internal static Workshare.PolicyContent.ContentItem GetContentItem(IContentItem contentIn, bool keepContentBytes)
			bool useFileInstead = false;

			if (null == contentIn)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("contentIn");

			useFileInstead = contentIn.Properties.ContainsKey(ContentDataSourceKey);

			Workshare.PolicyContent.ContentItem contentOut = new Workshare.PolicyContent.ContentItem();
			contentOut.ContentType = contentIn.Type;
			contentOut.Encrypted = contentIn.Encrypted;
			contentOut.Name = contentIn.Name;
		    contentOut.DisplayName = contentIn.DisplayName;
			contentOut.Size = contentIn.Size;
			List<CustomProperty> properties = new List<CustomProperty>();

			if (keepContentBytes && !useFileInstead)    
				contentOut.Content = GetContentBytes(contentIn);

			if (useFileInstead)
				string filename = contentIn.Properties[ContentDataSourceKey];
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) // need to create new file then
					filename = Path.GetTempFileName();
					contentIn.Properties[ContentDataSourceKey] = filename;
					GetContentToFile(contentIn, filename);

			int index = 0;
			if (contentIn.Properties != null && contentIn.Properties.Count > 0)
				HandleContentIds(contentIn, contentOut);
				foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in contentIn.Properties)
					CustomProperty cp = new CustomProperty(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
			contentOut.Properties = properties.ToArray();
			contentOut.PolicySets = new PolicySet[contentIn.PolicySetCollection.Count];
			index = 0;
			foreach (IPolicySetResponse response in contentIn.PolicySetCollection)
				contentOut.PolicySets[index++] = PolicySetAdaptor.GetPolicySet(response);
			return contentOut;
Beispiel #2
		private void AddRecordKeyToAttachmentProperties(Attachment attach, ContentItem ci)
			List<CustomProperty> lcpAttach = new List<CustomProperty>(attach.Properties);
			if (lcpAttach.Exists(
				delegate(CustomProperty cp)
					return (cp.Name == "RecordKey");

			List<CustomProperty> lcpCI = new List<CustomProperty>(ci.Properties);
				delegate(CustomProperty cp)
					return (cp.Name == "RecordKey");
			attach.Properties = lcpAttach.ToArray();
Beispiel #3
		private ContentItem FindContentItemWithZeroParentIndex(ContentItem ci)
			if (ci == null)
				return ci;

			List<CustomProperty> listProperties = new List<CustomProperty>(ci.Properties);
			if (listProperties.Exists(
				delegate(CustomProperty cp)
					return ((cp.Name == "ParentIndex") && (cp.Value == "0"));
				return ci;
				ContentItem nextCI = m_listResponseContents.Find(
					delegate(ContentItem rci)
						return (rci.Id == ci.ParentId);

				return FindContentItemWithZeroParentIndex(nextCI);
Beispiel #4
		/// <summary>|
		/// We need this to handle the recursive parenting.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="response">The <see cref="Workshare.PolicyContent.Response"/></param>
		/// <param name="uiAction">The <see cref="UIAction"/> object for the content item</param>
		/// <param name="action">The <see cref="Workshare.PolicyContent.Action"/> object for the content item</param>
		/// <param name="contentItem"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private static UIContentItem HandleParentContentItems(Response response, UIAction uiAction, PolicyContent.Action action, ContentItem contentItem)
			UIContentItem parent = uiAction.GetContentItemById(contentItem.ParentId);
			if (parent == null)
				CustomProperty parentIndex = Array.Find(contentItem.Properties, p => p.Name == "ParentIndex");
				int index = (parentIndex == null ? -1 : Int32.Parse(parentIndex.Value));
				if (index > -1)
					parent = new UIContentItem(response.Contents[index], action, true);
				if (parent != null)
					if (parent.ParentId == null)
						uiAction.ContentItems[parent.Id] = parent;
						UIContentItem grandparent = HandleParentContentItems(response, uiAction, action, parent.ContentItem);
						grandparent.ChildContentItems[parent.Id] = parent;
			return parent;
Beispiel #5
		public UIContentItem(ContentItem contentItem, Workshare.PolicyContent.Action action)
			: this(contentItem, action, false)
Beispiel #6
		public UIContentItem(ContentItem contentItem, Workshare.PolicyContent.Action action, bool container)
			if (contentItem == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("contentItem");
			m_protectAction = action;
			m_container = container;
			m_contentItem = contentItem;
			m_rating = RatingEnum.Low;
			m_childContentItems = new Dictionary<string, UIContentItem>();
			m_policies = new Dictionary<string, UIPolicy>();
			m_selected = true;
		// The ID of the original document (which is going to be zipped) is now used for
		// the zip, and the original document will get a new ID.
		private void RearrangeItemAndContainerIds(ContentItem contentItem, out string newZipId, out string zipParentId)
			Logger.LogInfo(string.Format("Original content item ID=\"{0}\", original parent ID=\"{1}\".", contentItem.Id, contentItem.ParentId));

