private void OnManipulationDelta(object sender, ManipulationDeltaEventArgs e)
            if (_isDragging)
                AnimatePanel(_panDuration, _panEase, _dragTarget += e.DeltaManipulation.Translation.Y);
#if WP8
                _changeStateAfterAnimation = false;
                e.Handled = true;
            else if (Math.Abs(e.CumulativeManipulation.Translation.X) > DragSensitivity)
                _isAllowedToDragVertically = false;
            else if (_isAllowedToDragVertically && Math.Abs(e.CumulativeManipulation.Translation.Y) > DragSensitivity)
                _isDragging   = true;
                _state        = State.Dragging;
                e.Handled     = true;
                _selectedItem = null;

                if (!IsExpanded)
                    IsExpanded = true;

                _dragTarget = _panningTransform.Y;
        private LoopingSelectorItem CreateAndAddItem(Panel parent, object content)
            bool reuse = _temporaryItemsPool != null && _temporaryItemsPool.Count > 0;

            LoopingSelectorItem wrapper = reuse ? _temporaryItemsPool.Dequeue() : new LoopingSelectorItem();

            if (!reuse)
                wrapper.ContentTemplate = this.ItemTemplate;
                wrapper.Width           = ItemSize.Width;
                wrapper.Height          = ItemSize.Height;
                wrapper.Padding         = ItemMargin;

                wrapper.Click += OnWrapperClick;

            wrapper.DataContext = wrapper.Content = content;

            parent.Children.Add(wrapper); // Need to do this before calling ApplyTemplate
            if (!reuse)
                wrapper.SetState(LoopingSelectorItem.State.Normal, false);

            // Item should be visible if this control is expanded.
            if (IsExpanded)
                // Uses transitions only when going from normal to expanded state.
                wrapper.SetState(LoopingSelectorItem.State.Expanded, !_actualIsExpanded);

        private int GetClosestItem()
            if (!IsReady)

            double actualItemHeight = ActualItemHeight;

            int    count           = _itemsPanel.Children.Count;
            double panelY          = _panningTransform.Y;
            double halfHeight      = actualItemHeight / 2;
            int    found           = -1;
            double closestDistance = double.MaxValue;

            for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index)
                LoopingSelectorItem wrapper = (LoopingSelectorItem)_itemsPanel.Children[index];
                double distance             = Math.Abs((wrapper.Transform.Y + halfHeight) + panelY);
                if (distance <= halfHeight)
                    found = index;
                else if (closestDistance > distance)
                    closestDistance = distance;
                    found           = index;

        private static LoopingSelectorItem GetLastItem(LoopingSelectorItem item, out int count)
            count = 0;
            while (item.Next != null)
                item = item.Next;

        private static LoopingSelectorItem GetFirstItem(LoopingSelectorItem item, out int count)
            count = 0;
            while (item.Previous != null)
                item = item.Previous;

        internal void InsertBefore(LoopingSelectorItem before)
            Next     = before;
            Previous = before.Previous;

            if (before.Previous != null)
                before.Previous.Next = this;

            before.Previous = this;
        internal void InsertAfter(LoopingSelectorItem after)
            Next     = after.Next;
            Previous = after;

            if (after.Next != null)
                after.Next.Previous = this;

            after.Next = this;
 internal void Remove()
     if (Previous != null)
         Previous.Next = Next;
     if (Next != null)
         Next.Previous = Previous;
     Next = Previous = null;
        private void SelectAndSnapTo(LoopingSelectorItem item)
            if (item == null)

            if (_selectedItem != null && _selectedItem != item)
                _selectedItem.SetState(IsExpanded ? LoopingSelectorItem.State.Expanded : LoopingSelectorItem.State.Normal, true);

            if (_selectedItem != item)
                _selectedItem = item;
                // Update DataSource.SelectedItem aynchronously so that animations have a chance to start.
                Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                    _isSelecting            = true;
                    DataSource.SelectedItem = item.DataContext;
                    _isSelecting            = false;

#if WP7
            _selectedItem.SetState(LoopingSelectorItem.State.Selected, true);

            TranslateTransform transform = item.Transform;
            if (transform != null)
                double newPosition = -transform.Y - Math.Round(item.ActualHeight / 2);
                if (_panningTransform.Y != newPosition)
                    AnimatePanel(_selectDuration, _selectEase, newPosition);
#if WP8
                    _changeStateAfterAnimation = true;
                    _selectedItem.SetState(LoopingSelectorItem.State.Selected, true);
        private void OnManipulationCompleted(object sender, ManipulationCompletedEventArgs e)
            if (_isDragging)
                // See if it was a flick
                if (e.IsInertial)
                    _state        = State.Flicking;
                    _selectedItem = null;

                    if (!IsExpanded)
                        IsExpanded = true;

