private void DLHistoricalDataB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool validname = false;
            bool ready     = false;

            if (MyUtility.isValidName(StockTableName.Text))
                validname = true;
                MessageBox.Show("Stock Table name can not nither start with number nor include special charachter");
                StockNameTxtBox.Text = "Stock Name";
                StockTableName.Text  = "Stock Table";

            if (!ss.TableIsExist(StockTableName.Text) && validname)
                DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Table \"" + StockTableName.Text + "\" does not exist  would you like to create it ?", "Table does not found", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                    if (ss.CreateHistoricalTable(StockTableName.Text))
                        HistLabel.Text = "Table " + StockTableName.Text + " created successfully";

                        ListViewItem lvl = new ListViewItem(StockNameTxtBox.Text);
                        ss.insert("insert into Histoorical_Stock_Table values ('" + StockNameTxtBox.Text + "', '" + StockTableName.Text + "' ,'" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "');");
                        ready = true;
                        HistLabel.Text = "Creating table terminated due, \n(Invalid Stock Table Name)";
                else if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No)
                    HistLabel.Text = "Action Terminated";
            else if (ss.TableIsExist(StockTableName.Text))
                ready = true;

            if (ready)
                ///////////// sql initial command's
                SqlConnection conn;
                string        connection_string = "Data Source=HOSEIN-PC;Initial Catalog=FYP1;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=15;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False";
                conn = new SqlConnection(connection_string);
                ////////////////////////// end of sql commands, starting of webclient commands
                    string downloadedStrings;
                    System.Net.WebClient client;
                    client            = new System.Net.WebClient();
                    downloadedStrings = client.DownloadString("" + StockNameTxtBox.Text);//hgvbap2b4c8d2e7f6jg3g6j1");
                    string[] temp = downloadedStrings.Split('\n');
                    ///////////////////////// end of webclient commands

                    /*the temp.Length -1 should be put instead of temp.Length because we did
                     * not count the first element .

                    HistLabel.Text = "Inserting";
                    int  counters = 0;
                    bool Succed   = true;

                    for (int i = 1; i < temp.Length - 1; i++)
                            string[] innerTemp = temp[i].Split(',');
                            DateTime mydate    = Convert.ToDateTime(innerTemp[0]);
                            decimal? Open      = MyUtility.getDecimal(innerTemp[1]);
                            decimal? High      = MyUtility.getDecimal(innerTemp[2]);
                            decimal? Low       = MyUtility.getDecimal(innerTemp[3]);
                            decimal? Close     = MyUtility.getDecimal(innerTemp[4]);
                            decimal? Volume    = MyUtility.getDecimal(innerTemp[5]);
                            decimal? Adj_Close = MyUtility.getDecimal(innerTemp[6]);

                            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(
                                "INSERT INTO " + StockTableName.Text + " VALUES(@Date_,@Open_,@High,@Low,@Close_,@Volume,@Adj_Close);"
                                , conn);
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@Date_", SqlDbType.Date);
                            cmd.Parameters["@Date_"].Value = mydate.ToShortDateString();
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@Open_", SqlDbType.Decimal);
                            cmd.Parameters["@Open_"].Value = Open;
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@High", SqlDbType.Decimal);
                            cmd.Parameters["@High"].Value = High;
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@Low", SqlDbType.Decimal);
                            cmd.Parameters["@Low"].Value = Low;
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@Close_", SqlDbType.Decimal);
                            cmd.Parameters["@Close_"].Value = Close;
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@Volume", SqlDbType.Decimal);
                            cmd.Parameters["@Volume"].Value = Volume;
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@Adj_Close", SqlDbType.Decimal);
                            cmd.Parameters["@Adj_Close"].Value = Adj_Close;
                                Int32 rowsAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
                                //   Console.WriteLine("RowsAffected: {0}", rowsAffected);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                //   Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
                                HistLabel.Text = counters + " Rows has been added";
                                // MessageBox.Show(ex.HResult.ToString());
                                Succed = false;
                            //Int32 rowsAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
                        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) // Error 001
                            MessageBox.Show("Contact administrator Technical Error 001 / Form1 ");
                            HistLabel.Text = "Contact Admin /Error 001";

