Beispiel #1
        public cpDampedSpring(cpBody a, cpBody b, cpVect anchr1, cpVect anchr2, float restLength, float stiffness, float damping)
            : base(a, b)
            this.anchorA = anchr1;
            this.anchorB = anchr2;

            this.restLength = restLength;

            this.stiffness = stiffness;
            this.damping   = damping;

            this.springForceFunc = defaultSpringForce;

            this.target_vrn = this.v_coef = 0;

            this.r1    = this.r2 = null;
            this.nMass = 0;
            this.n     = null;

            this.jAcc = 0f;
        public override void ApplyImpulse(float dt)
            cpBody a = this.a;
            cpBody b = this.b;
            cpVect n = this.n;

            // compute relative velocity
            float vrn = cp.normal_relative_velocity(a, b, this.r1, this.r2, n);

            float jnMax = this.maxForce * dt;

            // compute normal impulse
            float jn    = (this.bias - vrn) * this.nMass;
            float jnOld = this.jnAcc;

            this.jnAcc = cp.cpfclamp(jnOld + jn, -jnMax, jnMax);
            jn         = this.jnAcc - jnOld;

            // apply impulse
            cp.apply_impulses(a, b, this.r1, this.r2, cpVect.cpvmult(n, jn));
        public override void PreStep(float dt)
            cpBody a = this.a;
            cpBody b = this.b;

            float moment = a.i_inv + b.i_inv;

            cp.AssertSoft(moment != 0.0f, "Unsolvable spring.");
            this.iSum = 1.0f / moment;

            this.w_coef     = 1.0f - cp.cpfexp(-this.damping * dt * moment);
            this.target_wrn = 0.0f;

            // apply spring torque
            float j_spring = this.springTorqueFunc(this, a.a - b.a) * dt;

            this.jAcc = j_spring;

            a.w -= j_spring * a.i_inv;
            b.w += j_spring * b.i_inv;
        public override void PreStep(float dt)
            cpBody a = this.a;
            cpBody b = this.b;

            this.r1 = cpTransform.Vect(a.transform, cpVect.cpvsub(this.anchorA, a.cog));
            this.r2 = cpTransform.Vect(b.transform, cpVect.cpvsub(this.anchorB, b.cog));

            cpVect delta = cpVect.cpvsub(cpVect.cpvadd(b.p, this.r2), cpVect.cpvadd(a.p, this.r1));
            float  dist  = cpVect.cpvlength(delta);

            this.n = cpVect.cpvmult(delta, 1.0f / (dist > 0 ? dist : cp.Infinity));

            // calculate mass normal
            this.nMass = 1.0f / cp.k_scalar(a, b, this.r1, this.r2, this.n);

            // calculate bias velocity
            float maxBias = this.maxBias;

            this.bias = cp.cpfclamp(-cp.bias_coef(this.errorBias, dt) * (dist - this.dist) / dt, -maxBias, maxBias);
Beispiel #5
        public override void ApplyImpulse(float dt)
            cpBody a = this.a;
            cpBody b = this.b;

            cpVect r1 = this.r1;
            cpVect r2 = this.r2;

            // compute relative velocity
            cpVect vr = cp.relative_velocity(a, b, r1, r2);

            // compute normal impulse
            cpVect j    = cpMat2x2.Transform(this.k, cpVect.cpvsub(this.bias, vr));
            cpVect jOld = this.jAcc;

            this.jAcc = cpVect.cpvclamp(cpVect.cpvadd(this.jAcc, j), this.maxForce * dt);
            j         = cpVect.cpvsub(this.jAcc, jOld);

            // apply impulse
            cp.apply_impulses(a, b, this.r1, this.r2, j);
Beispiel #6
        public bool ShapeQuery(cpShape shape, cpSpaceShapeQueryFunc func, object data)
            cpBody            body    = shape.body;
            cpBB              bb      = (body != null ? shape.Update(body.transform) :;
            ShapeQueryContext context = new ShapeQueryContext(func, data, false);

            object ctx = (object)context;

                this.staticShapes.Query(shape, bb,
                                        (o1, o2, s, o3) => ShapeQueryFunc(o1 as cpShape, o2 as cpShape, s, (ShapeQueryContext)o3)
                                        , ctx);

                this.dynamicShapes.Query(shape, bb,
                                         (o1, o2, s, o3) => ShapeQueryFunc(o1 as cpShape, o2 as cpShape, s, (ShapeQueryContext)o3)
                                         , ctx);
            } Unlock(true);

        public override void ApplyImpulse(float dt)
            cpBody a = this.a;
            cpBody b = this.b;

