Beispiel #1
        protected void findNearestLode()
            int    planetID;
            string biomeName;
            double longitude = 0f;
            double latitude  = 0f;

            if (this.part.vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.LANDED || this.part.vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.PRELAUNCH)
                longitude = this.part.vessel.longitude;
                latitude  = this.part.vessel.latitude;

                //Find the nearest lode (if any)
                GoldStrikeUtils.GetBiomeAndPlanet(out biomeName, out planetID, this.part.vessel);
                nearestLode = WBIPathfinderScenario.Instance.FindNearestLode(planetID, biomeName, longitude, latitude, maxHarvestRange);

                if (nearestLode != null)
                    lodeStatus       = Localizer.Format(statusOKName);
                    lodeResourceName = nearestLode.resourceName;
                    debugLog("nearestLode: " + nearestLode.ToString());
                    lodeStatus       = Localizer.Format(statusNoNearbyName);
                    lodeResourceName = "N/A";
                    debugLog("No lode found nearby.");
Beispiel #2
        public void UpdateLastProspectLocation()
            ModuleAsteroid asteroid = this.vessel.FindPartModuleImplementing <ModuleAsteroid>();

            GoldStrikeUtils.GetBiomeAndPlanet(out lastProspectBiome, out lastProspectPlanet, this.vessel, asteroid);

            //If we don't have an asteroid then we care about where we are.
            if (asteroid == null)
                lastProspectLongitude = this.vessel.longitude;
                lastProspectLatitude  = this.vessel.latitude;
                lastProspectAltitude  = this.vessel.altitude;

            //If we have an asteroid then we don't care about our location because we'll be prospecting the asteroid.
                lastProspectLongitude = 0;
                lastProspectLatitude  = 0;
                lastProspectAltitude  = 0;

            debugLog("Last lode location: " + lastProspectPlanet +
                     " " + lastProspectBiome +
                     " lon: " + lastProspectLongitude +
                     " lat: " + lastProspectLatitude +
                     " altitude: " + lastProspectAltitude);

            //Set last prospect location flag.
            hasLastProspectLocation = true;
Beispiel #3
        protected int updateChancesRemaining()
            string biomeName        = string.Empty;
            int    planetID         = int.MaxValue;
            int    chancesRemaining = 0;

            GoldStrikeUtils.GetBiomeAndPlanet(out biomeName, out planetID, this.part.vessel, asteroid);

            chancesRemaining = WBIPathfinderScenario.Instance.DecrementProspectAttempts(planetID, biomeName);
            debugLog("chancesRemaining at " + planetID + " " + biomeName + " = " + chancesRemaining);
Beispiel #4
        protected void updateNearestLode()
            int    planetID;
            string biomeName;
            double longitude = 0f;
            double latitude  = 0f;

            if (this.part.vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.LANDED || this.part.vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.PRELAUNCH)
                longitude = this.part.vessel.longitude;
                latitude  = this.part.vessel.latitude;

            //Find the nearest lode (if any)
            GoldStrikeUtils.GetBiomeAndPlanet(out biomeName, out planetID, this.part.vessel, asteroid);
            nearestLode = WBIPathfinderScenario.Instance.FindNearestLode(planetID, biomeName, longitude, latitude);

            if (nearestLode != null)
                debugLog("nearestLode: " + nearestLode.ToString());
Beispiel #5
        public void ResetProspects()
            //Since it costs science, ask for confirmation.
            if (HighLogic.CurrentGame.Mode == Game.Modes.CAREER || HighLogic.CurrentGame.Mode == Game.Modes.SCIENCE_SANDBOX)
                float scienceCost = GoldStrikeSettings.ProspectResetCost;

                //Confirmed, pay the science cost.
                if (prospectResetConfirmed)
                    ResearchAndDevelopment.Instance.AddScience(-scienceCost, TransactionReasons.Any);

                    prospectResetConfirmed = true;
                    string message = string.Format("It will cost {0:f2} Science to renew your prospecting chances in this biome. Click to confirm.", scienceCost);
                    ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage(message, kMessageDisplayTime, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);

            //Reset the chances
            string biomeName = string.Empty;
            int    planetID  = -1;

            GoldStrikeUtils.GetBiomeAndPlanet(out biomeName, out planetID, this.part.vessel, asteroid);
            GoldStrikeChance chance = WBIPathfinderScenario.Instance.GetGoldStrikeChance(planetID, biomeName);

            chance.chancesRemaining = GoldStrikeSettings.ProspectsPerBiome;

            //Hide the reset button
            Events["ResetProspects"].guiActive          = false;
            Events["ResetProspects"].guiActiveUnfocused = false;