                    if (Succed)
                        HistLabel.Text = "Inserting done successfully,\n" + counters + " rows are added";
                catch (System.Net.WebException)
                    MessageBox.Show("Check Stock name symbol and try again (Stock Name)");
                    StockNameTxtBox.Text = "Stock Name";
                    StockTableName.Text  = "Stock Table";
                    // update time !
         * the function below download real-time data
        private void myfunction()
            string downloadedString;

            // string downloadedString1;
            System.Net.WebClient client;
            client = new System.Net.WebClient();
            //try {

            StatusOfConnection.Text = "Downloading .CSV files";
            downloadedString = client.DownloadString("" + StockNames + "&f=sl1d1t1c1hgvbap2b4e7jj1j5k2k5m2m5m8oqr7s7t7w1ya2b2dee8kij6lm3m6pp5rr5t8w4b3cc6e9j4k1k4mm4m7p6r1r6t6wx");//hgvbap2b4c8d2e7f6jg3g6j1");
            string unconfirmed       = client.DownloadString("" + StockNames + "&f=l2c8d2g3r2v1c3g4l3e1g1i5n4p1s1g5g6v7s6f0");
            string DLSTring_Bid_Size = client.DownloadString("" + StockNames + "&f=b6");

            string DLSTring_Market_Cap_Real_time = client.DownloadString("" + StockNames + "&f=j3");

            string DLSTring_Ask_Size = client.DownloadString("" + StockNames + "&f=a5");

            string DLSTring_Last_Trade_Size = client.DownloadString("" + StockNames + "&f=k3");

            string DLSTring_Shares_Outstanding = client.DownloadString("" + StockNames + "&f=j2"); // j2

            //s6	Revenue
            //f0	Trade Links Additional
            //j2	Shares Outstanding      //

            //////////////////////////////////// Lable code
            StatusOfConnection.Text = "Downloading .CSV files Performed Successfully";
            //////////////////////////////////// end of Lable code
            //MessageBox.Show("download Performed Successfully");
            //}catch (WebException ex){
            //  MessageBox.Show("ex.Tostring");
            string[]  temp   = downloadedString.Split(',');
            string [] UCtemp = unconfirmed.Split(',');
            // check container VALIDITY
            //MessageBox.Show(temp.Length.ToString()); // 61
            //MessageBox.Show(UCtemp.Length.ToString()); // 18
            StatusOfConnection.Text = "Cheking .CSV validity";
            if (!MyUtility.validNoOfElements(temp, 61))
                MessageBox.Show("Error : .CSV file format is not match Confirmed data are incorrect\nContact administrator");
                StatusOfConnection.Text = ".CSV file format is not match\nContact administrator";
            if (!MyUtility.validNoOfElements(UCtemp, 20))
                MessageBox.Show("Error : .CSV file format is not match Unconfirmed data are incorrect\nContact administrator");
                StatusOfConnection.Text = ".CSV file format is not match\nContact administrator";

            // Starting of declaring attribute -------------------------------- To purpose of development all the attributes are shifted to variable first
            StatusOfConnection.Text = "Start Assigning value to variables";
            string  Symbol = temp[0].Replace("\"", "");                    // done
            decimal?Last_Trade_Price_only = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[1]); // done

            for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++)
                temp[i] = temp[i].Replace("\"", "");
            DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(temp[2].Replace("\"", ""));

            temp[3] = temp[3].Replace("\"", "").Insert(temp[3].Length - 4, " ");
            DateTime dates = Convert.ToDateTime(temp[3]);
            TimeSpan span  = dates.TimeOfDay;
            // end of conversion
            DateTime Last_Update_Time = DateTime.Now;                 // primary key
            DateTime Last_Trade_Date = date + span;                   // done
            decimal? Change          = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[4]); //done
            decimal?Days_High = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[5]);
            decimal?Days_Low  = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[6]);
            double? Volume    = MyUtility.getDouble(temp[7]);
            // MessageBox.Show(temp[8]);
            decimal?Bid = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[8]);