            // compute relative rotational velocity
            float wr = b.w * this.ratio - a.w;

            float jMax = this.maxForce * dt;

            // compute normal impulse
            float j    = (this.bias - wr) * this.iSum;
            float jOld = this.jAcc;

            this.jAcc = cp.cpfclamp(jOld + j, -jMax, jMax);
            j         = this.jAcc - jOld;

            // apply impulse
            a.w -= j * a.i_inv * this.ratio_inv;
            b.w += j * b.i_inv;
Beispiel #8
        public override void ApplyImpulse(float dt)
            cpBody a = this.a;
            cpBody b = this.b;

            cpVect n  = this.n;
            cpVect r1 = this.r1;
            cpVect r2 = this.r2;

            // compute relative velocity
            float vrn = cp.normal_relative_velocity(a, b, r1, r2, n);

            // compute velocity loss from drag
            float v_damp = (this.target_vrn - vrn) * this.v_coef;

            this.target_vrn = vrn + v_damp;

            float j_damp = v_damp * this.nMass;

            this.jAcc += j_damp;
            cp.apply_impulses(a, b, this.r1, this.r2, cpVect.cpvmult(this.n, j_damp));
Beispiel #9
        // k1 and k2 are modified by the function to contain the outputs.

        public static cpMat2x2 k_tensor(cpBody a, cpBody b, cpVect r1, cpVect r2)
            float m_sum = a.m_inv + b.m_inv;

            // start with Identity*m_sum
            float k11 = m_sum, k12 = 0.0f;
            float k21 = 0.0f, k22 = m_sum;

            // add the influence from r1
            float a_i_inv = a.i_inv;
            float r1xsq   = r1.x * r1.x * a_i_inv;
            float r1ysq   = r1.y * r1.y * a_i_inv;
            float r1nxy   = -r1.x * r1.y * a_i_inv;

            k11 += r1ysq; k12 += r1nxy;
            k21 += r1nxy; k22 += r1xsq;

            // add the influnce from r2
            float b_i_inv = b.i_inv;
            float r2xsq   = r2.x * r2.x * b_i_inv;
            float r2ysq   = r2.y * r2.y * b_i_inv;
            float r2nxy   = -r2.x * r2.y * b_i_inv;

            k11 += r2ysq; k12 += r2nxy;
            k21 += r2nxy; k22 += r2xsq;

            // invert
            float det = k11 * k22 - k12 * k21;

            cp.AssertSoft(det != 0.0f, "Unsolvable constraint.");

            float det_inv = 1.0f / det;

            return(new cpMat2x2(
                       k22 * det_inv, -k12 * det_inv,
                       -k21 * det_inv, k11 * det_inv
        /// Add a constraint to the simulation.
        public cpConstraint AddConstraint(cpConstraint constraint)
            cp.AssertHard( != this, "You have already added this constraint to this space. You must not add it a second time.");
            cp.AssertHard( == null, "You have already added this constraint to another space. You cannot add it to a second.");


            cpBody a = constraint.a, b = constraint.b;

            cp.AssertHard(a != null && b != null, "Constraint is attached to a NULL body.");



            // Push onto the heads of the bodies' constraint lists
            constraint.next_a = a.constraintList; a.constraintList = constraint;
            constraint.next_b = b.constraintList; b.constraintList = constraint;
    = this;

Beispiel #11
        public override void PreStep(float dt)
            cpBody a = this.a;
            cpBody b = this.b;

            float angle   = this.angle;
            float phase   = this.phase;
            float ratchet = this.ratchet;

            float delta = b.a - a.a;
            float diff  = angle - delta;
            float pdist = 0.0f;

            if (diff * ratchet > 0.0f)
                pdist = diff;
                this.angle = cp.cpffloor((delta - phase) / ratchet) * ratchet + phase;

            // calculate moment of inertia coefficient.
            this.iSum = 1.0f / (a.i_inv + b.i_inv);

            // calculate bias velocity
            float maxBias = this.maxBias;

            this.bias = cp.cpfclamp(-cp.bias_coef(this.errorBias, dt) * pdist / dt, -maxBias, maxBias);

