public IActionResult Login([FromBody]JObject submitObj)
			string email = (string)submitObj["email"];
			string password = (string)submitObj["password"];
			bool rememberMe = (bool)submitObj["rememberMe"];

			SecurityManager secMan = new SecurityManager(service);
			var user = secMan.GetUser(email, password);
			var responseObj = new ResponseModel();

			if (user != null)
				if (user.Enabled == false)
					responseObj.Success = false;
					responseObj.Message = "Error while user authentication.";

					var errorMsg = new ErrorModel();
					errorMsg.Key = "Email";
					errorMsg.Value = email;
					errorMsg.Message = "User account is disabled.";
					responseObj.Object = new { token = "" };
					responseObj.Object = null;
					responseObj.Success = true;
					responseObj.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
					responseObj.Object = new { token = WebSecurityUtil.Login(HttpContext, user.Id, user.ModifiedOn, rememberMe, service) };

				responseObj.Success = false;
				responseObj.Message = "Login failed";
				var errorMsg = new ErrorModel();
				errorMsg.Key = "Email";
				errorMsg.Value = email;
				errorMsg.Message = "Invalid email or password";
				responseObj.Object = new { token = "" };

			return DoResponse(responseObj);
Beispiel #2
        public IActionResult MyMilestones()
            var response = new ResponseModel();
            var resultProjectIdList = new List<Guid>();
                #region << Get Project Ids >>

                #region << Can user read projects >>
                //Get current user
                ErpUser user = SecurityContext.CurrentUser;
                //Get entity meta
                var entity = entMan.ReadEntity("wv_project").Object;
                //check if user role has permissions
                var canRead = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanRead.Any(z => z == x.Id));
                var canCreate = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanCreate.Any(z => z == x.Id));
                var canUpdate = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanUpdate.Any(z => z == x.Id));
                var canDelete = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanDelete.Any(z => z == x.Id));

                if (!canRead)
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "You do not have permission to read the projects in this system";
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    return Json(response); //return empty object
                var milestone = entMan.ReadEntity("wv_milestone").Object;
                //check if user role has permissions
                var canReadMilestone = user.Roles.Any(x => milestone.RecordPermissions.CanRead.Any(z => z == x.Id));
                var canCreateMilestone = user.Roles.Any(x => milestone.RecordPermissions.CanCreate.Any(z => z == x.Id));
                var canUpdateMilestone = user.Roles.Any(x => milestone.RecordPermissions.CanUpdate.Any(z => z == x.Id));
                var canDeleteMilestone = user.Roles.Any(x => milestone.RecordPermissions.CanDelete.Any(z => z == x.Id));

                if (!canReadMilestone)
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "You do not have permission to read the milestones in this system";
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    return Json(response); //return empty object


                var requestedFields = "id," +
                "$," +
                #region << Query builder >>
                //QueryObject filterObj = EntityQuery.QueryEQ("id", recordId);
                QueryObject filterObj = null;
                EntityQuery resultQuery = new EntityQuery("wv_project", requestedFields, filterObj, null, null, null, null);

                #region << Execute >>
                QueryResponse result = recMan.Find(resultQuery);
                if (!result.Success)
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Message = result.Message;
                    response.Object = null;
                    return Json(response);
                foreach (var record in result.Object.Data)
                    //Check if user can view the object
                    var userIsPM = false;
                    var userIsStaff = false;
                    var userIsCustomer = false;
                    #region << Check user roles >>
                    foreach (var userRole in user.Roles)
                        if (!userIsPM)
                            userIsPM = ((List<EntityRecord>)record["$user_1_n_project_owner"]).Any(z => (Guid)z["id"] == user.Id);
                        if (!userIsStaff)
                            userIsStaff = ((List<EntityRecord>)record["$role_n_n_project_team"]).Any(z => (Guid)z["id"] == userRole.Id);
                        if (!userIsCustomer)
                            userIsCustomer = ((List<EntityRecord>)record["$role_n_n_project_customer"]).Any(z => (Guid)z["id"] == userRole.Id);

                    if (userIsPM || userIsStaff || userIsCustomer)

                if (resultProjectIdList.Count == 0)
                    response.Success = true;
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Message = "You do not have access to any project or there are no projects yet";
                    response.Object = null;
                    return Json(response);

                #region << Get Milestones >>
                var milestoneFields = "*";

                QueryObject projectIdFilterSection = null;
                #region << project id filters >>
                var projectIdRulesList = new List<QueryObject>();
                foreach (var projectId in resultProjectIdList)
                    var projectIdRule = EntityQuery.QueryEQ("project_id", projectId);
                projectIdFilterSection = EntityQuery.QueryOR(projectIdRulesList.ToArray());

                var sortRulesList = new List<QuerySortObject>();
                var defaultSortRule = new QuerySortObject("name", QuerySortType.Ascending);

                var milestoneQuery = new EntityQuery("wv_milestone", milestoneFields, projectIdFilterSection, sortRulesList.ToArray(), null, null, null);
                var milestoneQueryResponse = recMan.Find(milestoneQuery);
                if (!milestoneQueryResponse.Success)
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Message = milestoneQueryResponse.Message;
                    response.Object = null;
                    return Json(response);

                response.Success = true;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = "My milestones successfully read";
                response.Object = milestoneQueryResponse.Object.Data;

                return Json(response);


