private void OnGUI()
            // If scene is null, check again. Scene changes and exports can cause check to fail when it shouldn't.
            if (!_scene)
                _scene = GetRoot();

            if (!_scene)
                GUILayout.Label("Could not find Custom Scene component on root game object.", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

            // Draw the meta data fields
            GUILayout.Label("Scene metadata", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
            _scene.SceneName   = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Scene Name", _scene.SceneName);
            _scene.Author      = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Author", _scene.Author);
            _scene.Description = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Description", _scene.Description, GUILayout.MaxHeight(75));

            // Game mode stuff
            _scene.Gamemode = DrawGamemode(_scene.Gamemode);

            if (GUILayout.Button("Export Scene"))
                var scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
                var err   = new ExportErrors();
                Exporter.Export(scene, err);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// In exporting we have the following steps:
        /// Run ComponentProxy OnExport()
        /// Find & call the SceneExporter for the given game mode
        /// If no errors were returned, create the bundle
        /// </summary>
        public static void Export(Scene scene, ExportErrors err)
            // Get the root objects in the scene
            var roots = scene.GetRootGameObjects();

            // Make sure there's only one and it's name is correct
            if (roots.Length != 1 || roots[0].name != Constants.RootObjectLevelName)
                err.AddError($"You must only have one root object in your scene and it must be named '{Constants.RootObjectLevelName}'");

            // Make sure it has the CustomScene component. If not, error out
            var sceneRoot = roots[0].GetComponent <CustomScene>();

            if (!sceneRoot)
                err.AddError($"Your root object must have the {nameof(CustomScene)} component on it!");

            // Find the exporter class. If none is found, error out
            var exporter = SceneExporter.GetExporterForGamemode(sceneRoot.Gamemode);

            if (exporter == null)
                err.AddError($"Could not find an exporter class for the gamemode '{sceneRoot.Gamemode}'. Are you missing an assembly?");

            // We have an exporter class, so let it handle the rest of validating the scene
            exporter.Validate(scene, sceneRoot, err);

            // Check for errors after validating
            if (err.HasErrors)
                EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Validation failed.", "There were errors while validating the scene. Check console for more details.", "Oops");

            // Check for warnings, and give the option to continue
            if (err.HasWarnings)
                var result = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Validation succeeded with warnings", "There were warnings while validating the scene. This will not prevent you from continuing, but it is recommended you cancel and correct them", "Continue", "Cancel");
                if (!result)

            // Now the scene is validated we can export.

            Debug.Log("Scene exported!");