                    Point           velocity      = new Point(0, e.FinalVelocities.LinearVelocity.Y);
                    double          flickDuration = PhysicsConstants.GetStopTime(velocity);
                    Point           flickEndPoint = PhysicsConstants.GetStopPoint(velocity);
                    IEasingFunction flickEase     = PhysicsConstants.GetEasingFunction(flickDuration);

                    double endPoint         = _panningTransform.Y + flickEndPoint.Y;
                    double adjustedEndPoint = Math.Round(endPoint / ActualItemHeight) * ActualItemHeight;

                    flickDuration *= adjustedEndPoint / endPoint;

                    AnimatePanel(new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(flickDuration)), flickEase, adjustedEndPoint);

#if WP8
                    _changeStateAfterAnimation = false;

                    e.Handled = true;

                    _selectedItem = null;

                if (_state == State.Dragging)

                _state = State.Expanded;
        private void SelectAndSnapToClosest()
            if (!IsReady)

            int index = GetClosestItem();

            if (index == -1)

            LoopingSelectorItem item = (LoopingSelectorItem)_itemsPanel.Children[index];

        /// <summary>
        /// Balances the items.
        /// </summary>
        private void Balance()
            if (!IsReady)

            double actualItemWidth  = ActualItemWidth;
            double actualItemHeight = ActualItemHeight;

            _additionalItemsCount = (int)Math.Round((ActualHeight * 1.5) / actualItemHeight);

            LoopingSelectorItem closestToMiddle = null;
            int closestToMiddleIndex            = -1;

            if (_itemsPanel.Children.Count == 0)
                // We need to get the selection and start from there
                closestToMiddleIndex        = 0;
                _selectedItem               = closestToMiddle = CreateAndAddItem(_itemsPanel, DataSource.SelectedItem);
                closestToMiddle.Transform.Y = -actualItemHeight / 2;
                closestToMiddle.Transform.X = (ActualWidth - actualItemWidth) / 2;
                closestToMiddle.SetState(LoopingSelectorItem.State.Selected, false);
                closestToMiddleIndex = GetClosestItem();
                closestToMiddle      = (LoopingSelectorItem)_itemsPanel.Children[closestToMiddleIndex];

            if (IsExpanded)
                int itemsBeforeCount;
                LoopingSelectorItem firstItem = GetFirstItem(closestToMiddle, out itemsBeforeCount);

                int itemsAfterCount;
                LoopingSelectorItem lastItem = GetLastItem(closestToMiddle, out itemsAfterCount);

                // Does the top need items?
                if (itemsBeforeCount < itemsAfterCount || itemsBeforeCount < _additionalItemsCount)
                    while (itemsBeforeCount < _additionalItemsCount)
                        object newData = DataSource.GetPrevious(firstItem.DataContext);
                        if (newData == null)
                            // There may be room to display more items, but there is no more data.
                            _maximumPanelScroll = -firstItem.Transform.Y - actualItemHeight / 2;
                            if (_isAnimating && _panelAnimation.To.Value > _maximumPanelScroll)

                        LoopingSelectorItem newItem = null;

                        // Can an item from the bottom be re-used?
                        if (itemsAfterCount > _additionalItemsCount)
                            newItem  = lastItem;
                            lastItem = lastItem.Previous;
                            newItem.Content = newItem.DataContext = newData;
                            // Make a new item
                            newItem             = CreateAndAddItem(_itemsPanel, newData);
                            newItem.Transform.X = (ActualWidth - actualItemWidth) / 2;

                        // Put the new item on the top
                        newItem.Transform.Y = firstItem.Transform.Y - actualItemHeight;
                        firstItem = newItem;


                // Does the bottom need items?
                if (itemsAfterCount < itemsBeforeCount || itemsAfterCount < _additionalItemsCount)
                    while (itemsAfterCount < _additionalItemsCount)
                        object newData = DataSource.GetNext(lastItem.DataContext);
                        if (newData == null)
                            // There may be room to display more items, but there is no more data.
                            _minimumPanelScroll = -lastItem.Transform.Y - actualItemHeight / 2;
                            if (_isAnimating && _panelAnimation.To.Value < _minimumPanelScroll)

                        LoopingSelectorItem newItem = null;

                        // Can an item from the top be re-used?
                        if (itemsBeforeCount > _additionalItemsCount)
                            newItem   = firstItem;
                            firstItem = firstItem.Next;
                            newItem.Content = newItem.DataContext = newData;
                            // Make a new item
                            newItem             = CreateAndAddItem(_itemsPanel, newData);
                            newItem.Transform.X = (ActualWidth - actualItemWidth) / 2;

                        // Put the new item on the bottom
                        newItem.Transform.Y = lastItem.Transform.Y + actualItemHeight;
                        lastItem = newItem;


                _temporaryItemsPool = null;