            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = "Error: " + ex.Message;
                response.Object = null;
                return Json(response);
Beispiel #3
        public IActionResult LastUpdatedTasksUserOwns(int page = 1)
            var response = new ResponseModel();
                //var queryString = HttpContext.Request.QueryString;
                #region << Can user read activities >>
                //Get current user
                ErpUser user = SecurityContext.CurrentUser;
                //Get entity meta
                var entity = entMan.ReadEntity("wv_task").Object;
                //check if user role has permissions
                var canRead = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanRead.Any(z => z == x.Id));
                var canCreate = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanCreate.Any(z => z == x.Id));
                var canUpdate = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanUpdate.Any(z => z == x.Id));
                var canDelete = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanDelete.Any(z => z == x.Id));

                if (!canRead)
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "You do not have permission to read the tasks in this system";
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    return Json(response); //return empty object

                var taskQueryResponse = new QueryResponse();

                #region << Get tasks >>
                    var fields = "id,number,subject,priority,last_modified_on,$user_wv_task_modified_by.username";

                    //Add default sort by created_on
                    var sortRulesList = new List<QuerySortObject>();
                    var defaultSortRule = new QuerySortObject("last_modified_on", QuerySortType.Descending);

                    var ownerFilter = EntityQuery.QueryEQ("owner_id", SecurityContext.CurrentUser.Id);
                    var notClosedFilter = EntityQuery.QueryNOT("status", "completed");

                    var rootFilterSection = EntityQuery.QueryAND(ownerFilter, notClosedFilter);

                    //Calculate page
                    var pageSize = 5;
                    var skipRecords = (page - 1) * pageSize;

                    var activityQuery = new EntityQuery("wv_task", fields, rootFilterSection, sortRulesList.ToArray(), skipRecords, pageSize, null);

                    taskQueryResponse = recMan.Find(activityQuery);
                    if (!taskQueryResponse.Success)
                        response.Success = false;
                        response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        response.Message = taskQueryResponse.Message;
                        response.Object = null;
                        return Json(response);

                response.Success = true;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = "Successful read";
                response.Object = taskQueryResponse.Object.Data;

                return Json(response);

            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = ex.Message;
                response.Object = null;
                return Json(response);
Beispiel #4
        public IActionResult GetSprintTasksList(Guid sprintId, string status = "not started", string scope = "user", int page = 1, int pageSize = 1)
            var response = new ResponseModel();
            var taskList = new List<EntityRecord>();
            var processedTaskList = new List<EntityRecord>();
            var userDictionary = new Dictionary<Guid, EntityRecord>();
            var skipPages = (page - 1) * pageSize;

                #region << Get all users >>
                    var query = new EntityQuery("user");
                    var queryResponse = recMan.Find(query);
                    if (!queryResponse.Success)
                        response.Success = false;
                        response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        response.Message = "Error: " + queryResponse.Message;
                        response.Object = null;
                        return Json(response);
                    foreach (var user in queryResponse.Object.Data)
                        userDictionary[(Guid)user["id"]] = user;


                #region << Get tasks >>
                    QueryObject queryFilter = null;
                    var queryRulesList = new List<QueryObject>();
                    //Only not completed tasks
                    queryRulesList.Add(EntityQuery.QueryNOT("status", "completed"));
                    if (scope == "user")
                        queryRulesList.Add(EntityQuery.QueryEQ("owner_id", SecurityContext.CurrentUser.Id));
                    queryRulesList.Add(EntityQuery.QueryEQ("status", status));

                    queryFilter = EntityQuery.QueryAND(queryRulesList.ToArray());

                    var sortRulesList = new List<QuerySortObject>();
                    var sortRule = new QuerySortObject("created_on", QuerySortType.Descending);
                    var queryFields = "id,code,owner_id, priority,status,subject," +

                    var query = new EntityQuery("wv_task", queryFields, queryFilter, sortRulesList.ToArray(), skipPages, pageSize);
                    var queryResponse = recMan.Find(query);
                    if (!queryResponse.Success)
                        response.Success = false;
                        response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        response.Message = "Error: " + queryResponse.Message;
                        response.Object = null;
                        return Json(response);
                    if (queryResponse.Object.Data.Any())
                        taskList = queryResponse.Object.Data;
                        response.Success = true;
                        response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        response.Message = "No tasks found!";
                        response.Object = new List<EntityRecord>();
                        return Json(response);

                #region << process Tasks >>
                foreach (var task in taskList)
                    var proccessedTask = new EntityRecord();
                    proccessedTask["id"] = (Guid)task["id"];
                    proccessedTask["code"] = (string)task["code"];
                    proccessedTask["priority"] = (string)task["priority"];
                    proccessedTask["status"] = (string)task["status"];
                    proccessedTask["subject"] = (string)task["subject"];
                    proccessedTask["estimation"] = (decimal)task["estimation"];
                    proccessedTask["logged"] = (decimal)task["x_nonbillable_hours"] + (decimal)task["x_billable_hours"];
                    proccessedTask["owner_username"] = (string)userDictionary[(Guid)task["owner_id"]]["username"];
                    proccessedTask["owner_image"] = (string)userDictionary[(Guid)task["owner_id"]]["image"];

                response.Success = true;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = "Tasks successfully read";
                response.Object = processedTaskList;

