public static void Main()
                @"                Hello, and welcome to my program!
              Today we're going to scan a given sentence
              to see if (and how many times) a particular
              sequence of letters or symbols in it occurs.
      First, give me a series of letters, numbers, or symbols to scan.");

            string templateString = Console.ReadLine();

      Next: give me a series of letters numbers or symbols to scan for.");
            string scanString = Console.ReadLine();

            RepeatCounter scanner = new RepeatCounter(templateString, scanString);

        public void CountOccurrences__ReturnsCountOfInstancesIncludingFilterConditions_Two()
            RepeatCounter counter = new RepeatCounter("cat in a cat bag", "cat");

            Assert.AreEqual("Your search string occurs: 2 times in the host string.", counter.CountOccurrences());