            // decimal? Bid = 0;//= MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[8]);

            // MessageBox.Show(Bid.ToString());
            //if (decimal.TryParse(temp[8], out Bid))
            //  Bid = decimal.Parse(temp[8]);
            //Parse(temp[8]); //
            double?Ask = MyUtility.getDouble(temp[9]);
            string Change_in_percent = temp[10].Replace("\"", "");

            decimal?book_Value = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[11]);
            //string After_houre_change = temp[12].Replace("\"", "") ;          // c8
            //DateTime? TradeDate = null ;                                                      // d2
            //if (temp[13] != "0" && temp[13] != "-" && temp[13] != "N/A")
            //   TradeDate = Convert.ToDateTime(temp[13].Replace("\"", ""));;
            decimal?EPS_Estimate_Current_Year = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[12]);
            decimal?_52_week_Low = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[13]);

            //  MessageBox.Show(temp[13]);
            // MessageBox.Show(_52_week_Low.ToString());
            //string Annualized_Gain = temp[16].Replace("\"" , "");                             // g3
            //decimal? Holdings_Gain_Real_time = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[17]);                // g6
            string Market_Capitalization = temp[14]; // since it is based on billion I consider it as string
            // MessageBox.Show(Change_in_percent + " my new things ");
            decimal?Change_From_52_week_Low          = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[15]);
            string  Change_Percent_Real_time         = temp[16].Replace("\"", "");      //string
            double? Percent_Change_From_52_week_High = MyUtility.getDouble(temp[17]);
            //decimal? High_Limit=  MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[22]) ;                            //l2

            //////////////////////////////////////////////////// parametrized db Failed !

            /*un comment part bellow for parametrized DB
             * SqlConnection conn;
             * string connection_string = "Data Source=HOSEIN-PC\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=FYP;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=15;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False";
             * conn = new SqlConnection(connection_string);
             * try
             * {
             *  SqlCommand cmd001 = new SqlCommand(
             *  "INSERT INTO " + "KLSE_Table_Parametrized " + " VALUES(@Symbol,@Last_Update_Date,@Last_Update_Time,@Last_Trade_Price_only,@Last_Trade_Date"
             + ",@Last_Trade_Time,@Change,@Days_High,@Days_Low,@Volume,@Bid"
             + ",@Ask,@Change_in_percent,@book_Value,@EPS_Estimate_Current_Year"//,@The_52_week_Low"
             +  //+ ",@Market_Capitalization"+",@Change_From_52_week_Low"//,@Change_Percent_Real_time,@Percent_Change_From_52_week_High"
             + ");"
             +      , conn);
             +  cmd001.Parameters.Add("@Symbol", SqlDbType.VarChar);    //1
             +  cmd001.Parameters["@Symbol"].Value = Symbol;
             +  cmd001.Parameters.Add("@Last_Update_Date",SqlDbType.Date );//2
             +  cmd001.Parameters["@Last_Update_Date"].Value = Last_Update_Time.ToShortDateString();
             +  cmd001.Parameters.Add("@Last_Update_Time",SqlDbType.DateTime );// -- pk//3
             +  cmd001.Parameters["@Last_Update_Time"].Value = Last_Update_Time.ToLongTimeString();
             +  cmd001.Parameters.Add("@Last_Trade_Price_only", SqlDbType.Money);//4
             +  cmd001.Parameters["@Last_Trade_Price_only"].Value = Last_Trade_Price_only;
             +  cmd001.Parameters.Add("@Last_Trade_Date", SqlDbType.Date);//5
             +  cmd001.Parameters["@Last_Trade_Date"].Value =Last_Trade_Date.ToShortDateString() ;
             +  cmd001.Parameters.Add("@Last_Trade_Time", SqlDbType.DateTime);//6
             +  cmd001.Parameters["@Last_Trade_Time"].Value =Last_Trade_Date.ToLongTimeString();
             +  cmd001.Parameters.Add("@Change", SqlDbType.Money);//7
             +  cmd001.Parameters["@Change"].Value =Change ;
             +  cmd001.Parameters.Add("@Days_High", SqlDbType.Money);//8
             +  cmd001.Parameters["@Days_High"].Value =Days_High ;
             +  cmd001.Parameters.Add("@Days_Low", SqlDbType.Money);//9
             +  cmd001.Parameters["@Days_Low"].Value =Days_Low ;
             +  cmd001.Parameters.Add("@Volume", SqlDbType.Float);//10
             +  cmd001.Parameters["@Volume"].Value = Volume;
             +  cmd001.Parameters.Add("@Bid",SqlDbType.Money );//11
             +  cmd001.Parameters["@Bid"].Value = Bid;
             +  cmd001.Parameters.Add("@Ask", SqlDbType.Float);//12
             +  cmd001.Parameters["@Ask"].Value = Ask;
             +  cmd001.Parameters.Add("@Change_in_percent", SqlDbType.VarChar);//13
             +  cmd001.Parameters["@Change_in_percent"].Value =Change_in_percent;
             +  cmd001.Parameters.Add("@book_Value",SqlDbType.Money );//14
             +  cmd001.Parameters["@book_Value"].Value =book_Value;
             +  cmd001.Parameters.Add("@EPS_Estimate_Current_Year" ,SqlDbType.Money );//15
             +  cmd001.Parameters["@EPS_Estimate_Current_Year"].Value =EPS_Estimate_Current_Year;
             *////////////////// do not uncomment star bellow