                return Json(response);
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = "Error: " + ex.Message;
                response.Object = null;
                return Json(response);
Beispiel #5
        public IActionResult GetSprintList(int page = 1, int pageSize = 1)
            var response = new ResponseModel();
            var sprintList = new List<EntityRecord>();
            var skipPages = (page - 1) * pageSize;
                QueryObject queryFilter = null;
                var sortRulesList = new List<QuerySortObject>();
                var sortRule = new QuerySortObject("start_date", QuerySortType.Descending);
                var query = new EntityQuery("wv_sprint", "*", queryFilter, sortRulesList.ToArray(), skipPages, pageSize);
                var queryResponse = recMan.Find(query);
                if (!queryResponse.Success)
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Message = "Error: " + queryResponse.Message;
                    response.Object = null;
                    return Json(response);
                if (queryResponse.Object.Data.Any())
                    sprintList = queryResponse.Object.Data;
                    response.Success = true;
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Message = "No sprints found!";
                    response.Object = null;
                    return Json(response);

                response.Success = true;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = "Sprints successfully read";
                response.Object = sprintList;

                return Json(response);
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = "Error: " + ex.Message;
                response.Object = null;
                return Json(response);
        public ResponseModel ImportEntityRecordsFromCsv(string entityName, string fileTempPath)
            //The import CSV should have column names matching the names of the imported fields. The first column should be "id" matching the id of the record to be updated.
            //If the 'id' of a record equals 'null', a new record will be created with the provided columns and default values for the missing ones.

            ResponseModel response = new ResponseModel();
            response.Message = "Records successfully imported";
            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            response.Success = true;
            response.Object = null;

            //string fileTempPath = @"D:\csv\test.csv";
            //FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileTempPath);

            //if (!fileInfo.Exists)
            //	throw new Exception("FILE_NOT_EXIST");

            //FileStream fileStream = fileInfo.OpenRead();
            //TextReader reader = new StreamReader(fileStream);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileTempPath))
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Success = false;
                response.Message = "Import failed! fileTempPath parameter cannot be empty or null!";
                response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("fileTempPath", fileTempPath, "Import failed! File does not exist!"));
                return response;

            if (fileTempPath.StartsWith("/fs"))
                fileTempPath = fileTempPath.Remove(0, 3);

            if (!fileTempPath.StartsWith("/"))
                fileTempPath = "/" + fileTempPath;

            fileTempPath = fileTempPath.ToLowerInvariant();

            using (DbConnection connection = DbContext.Current.CreateConnection())
                List<EntityRelation> relations = relMan.Read().Object;
                EntityListResponse entitiesResponse = entMan.ReadEntities();
                List<Entity> entities = entitiesResponse.Object;
                Entity entity = entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == entityName);

                if (entity == null)
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "Import failed! Entity with such name does not exist!";
                    response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("entityName", entityName, "Entity with such name does not exist!"));
                    return response;

                DbFileRepository fs = new DbFileRepository();
                DbFile file = fs.Find(fileTempPath);

                if (file == null)
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "Import failed! File does not exist!";
                    response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("fileTempPath", fileTempPath, "Import failed! File does not exist!"));
                    return response;

                byte[] fileBytes = file.GetBytes();
                MemoryStream fileStream = new MemoryStream(fileBytes);
                //fileStream.Write(fileBytes, 0, fileBytes.Length);
                TextReader reader = new StreamReader(fileStream);

                CsvReader csvReader = new CsvReader(reader);
                csvReader.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord = true;
                csvReader.Configuration.IsHeaderCaseSensitive = false;

                List<string> columns = csvReader.FieldHeaders.ToList();

                List<dynamic> fieldMetaList = new List<dynamic>();

                foreach (var column in columns)
                    Field field;
                    if (column.Contains(RELATION_SEPARATOR))
                        var relationData = column.Split(RELATION_SEPARATOR).Select(x => x.Trim()).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)).ToList();
                        if (relationData.Count > 2)
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("The specified field name '{0}' is incorrect. Only first level relation can be specified.", column));

                        string relationName = relationData[0];
                        string relationFieldName = relationData[1];

                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(relationName) || relationName == "$" || relationName == "$$")
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("Invalid relation '{0}'. The relation name is not specified.", column));
                        else if (!relationName.StartsWith("$"))
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("Invalid relation '{0}'. The relation name is not correct.", column));
                            relationName = relationName.Substring(1);

                        //check for target priority mark $$
                        if (relationName.StartsWith("$"))
                            relationName = relationName.Substring(1);

                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(relationFieldName))
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("Invalid relation '{0}'. The relation field name is not specified.", column));

                        var relation = relations.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == relationName);
                        if (relation == null)
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("Invalid relation '{0}'. The relation does not exist.", column));

                        if (relation.TargetEntityId != entity.Id && relation.OriginEntityId != entity.Id)
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("Invalid relation '{0}'. The relation field belongs to entity that does not relate to current entity.", column));

                        Entity relationEntity = null;

                        if (relation.OriginEntityId == entity.Id)
                            relationEntity = entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == relation.TargetEntityId);
                            field = relationEntity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == relationFieldName);
                            relationEntity = entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == relation.OriginEntityId);
                            field = relationEntity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == relationFieldName);
                        field = entity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == column);

                    dynamic fieldMeta = new ExpandoObject();
                    fieldMeta.ColumnName = column;
                    fieldMeta.FieldType = field.GetFieldType();



                        EntityRecord newRecord = new EntityRecord();
                        foreach (var fieldMeta in fieldMetaList)
                            string columnName = fieldMeta.ColumnName.ToString();
                            string value = csvReader.GetField<string>(columnName);

