}               // public Root property
        #endregion      // Public Properties

        #region Private Methods
        private void InitializeInstance( )
            AssemblyName [] aasmNames = _asmRoot.GetReferencedAssemblies( );
            _lstNamesOfDependentAssemblies = new List <DependentAssemblyInfo> (aasmNames.Length);

            foreach (AssemblyName asmName in aasmNames)
                    new DependentAssemblyInfo(asmName));
            }                                       // foreach ( AssemblyName asmName in aasmNames )

            _lstNamesOfDependentAssemblies.Sort( ); // Sorting is a prerequisite of the binary search algorithm.

            //	----------------------------------------------------------------
            //	Identify and mark dependents that are currently loaded.
            //	----------------------------------------------------------------

            Assembly [] asmAlreadyLoaded = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies( );

            foreach (Assembly asmDependent in asmAlreadyLoaded)
                DependentAssemblyInfo daiCurrent = new DependentAssemblyInfo(asmDependent.GetName( ));
                int intMatch = _lstNamesOfDependentAssemblies.BinarySearch(daiCurrent);

                if (intMatch > ListInfo.BINARY_SEARCH_NOT_FOUND)
                    _lstNamesOfDependentAssemblies [intMatch].MarkAsLoaded(asmDependent);
                }       // if ( intMatch > ListInfo.BINARY_SEARCH_NOT_FOUND )
            }           // foreach ( Assembly asmDependent in asmAlreadyLoaded )
        }               // InitializeInstance
        }       // DestroyDependents

        /// <summary>
        /// List the properties of each dependent assembly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pswOut">
        /// Specify the optional output StreamWriter onto which the dependent
        /// assembly details are to be written. The default value is NULL, which
        /// suppresses output.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pchrDelimiter">
        /// Specify the optional field delimiter. The default value is a comma.
        /// </param>
        public void DisplayProperties(
            StreamWriter pswOut = null,
            char pchrDelimiter  = SpecialCharacters.COMMA)
                Properties.Resources.MSG_ASM_DEPENDENTS_DETAILS_HEAD,                   // Format Control String
                Environment.NewLine);                                                   // Format Item 2 = Embedded Newline

            //	----------------------------------------------------------------
            //	Load any dependents that haven't already loaded in due course.
            //	Each of these DLLs loads into a private Application Domain, so
            //	that it can be unloaded before the collection goes out scope.
            //	Deferring this operation until this routine executes means that
            //	DestroyDependents need not be called unless this method runs.
            //	----------------------------------------------------------------

            if (pswOut != null)
            {   // If present, the stream is expected to be open for writing.
            }   // if ( pswOut != null )

            int intNDependents = _lstNamesOfDependentAssemblies.Count;

            for (int intJ = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT;
                 intJ < intNDependents;
            {   // Load dependents that haven't already been loaded.
                DependentAssemblyInfo daiCurrent = _lstNamesOfDependentAssemblies [intJ];

                if (!daiCurrent.IsLoaded)
                {       // Load the assembly into a dedicated AppDomain, so that it can be unloaded.
                    daiCurrent.LoadForInspection( );
                }       // FALSE (The application created a custom domain, into which it loaded the assembly.) block, if ( daiCurrent.IsLoaded )


                if (pswOut != null)
                {       // If present, the stream is expected to be open for writing.
                } // if ( pswOut != null )
            }     // for ( int intJ = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ; intJ < intNDependents ; intJ++ )

                Properties.Resources.MSG_ASM_DEPENDENTS_DETAILS_TAIL, // Format Control String
                _asmRoot.FullName,                                    // Format Item 0 = Assembly Full Name
                Environment.NewLine);                                 // Format Item 1 = Embedded Newline
            DestroyDependents( );
        }                                                             // DisplayProperties method
        }          // public Root property
        #endregion // Public Properties

        #region Private Methods
        private void InitializeInstance( )
            AssemblyName [] aasmNames = _asmRoot.GetReferencedAssemblies( );
            _lstNamesOfDependentAssemblies = new List <DependentAssemblyInfo> (aasmNames.Length);

            {   // Build a scope fence around loop index intNDependents.
                int intNDependents = aasmNames.Length;

                for (int intJ = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT;
                     intJ < intNDependents;
                    _lstNamesOfDependentAssemblies.Add(new DependentAssemblyInfo(aasmNames [intJ]));
                }                                   // for ( int intJ = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ; intJ < intNDependents ; intJ++ )
            }                                       // Let intNDependents go out of scope.

            _lstNamesOfDependentAssemblies.Sort( ); // Sorting is a prerequisite of the binary search algorithm.

            //	----------------------------------------------------------------
            //	Identify and mark dependents that are currently loaded.
            //	----------------------------------------------------------------

            Assembly [] asmAlreadyLoaded = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies( );

            {   // Build a scope fence around loop index intNLoadedDependents.
                int intNLoadedDependents = asmAlreadyLoaded.Length;

                for (int intJ = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT;
                     intJ < intNLoadedDependents;
                    DependentAssemblyInfo daiCurrent = new DependentAssemblyInfo(asmAlreadyLoaded [intJ].GetName( ));
                    int intMatch = _lstNamesOfDependentAssemblies.BinarySearch(daiCurrent);

                    if (intMatch > ListInfo.BINARY_SEARCH_NOT_FOUND)
                        _lstNamesOfDependentAssemblies [intMatch].MarkAsLoaded(asmAlreadyLoaded [intJ]);
                    } // if ( intMatch > ListInfo.BINARY_SEARCH_NOT_FOUND )
                }     // for ( int intJ = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ; intJ < intNLoadedDependents ; intJ++ )
            }         // Let intNLoadedDependents go out of scope. (This is insurance against new code being added below that extends the scope of the method.)
        }             // InitializeInstance