public string CsvFix(string tablename, string csvtext) { List<string> result = new List<string>(); WvCsv csvhandler = new WvCsv(csvtext); string coltype, colsstr; List<string> values = new List<string>(); List<string> cols = new List<string>(); List<string> allcols = new List<string>(); int[] fieldstoskip = new int[skipfields.Count]; for (int i=0; i < skipfields.Count; i++) fieldstoskip[i] = -1; Dictionary<string,string> coltypes = new Dictionary<string,string>(); VxDiskSchema disk = new VxDiskSchema(exportdir); VxSchema schema = disk.Get(null); Console.WriteLine("Fixing data of table ["+tablename+"]"); string[] csvcolumns = (string[])csvhandler.GetLine() .ToArray(Type.GetType("System.String")); for (int i=0; i<csvcolumns.Length; i++) csvcolumns[i] = csvcolumns[i].ToLower(); int ii = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair<string,VxSchemaElement> p in schema) { if (!(p.Value is VxSchemaTable)) continue; if (((VxSchemaTable)p.Value).name.ToLower() != tablename.ToLower()) continue; foreach (VxSchemaTableElement te in ((VxSchemaTable)p.Value)) { if (te.GetElemType() != "column") continue; if (csvcolumns.Contains(te.GetParam("name").ToLower())) coltypes.Add(te.GetParam("name").ToLower(), te.GetParam("type")); allcols.Add(te.GetParam("name").ToLower()); if (csvcolumns.Contains(te.GetParam("name").ToLower())) { if (skipfields.Contains(te.GetParam("name").ToLower())) fieldstoskip[skipfields.IndexOf( te.GetParam("name").ToLower())] = ii; else if (skipfields.Contains( tablename.ToLower()+"."+ te.GetParam("name").ToLower())) fieldstoskip[skipfields.IndexOf( tablename.ToLower()+"."+ te.GetParam("name").ToLower())] = ii; else cols.Add(te.GetParam("name")); } ii++; } } colsstr = "\"" + cols.join("\",\"") + "\"\n"; if (!csvhandler.hasMore()) return colsstr; while (csvhandler.hasMore()) { string[] asarray = (string[])csvhandler.GetLine() .ToArray(Type.GetType("System.String")); if (asarray.Length != csvcolumns.Length) return ""; values.Clear(); for (int i=0;i<asarray.Length;i++) { if (Array.IndexOf(fieldstoskip,i)>=0) continue; if (replaces.ContainsKey(csvcolumns[i])) asarray[i] = replaces[csvcolumns[i]]; if (replaces.ContainsKey(tablename.ToLower() + "." + csvcolumns[i])) asarray[i] = replaces[tablename.ToLower() + "." + csvcolumns[i]].ToLower(); if (coltypes.ContainsKey(csvcolumns[i]) && (coltypes[csvcolumns[i]] != null)) coltype = coltypes[csvcolumns[i]]; else coltype = ""; if (asarray[i] == null) values.Add(""); else if ((coltype == "varchar") || (coltype == "datetime") || (coltype == "char") || (coltype == "nchar") || (coltype == "text")) { // Double-quote chars for SQL safety string esc = asarray[i].Replace("\"", "\"\""); //indication that single quotes are already doubled if (esc.IndexOf("''") < 0) esc = esc.Replace("'", "''"); if (WvCsv.RequiresQuotes(esc)) values.Add('"' + esc + '"'); else values.Add(esc); } else if (coltype == "image") { string temp = asarray[i].Replace("\n",""); string tmp = ""; while (temp.Length > 0) { if (temp.Length > 75) { tmp += temp.Substring(0,76) + "\n"; temp = temp.Substring(76); } else { tmp += temp + "\n"; break; } } values.Add("\""+tmp+"\""); } else values.Add(asarray[i]); } result.Add(values.join(",") + "\n"); } result.Sort(StringComparer.Ordinal); return colsstr+result.join(""); }
public string Csv2Inserts(string tablename, string csvtext) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); WvCsv csvhandler = new WvCsv(csvtext); ArrayList asarray, columns; string sql; string prefix = ""; bool has_ident = false; var tab_names = new List<string>(); var coltypes = new Dictionary<string,string>(); VxSchema schema = new VxSchema(); string ident_seed, ident_incr, coltype; tab_names.Add(tablename); RetrieveTableSchema(schema, tab_names); columns = csvhandler.GetLine(); //columns' names string[] columns_array = (string[])columns.ToArray( Type.GetType("System.String")); foreach (KeyValuePair<string,VxSchemaElement> p in schema) { if (p.Value is VxSchemaTable) { foreach (VxSchemaTableElement te in ((VxSchemaTable)p.Value)) { if (te.elemtype == "column") { if (columns_array.Contains(te.GetParam("name"))) { coltypes.Add(te.GetParam("name"),te.GetParam("type")); ident_seed = te.GetParam("identity_seed"); ident_incr = te.GetParam("identity_incr"); if ( && has_ident = true; } } } } } if (has_ident) result.Append("SET IDENTITY_INSERT [" + tablename + "] ON;\n"); prefix = "INSERT INTO " + tablename + " ([" + String.Join("],[",columns_array)+"]) VALUES ("; if (!csvhandler.hasMore()) return ""; while (csvhandler.hasMore()) { sql = ""; asarray = csvhandler.GetLine(); if (asarray.Count < columns_array.Length) return ""; for (int i=0;i<asarray.Count;i++) { sql += (i==0 ? prefix : ","); coltype = ""; if (coltypes[columns_array[i]] != null) coltype = coltypes[columns_array[i]]; if (asarray[i]!=null) if ((coltype == "varchar") || (coltype == "datetime") || (coltype == "char") || (coltype == "image") ) if (coltype == "image") sql += "0x"+bin2hex(System.Convert.FromBase64String( asarray[i].ToString() .Replace("\n",""))); else sql += "'" + asarray[i].ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "'"; else sql += asarray[i].ToString(); else sql += "NULL"; } result.Append(sql + ");\n"); } if (has_ident) result.Append("SET IDENTITY_INSERT [" + tablename + "] OFF;\n"); return result.ToString(); }