                            if (value.StartsWith("[") && value.EndsWith("]"))
                                newRecord[columnName] = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<string>>(value);
                                switch ((FieldType)fieldMeta.FieldType)
                                    case FieldType.AutoNumberField:
                                    case FieldType.CurrencyField:
                                    case FieldType.NumberField:
                                    case FieldType.PercentField:
                                            decimal decValue;
                                            if (decimal.TryParse(value, out decValue))
                                                newRecord[columnName] = decValue;
                                                newRecord[columnName] = null;
                                    case FieldType.CheckboxField:
                                            bool bValue;
                                            if (bool.TryParse(value, out bValue))
                                                newRecord[columnName] = bValue;
                                                newRecord[columnName] = null;
                                    case FieldType.DateField:
                                    case FieldType.DateTimeField:
                                            DateTime dtValue;
                                            if (DateTime.TryParse(value, out dtValue))
                                                newRecord[columnName] = dtValue;
                                                newRecord[columnName] = null;
                                    case FieldType.MultiSelectField:
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
                                                newRecord[columnName] = new List<string>(new string[] { value });
                                                newRecord[columnName] = null;
                                    case FieldType.TreeSelectField:
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
                                                newRecord[columnName] = new List<string>(new string[] { value });
                                                newRecord[columnName] = null;
                                    case FieldType.GuidField:
                                            Guid gValue;
                                            if (Guid.TryParse(value, out gValue))
                                                newRecord[columnName] = gValue;
                                                newRecord[columnName] = null;
                                            newRecord[columnName] = value;

                        QueryResponse result;
                        if (!newRecord.GetProperties().Any(x => x.Key == "id") || newRecord["id"] == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(newRecord["id"].ToString()))
                            newRecord["id"] = Guid.NewGuid();
                            result = recMan.CreateRecord(entityName, newRecord);
                            result = recMan.UpdateRecord(entityName, newRecord);
                        if (!result.Success)
                            string message = result.Message;
                            if (result.Errors.Count > 0)
                                foreach (ErrorModel error in result.Errors)
                                    message += " " + error.Message;
                            throw new Exception(message);
                    } while (csvReader.Read());
                catch (Exception e)

                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Object = null;
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            #if DEBUG
                    response.Message = e.Message + e.StackTrace;
                            response.Message = "Import failed! An internal error occurred!";

                return response;
Beispiel #7
        public IActionResult CreateEntityRecord(string entityName, [FromBody]EntityRecord postObj)
            //WEBHOOK FILTER << create_record_input_filter >>
                dynamic hookFilterObj = new ExpandoObject();
                hookFilterObj.record = postObj;
                hookFilterObj.controller = this;
                hookFilterObj = hooksService.ProcessFilters(SystemWebHookNames.CreateRecordInput, entityName, hookFilterObj);
                postObj = hookFilterObj.record;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return Json(CreateErrorResponse("Plugin error in web hook create_record_input_filter: " + ex.Message));
            }// <<<

            var validationErrors = new List<ErrorModel>();
            //TODO implement validation
            if (postObj == null)
                postObj = new EntityRecord();

            //WEBHOOK FILTER << create_record_validation_errors_filter >>
                dynamic hookFilterObj = new ExpandoObject();
                hookFilterObj.errors = validationErrors;
                hookFilterObj.record = postObj;
                hookFilterObj.controller = this;
                hookFilterObj = hooksService.ProcessFilters(SystemWebHookNames.CreateRecordValidationErrors, entityName, hookFilterObj);
                validationErrors = hookFilterObj.errors;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return Json(CreateErrorResponse("Plugin error in web hook create_record_validation_errors_filter: " + ex.Message));
            }// <<<

            if (validationErrors.Count > 0)
                var response = new ResponseModel();
                response.Success = false;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Errors = validationErrors;
                response.Message = "Validation error occurred!";
                response.Object = null;
                return Json(response);

            if (!postObj.GetProperties().Any(x => x.Key == "id"))
                postObj["id"] = Guid.NewGuid();
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(postObj["id"] as string))
                postObj["id"] = Guid.NewGuid();

            //Create transaction
            var result = new QueryResponse();
            using (var connection = DbContext.Current.CreateConnection())
                    //WEBHOOK FILTER << create_record_pre_save_filter >>
                        dynamic hookFilterObj = new ExpandoObject();
                        hookFilterObj.record = postObj;
                        hookFilterObj.recordId = (Guid)postObj["id"];
                        hookFilterObj.controller = this;
                        hookFilterObj = hooksService.ProcessFilters(SystemWebHookNames.CreateRecordPreSave, entityName, hookFilterObj);
                        postObj = hookFilterObj.record;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        return Json(CreateErrorResponse("Plugin error in web hook create_record_pre_save_filter: " + ex.Message));
                    }// <<<

                    result = recMan.CreateRecord(entityName, postObj);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var response = new ResponseModel();
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Message = "Error while saving the record: " + ex.Message;
                    response.Object = null;
                    return Json(response);