             * decimal The_52_week_Low = _52_week_Low
             * cmd001.Parameters.Add("@The_52_week_Low",SqlDbType.Money );//16
             * cmd001.Parameters["The_52_week_Low"].Value =The_52_week_Low;
             * cmd001.Parameters.Add("@Market_Capitalization", SqlDbType.VarChar); // 17
             * cmd001.Parameters["@Market_Capitalization"].Value =Market_Capitalization;
             * cmd001.Parameters.Add("@Change_From_52_week_Low", SqlDbType.Money );
             * cmd001.Parameters["@Change_From_52_week_Low"].Value =Change_From_52_week_Low;
             * cmd001.Parameters.Add("@Change_Percent_Real_time", SqlDbType.VarChar);
             * cmd001.Parameters["@Change_Percent_Real_time"].Value =Change_Percent_Real_time;
             * cmd001.Parameters.Add("@Percent_Change_From_52_week_High", SqlDbType.Float);
             * cmd001.Parameters["@Percent_Change_From_52_week_High"].Value = Percent_Change_From_52_week_High;

            /* un comment part bellow for parametrized DB
             *  try
             *  {
             *      conn.Open();
             *      Int32 rowsAffected = cmd001.ExecuteNonQuery();
             *      //counters++;
             *      //   Console.WriteLine("RowsAffected: {0}", rowsAffected);
             *      conn.Close();
             *  }
             *  catch (Exception ex)
             *  {
             *      MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString());
             *      conn.Close();
             *  }
             *  //Int32 rowsAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
             *  //MessageBox.Show("done!");
             * }
             * catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) // Error 001
             * {
             *  MessageBox.Show("Contact administrator Technical Error 001 / Form1 ");
             * HistLabel.Text = "Contact Admin /Error 001";
             *  HistLabel.Refresh();
             * }

