/// <summary>
		///   Gets the desktop window in which desktop icons are displayed.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static WindowInfo GetDesktopWindow()
			Func<WindowInfo, WindowInfo> findDesktopShell =
				w => w.GetChildWindows().FirstOrDefault( c => c.GetClassName() == "SHELLDLL_DefView" );

			// Before Windows 7, the desktop window could generally be found as a direct child of the shell.
			var shellWindow = new WindowInfo( User32.GetShellWindow() );
			if ( shellWindow == null )
				throw new InvalidOperationException( "No Shell process is present." );
			var desktop = findDesktopShell( shellWindow );
			if ( desktop != null )
				return desktop;

			// Windows 7 can have cycling wallpapers enabled, in which case the desktop window can be found in a window with class "WorkerW".
			var workerWindows = GetWindows().Where( w => w.GetClassName() == "WorkerW" );
			foreach ( WindowInfo w in workerWindows )
				desktop = findDesktopShell( w );
				if ( desktop != null )
					return desktop;

			throw new NotSupportedException( "Could not find desktop window where it was expected." );
Beispiel #2
        public WindowViewModel( WindowInfo window )
            Window = window;

            Process process = window.GetProcess();
            ProcessName = process?.ProcessName ?? "Not Found!";
            CompanyName = process?.MainModule.FileVersionInfo.CompanyName ?? "";
            ClassName = window.GetClassName();
            Title = window.GetTitle();
            IsVisible = window.IsVisible();
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        ///   Creates a new snapshot for a window currently visible on the open desktop.
        ///   This constructor should only be called on windows assigned to a currently visible desktop.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentDesktop">The desktop the window is assigned to.</param>
        /// <param name="info">The open window</param>
        internal WindowSnapshot( VirtualDesktop currentDesktop, WindowInfo info )
            if ( !currentDesktop.IsVisible )
                throw new InvalidOperationException( "Window snapshots can only be created when the desktop the window belongs to is currently visible." );

            Desktop = currentDesktop;
            Info = info;

		public RepositionWindowInfo( WindowInfo toPosition )
			ToPosition = toPosition;

			_originalVisible = toPosition.IsVisible();
			Visible = _originalVisible;

			var placement = new User32.WindowPlacement();
			User32.GetWindowPlacement( toPosition.Handle, ref placement );

			User32.Rectangle position = placement.NormalPosition;
			_originalX = position.Left;
			X = _originalX;
			_originalY = position.Top;
			Y = _originalY;
			// TODO: According to the documentation, the pixel at (right, bottom) lies immediately outside the rectangle. Do we need to subtract with 1?
			_originalWidth = position.Right - position.Left;
			Width = _originalWidth;
			_originalHeight = position.Bottom - position.Top;
			Height = _originalHeight;
Beispiel #5
 public Window( WindowInfo windowInfo )
     WindowInfo = windowInfo;
		/// <summary>
		///   Find the next window below the specified window.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>The next window below the specified window, or null when the specified window is at the bottom.</returns>
		public static WindowInfo GetWindowBelow( WindowInfo window )
			IntPtr windowHandle = User32.GetWindow( window.Handle, User32.WindowRelationship.Next );
			return windowHandle == IntPtr.Zero ? null : new WindowInfo( windowHandle );
		public bool Equals( WindowInfo other )
			if ( ReferenceEquals( null, other ) )
				return false;

			return ReferenceEquals( this, other ) || other.Handle.Equals( Handle );
Beispiel #8
        ApplicationBehaviorsProcess GetProcessSettings( WindowInfo window )
            // See whether settings are cached.
            if ( _accessDeniedWindows.Contains( window ) )
                return _dontHandleProcess;
            if ( _windowProcessBehaviors.ContainsKey( window ) )
                return _windowProcessBehaviors[ window ];

            // Prevent cached settings from being kept in memory when windows are destroyed.
            var deniedToRemove = _accessDeniedWindows.Where( w => w.IsDestroyed() ).ToArray();
            deniedToRemove.ForEach( w => _accessDeniedWindows.Remove( w ) );
            var processBehaviorsToRemove = _windowProcessBehaviors.Where( p => p.Key.IsDestroyed() ).ToArray();
            processBehaviorsToRemove.ForEach( p => _windowProcessBehaviors.Remove( p.Key ) );

            // Get settings.
            Process process = window.GetProcess();
                // Find matching settings based on process file info.
                var matches = _settings.Process.Where( p => new TargetProcess( p.Name, p.CompanyName, p.Version ).Matches( process ) ).ToList();

                // Select the most optimal match, or handle the process by default when no match found.
                ApplicationBehaviorsProcess processBehavior = matches.Count == 0
                    ? _handleProcess
                    : matches.MaxBy( p => p.Version?.Length ?? 0 );  // Longest version number that matches is most 'specific'.
                _windowProcessBehaviors[ window ] = processBehavior;

                return processBehavior;
            catch ( Win32Exception )
                _accessDeniedWindows.Add( window );
                return _dontHandleProcess;
Beispiel #9
 public bool Equals( WindowInfo window )
         ClassName == window.GetClassName() &&
         ( Visible == WindowVisible.Both || ( window.IsVisible() && Visible == WindowVisible.True ) ) &&
         ( Title == null || window.GetTitle() == Title );
Beispiel #10
 public IEnumerable<WindowInfo> ToCut( WindowInfo windowInfo, VirtualDesktopManager desktopManager )
     var searchWindows = CutHelper.WindowsToSearchIn( desktopManager, ConsiderWindows );
     return searchWindows.Where( s => Window.Any( w => w.Equals( s ) ) );
Beispiel #11
        public IEnumerable<WindowInfo> ToCut( WindowInfo windowInfo, VirtualDesktopManager desktopManager )
            var windows = new List<WindowInfo>();

            switch ( Hide )
                case ApplicationBehaviorsProcessHideBehaviorDefaultHide.SelectedWindow:
                    windows.Add( windowInfo );
                case ApplicationBehaviorsProcessHideBehaviorDefaultHide.AllProcessWindows:
                    var searchWindows = CutHelper.WindowsToSearchIn( desktopManager, ConsiderWindows );

                    var processWindows = searchWindows.Where( w =>
                        Process cutProcess = windowInfo.GetProcess();
                        Process otherProcess = w.GetProcess();
                            cutProcess != null && otherProcess != null &&
                            cutProcess.Id == otherProcess.Id;
                    } );
                    windows.AddRange( processWindows );

            return windows;