            //WEBHOOK ACTION << create_record >>
                dynamic hookActionObj = new ExpandoObject();
                hookActionObj.record = postObj;
                hookActionObj.result = result;
                hookActionObj.controller = this;
                hooksService.ProcessActions(SystemWebHookNames.CreateRecordAction, entityName, hookActionObj);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return Json(CreateErrorResponse("Plugin error in web hook create_record_success_action: " + ex.Message));
            }// <<<

            return DoResponse(result);
Beispiel #8
 public IActionResult CurrentUserPermissions()
     var responseObj = new ResponseModel();
     responseObj.Object = WebSecurityUtil.GetCurrentUserPermissions(HttpContext);
     responseObj.Success = true;
     responseObj.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
     return DoResponse(responseObj);
Beispiel #9
        public IActionResult ProjectTimelogReport(int year = 0, int month = 0)
            var response = new ResponseModel();
            if (year == 0 || month == 0)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = "Month or year parameter is missing";
                response.Object = null;
                return Json(response);
                var timelogs = new List<EntityRecord>();
                var projects = new List<EntityRecord>();
                var projectsWithTimelogs = new List<EntityRecord>();
                var projectTaskBugsDict = new Dictionary<Guid, List<EntityRecord>>();
                var workedTaskIds = new List<Guid>();
                var workedBugIds = new List<Guid>();
                var workedTasks = new List<EntityRecord>();
                var workedBugs = new List<EntityRecord>();
                var taskTimelogs = new Dictionary<Guid, List<EntityRecord>>();
                var bugTimelogs = new Dictionary<Guid, List<EntityRecord>>();

                #region << Get timelogs from the period >>
                var startDate = new DateTime(year, month, 1);
                var endDate = startDate.AddMonths(1);
                    var requestedFields = "billable,hours," +
                    var filterObj = EntityQuery.QueryAND(EntityQuery.QueryGTE("log_date", startDate), EntityQuery.QueryLT("log_date", endDate));
                    EntityQuery resultQuery = new EntityQuery("wv_timelog", requestedFields, filterObj);
                    QueryResponse result = recMan.Find(resultQuery);
                    if (!result.Success)
                        response.Success = false;
                        response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        response.Message = result.Message;
                        response.Object = null;
                        return Json(response);

                    timelogs = result.Object.Data;
                    var addedTasks = new Dictionary<Guid, bool>();
                    var addedBugs = new Dictionary<Guid, bool>();
                    foreach (var timelog in timelogs)

                        if (((List<EntityRecord>)timelog["$task_1_n_time_log"]).Any())
                            var task = ((List<EntityRecord>)timelog["$task_1_n_time_log"])[0];
                            var taskId = (Guid)task["id"];
                            if (!addedTasks.ContainsKey(taskId))
                                addedTasks[taskId] = true;
                            var timelogList = new List<EntityRecord>();
                            if (taskTimelogs.ContainsKey(taskId))
                                timelogList = taskTimelogs[taskId];
                            taskTimelogs[taskId] = timelogList;

                        if (((List<EntityRecord>)timelog["$bug_1_n_time_log"]).Any())
                            var bug = ((List<EntityRecord>)timelog["$bug_1_n_time_log"])[0];
                            var bugId = (Guid)bug["id"];
                            if (!addedBugs.ContainsKey(bugId))
                                addedBugs[bugId] = true;
                            var timelogList = new List<EntityRecord>();
                            if (bugTimelogs.ContainsKey(bugId))
                                timelogList = bugTimelogs[bugId];
                            bugTimelogs[bugId] = timelogList;


                #region << Get tasks >>
                    if (workedTaskIds.Count() > 0)
                        var requestedFields = "id,subject,project_id";
                        var queryList = new List<QueryObject>();
                        foreach (var taskId in workedTaskIds)
                            var query = EntityQuery.QueryEQ("id", taskId);

                        var filterObj = EntityQuery.QueryOR(queryList.ToArray());
                        var sortRulesList = new List<QuerySortObject>();
                        var sortRule = new QuerySortObject("created_on", QuerySortType.Ascending);
                        EntityQuery resultQuery = new EntityQuery("wv_task", requestedFields, filterObj, sortRulesList.ToArray());
                        QueryResponse result = recMan.Find(resultQuery);
                        if (!result.Success)
                            response.Success = false;
                            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            response.Message = result.Message;
                            response.Object = null;
                            return Json(response);

                        workedTasks = result.Object.Data;

                #region << Get bugs >>
                    if (workedBugIds.Count() > 0)
                        var requestedFields = "id,subject,project_id";
                        var queryList = new List<QueryObject>();
                        foreach (var bugId in workedBugIds)
                            var query = EntityQuery.QueryEQ("id", bugId);
                        var filterObj = EntityQuery.QueryOR(queryList.ToArray());
                        var sortRulesList = new List<QuerySortObject>();
                        var sortRule = new QuerySortObject("created_on", QuerySortType.Ascending);
                        EntityQuery resultQuery = new EntityQuery("wv_bug", requestedFields, filterObj, sortRulesList.ToArray());
                        QueryResponse result = recMan.Find(resultQuery);
                        if (!result.Success)
                            response.Success = false;
                            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            response.Message = result.Message;
                            response.Object = null;
                            return Json(response);

                        workedBugs = result.Object.Data;