			// The attachment will be replaced with a zip. So keep the original content ID and use
			// it for this zip item, and use a new ID for the original document (as it is now inside the zip).
			// They need to have unique ID's so that they can be encrypted correctly.
			string documentsOldContentId = newZipId = contentItem.Id;
			contentItem.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // The original item gets a new ID.
			zipParentId = contentItem.ParentId;
			contentItem.ParentId = newZipId; // The original item will be inside the new zip, so the new zip is its parent.

			Logger.LogInfo(string.Format("New content item ID=\"{0}\", new parent ID=\"{1}\".", contentItem.Id, contentItem.ParentId));
			Logger.LogInfo(string.Format("Zip item ID=\"{0}\", zip parent ID=\"{1}\".", newZipId, zipParentId));

			// Find if the document to be zipped is already password protected.
			if (_encryptionMap.ContainsKey(documentsOldContentId))
				Logger.LogDebug("The original content item was encrypted, so it's encryption map key will also be renamed.");

				// Rename the document's key.
				IContentEncryption contentEncryption = _encryptionMap[documentsOldContentId]; // Store the existing entry.
				_encryptionMap.Remove(documentsOldContentId); // Remove the old entry (the ID is now incorrect).
				_encryptionMap.Add(contentItem.Id, contentEncryption); // Re-add it with the new ID.
		// Migrate content properties from the document to the zip. (This is a helper method for the Zip Action processing.)
		private static void MigrateContentPropertiesFromDocumentToZip(ContentItem documentContentItem, string zipFilePath, out CustomProperty[] zipProperties)
			var docProps = new List<CustomProperty>();

			// Precreate the local file name property in the zip's list.
			var zipProps = new List<CustomProperty> { new CustomProperty("LocalFileName", zipFilePath) };

			// Iterate all properties and decide where to put them.
			foreach (CustomProperty property in documentContentItem.Properties)
				switch (property.Name)
				case "LocalFileName":
					// Only add the local file name to the doc's list.

				case "RecordKey":
					// The record key is now only for the zip.

					// Add unknown properties to both property lists.

					// Make a copy for the zip's list.
					zipProps.Add(new CustomProperty(property.Name, property.Value));

			// Convert the lists into arrays which are returned.
			documentContentItem.Properties = docProps.ToArray();
			zipProperties = zipProps.ToArray();
		// This function creates a content item for zips created by the Zip Action.
		private ContentItem CreateZipContainer(string zipFilePath, ContentItem contentItem, string password)
			// The ID of the original document (which is going to be zipped) is now used for
			// the zip, and the original document will get a new ID.
			string newZipId, parentId;
			RearrangeItemAndContainerIds(contentItem, out newZipId, out parentId);

			// Create a shallow clone of the policy sets array.
			var policySets = (PolicySet[]) contentItem.PolicySets.Clone();

			// Arrange the properties accordingly.
			CustomProperty[] properties;
			MigrateContentPropertiesFromDocumentToZip(contentItem, zipFilePath, out properties);