            //Save the game
            GamePersistence.SaveGame("quicksave", HighLogic.SaveFolder, SaveMode.BACKUP);
        public GoldStrikeLode AddLode(ModuleAsteroid asteroid, string resourceName, float abundance)
            int    planetID;
            string biomeName;

            GoldStrikeUtils.GetBiomeAndPlanet(out biomeName, out planetID, null, asteroid);
            GoldStrikeLode lode = new GoldStrikeLode();
            Dictionary <string, GoldStrikeLode> lodeMap = null;
            string planetBiomeKey = planetID.ToString() + biomeName;

            //Setup the new lode
            lode.resourceName = resourceName;
            lode.longitude    = 0;
            lode.lattitude    = 0;
            lode.biome        = biomeName;
            lode.abundance    = abundance;
            lode.planetID     = planetID;

            //Get the lode map
            if (goldStrikeLodes.ContainsKey(planetBiomeKey) == false)
                lodeMap = new Dictionary <string, GoldStrikeLode>();
                goldStrikeLodes.Add(planetBiomeKey, lodeMap);
                debugLog("Added new goldStrikeLode with planetBiomeKey: " + planetBiomeKey);
            lodeMap = goldStrikeLodes[planetBiomeKey];

            //Add the new lode
            lodeMap.Add(asteroid.AsteroidName, lode);
            goldStrikeLodes[planetBiomeKey] = lodeMap;
            debugLog("Added new lode: " + lode.ToString());

            //Save the game
            GamePersistence.SaveGame("quicksave", HighLogic.SaveFolder, SaveMode.BACKUP);

        public GoldStrikeLode FindNearestLode(ModuleAsteroid asteroid)
            int    planetID;
            string biomeName;

            GoldStrikeUtils.GetBiomeAndPlanet(out biomeName, out planetID, null, asteroid);

            string planetBiomeKey = planetID.ToString() + biomeName;
            Dictionary <string, GoldStrikeLode> lodeMap = null;

            debugLog("planetBiomeKey: " + planetBiomeKey);

            //Get the lode map. If there is none then we're done.
            if (goldStrikeLodes.ContainsKey(planetBiomeKey) == false)
                debugLog("goldStrikeLodes has no lodeMap for key: " + planetBiomeKey);
            lodeMap = goldStrikeLodes[planetBiomeKey];
            debugLog("lodeMap has " + lodeMap.Count + " entries");
            if (showDebugLog)
                foreach (string key in lodeMap.Keys)
                    debugLog("Key: " + key + "\r\n lode: " + lodeMap[key].ToString());

            //Asteroids only have one lode
            if (lodeMap.ContainsKey(asteroid.AsteroidName) == false)
                debugLog("No GoldStrikeLode found in lodeMap for " + asteroid.AsteroidName);

Beispiel #8
        public void CheckGoldStrike()
            string[]              strikeResourceKeys = null;
            int                   resourceIndex;
            GoldStrikeData        strikeData          = null;
            WBIGoldStrikeScenario scenario            = WBIGoldStrikeScenario.Instance;
            string                resourceName        = string.Empty;
            double                resourceAmount      = 0f;
            float                 analysisRoll        = 0f;
            float                 successTargetNumber = prospectChance;
            string                navigationID        = string.Empty;
            GoldStrikeLode        lode      = null;
            string                biomeName = string.Empty;
            int                   planetID  = -1;

            //Do we have a valid situation?
            if (SituationIsValid() == false)

            //Update our location.
            asteroid = this.part.vessel.FindPartModuleImplementing <ModuleAsteroid>();
            GoldStrikeUtils.GetBiomeAndPlanet(out biomeName, out planetID, this.part.vessel, asteroid);

            //Time to see if we find anything.
            //prospectChance: base chance to find a prospect. Some parts are better than others.
            //prospectBonus: Various situations contribute to the success of the attempt.
            successTargetNumber = 100 - (prospectChance + GetProspectBonus());
            debugLog("successTargetNumber: " + successTargetNumber);

            //Roll the chance and check it.
            analysisRoll = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 100);
            debugLog("analysisRoll: " + analysisRoll);

            //If we didn't succeed then we're done.
            if (analysisRoll < successTargetNumber && !WBIGoldStrikeScenario.debugProspectAlwaysSuccessful)
                debugLog("Prospect failed; didn't roll high enough.");
                ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Nothing of value here, try another location. ", kMessageDisplayTime, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);

            //Success! Get the resource name and strike data.
            //If we're near an anomaly then we need a roll table.
            if (anomalyBonus > 0)
                SortedDictionary <int, GoldStrikeData> sortedResources = new SortedDictionary <int, GoldStrikeData>();
                int resourceCount = prospectResources.Count;

