Beispiel #1
        public LatLon Add(Position that)
            if (that == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Angle Is Null");

            Angle lat = Angle.NormalizeLatitude(this.latitude.Add(that.Latitude));
            Angle lon = Angle.NormalizeLongitude(this.longitude.Add(that.Longitude));

            return new LatLon(lat, lon);
Beispiel #2
        public new Position Add(Position that)
            Angle lat = Angle.NormalizeLatitude(this.latitude.Add(that.latitude));
            Angle lon = Angle.NormalizeLongitude(this.longitude.Add(that.longitude));

            return new Position(lat, lon, this.elevation + that.elevation);
Beispiel #3
        public new Position Subtract(Position that)
            Angle lat = Angle.NormalizeLatitude(this.latitude.Subtract(that.latitude));
            Angle lon = Angle.NormalizeLongitude(this.longitude.Subtract(that.longitude));

            return new Position(lat, lon, this.elevation - that.elevation);
Beispiel #4
         * Returns the an interpolated location along the rhumb line between <code>value1</code> and <code>value2</code>.
         * The position's elevation components are linearly interpolated as a simple 1D scalar value. The interpolation
         * factor <code>amount</code> defines the weight given to each value, and is clamped to the range [0, 1]. If
         * <code>a</code> is 0 or less, this returns <code>value1</code>. If <code>amount</code> is 1 or more, this returns
         * <code>value2</code>. Otherwise, this returns the position on the rhumb line between <code>value1</code> and
         * <code>value2</code> with a linearly interpolated elevation component, and corresponding to the specified
         * interpolation factor.
         * @param amount the interpolation factor
         * @param value1 the first position.
         * @param value2 the second position.
         * @return an interpolated position along the great-arc between <code>value1</code> and <code>value2</code>, with a
         *         linearly interpolated elevation component.
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either location is null.
        public static Position interpolateRhumb(double amount, Position value1, Position value2)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
            if (value1 == null || value2 == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Position Is Null");

            LatLon latLon = LatLon.interpolateRhumb(amount, value1, value2);
            // Elevation is independent of geographic interpolation method (i.e. rhumb, great-circle, linear), so we
            // interpolate elevation linearly.
            double elevation = WWMath.mix(amount, value1.getElevation(), value2.getElevation());

            return new Position(latLon, elevation);