            // If the bias is 0, the joint is not at a limit. Reset the impulse.
            if (this.bias == 0)
                this.jAcc = 0.0f;
Beispiel #12
        public override void PreStep(float dt)
            cpBody a = this.a;
            cpBody b = this.b;

            this.r1 = cpTransform.Vect(a.transform, cpVect.cpvsub(this.anchorA, a.cog));
            this.r2 = cpTransform.Vect(b.transform, cpVect.cpvsub(this.anchorB, b.cog));

            cpVect delta = cpVect.cpvsub(cpVect.cpvadd(b.p, this.r2), cpVect.cpvadd(a.p, this.r1));
            float  dist  = cpVect.cpvlength(delta);
            float  pdist = 0.0f;

            if (dist > this.max)
                pdist  = dist - this.max;
                this.n = cpVect.cpvnormalize(delta);
            else if (dist < this.min)
                pdist  = this.min - dist;
                this.n = cpVect.cpvneg(cpVect.cpvnormalize(delta));
                this.n     = cpVect.Zero;
                this.jnAcc = 0.0f;

            // calculate mass normal
            this.nMass = 1.0f / cp.k_scalar(a, b, this.r1, this.r2, this.n);

            // calculate bias velocity
            float maxBias = this.maxBias;

            this.bias = cp.cpfclamp(-cp.bias_coef(this.errorBias, dt) * pdist / dt, -maxBias, maxBias);
Beispiel #13
        public static float k_scalar_body(cpBody body, cpVect r, cpVect n)
            var rcn = cpVect.cpvcross(r, n);

            return(body.m_inv + body.i_inv * rcn * rcn);
Beispiel #14
 public static void apply_bias_impulses(cpBody a, cpBody b, cpVect r1, cpVect r2, cpVect j)
     apply_bias_impulse(a, cpVect.cpvneg(j), r1);
     apply_bias_impulse(b, j, r2);
Beispiel #15
 public static void apply_bias_impulse(cpBody body, cpVect j, cpVect r)
     body.v_bias  = cpVect.cpvadd(body.v_bias, cpVect.cpvmult(j, body.m_inv));
     body.w_bias += body.i_inv * cpVect.cpvcross(r, j);
Beispiel #16
 public static float normal_relative_velocity(cpBody a, cpBody b, cpVect r1, cpVect r2, cpVect n)
     return(cpVect.cpvdot(relative_velocity(a, b, r1, r2), n));
Beispiel #17
 public cpPivotJoint(cpBody a, cpBody b, cpVect pivot)
     : this(a, b,
            (a != null ? a.WorldToLocal(pivot) : pivot),
            (b != null ? b.WorldToLocal(pivot) : pivot))
Beispiel #18
 public cpPolyShape(cpBody body, int count, cpVect[] verts, float radius)
     : base(body, new cpShapeMassInfo())
     InitRaw(count, verts, radius);
 public cpComponentNode(cpBody root, cpBody next, float idleTime)
     this.root     = root;     = next;
     this.idleTime = idleTime;
Beispiel #20
 public virtual cpConstraint Next(cpBody body)
     return(this.a == body ? this.next_a : this.next_b);
Beispiel #21
        public void ProcessComponents(float dt)
            var sleep  = (this.sleepTimeThreshold != cp.Infinity);
            var bodies = this.dynamicBodies;

            // These checks can be removed at some stage (if DEBUG == undefined)
            for (var i = 0; i < bodies.Count; i++)
                var body = bodies[i];

                cp.AssertSoft(body.nodeNext == null, "Internal Error: Dangling next pointer detected in contact graph.");
                cp.AssertSoft(body.nodeRoot == null, "Internal Error: Dangling root pointer detected in contact graph.");

            // Calculate the kinetic energy of all the bodies
            if (sleep)
                var dv   = this.idleSpeedThreshold;
                var dvsq = (dv != 0 ? dv * dv : cpVect.cpvlengthsq(this.gravity) * dt * dt);

                for (var i = 0; i < bodies.Count; i++)
                    // TODO should make a separate array for kinematic bodies.
                    if (bodies[i].bodyType != cpBodyType.DYNAMIC)

                    // Need to deal with infinite mass objects
                    var keThreshold = (dvsq > 0 ? bodies[i].m * dvsq : 0.0f);
                    bodies[i].nodeIdleTime = (bodies[i].KineticEnergy() > keThreshold ? 0 : bodies[i].nodeIdleTime + dt);

            // Awaken any sleeping bodies found and then push arbiters to the bodies' lists.