                //Add any resources that have an anomaly chance into the sorted resources
                for (int index = 0; index < resourceCount; index++)
                    strikeData = prospectResources[index];
                    if (strikeData.anomalyChance > 0)
                        sortedResources.Add(strikeData.anomalyChance, strikeData);

                //Roll a 1-100
                int pressenceRoll = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 100);

                //See if we have any strike data
                strikeData = null;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, GoldStrikeData> pair in sortedResources)
                    if (pressenceRoll < pair.Key)
                        strikeData = pair.Value;

                //If we don't have any strike data then pick a random resource
                if (strikeData == null)
                    resourceIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, resourceCount - 1);
                    strikeData    = prospectResources[resourceIndex];
                    resourceName  = strikeData.resourceName;

                resourceIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, prospectResources.Count - 1);
                strikeData    = prospectResources[resourceIndex];
                resourceName  = strikeData.resourceName;
                debugLog("prospectResources count: " + prospectResources.Count);
                debugLog("resourceIndex: " + resourceIndex);
            debugLog("strikeData: " + strikeData.ToString());

            //Play the jingle

            //Setup a planetary surface lode
            if (asteroid == null)
                debugLog("Setting up surface lode");
                //Now, generate the resource amount to add to the map
                resourceAmount = UnityEngine.Random.Range(strikeData.minAmount, strikeData.maxAmount);
                debugLog("resourceAmount: " + resourceAmount);

                //If we hit the motherlode then factor that in.
                //The motherloade is 5% of the target number.
                if (analysisRoll <= (successTargetNumber * kMotherlodeFactor))
                    resourceAmount *= strikeData.motherlodeMultiplier;
                    debugLog("resourceAmount after motherlode: " + resourceAmount);
                    ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage(string.Format("Congratulations! You found a {0:s} motherlode with {1:f2} units available to mine!", resourceName, resourceAmount),
                                                     kMessageDisplayTime, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);

                    ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage(string.Format("Congratulations! You found a {0:s} lode with {1:f2} units available to mine!", resourceName, resourceAmount),
                                                     kMessageDisplayTime, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(anomalyName))
                    ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Special cache found at " + anomalyName, kMessageDisplayTime, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);

                debugLog("Adding new lode entry to " + + " with flight global index " + FlightGlobals.currentMainBody.flightGlobalsIndex);
                debugLog("Biome: " + biomeName);
                debugLog("Lon/Lat: " + this.part.vessel.longitude + "/" + this.part.vessel.latitude);
                lode = scenario.AddLode(planetID, biomeName,
                                        this.part.vessel.longitude, this.part.vessel.latitude, this.part.vessel.altitude, resourceName, resourceAmount);

            //Setup an asteroid lode
                debugLog("Setting up asteroid lode");
                float abundance = 0.01f;

                //Get the resource module for the lode.
                ModuleAsteroidResource   lodeResource    = null;
                ModuleAsteroidResource[] resourceModules = asteroid.part.FindModulesImplementing <ModuleAsteroidResource>().ToArray();
                for (int index = 0; index < resourceModules.Length; index++)
                    if (resourceModules[index].resourceName == resourceName)
                        debugLog("ModuleAsteroidResource found for " + resourceName);
                        lodeResource = resourceModules[index];
                if (lodeResource == null)
                    debugLog("ModuleAsteroidResource NOT found for " + resourceName);

                //Adjust abundance for motherlode
                if (analysisRoll <= (successTargetNumber * kMotherlodeFactor))
                    abundance *= strikeData.motherlodeMultiplier;
                debugLog("abundance increase: " + abundance);

                //Display appropriate message
                ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage(string.Format("Congratulations! A careful scan of {0:s} has revealed an increased abundance of {1:s}", asteroid.AsteroidName, resourceName),
                                                 kMessageDisplayTime, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);

                //Update resource module
                debugLog("Old abundance: " + lodeResource.abundance);
                lodeResource.abundance        += abundance;
                lodeResource.displayAbundance += abundance;
                debugLog("New abundance: " + lodeResource.abundance);

                debugLog("Adding new lode entry for asteroid: " + asteroid.AsteroidName);
                lode = scenario.AddLode(asteroid, resourceName, lodeResource.displayAbundance);

            //Update any drills in the area.