                #region << Generate project task & bugs dict >>
                foreach (var task in workedTasks)
                    var taskId = (Guid)task["id"];
                    var taskProjectId = (Guid)task["project_id"];
                    var taskBillable = (decimal)0;
                    var taskNotBillable = (decimal)0;
                    var taskTimeLogList = taskTimelogs[taskId];
                    foreach (var timelog in taskTimeLogList)
                        if ((bool)timelog["billable"])
                            taskBillable += (decimal)timelog["hours"];
                            taskNotBillable += (decimal)timelog["hours"];
                    task["billable"] = taskBillable;
                    task["not_billable"] = taskNotBillable;
                    task["type"] = "task";
                    var projectBugAndTasks = new List<EntityRecord>();
                    if (projectTaskBugsDict.ContainsKey(taskProjectId))
                        projectBugAndTasks = projectTaskBugsDict[taskProjectId];
                    projectTaskBugsDict[taskProjectId] = projectBugAndTasks;
                foreach (var bug in workedBugs)
                    var bugId = (Guid)bug["id"];
                    var bugProjectId = (Guid)bug["project_id"];
                    var bugBillable = (decimal)0;
                    var bugNotBillable = (decimal)0;
                    var bugTimeLogList = bugTimelogs[bugId];
                    foreach (var timelog in bugTimeLogList)
                        if ((bool)timelog["billable"])
                            bugBillable += (decimal)timelog["hours"];
                            bugNotBillable += (decimal)timelog["hours"];
                    bug["billable"] = bugBillable;
                    bug["not_billable"] = bugNotBillable;
                    bug["type"] = "bug";
                    var projectBugAndTasks = new List<EntityRecord>();
                    if (projectTaskBugsDict.ContainsKey(bugProjectId))
                        projectBugAndTasks = projectTaskBugsDict[bugProjectId];
                    projectTaskBugsDict[bugProjectId] = projectBugAndTasks;

                #region << Get all projects >>
                    var requestedFields = "id,name";
                    var queryList = new List<QueryObject>();
                    foreach (var taskId in workedTaskIds)
                        var query = EntityQuery.QueryEQ("id", taskId);

                    QueryObject filterObj = null;
                    var sortRulesList = new List<QuerySortObject>();
                    var sortRule = new QuerySortObject("created_on", QuerySortType.Ascending);
                    EntityQuery resultQuery = new EntityQuery("wv_project", requestedFields, filterObj, sortRulesList.ToArray());
                    QueryResponse result = recMan.Find(resultQuery);
                    if (!result.Success)
                        response.Success = false;
                        response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        response.Message = result.Message;
                        response.Object = null;
                        return Json(response);

                    projects = result.Object.Data;


                #region << Generate project with logs >>
                var totalBillable = (decimal)0;
                var totalNotBillable = (decimal)0;
                foreach (var project in projects)
                    if (projectTaskBugsDict.ContainsKey((Guid)project["id"]))
                        var projectEntries = (List<EntityRecord>)projectTaskBugsDict[(Guid)project["id"]];
                        project["entries"] = projectEntries;
                        project["billable"] = (decimal)0;
                        project["not_billable"] = (decimal)0;
                        foreach (var entry in projectEntries)
                            project["billable"] = (decimal)project["billable"] + (decimal)entry["billable"];
                            project["not_billable"] = (decimal)project["not_billable"] + (decimal)entry["not_billable"];
                        totalBillable += (decimal)project["billable"];
                        totalNotBillable += (decimal)project["not_billable"];


                var responseObject = new EntityRecord();
                responseObject["projects"] = projectsWithTimelogs;
                responseObject["billable"] = totalBillable;
                responseObject["not_billable"] = totalNotBillable;
                response.Success = true;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = "Report successfully generated";
                response.Object = responseObject;

                return Json(response);


            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = "Error: " + ex.Message;
                response.Object = null;
                return Json(response);
Beispiel #10
        public IActionResult ProjectMilestones(int page = 0)
            var response = new ResponseModel();

            #region << Can user read projects >>
            //Get current user
            ErpUser user = SecurityContext.CurrentUser;
            //Get entity meta
            var entity = entMan.ReadEntity("wv_milestone").Object;
            //check if user role has permissions
            var canRead = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanRead.Any(z => z == x.Id));
            var canCreate = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanCreate.Any(z => z == x.Id));
            var canUpdate = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanUpdate.Any(z => z == x.Id));
            var canDelete = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanDelete.Any(z => z == x.Id));

            if (!canRead)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Message = "You do not have permission to read the projects in this system";
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                return Json(response); //return empty object

            #region << Get the project id >>
            var queryString = HttpContext.Request.QueryString.ToString();
            var queryKeyValue = QueryHelpers.ParseQuery(queryString);
            var projectId = new Guid();
            if (queryKeyValue.ContainsKey("recordId") && Guid.TryParse(queryKeyValue["recordId"], out projectId))

                response.Success = false;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = "Project Id either not found or not a GUID";
                response.Object = null;

            #region << Get milestone data >>
            var requestedFields = "id,name,start_date,end_date,x_tasks_not_started,x_tasks_in_progress,x_tasks_completed,x_bugs_opened,x_bugs_reopened,x_bugs_closed";

            QueryObject filterObj = EntityQuery.QueryEQ("project_id", projectId);

            var sortList = new List<QuerySortObject>();
            sortList.Add(new QuerySortObject("end_date", QuerySortType.Descending));
            EntityQuery resultQuery = new EntityQuery("wv_milestone", requestedFields, filterObj, sortList.ToArray(), null, null, null);

            QueryResponse result = recMan.Find(resultQuery);
            if (!result.Success)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = result.Message;
                response.Object = null;
                return Json(response);
            var resultRecordsList = new List<EntityRecord>();
            foreach (var record in result.Object.Data)
                var recordObj = new EntityRecord();
                recordObj["id"] = record["id"];
                recordObj["name"] = record["name"];
                recordObj["start_date"] = record["start_date"];
                recordObj["end_date"] = record["end_date"];

