Beispiel #1
        private void Btn_Withdraw_med_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var medSelected = Dg_AllMedicines.SelectedItem;
            var medicine    = medSelected as Medicine;

            App._withdrawnMedicines.Add(medicine); // adding medicine to withdrawn collection
            App._allMedicines.Remove(medicine);    // removing medicine from allMedicines collection
            MyStorage.WriteXml <ObservableCollection <Medicine> >(App._withdrawnMedicines, "withdrawnMedicines.xml");
            MyStorage.WriteXml <ObservableCollection <Medicine> >(App._allMedicines, "allMedicines.xml");
            MessageBox.Show($"{medicine.medName} withdrawn!");
Beispiel #2
 private void Btn_Med_Save_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (Tbx_Med_sNum.Text == "" | Tbx_Med_Name.Text == "" | Tbx_Med_Strength.Text == "" | Tbx_Med_Expiry.SelectedDate == DateTime.Today | Tbx_Med_PackSize.Text == Convert.ToString("")) //checking for textboxes to be not empty
         MessageBox.Show("Please fill-in all the fields first!");
         MyStorage.WriteXml <ObservableCollection <Donor> >(App._donors, "donors.xml");
         MyStorage.WriteXml <ObservableCollection <Medicine> >(App._allMedicines, "allMedicines.xml");
         Tbx_Med_sNum.IsEnabled     = false;
         Tbx_Med_Name.IsEnabled     = false;
         Tbx_Med_Strength.IsEnabled = false;
         Tbx_Med_Expiry.IsEnabled   = false;
         Tbx_Med_PackSize.IsEnabled = false;
         Btn_Med_Save.IsEnabled     = false;
Beispiel #3
        private void Btn_Donor_Del_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Tbx_filter.Text = "";

            var itm2delete = Dg_Donor.SelectedItem;

            if (itm2delete == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select donor to be deleted first!", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

            var donor = itm2delete as Donor;
            var res   = MessageBox.Show($"Do you really want to delete {donor.firstName} {donor.lastName}", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

            if (res == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                MyStorage.WriteXml <ObservableCollection <Donor> >(App._donors, "donors.xml");
Beispiel #4
        private void Btn_Med_Del_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var dSelected = Dg_Donor.SelectedItem;

            if (dSelected == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select a donor first!", "Error!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                var med      = Dg_Med_list.SelectedItem;
                var medicine = med as Medicine;
                var res      = MessageBox.Show($"Do you really want to delete {medicine.medName}", "warning!", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
                if (res == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                    (dSelected as Donor).medicines.Remove(medicine); // remove medicine from donor collection
                    App._allMedicines.Remove(medicine);              // remove medicine from allMedicine collection
                    MyStorage.WriteXml <ObservableCollection <Donor> >(App._donors, "donors.xml");
                    MyStorage.WriteXml <ObservableCollection <Medicine> >(App._allMedicines, "allMedicines.xml");
Beispiel #5
        private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
            _donors = MyStorage.ReadXml <ObservableCollection <Donor> >("donors.xml");
            if (_donors == null)
                _donors = new ObservableCollection <Donor>();

            _allMedicines = MyStorage.ReadXml <ObservableCollection <Medicine> >("allMedicines.xml");
            if (_allMedicines == null)
                _allMedicines = new ObservableCollection <Medicine>();

            _withdrawnMedicines = MyStorage.ReadXml <ObservableCollection <Medicine> >("withdrawnMedicines.xml");
            if (_withdrawnMedicines == null)
                _withdrawnMedicines = new ObservableCollection <Medicine>();

            _selectedItem = new ObservableCollection <DonorDetails>();
Beispiel #6
        private void Btn_Donor_Save_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var input = Tbx_cNumber.Text;
            var regEx = new Regex(@"(^\+[0-9]{2}\s+[0-9]{2}\s+[0-9]{8}$)|(^\+[0-9]{2}\s+[0-9]{3}\s+[0-9]{8}$)|(^\+[0-9]{2}\s+[0-9]{4}\s+[0-9]{8}$)|(^\+[0-9]{2}\s+[0-9]{5}\s+[0-9]{8}$)"); //regular expression for contact details to be taken in the format

            if (Tbx_fName.Text == "" | Tbx_lName.Text == "" | Tbx_gID.Text == "")                                                                                                          // checking textbox to not be empty
                MessageBox.Show("Please fill-in all the fields first!");
            else if (!regEx.IsMatch(input)) //checking redular expression to be matched with the given input
                MessageBox.Show("Please Enter a valid Telephone number in the format of ", "Error!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                MyStorage.WriteXml <ObservableCollection <Donor> >(App._donors, "donors.xml");
                Btn_Donor_Edit.IsEnabled = true;
                Btn_Donor_Save.IsEnabled = false;
                Tbx_cNumber.IsEnabled    = false;
                Tbx_fName.IsEnabled      = false;
                Tbx_lName.IsEnabled      = false;
                Tbx_gID.IsEnabled        = false;