            //Set waypoint
            if (lode != null && asteroid == null)
                setWaypoint(resourceName, lode);
Beispiel #9
        public void CheckGoldStrike()
            string[]              strikeResourceKeys = null;
            int                   resourceIndex;
            GoldStrikeData        strikeData          = null;
            WBIPathfinderScenario scenario            = WBIPathfinderScenario.Instance;
            string                resourceName        = string.Empty;
            double                resourceAmount      = 0f;
            float                 analysisRoll        = 0f;
            float                 successTargetNumber = prospectChance;
            int                   chancesRemaining    = 0;
            string                navigationID        = string.Empty;
            GoldStrikeLode        lode      = null;
            string                biomeName = string.Empty;
            int                   planetID  = -1;

            //Do we have gold strike resources?
            if (scenario.goldStrikeResources.Count() == 0)
                ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("There are no Gold Strike resources to prospect!", kMessageDisplayTime, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);
                debugLog("No resources to prospect");

            //Do we have a valid situation?
            if (SituationIsValid() == false)

            //Ok, we can prospect at this location.
            GoldStrikeUtils.GetBiomeAndPlanet(out biomeName, out planetID, this.part.vessel, asteroid);
            chancesRemaining = updateChancesRemaining();

            //Time to see if we find anything.
            //Tally up the % chance we have to make a successful prospect.
            //prospectChance: base chance to find a prospect. Some parts are better than others.
            //prospectSkillBonus: multiplied by the EVA prospector's skill level. Default is 1.0.
            //labBonus: For each Pathfinder geology lab in the vicinity, give one point per crew member staffing the lab that has the prospectSkill.
            //For each non-Pathfinder geology lab in the vicinity, give half a point per crew member staffing the lab that has the prospectSkill.
            //Chance = prospectChance + prospectSkillBonus + labBonus.
            //Ex: A 3-star scientist on EVA makes a prospect check. skillBonus = 3; prospectSkillBonus = 1.0. Total skill bonus = 3.0.
            //Inside the Bison are two scientists staffing a geology lab (non-pathfinder). labBonus = 2 * 0.5 = 1
            //Gold Digger has a base 10% chance of finding a prospect.
            //successTargetNumber = 10 + 3 + 1 = 14.
            successTargetNumber = prospectChance + GetProspectBonus();
            debugLog("Base chance to succeed: " + prospectChance);
            debugLog("successTargetNumber: " + successTargetNumber);

            //Roll the chance and check it.
            analysisRoll  = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 6);
            analysisRoll += UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 6);
            analysisRoll += UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 6);
            analysisRoll *= 5.5556f;
            debugLog("analysisRoll: " + analysisRoll);

            //If we didn't succeed then we're done.
            if (analysisRoll > successTargetNumber)
                debugLog("Prospect failed; didn't roll low enough.");
                ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Nothing of value here, try another location. " + chancesRemaining + " chances remain in the " + biomeName, kMessageDisplayTime, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);

            //Success! Get the resource name and strike data.
            strikeResourceKeys = scenario.goldStrikeResources.Keys.ToArray();
            resourceIndex      = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, strikeResourceKeys.Length - 1);
            resourceName       = strikeResourceKeys[resourceIndex];
            strikeData         = scenario.goldStrikeResources[resourceName];
            debugLog("strikeResourceKeys count: " + strikeResourceKeys.Length);
            debugLog("resourceIndex: " + resourceIndex);
            debugLog("strikeData: " + strikeData.ToString());

            //Now, generate the resource amount to add to the map
            resourceAmount = UnityEngine.Random.Range(strikeData.minAmount, strikeData.maxAmount);
            debugLog("resourceAmount: " + resourceAmount);

            //If we hit the motherlode then factor that in.
            //The motherloade is 5% of the target number.
            if (analysisRoll <= (successTargetNumber * kMotherlodeFactor))
                resourceAmount *= strikeData.motherlodeMultiplier;
                debugLog("resourceAmount after motherlode: " + resourceAmount);
                ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage(string.Format("Congratulations! You found a {0:s} motherlode with {1:f2} units available to mine!", resourceName, resourceAmount),
                                                 kMessageDisplayTime, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);

                ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage(string.Format("Congratulations! You found a {0:s} lode with {1:f2} units available to mine!", resourceName, resourceAmount),
                                                 kMessageDisplayTime, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);
            ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage(chancesRemaining + " chances remain to find another lode in the " + biomeName, kMessageDisplayTime, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_LEFT);

            //Play the jingle

            //Now set up the lode
            debugLog("Adding new lode entry to " + + " with flight global index " + FlightGlobals.currentMainBody.flightGlobalsIndex);
            debugLog("Biome: " + biomeName);
            debugLog("Lon/Lat: " + this.part.vessel.longitude + "/" + this.part.vessel.latitude);
            lode = scenario.AddLode(planetID, biomeName,
                                    this.part.vessel.longitude, this.part.vessel.latitude, resourceName, resourceAmount);

            //Set waypoint
            if (lode != null)
                setWaypoint(resourceName, lode);