                #region << tasks Count "not started" vs "in progress" vs "completed" >>
                var tasksNotStarted = (decimal)record["x_tasks_not_started"];
                var tasksInProgress = (decimal)record["x_tasks_in_progress"];
                var tasksCompleted = (decimal)record["x_tasks_completed"];

                recordObj["tasks_not_started_count"] = tasksNotStarted;
                recordObj["tasks_in_progress_count"] = tasksInProgress;
                recordObj["tasks_completed_count"] = tasksCompleted;
                if (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted > 0)
                    recordObj["tasks_not_started_percentage"] = Math.Round((decimal)(tasksNotStarted * 100) / (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted));
                    recordObj["tasks_in_progress_percentage"] = Math.Round((decimal)(tasksInProgress * 100) / (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted));
                    recordObj["tasks_completed_percentage"] = 100 - Math.Round((decimal)(tasksNotStarted * 100) / (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted)) - Math.Round((decimal)(tasksInProgress * 100) / (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted));
                    recordObj["tasks_not_started_percentage"] = 0;
                    recordObj["tasks_in_progress_percentage"] = 0;
                    recordObj["tasks_completed_percentage"] = 0;

                #region << bugs Count "opened" & "reopened" vs "closed" >>
                var bugsOpened = (decimal)record["x_bugs_opened"];
                var bugsReOpened = (decimal)record["x_bugs_reopened"];
                var bugsClosed = (decimal)record["x_bugs_closed"];

                recordObj["bugs_opened_count"] = bugsOpened;
                recordObj["bugs_reopened_count"] = bugsReOpened;
                recordObj["bugs_closed_count"] = bugsClosed;
                if (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed > 0)
                    recordObj["bugs_opened_percentage"] = Math.Round((decimal)(bugsOpened * 100) / (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed));
                    recordObj["bugs_reopened_percentage"] = Math.Round((decimal)(bugsReOpened * 100) / (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed));
                    recordObj["bugs_closed_percentage"] = 100 - Math.Round((decimal)(bugsOpened * 100) / (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed)) - Math.Round((decimal)(bugsReOpened * 100) / (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed));
                    recordObj["bugs_opened_percentage"] = 0;
                    recordObj["bugs_reopened_percentage"] = 0;
                    recordObj["bugs_closed_percentage"] = 0;


            response.Success = true;
            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            response.Message = "My projects successfully read";
            response.Object = resultRecordsList;

            return Json(response);
Beispiel #11
        public IActionResult MyProjects(int page = 0)
            var response = new ResponseModel();
                //var queryString = HttpContext.Request.QueryString;
                #region << Can user read projects >>
                //Get current user
                ErpUser user = SecurityContext.CurrentUser;
                //Get entity meta
                var entity = entMan.ReadEntity("wv_project").Object;
                //check if user role has permissions
                var canRead = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanRead.Any(z => z == x.Id));
                var canCreate = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanCreate.Any(z => z == x.Id));
                var canUpdate = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanUpdate.Any(z => z == x.Id));
                var canDelete = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanDelete.Any(z => z == x.Id));

                if (!canRead)
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "You do not have permission to read the projects in this system";
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    return Json(response); //return empty object

                #region << Init fields >>
                var requestedFields = "id,name,code,start_date,end_date," +
                "x_milestones_opened,x_milestones_completed,x_tasks_not_started,x_tasks_in_progress,x_tasks_completed,x_bugs_opened,x_bugs_reopened,x_bugs_closed," +
                "$,$user_1_n_project_owner.image,$user_1_n_project_owner.username," +

                #region << Query builder >>
                //This list support filters by name
                var queryString = HttpContext.Request.QueryString.ToString();
                var queryKeyValue = QueryHelpers.ParseQuery(queryString);

                //Get the project name from query if exists
                QueryObject rootFilterSection = null;
                var auxFiltersRuleList = new List<QueryObject>();
                if (queryKeyValue.ContainsKey("name"))
                    var projectIdRule = EntityQuery.QueryContains("name", (string)queryKeyValue["name"]);
                if (auxFiltersRuleList.Count > 0)
                    rootFilterSection = EntityQuery.QueryAND(auxFiltersRuleList.ToArray());

                EntityQuery resultQuery = new EntityQuery("wv_project", requestedFields, rootFilterSection, null, null, null, null);

                #region << Execute >>
                QueryResponse result = recMan.Find(resultQuery);
                var resultRecordsList = new List<EntityRecord>();
                if (!result.Success)
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Message = result.Message;
                    response.Object = null;
                    return Json(response);
                foreach (var record in result.Object.Data)
                    //Check if user can view the object
                    var userIsPM = false;
                    var userIsStaff = false;
                    var userIsCustomer = false;
                    #region << Check user roles >>
                    foreach (var userRole in user.Roles)
                        if (!userIsPM)
                            userIsPM = ((List<EntityRecord>)record["$user_1_n_project_owner"]).Any(z => (Guid)z["id"] == user.Id);
                        if (!userIsStaff)
                            userIsStaff = ((List<EntityRecord>)record["$role_n_n_project_team"]).Any(z => (Guid)z["id"] == userRole.Id);
                        if (!userIsCustomer)
                            userIsCustomer = ((List<EntityRecord>)record["$role_n_n_project_customer"]).Any(z => (Guid)z["id"] == userRole.Id);

                    if (userIsPM || userIsStaff || userIsCustomer)
                        var recordObj = new EntityRecord();
                        recordObj["id"] = record["id"];
                        recordObj["name"] = record["name"];
                        recordObj["code"] = record["code"];
                        recordObj["start_date"] = record["start_date"];
                        recordObj["end_date"] = record["end_date"];
                        recordObj["owner_image"] = ((List<EntityRecord>)record["$user_1_n_project_owner"])[0]["image"];
                        recordObj["owner_username"] = ((List<EntityRecord>)record["$user_1_n_project_owner"])[0]["username"];