            string  Days_Range_Real_time = temp[18].Replace("\"", "");          // string
            double? Change_From_200_day_Moving_Average        = MyUtility.getDouble(temp[19]);
            string  Percent_Change_From_50_day_Moving_Average = temp[20].Replace("\"", "");
            decimal?open_            = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[21]);
            string  Ex_Dividend_Date = temp[22].Replace("\"", "");// percentage string
            //DateTime? PE_Ratio_Real_time = null;                                              //r2
            //if (temp[28] != "0" && temp[28] != "-" && temp[28] != "N/A")
            //  PE_Ratio_Real_time = Convert.ToDateTime(temp[28].Replace("\"", "")); ;
            decimal?PriceOverEPS_Estimate_Next_Year = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[23]);
            decimal?Short_Ratio  = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[24]);
            string  Ticker_Trend = temp[25];
            // string Holdings_Value = temp[32];                                                //v1
            string  Days_Value_Change = temp[26];
            decimal?Dividend_Yield    = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[27]);

            double? Average_Daily_Volume = MyUtility.getDouble(temp[28]);
            decimal?Ask_Real_time        = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[29]);                  //b2	 Ask (Real-time)
            //		b6	Bid_Size	temporarly removed  // consist of two parts                 //b6
            //double? Commission = MyUtility.getDouble(temp[37]);                             //c3    //double        //Unconfirmed
            double? Dividend_Over_Share    = MyUtility.getDouble(temp[30]);                 //d     //double		//confirmed
            double? Earnings_Over_Share    = MyUtility.getDouble(temp[31]);                 //e     //double		//confirmed
            decimal?EPS_Estimate_Next_Year = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[32]);                //e8    //decimal		//confirmed
            decimal?_52_week_High          = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[33]);                //k     //decimal       //confirmed
            //decimal? Holdings_Gain  = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[42]);			            //g4    //decimal       //Unconfirmed


            string More_Info = temp[34];                                                    //i     //string        //confirmed
            //		j3	Market Cao              // Error Prone			//
            string Percent_Change_From_52_week_Low = temp[35];                              //      j6//string percentage       // confirmed
            //		k3	Last_Trade_Size			                            //consist of two part
            string Last_Trade_With_Time = temp[36];                                         //l     //string			        // confirmed
            //double?	Low_Limit			=MyUtility.getDouble(temp[46]);		                //l3    //Double
            double?_50_day_Moving_Average = MyUtility.getDouble(temp[37]);                  //m3    //double
            string Percent_Change_From_200_day_Moving_Average = temp[38];                   //m6    //string

            decimal?Previous_Close     = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[39]);                        //p     //decimal
            double? Price_Over_Sales   = MyUtility.getDouble(temp[40]);                         //p5    //double
            decimal?P_OverE_Ratio      = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[41]);                        //r     //decimal
            decimal?PEG_Ratio          = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[42]);                        //r5    //decimal
            decimal?_1_yr_Target_Price = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[43]);                        //t8    //decimal   //

            //decimal? Holdings_Value_Real_Time =MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[54]);		        //v7    //decimal   //
            string Days_Value_Change_Real_time = temp[44];                                      //w4	//string	//confirmed

             * to test the string the number of column of exel file should be the same for all the stocks
             * test string :^OEX+AXS.L+LLD5.L+JAH+^MID+AXS.L+JAH+YHOO+GE+^KLSE+FB+ASIA&f=sl1d1t1c1hgvbap2b4e7jj1j5k2k5m2m5m8oqr7s7t7w1ya2b2dee8kij6lm3m6pp5rr5t8w4b3cc6e9j4k1k4mm4m7p6r1r6t6wx
             *  all the attribute should exist !
            //                         Ask_Size				//a5	//Unconfirmed eliminated due to un expected errors
            decimal?Bid_Real_time = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[45]);                             //b3	//decimal	//confirmed

            string Change_and_Percent_Change = temp[46];                                //c	//string	//confirmed
            string Change_Real_time          = temp[47];                                //c6	//string	//confirmed
            //string Error_Indication		= temp[59] ;	                                    //e1	//string	//unconfirmed
            decimal?EPS_Estimate_Next_Quarter = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[48]);         //e9	//decimal	//confirmed
            //string Holdings_Gain_Percent	= temp[61] ;		                            //g1	//string	//unconfirmed
            //   string Holdings_Gain_Percent_Real_time	= temp[61] ;	                        //g5	//string    //unconfirmed
            //string Order_Book_Real_time= temp[63] ;		                                    //i5	//string	//unconfirmed