            List <cpArbiter> arbiters = this.arbiters; // new List<cpArbiter>();
            var count = arbiters.Count;                //FIX: we cannot read the count values of the array because it changes inside

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                cpArbiter arb = arbiters[i];
                cpBody    a = arb.body_a, b = arb.body_b;

                if (sleep)
                    if (b.bodyType == cpBodyType.KINEMATIC || a.IsSleeping())

                    if (a.bodyType == cpBodyType.KINEMATIC || b.IsSleeping())


            if (sleep)
                // Bodies should be held active if connected by a joint to a non-static rouge body.
                var constraints = this.constraints;
                for (var i = 0; i < constraints.Count; i++)
                    cpConstraint constraint = constraints[i];
                    cpBody       a = constraint.a, b = constraint.b;

                    if (b.bodyType == cpBodyType.KINEMATIC)

                    if (a.bodyType == cpBodyType.KINEMATIC)

                // Generate components and deactivate sleeping ones
                for (var i = 0; i < bodies.Count;)
                    var body = bodies[i];

                    if (cp.ComponentRoot(body) == null)
                        // Body not in a component yet. Perform a DFS to flood fill mark
                        // the component in the contact graph using this body as the root.
                        FloodFillComponent(body, body);

                        // Check if the component should be put to sleep.
                        if (!ComponentActive(body, this.sleepTimeThreshold))
                            for (var other = body; other != null; other = other.nodeNext)

                            // deactivateBody() removed the current body from the list.
                            // Skip incrementing the index counter.


                    // Only sleeping bodies retain their component node pointers.
                    body.nodeRoot = null;
                    body.nodeNext = null;
 public static float SetAngle(cpBody body, float angle)
     body.a = angle;
        /// Allocate and initialize a cpBody.
        public static cpBody New(float mass, float moment)
            cpBody tmp = new cpBody(mass, moment);

 public cpArbiter Next(cpBody body)
     return(this.body_a == body ? :;
 public static cpArbiterThread ThreadForBody(cpArbiter arb, cpBody body)
     return(arb.body_a == body ? arb.thread_a : arb.thread_b);
        public void Update(cpCollisionInfo info, cpSpace space)
            cpShape a = info.a, b = info.b;

            // For collisions between two similar primitive types, the order could have been swapped since the last frame.
            this.a = a; this.body_a = a.body;
            this.b = b; this.body_b = b.body;

            // Iterate over the possible pairs to look for hash value matches.
            for (int i = 0; i < info.count; i++)
                cpContact con = info.arr[i];

                // r1 and r2 store absolute offsets at init time.
                // Need to convert them to relative offsets.
                con.r1 = cpVect.cpvsub(con.r1, a.body.p);
                con.r2 = cpVect.cpvsub(con.r2, b.body.p);

                // Cached impulses are not zeroed at init time.
                con.jnAcc = con.jtAcc = 0.0f;

                for (int j = 0; j < this.Count; j++)
                    cpContact old = this.contacts[j];

                    // This could trigger false positives, but is fairly unlikely nor serious if it does.
                    if (con.hash == old.hash)
                        // Copy the persistant contact information.
                        con.jnAcc = old.jnAcc;
                        con.jtAcc = old.jtAcc;
            //TODO: revise
            this.contacts = info.arr;
            //this.count = info.count;
            this.n = info.n;

            this.e = a.e * b.e;
            this.u = a.u * b.u;

            cpVect surface_vr = cpVect.cpvsub(b.surfaceV, a.surfaceV);

            this.surface_vr = cpVect.cpvsub(surface_vr, cpVect.cpvmult(info.n, cpVect.cpvdot(surface_vr, info.n)));

            ulong typeA = info.a.type, typeB = info.b.type;
            cpCollisionHandler defaultHandler = space.defaultHandler;
            cpCollisionHandler handler        = this.handler = space.LookupHandler(typeA, typeB, defaultHandler);