			// Add a zip encryption for a Zip Action content item.
			AddZipActionEncryptor(newZipId, zipFilePath, password);

			// Create new content item for the zip that will be created by the Zip Action.
			return new ContentItem
				ContentType = "ZIP",
				DisplayName = zipFilePath,
				Id = newZipId,
				Name = zipFilePath,
				ParentId = parentId,
				PolicySets = policySets,
				Properties = properties
		private static ContentItem FindOutermostZip(ContentItem contentItem, ContentItem[] contents)
			if (contentItem == null)
				return null;

			// Start at the given item.
			ContentItem current = contentItem;

			// We have not found anything yet.
			ContentItem found = null;

			// Take this ToString out of the loop.
			string FileType_ZIP = FileType.ZIP.ToString();

				if (current.ContentType == FileType_ZIP)
					// Found a zip. It will be higher up the parent chain than any thus found, so store it as the current leader.
					found = current;

				// Find the parent of the current item and store it as the now-current item.
				current = current.ParentId == null ? null : contents.FirstOrDefault(ci => ci.Id == current.ParentId);

				// If we're at the top then the parent ID would have been null.
			} while (current != null);

			// Return the found item, or null if not found.
			return found;
Beispiel #11
		public void TestAssociateZipActionArchiveWithContent(string docFileName, string zipFileName, string password)
			// Use function currying to keep the password.
			Func<FileType, string, string, string, ContentItem> CreateContentItem =
				(ft, fp, ci, pi) => CreateZipActionContentItem(password, ft, fp, ci, pi);

			// A message with null parent ID, because it's the top-most element.
			const string emailBodyId = "1";
			const string emailBodyName = "message subject/body";
			ContentItem emailContentItem = CreateContentItem(FileType.Email, emailBodyName, emailBodyId, null);
			var emailAttachment = new Attachment(emailBodyName, emailBodyName, FileType.Email.ToString(), emailBodyId, emailBodyId, true);

			// A zip with parent being email
			const string zipId = "2";
			string zipPath = Path.Combine(TestFileDirectory, zipFileName);
			ContentItem zipContentItem = CreateContentItem(FileType.ZIP, zipPath, zipId, emailBodyId);
			var zipAttachment = new Attachment(zipPath, zipPath, FileType.ZIP.ToString(), zipId, zipId, true);
			zipAttachment.File = new FcsFile(zipPath, Path.GetFileName(zipPath), zipId);

			// A doc with parent being zip.
			const string docId = "3";
			string docPath = Path.Combine(TestFileDirectory, docFileName);
			ContentItem docContentItem = CreateContentItem(FileType.WordDocument, docPath, docId, zipId);
			var docAttachment = new Attachment(docPath, docPath, FileType.WordDocument.ToString(), docId, docId, true);
			docAttachment.File = new FcsFile(docPath, Path.GetFileName(docPath), docId);

			using (ContentEncryptionManager manager = new ContentEncryptionManager())
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
					manager.AddZipActionEncryptor(zipId, zipPath, password);

				var contents = new ContentItem[] { emailContentItem, zipContentItem, docContentItem };
				var response = new Response { Contents = contents };

				var attachments = new Attachment[] { emailAttachment, zipAttachment, docAttachment };
				var request = new Request { Attachments = attachments };
				var enforce = new EnforceResponse { ModifiedRequest = request };

				// The zip and it's document are not yet associated.
				Assert.AreEqual(0, zipAttachment.File.Files.Count, "The zip IFile should not contain any files before association.");
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
					Assert.AreEqual(null, zipAttachment.File.Password, "The zip IFile should not yet contain the password.");

				bool cancelSend;
				manager.AssociateZipActionArchiveWithContent(enforce, response, out cancelSend);

				// The zip and it's document should now be associated.
				Assert.AreEqual(1, zipAttachment.File.Files.Count, "The zip IFile should contain 1 file after association.");
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
					Assert.AreEqual(password, zipAttachment.File.Password, "The zip IFile should now contain the correct password.");