_index], pivot, ref result, result_index);

                result[(index++) + result_index] = pivot;

                int right_count = QHullPartition(ref verts, verts_index + left_count, count - left_count, pivot, b, tol);

                int new_index = verts_index + left_count;

                if (new_index > verts.Length - 1)
                    new_index = verts.Length - 1;

                return(index + QHullReduce(tol, verts, verts_index + left_count + 1, right_count - 1, pivot, verts[new_index], b, ref result, result_index + index));
Beispiel #11
 public static float MomentForCircle(float m, float r1, float r2, cpVect offset)
     return(m * (0.5f * (r1 * r1 + r2 * r2) + cpVect.cpvlengthsq(offset)));
Beispiel #12
 public static void apply_bias_impulses(cpBody a, cpBody b, cpVect r1, cpVect r2, cpVect j)
     apply_bias_impulse(a, cpVect.cpvneg(j), r1);
     apply_bias_impulse(b, j, r2);
Beispiel #13
 public static float normal_relative_velocity(cpBody a, cpBody b, cpVect r1, cpVect r2, cpVect n)
     return(cpVect.cpvdot(relative_velocity(a, b, r1, r2), n));
 public static bool CheckArea(cpVect v1, cpVect v2)
     return((v1.x * v2.y) > (v1.y * v2.x));
 //MARK: EPA Functions
 public static float ClosestDist(cpVect v0, cpVect v1)
     return(cpVect.cpvlengthsq(LerpT(v0, v1, ClosestT(v0, v1))));
Beispiel #16
        public static cpVect frand_unit_circle()
            cpVect v = new cpVect(frand() * 2.0f - 1.0f, frand() * 2.0f - 1.0f);

            return(cpVect.cpvlengthsq(v) < 1.0f ? v : frand_unit_circle());
Beispiel #17
        public static void CircleSegmentQuery(cpShape shape, cpVect center, float r1, cpVect a, cpVect b, float r2, ref cpSegmentQueryInfo info)
            // offset the line to be relative to the circle
            cpVect da   = cpVect.cpvsub(a, center);
            cpVect db   = cpVect.cpvsub(b, center);
            float  rsum = r1 + r2;

            float qa  = cpVect.cpvdot(da, da) - 2 * cpVect.cpvdot(da, db) + cpVect.cpvdot(db, db);
            float qb  = cpVect.cpvdot(da, db) - cpVect.cpvdot(da, da);
            float det = qb * qb - qa * (cpVect.cpvdot(da, da) - rsum * rsum);

            if (det >= 0.0f)
                float t = (-qb - cp.cpfsqrt(det)) / (qa);
                if (0.0f <= t && t <= 1.0f)
                        cpVect n = cpVect.cpvnormalize(cpVect.cpvlerp(da, db, t));

                        info.shape  = shape;
                        info.point  = cpVect.cpvsub(cpVect.cpvlerp(da, db, t), cpVect.cpvmult(n, r2));
                        info.normal = n;
                        info.alpha  = t;
 public SupportPoint(cpVect p, ulong id)
     this.p  = p; = id;
Beispiel #19
 public static void apply_bias_impulse(cpBody body, cpVect j, cpVect r)
     body.v_bias  = cpVect.cpvadd(body.v_bias, cpVect.cpvmult(j, body.m_inv));
     body.w_bias += body.i_inv * cpVect.cpvcross(r, j);
 public static SupportPoint CircleSupportPoint(cpCircleShape circle, cpVect n)
     return(new SupportPoint(, 0));
Beispiel #21
        public static float k_scalar_body(cpBody body, cpVect r, cpVect n)
            var rcn = cpVect.cpvcross(r, n);

            return(body.m_inv + body.i_inv * rcn * rcn);
            public static SupportPoint PolySupportPoint(cpPolyShape poly, cpVect n)
                ulong i = PolySupportPointIndex(poly.Count, poly.planes, n);

                return(new SupportPoint(poly.planes[i].v0, i));
Beispiel #23
 public static cpVect Transform(cpMat2x2 m, cpVect v)
     return(new cpVect(v.x * m.a + v.y * m.b, v.x * m.c + v.y * m.d));
Beispiel #24
 public cpPivotJoint(cpBody a, cpBody b, cpVect pivot)
     : this(a, b,
            (a != null ? a.WorldToLocal(pivot) : pivot),
            (b != null ? b.WorldToLocal(pivot) : pivot))
Beispiel #25
 public static float AreaForSegment(cpVect a, cpVect b, float r)
     return(r * (cp.M_PI * r + 2 * cpVect.cpvdist(a, b)));
Beispiel #26
 public override void SetAnchorA(cpVect anchr1)
     this.anchorA = anchr1;
Beispiel #27
        private static int QHullPartition(ref cpVect[] verts, int verts_index, int count, cpVect a, cpVect b, float tol)
            if (count == 0)

            float max   = 0;
            int   pivot = 0;

            cpVect delta    = cpVect.cpvsub(b, a);
            float  valueTol = tol * cpVect.cpvlength(delta);

            int head = 0;

            for (int tail = count - 1; head <= tail;)
                float value = cpVect.cpvcross(cpVect.cpvsub(verts[head + verts_index], a), delta);
                if (value > valueTol)
                    if (value > max)
                        max   = value;
                        pivot = head;

                    SWAP(ref verts[verts_index + head], ref verts[verts_index + tail]);

            // move the new pivot to the front if it's not already there.
            if (pivot != 0)
                SWAP(ref verts[verts_index], ref verts[verts_index + pivot]);
Beispiel #28
 public override void SetAnchorB(cpVect anchr2)
     this.anchorB = anchr2;
 public override void SetAnchorA(cpVect anchr)
     anchorA = anchr;
Beispiel #30
 public static cpVect point2canvas(cpVect point, float scale)
     return(new cpVect(point.x * scale, (480 - point.y) * scale));