Beispiel #1
 public override bool IsComplete(Character character)
     return character.GetType() == typeof(Magus) && ((Magus)(character)).Apprentice != _apprentice;
Beispiel #2
 public bool IsComplete(Character character)
     // TODO: there's nothing preventing a character from having multiple apprentices
     return character.GetType() == typeof(Magus) && ((Magus)character).Apprentice != null;
Beispiel #3
        public override void ModifyActionList(Character character, ConsideredActions alreadyConsidered, IList<string> log)
            double remainingTotal = GetRemainingTotal(character);
            if(remainingTotal <= 0)
            double dueDateDesire = Desire / (Tier + 1);
            if (DueDate != null)
                if (DueDate == 0)
                    log.Add("Ability Condition failed!");
                dueDateDesire /= (double)DueDate;
            if (dueDateDesire > 0.01 && Tier <= 10)
                IEnumerable<IBook> readableBooks = character.ReadableBooks;
                foreach (Ability ability in _abilities)
                    bool isArt = MagicArts.IsArt(ability);
                    CharacterAbilityBase charAbility = character.GetAbility(ability);

                    // Handle Reading
                    var topicalBooks = readableBooks.Where(b => b.Topic == ability);
                    AddReading(character, alreadyConsidered, topicalBooks, remainingTotal, dueDateDesire);

                    // Abilities get practice, arts get vis study
                    if (!isArt && (ability.AbilityType != AbilityType.Supernatural || charAbility.Value > 0))
                        double desire = dueDateDesire * charAbility.GetValueGain(4) / remainingTotal;
                        log.Add("Practicing " + ability.AbilityName + " worth " + desire.ToString("0.00"));
                        Practice practiceAction = new Practice(ability, desire);
                    else if (isArt && character.GetType() == typeof(Magus))
                        Magus mage = (Magus)character;
                        HandleVisUse(mage, charAbility, remainingTotal, dueDateDesire, alreadyConsidered, log);

                    // TODO: Learning By Training
                    // TODO: Learning by Teaching
Beispiel #4
 public override void ModifyVisNeeds(Character character, VisDesire[] desires)
     if (!IsComplete(character))
         foreach (Ability ability in _abilities)
             if (MagicArts.IsArt(ability)  && character.GetType() == typeof(Magus))
                 CharacterAbilityBase charAbility = character.GetAbility(ability);
                 double experienceNeeded = charAbility.GetExperienceUntilLevel(_total);
                 double visPer = 0.5 + (charAbility.Value + _total) / 20.0;
                 double visNeeded = experienceNeeded * visPer / ((Magus)(character)).VisStudyRate;
                 desires[charAbility.Ability.AbilityId % 300].Quantity += visNeeded;
Beispiel #5
        public void ModifyActionList(Character character, ConsideredActions alreadyConsidered, IList<string> log)
            if (character.GetType() == typeof(Magus))
                Magus mage = (Magus)character;
                Desire = CalculateDesire(mage);
                double visNeed = character.SeasonalAge / 20.0;
                VisCondition visCondition = new VisCondition(_artsRequired, visNeed, Desire, Tier, DueDate == null ? null : DueDate - 1);

                bool visComplete = visCondition.IsComplete(character);
                bool labComplete = _hasLabCondition.IsComplete(character);

                if (!visComplete)
                    visCondition.ModifyActionList(character, alreadyConsidered, log);
                if (!labComplete)
                    _hasLabCondition.Desire = Desire;
                    _hasLabCondition.ModifyActionList(character, alreadyConsidered, log);
                if (visComplete && labComplete)
                    //effectively, every five points of lab total is worth a decade of effectiveness
                    double dueDateDesire = Desire / (Tier + 1);
                    if (DueDate != null)
                        if (DueDate == 0)
                            log.Add("Not enough time to perform longevity ritual");
                        dueDateDesire /= (double)DueDate;
                    if (DueDate == null || DueDate < 4)
                        log.Add("Performing longevity ritual worth " + dueDateDesire.ToString("0.00"));
                        alreadyConsidered.Add(new LongevityRitual(Abilities.MagicTheory, dueDateDesire));
                    double labTotalDesire = mage.GetLabTotal(MagicArtPairs.CrVi, Activity.DistillVis) * 8;
                    if (DueDate != null)
                        labTotalDesire /= (double)DueDate;
                    // every point of lab total is effectively two years
                    LongevityRitualAbilitiesHelper helper =
                        new LongevityRitualAbilitiesHelper(labTotalDesire, (byte)(Tier + 1), DueDate == null ? null : DueDate - 1);
                    helper.ModifyActionList(character, alreadyConsidered, log);
Beispiel #6
 public bool IsComplete(Character character)
     if (character.GetType() != typeof(Magus))
         throw new ArgumentException("Only magi can have Vis conditions");
     Magus mage = (Magus)character;
     double total = 0;
     foreach (Ability visType in _visTypes)
         total += mage.GetVisCount(visType);
     return total >= _total;
Beispiel #7
 public bool IsComplete(Character character)
     if (character.GetType() != typeof(Magus))
         throw new ArgumentException("Only magi have lab totals!");
     Magus mage = (Magus)character;
     return _hasLabCondition.IsComplete(character) && mage.GetLabTotal(_artPair, _labWorkType) >= _total;
Beispiel #8
 protected Magus ConfirmCharacterIsMage(Character character)
     if (typeof(Magus) != character.GetType())
         throw new InvalidCastException("Only magi can extract vis!");
     return (Magus)character;
Beispiel #9
        protected override void DoAction(Character character)
            if (character.GetType() == typeof(Magus))
                character.Log.Add("Searching for a vis site in aura " + Aura.Strength.ToString("0.00"));
                Magus mage = (Magus)character;
                // add bonus to area lore equal to casting total div 5?
                // TODO: once spells are implemented, increase finding chances based on aura-detection spells
                double magicLore = mage.GetAbility(Abilities.MagicLore).Value;
                magicLore += mage.GetAttribute(AttributeType.Perception).Value;
                magicLore += mage.GetCastingTotal(MagicArtPairs.InVi) / 5;
                double roll = Die.Instance.RollDouble() * 5;

                // die roll will be 0-5; area lore will be between 0 and 25; aura will be 0-9, giving vis counts of 0-35
                double visSourceFound = Math.Sqrt(roll * magicLore * Aura.Strength);
                visSourceFound -= Aura.VisSources.Select(v => v.AnnualAmount).Sum();
                if (visSourceFound > 1.0)
                    Season seasons = DetermineSeasons(ref visSourceFound);
                    Ability art = DetermineArt();
                    string logMessage = art.AbilityName + " vis source of size " + visSourceFound.ToString("0.00") + " found: ";
                    if ((seasons & Season.Spring) == Season.Spring)
                        logMessage += "Sp";
                    if ((seasons & Season.Summer) == Season.Summer)
                        logMessage += "Su";
                    if ((seasons & Season.Autumn) == Season.Autumn)
                        logMessage += "Au";
                    if ((seasons & Season.Winter) == Season.Winter)
                        logMessage += "Wi";
                    Aura.VisSources.Add(new VisSource(Aura, art, seasons, visSourceFound));
Beispiel #10
 protected override void DoAction(Character character)
     character.Log.Add("Searched for an aura");
     // see if the character can safely spont aura-finding spells
     if (typeof(Magus) == character.GetType())
     // TODO: store knowledge of locations
     // TODO: as we go, eventually, do we want locations to be set, rather than generated upon finding?
Beispiel #11
 protected override void DoAction(Character character)
     // see if the character can safely spont gift-finding spells
     if (typeof(Magus) == character.GetType())