Beispiel #1
    /// <summary>
    /// 普通关注事件
    /// </summary>
    public ReplyBaseMsg AttendHandler(EventAttendMsg msg)
        new WxUser().InsertOrUpdateUsers(msg.FromUserName, null);

        ReplyTextMsg replymsg = new ReplyTextMsg();
        replymsg.Content = @"欢迎关注萌宅族!萌物控?周边狂热?二次元中毒?中二毕业?急需回血?求小伙伴?想当现充?绅士福利?一大波你想要的萌货和宅品更多好玩等你来发现~更多新功能陆续添加中!";
        return replymsg;
Beispiel #2
    /// <summary>
    /// 点击菜单拉取消息时的事件推送 
    /// </summary>
    public ReplyBaseMsg ClickHandler(EventClickMsg msg)
        CHelper.WriteLog("msg", msg.EventKey);
        if (msg.EventKey == "checkin")
            ReplyTextMsg replymsg = new ReplyTextMsg();
            DateTime nowDate = DateTime.Now;
            string openid = msg.FromUserName;
            DataSet ds = DbHelperMySQL.Query("select * from tb_signin where openid='" + openid + "' and year(createdtime)=" + nowDate.Year.ToString() + " and month(createdtime)=" + nowDate.Month.ToString() + " and day(createdtime)=" + nowDate.Day.ToString() + " and type='checkin'");
            DataTable tb = ds.Tables[0];
            if (tb.Rows.Count == 0)
                DbHelperMySQL.ExecuteSql("update tb_user set user_integral=user_integral+5  where user_phone='" + openid + "'");
                DbHelperMySQL.ExecuteSql("INSERT INTO tb_signin(openid, type,createdtime) VALUES('" + openid + "','checkin',current_timestamp)");
                replymsg.Content = "签到成功,谢谢";

                replymsg.Content = "您今天已经签到过了,请明天再来。";

            return replymsg;
        //JieEn.BLL.WxMenu menuBLL = new JieEn.BLL.WxMenu();
        //JieEn.Model.WxMenu menuModel = menuBLL.GetModelList("MenuType='Click' And MenuKeyOrUrl='" + msg.EventKey + "'").FirstOrDefault();
        //if (menuModel == null)
        //    return ReplyEmptyMsg.Instance;
        //    try
        //    {
        //ReplyTextMsg replymsg = new ReplyTextMsg();

        //switch (msg.EventKey)
        //    //case "就餐预订":
        //    //    replymsg.Content = "订餐热线:05808227777";
        //    //    return replymsg;
        //    //case "活动介绍":
        //    //    replymsg.Content = "暂无优惠活动,敬请关注最新公众号通知。";
        //    //    return replymsg;
        //    //case "领取优惠券":
        //    ////JieEn.BLL.User userBLL = new JieEn.BLL.User();
        //    ////var userModel = userBLL.GetModel(msg.FromUserName);
        //    ////SendCard sendCard = new SendCard();
        //    ////if (userModel != null && sendCard.SendFirstCard(userModel.ID))
        //    ////{
        //    ////    replymsg.Content = "领取成功,<a href=''>点击查看</a>";
        //    ////}
        //    ////else
        //    ////{
        //    ////    replymsg.Content = sendCard.ErrMsg == "" ? "领取失败。" : sendCard.ErrMsg;
        //    ////}
        //    ////return replymsg;
        //    //default:
        //    //    ReplyNewsMsg rNewsMsg = WeiXinSDK.Util.JsonTo<ReplyNewsMsg>(menuModel.Menu_xml);
        //    //    return rNewsMsg;
        return ReplyEmptyMsg.Instance;
Beispiel #3
    /// <summary>
    /// 用户未关注时,扫描二维码进行关注后的事件推送
    /// 1.带参数二维码
    /// 2.非带参数二维码
    /// </summary>
    public ReplyBaseMsg ScanHandler(EventUserScanMsg msg)
        if (msg.EventKey.IndexOf("qrscene_") >= 0)//带参数二维码
            new WxUser().InsertOrUpdateUsers(msg.FromUserName, msg.EventKey.Substring(8));
            new WxUser().InsertOrUpdateUsers(msg.FromUserName, null);

        ReplyTextMsg replymsg = new ReplyTextMsg();
        replymsg.Content = @"欢迎关注萌宅族!萌物控?周边狂热?二次元中毒?中二毕业?急需回血?求小伙伴?想当现充?绅士福利?一大波你想要的萌货和宅品更多好玩等你来发现~更多新功能陆续添加中! ";
        return replymsg;