            // Check if the types match, but don't swap for a default handler which use the wildcard for type A.
            bool swapped = this.swapped = (typeA != handler.typeA && handler.typeA != cp.WILDCARD_COLLISION_TYPE);

            if (handler != defaultHandler || space.usesWildcards)
                // The order of the main handler swaps the wildcard handlers too. Uffda.
                this.handlerA = space.LookupHandler(swapped ? typeB : typeA, cp.WILDCARD_COLLISION_TYPE, cpCollisionHandler.cpCollisionHandlerDoNothing);
                this.handlerB = space.LookupHandler(swapped ? typeA : typeB, cp.WILDCARD_COLLISION_TYPE, cpCollisionHandler.cpCollisionHandlerDoNothing);

            // mark it as new if it's been cached
            if (this.state == cpArbiterState.Cached)
                this.state = cpArbiterState.FirstCollision;
Beispiel #27
 public static cpBody ComponentRoot(cpBody body)
     return(body != null ? body.nodeRoot : null);
 public void SetBody(cpBody body)
     cp.AssertHard(!Active(), "You cannot change the body on an active shape. You must remove the shape from the space before changing the body.");
     this.body = body;
        // Used for disposing of collision handlers.
        //static void FreeWrap(void* ptr, void* unused) { cpfree(ptr); }

        //MARK: Memory Management Functions

        public cpSpace()
            Console.WriteLine("Initializing cpSpace - Chipmunk v{0} (Debug Enabled)\n", cp.cpVersionString);
            Console.WriteLine("Compile with -DNDEBUG defined to disable debug mode and runtime assertion checks\n");

            /// Number of iterations to use in the impulse solver to solve contacts.
            this.iterations = 10;

            /// Gravity to pass to rigid bodies when integrating velocity.
            this.gravity = cpVect.Zero;

            /// Damping rate expressed as the fraction of velocity bodies retain each second.
            /// A value of 0.9 would mean that each body's velocity will drop 10% per second.
            /// The default value is 1.0, meaning no damping is applied.
            /// @note This damping value is different than those of cpDampedSpring and cpDampedRotarySpring.
            this.damping = 1;

            /// Amount of encouraged penetration between colliding shapes..
            /// Used to reduce oscillating contacts and keep the collision cache warm.
            /// Defaults to 0.1. If you have poor simulation quality,
            /// increase this number as much as possible without allowing visible amounts of overlap.
            this.collisionSlop = 0.1f;

            /// Determines how fast overlapping shapes are pushed apart.
            /// Expressed as a fraction of the error remaining after each second.
            /// Defaults to pow(1.0 - 0.1, 60.0) meaning that Chipmunk fixes 10% of overlap each frame at 60Hz.
            this.collisionBias = cp.cpfpow(1f - 0.1f, 60f);

            /// Number of frames that contact information should persist.
            /// Defaults to 3. There is probably never a reason to change this value.
            this.collisionPersistence = 3;

            this.locked = 0;
            this.stamp  = 0;

            this.staticShapes  = new cpBBTree(null);
            this.dynamicShapes = new cpBBTree(this.staticShapes);

            this.dynamicShapes.SetVelocityFunc(o => ShapeVelocityFunc(o as cpShape));

            this.dynamicBodies      = new List <cpBody>();
            this.staticBodies       = new List <cpBody>();
            this.rousedBodies       = new List <cpBody>();
            this.sleepingComponents = new List <cpBody>();

            /// Time a group of bodies must remain idle in order to fall asleep.
            /// Enabling sleeping also implicitly enables the the contact graph.
            /// The default value of Infinity disables the sleeping algorithm.
            this.sleepTimeThreshold = cp.Infinity;
            /// Speed threshold for a body to be considered idle.
            /// The default value of 0 means to let the space guess a good threshold based on gravity.
            this.idleSpeedThreshold = 0;

            this.arbiters       = new List <cpArbiter>();
            this.cachedArbiters = new Dictionary <ulong, cpArbiter>();

            this.constraints = new List <cpConstraint>();

            this.usesWildcards  = false;
            this.defaultHandler = cpCollisionHandlerDoNothing;

            this.collisionHandlers = new Dictionary <ulong, cpCollisionHandler>();

            this.postStepCallbacks = new List <cpPostStepCallback>();

            this.skipPostStep = false;

            /// The designated static body for this space.
            /// You can modify this body, or replace it with your own static body.
            /// By default it points to a statically allocated cpBody in the cpSpace struct.
            this.staticBody = cpBody.NewStatic();
 /// Test if a rigid body has been added to the space.
 public bool ContainsBody(cpBody body)
     return( == this);