Beispiel #1
        public static void Initialize()
            //load the commands list
            foreach (var m in typeof(Commands).GetMethods())
                var c = new Command();
                foreach (var a in m.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                    if (a is Attributes.Command)
                        var ca = a as Attributes.Command;
                        c.Blockable = ca.Blockable;
                        c.DevOnly = ca.DevOnly;
                        c.GlobalAdminOnly = ca.GlobalAdminOnly;
                        c.GroupAdminOnly = ca.GroupAdminOnly;
                        c.Trigger = ca.Trigger;
                        c.Method = (ChatCommandMethod)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(ChatCommandMethod), m);
                        c.InGroupOnly = ca.InGroupOnly;

            Api.UpdateReceived += UpdateHandler.UpdateReceived;
            Api.CallbackQueryReceived += UpdateHandler.CallbackReceived;
            Api.ReceiveError += ApiOnReceiveError;
            Me = Api.GetMe().Result;
            //wait for a node to connect...
            //#if !DEBUG
            //            while (Nodes.Count == 0)
            //            {
            //                Thread.Sleep(100);
            //            }
            StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
            //now we can start receiving
            //new Task(SendOnline).Start();
Beispiel #2
        public static void Initialize()
            //get api token from registry
            var key =
                    RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry64)
            #if DEBUG
            TelegramAPIKey = key.GetValue("DebugAPI").ToString();
            TelegramAPIKey = key.GetValue("ProductionAPI").ToString();
            Api = new Client(TelegramAPIKey);

            //load the commands list
            foreach (var m in typeof(Commands).GetMethods())
                var c = new Command();
                foreach (var a in m.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                    if (a is Attributes.Command)
                        var ca = a as Attributes.Command;
                        c.Blockable = ca.Blockable;
                        c.DevOnly = ca.DevOnly;
                        c.GlobalAdminOnly = ca.GlobalAdminOnly;
                        c.GroupAdminOnly = ca.GroupAdminOnly;
                        c.Trigger = ca.Trigger;
                        c.Method = (ChatCommandMethod)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(ChatCommandMethod), m);
                        c.InGroupOnly = ca.InGroupOnly;

            Api.UpdateReceived += UpdateHandler.UpdateReceived;
            Api.CallbackQueryReceived += UpdateHandler.CallbackReceived;
            Api.ReceiveError += ApiOnReceiveError;
            Me = Api.GetMe().Result;

            StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
            //now we can start receiving