            string  EBITDA = temp[49];                                                      //j4	//string    //confirmed     //billion based
            string  Last_Trade_Real_time_With_Time = temp[50];                              //k1	//string    //confirmed
            decimal?Change_From_52_week_High       = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[51]);        //k4	//decimal   //confirmed
            string  Days_Range = temp[52];                                                  //m	//string	//confirmed
            decimal?_200_day_Moving_Average           = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[53]);     //m4	//decimal   //confirmed
            decimal?Change_From_50_day_Moving_Average = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[54]);     //m7	//decimal	//confirmed

            //string Notes= temp[70] ;				                                        //n4	//string	//unconfirmed
            //decimal? Price_Paid	=MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[71]);			                //p1	//decimal	//unconfirmed
            decimal?Price_Over_Book   = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[55]);                    //p6	//decimal	//confirmed
            string  Dividend_Pay_Date = temp[56];                                          //56		                                //r1	//date		//confirmed
            decimal?Price_Over_EPS_Estimate_Current_Year = MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[57]); //r6	//decimal   //confirmed
            //decimal? SharesOwned=MyUtility.getDecimal(temp[75]);		                    //s1	//decimal	//unfconfirmed
            string Trade_Links    = temp[58];                                              //t6	//string [100]	//confirmed
            string _52_week_Range = temp[59];                                              //w	//string	//confirmed
            string Stock_Exchange = temp[60];                                              //x	//string    //confirmed
            ///////////////////////////////      Special assignments !
            // valid example test :^OEX+ORCL+MSFT+^OEX+AXS.L+LLD5.L+JAH+^MID+AXS.L+JAH+YHOO+GE+^KLSE+FB+ASIA&f=l2c8d2g3r2v1c3g4l3e1g1i5n4p1s1g5g6v7

            string High_Limit = UCtemp[0].Replace("\"", "");                                    //l2    //Done
            string After_Hours_Change_Real_time = UCtemp[1].Replace("\"", "");                  //c8    //Done
            string Trade_Date               = UCtemp[2].Replace("\"", "");                      //d2    //Done
            string Annualized_Gain          = UCtemp[3].Replace("\"", "");                      //g3    //Done
            string P_Over_E_Ratio_Real_time = UCtemp[4].Replace("\"", "");                      //r2    //Done
            string Holding_Value            = UCtemp[5].Replace("\"", "");                      //v1    //Done
            string Commission               = UCtemp[6].Replace("\"", "");                      //c3    //Done
            string Holding_Gain             = UCtemp[7].Replace("\"", "");                      //g4    //Done
            string Low_Limit            = UCtemp[8].Replace("\"", "");                          //l3    //Done
            string Error_Indication     = UCtemp[9].Replace("\"", "");                          //e1    //Done
            string Holding_Gain_Percent = UCtemp[10].Replace("\"", "");                         //g1    //Done
            string Order_Book_Real_time = UCtemp[11].Replace("\"", "");                         //i5    //Done
            string Notes        = UCtemp[12].Replace("\"", "");                                 //n4    //Done
            string PricePaid    = UCtemp[13].Replace("\"", "");                                 //p1    //Done
            string Shares_Owned = UCtemp[14].Replace("\"", "");                                 //s1    //Done
            string Holding_Gain_Percent_Real_Time = UCtemp[15].Replace("\"", "");               //g5    //Done
            string Holdings_Gain_Real_time        = UCtemp[16].Replace("\"", "");               //g6    //Done
            string Holdings_Value_Real_time       = UCtemp[17].Replace("\"", "");               //v7    //Done

            string Bid_Size             = DLSTring_Bid_Size.Replace("\"", "");          //      //Done
            string Market_Cap_Real_time = DLSTring_Market_Cap_Real_time.Replace("\"", "");
            string Ask_Size             = DLSTring_Ask_Size.Replace("\"", "");
            string Last_Trade_Size      = DLSTring_Last_Trade_Size.Replace("\"", "");
            string Shares_Outstanding   = DLSTring_Shares_Outstanding;

            string Revenue = UCtemp[18].Replace("\"", "");;
            string Trade_Links_Additional = UCtemp[19].Replace("\"", "");;

