/// <summary>
        /// Brings the visualiser to the front of all windows, and aligns the windows.
        /// </summary>
        public static void BringVisualiserToFrontAndAlignWindows()
            //Look for the visuliser window
            IntPtr visualiserWindowHandle = Win32.FindWindow(null, "StromoLight Visualiser");

            //If visualiser window hasn't opened yet, keep looking until it does
            while (visualiserWindowHandle == new IntPtr(0))
                visualiserWindowHandle = Win32.FindWindow(null, "StromoLight Visualiser");

            //Get a Win32 RECT containing the visualiser window properties
            Win32.RECT visualiserRect = new Win32.RECT();
            Win32.GetWindowRect(visualiserWindowHandle, out visualiserRect);

            //Find the task designer window
            IntPtr taskDesignerWindowHandle = Win32.FindWindow(null, "StromoLight Task Designer");

            Win32.RECT taskDesignerRect = new Win32.RECT();
            Win32.GetWindowRect(taskDesignerWindowHandle, out taskDesignerRect);

            //If the visualiser window hasn't finished initalising, keep getting it's properties until it has initialised
            while (visualiserRect.Left == 0)
                Win32.GetWindowRect(visualiserWindowHandle, out visualiserRect);
            Win32.SetWindowPos(taskDesignerWindowHandle, Win32.HWND_TOP, taskDesignerRect.Left, (System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Bottom - taskDesignerRect.Bottom), taskDesignerRect.Right, taskDesignerRect.Bottom, Win32.SWP_SHOWWINDOW);

            if ((taskDesignerWindowHandle != (IntPtr)0) && (visualiserWindowHandle != (IntPtr)0))
                //Win32.SetWindowPos(visualiserWindowHandle, Win32.HWND_TOP, System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Left + taskDesignerRect.Right, System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Bottom - taskDesignerRect.Top, visualiserRect.Right, visualiserRect.Bottom, Win32.SWP_SHOWWINDOW);

            //Bring the visualiser window to the front

            //Bring the task designer window to the front
        /// <summary>
        /// Brings the visualiser to the front of all windows, and aligns the windows.
        /// </summary>
        public static void BringVisualiserToFrontAndAlignWindows()
            //Look for the visuliser window
            IntPtr visualiserWindowHandle = Win32.FindWindow(null, "StromoLight Visualiser");

            //If visualiser window hasn't opened yet, keep looking until it does
            while (visualiserWindowHandle == new IntPtr(0))
                visualiserWindowHandle = Win32.FindWindow(null, "StromoLight Visualiser");

            //Get a Win32 RECT containing the visualiser window properties
            Win32.RECT visualiserRect = new Win32.RECT();
            Win32.GetWindowRect(visualiserWindowHandle, out visualiserRect);

            //If the visualiser window hasn't finished initalising, keep getting it's properties until it has initialised
            while (visualiserRect.Left == 0)
                Win32.GetWindowRect(visualiserWindowHandle, out visualiserRect);

                        (System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width / 2) + 4,
                        (System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width / 2),

            //Bring the visualiser window to the front

        /// <summary>
        /// Saves a picture of the screen to a bitmap image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The saved bitmap.</returns>
        private Bitmap CaptureScreenShot()
            //TODO Moddify to get the image directly from the buffer

            // create the bitmap to copy the screen shot to
            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(m_screen.Width, m_screen.Height);

            IntPtr visualiserWindowHandle = Win32.FindWindow(null, "StromoLight Visualiser");
            Win32.RECT visRect = new Win32.RECT();
            Win32.GetWindowRect(visualiserWindowHandle, out visRect);

            // now copy the screen image to the graphics device from the bitmap
            using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                gr.CopyFromScreen(new Point(visRect.Left+3,visRect.Top+25), Point.Empty, m_screen.Size);
            return bitmap;