            //s6	Revenue
            //f0	Trade Links Additional

            string myquery0 = "insert into KLSE_Table_Extend values ("
                              + "'" + High_Limit + "','" + After_Hours_Change_Real_time
                              + "','" + Trade_Date + "','" + Annualized_Gain + "','" + P_Over_E_Ratio_Real_time
                              + "','" + Holding_Value + "','" + Commission + "','" + Holding_Gain + "','" + Low_Limit + "','" + Error_Indication
                              + "','" + Holding_Gain_Percent + "','" + Order_Book_Real_time + "','" + Notes + "','" + PricePaid
                              + "','" + Shares_Owned + "','" + Holding_Gain_Percent_Real_Time + "','" + Holdings_Gain_Real_time + "','" + Holdings_Value_Real_time + "','" + Bid_Size
                              + "','" + Market_Cap_Real_time + "','" + Ask_Size + "','" + Last_Trade_Size + "','" + Revenue + "','" + Trade_Links_Additional + "','" + Shares_Outstanding + "'" + ");";


            /////////////////////////////       end of special assignments
            StatusOfConnection.Text = "End of assignment, inserting query starts to proccess";
            string myquery = "insert into KLSE_Table values ('" + Symbol + "','" + Last_Update_Time.ToShortDateString() + "','" + Last_Update_Time.ToLongTimeString() + "'," + Last_Trade_Price_only + ", '" + Last_Trade_Date.ToShortDateString() + "','" + Last_Trade_Date.ToLongTimeString() + "'," +
                             Change + "," + Days_High + "," + Days_Low + "," + Volume + "," + Bid + "," + Ask + ",'" + Change_in_percent + " ' ," + book_Value
                             + ", " + EPS_Estimate_Current_Year + ", " + _52_week_Low + ",'" + Market_Capitalization + "'," + Change_From_52_week_Low + ", '" + Change_Percent_Real_time + "',"
                             + Percent_Change_From_52_week_High + ",'" + Days_Range_Real_time + "'," + Change_From_200_day_Moving_Average + ",'" + Percent_Change_From_50_day_Moving_Average + "'," + open_ + ",'" + Ex_Dividend_Date + "',"
                             + PriceOverEPS_Estimate_Next_Year + "," + Short_Ratio + ",'" + Ticker_Trend + "','" + Days_Value_Change + "'," + Dividend_Yield
                             + "," + Average_Daily_Volume + "," + Ask_Real_time + "," + Dividend_Over_Share + "," + Earnings_Over_Share + "," + EPS_Estimate_Next_Year + "," + _52_week_High + ",'"
                             + More_Info + "','" + Percent_Change_From_52_week_Low + "','" + Last_Trade_With_Time + "', " + _50_day_Moving_Average + ",'" + Percent_Change_From_200_day_Moving_Average + "',"
                             + Previous_Close + "," + Price_Over_Sales + "," + P_OverE_Ratio + "," + PEG_Ratio + "," + _1_yr_Target_Price
                             + ",'" + Days_Value_Change_Real_time + "'," + Bid_Real_time + ",'" + Change_and_Percent_Change + "','" + Change_Real_time + "'," + EPS_Estimate_Next_Quarter
                             + ",'" + EBITDA + "','" + Last_Trade_Real_time_With_Time + "'," + Change_From_52_week_High + ",'" + Days_Range + "'," + _200_day_Moving_Average + "," + Change_From_50_day_Moving_Average
                             + "," + Price_Over_Book + ",'" + Dividend_Pay_Date + "'," + Price_Over_EPS_Estimate_Current_Year + ",'" + Trade_Links + "','" + _52_week_Range + "','" + Stock_Exchange + "'"
                             + ")";


            string myqueryfinal = "insert into TableFinal values ('" + Symbol + "','" + Last_Update_Time.ToShortDateString() + "','" + Last_Update_Time.ToLongTimeString() + "'," + Last_Trade_Price_only + ", '" + Last_Trade_Date.ToShortDateString() + "','" + Last_Trade_Date.ToLongTimeString() + "'," +
                                  Change + "," + Days_High + "," + Days_Low + "," + Volume + "," + Bid + "," + Ask + ",'" + Change_in_percent + " ' ," + book_Value
                                  + ", " + EPS_Estimate_Current_Year + ", " + _52_week_Low + ",'" + Market_Capitalization + "'," + Change_From_52_week_Low + ", '" + Change_Percent_Real_time + "',"
                                  + Percent_Change_From_52_week_High + ",'" + Days_Range_Real_time + "'," + Change_From_200_day_Moving_Average + ",'" + Percent_Change_From_50_day_Moving_Average + "'," + open_ + ",'" + Ex_Dividend_Date + "',"
                                  + PriceOverEPS_Estimate_Next_Year + "," + Short_Ratio + ",'" + Ticker_Trend + "','" + Days_Value_Change + "'," + Dividend_Yield +
                                  "," + Average_Daily_Volume + "," + Ask_Real_time + "," + Dividend_Over_Share + "," + Earnings_Over_Share + "," + EPS_Estimate_Next_Year + "," + _52_week_High + ",'"
                                  + More_Info + "','" + Percent_Change_From_52_week_Low + "','" + Last_Trade_With_Time + "', " + _50_day_Moving_Average + ",'" + Percent_Change_From_200_day_Moving_Average + "',"
                                  + Previous_Close + "," + Price_Over_Sales + "," + P_OverE_Ratio + "," + PEG_Ratio + "," + _1_yr_Target_Price
                                  + ",'" + Days_Value_Change_Real_time + "'," + Bid_Real_time + ",'" + Change_and_Percent_Change + "','" + Change_Real_time + "'," + EPS_Estimate_Next_Quarter
                                  + ",'" + EBITDA + "','" + Last_Trade_Real_time_With_Time + "'," + Change_From_52_week_High + ",'" + Days_Range + "'," + _200_day_Moving_Average + "," + Change_From_50_day_Moving_Average
                                  + "," + Price_Over_Book + ",'" + Dividend_Pay_Date + "'," + Price_Over_EPS_Estimate_Current_Year + ",'" + Trade_Links + "','" + _52_week_Range + "','" + Stock_Exchange + "',"
                                  + "'" + High_Limit + "','" + After_Hours_Change_Real_time
                                  + "','" + Trade_Date + "','" + Annualized_Gain + "','" + P_Over_E_Ratio_Real_time
                                  + "','" + Holding_Value + "','" + Commission + "','" + Holding_Gain + "','" + Low_Limit + "','" + Error_Indication
                                  + "','" + Holding_Gain_Percent + "','" + Order_Book_Real_time + "','" + Notes + "','" + PricePaid
                                  + "','" + Shares_Owned + "','" + Holding_Gain_Percent_Real_Time + "','" + Holdings_Gain_Real_time + "','" + Holdings_Value_Real_time + "','" + Bid_Size
                                  + "','" + Market_Cap_Real_time + "','" + Ask_Size + "','" + Last_Trade_Size + "','"
                                  + Revenue + "','" + Trade_Links_Additional + "','" + Shares_Outstanding + "'" + ");";


            StatusOfConnection.Text = "Waiting for next update ";
            //--------------------------------- Notice
            // The variables l3, g4, c3, r2,v1,c8,d2, g3, g6 and l2 removed because of uncertainity