                        #region << milestones Count "opened" vs "completed" >>
                        var milestonesOpened = (decimal)record["x_milestones_opened"];
                        var milestonesCompleted = (decimal)record["x_milestones_completed"];
                        recordObj["milestones_opened_count"] = milestonesOpened;
                        recordObj["milestones_completed_count"] = milestonesCompleted;
                        if (milestonesOpened + milestonesCompleted > 0)
                            recordObj["milestones_opened_percentage"] = Math.Round((decimal)(milestonesOpened * 100) / (milestonesOpened + milestonesCompleted));
                            recordObj["milestones_completed_percentage"] = 100 - Math.Round((decimal)(milestonesOpened * 100) / (milestonesOpened + milestonesCompleted));
                            recordObj["milestones_opened_percentage"] = 0;
                            recordObj["milestones_completed_percentage"] = 0;


                        #region << tasks Count "not started" vs "in progress" vs "completed" >>
                        var tasksNotStarted = (decimal)record["x_tasks_not_started"];
                        var tasksInProgress = (decimal)record["x_tasks_in_progress"];
                        var tasksCompleted = (decimal)record["x_tasks_completed"];

                        recordObj["tasks_not_started_count"] = tasksNotStarted;
                        recordObj["tasks_in_progress_count"] = tasksInProgress;
                        recordObj["tasks_completed_count"] = tasksCompleted;
                        if (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted > 0)
                            recordObj["tasks_not_started_percentage"] = Math.Round((decimal)(tasksNotStarted * 100) / (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted));
                            recordObj["tasks_in_progress_percentage"] = Math.Round((decimal)(tasksInProgress * 100) / (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted));
                            recordObj["tasks_completed_percentage"] = 100 - Math.Round((decimal)(tasksNotStarted * 100) / (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted)) - Math.Round((decimal)(tasksInProgress * 100) / (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted));
                            recordObj["tasks_not_started_percentage"] = 0;
                            recordObj["tasks_in_progress_percentage"] = 0;
                            recordObj["tasks_completed_percentage"] = 0;

                        #region << bugs Count "opened" & "reopened" vs "closed" >>
                        var bugsOpened = (decimal)record["x_bugs_opened"];
                        var bugsReOpened = (decimal)record["x_bugs_reopened"];
                        var bugsClosed = (decimal)record["x_bugs_closed"];

                        recordObj["bugs_opened_count"] = bugsOpened;
                        recordObj["bugs_reopened_count"] = bugsReOpened;
                        recordObj["bugs_closed_count"] = bugsClosed;
                        if (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed > 0)
                            recordObj["bugs_opened_percentage"] = Math.Round((decimal)(bugsOpened * 100) / (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed));
                            recordObj["bugs_reopened_percentage"] = Math.Round((decimal)(bugsReOpened * 100) / (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed));
                            recordObj["bugs_closed_percentage"] = 100 - Math.Round((decimal)(bugsOpened * 100) / (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed)) - Math.Round((decimal)(bugsReOpened * 100) / (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed));
                            recordObj["bugs_opened_percentage"] = 0;
                            recordObj["bugs_reopened_percentage"] = 0;
                            recordObj["bugs_closed_percentage"] = 0;

                //var skipRecords = list.PageSize * (page - 1);
                //if (page != 0)
                //	resultRecordsList = resultRecordsList.Skip(skipRecords).Take(page).ToList();

                response.Success = true;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = "My projects successfully read";
                response.Object = resultRecordsList;

                return Json(response);
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = "Error: " + ex.Message;
                response.Object = null;
                return Json(response);
Beispiel #12
        public IActionResult ExportListRecordsToCsv(string entityName, string listName, int count = 10)
            if(count == -1) {
                //return all records
            else if(count > 0) {
                //returh the defined count of records
            else {
                //return empty list

            //Just for test
            var theExportFilePathInTempGridFs = "/fs/entityGuid/listGuid/timestamp/boz-export-path.csv";

            var response = new ResponseModel();
            response.Success = true;
            response.Message = "Records successfully exported";
            response.Object = theExportFilePathInTempGridFs;
            return DoResponse(response);
Beispiel #13
 public IActionResult ImportEntityRecordsFromCsv(string entityName, [FromBody]string fileTempPath)
     //The import CSV should have column names matching the names of the imported fields. The first column should be "id" matching the id of the record to be updated.
     //If the 'id' of a record equals 'null', a new record will be created with the provided columns and default values for the missing ones.
     var response = new ResponseModel();
     response.Success = true;
     response.Message = "Records successfully imported";
     response.Object = null;
     return DoResponse(response);
        public ResponseModel EvaluateImportEntityRecordsFromCsv(string entityName, JObject postObject, bool enableWebHooks = true, object controller = null)
            ResponseModel response = new ResponseModel();
            response.Message = "Records successfully evaluated";
            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            response.Success = true;
            response.Object = null;

            List<EntityRelation> relations = relMan.Read().Object;
            EntityListResponse entitiesResponse = entMan.ReadEntities();
            List<Entity> entities = entitiesResponse.Object;
            Entity entity = entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == entityName);
            if (entity == null)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Message = "Entity not found";
                return response;

            var entityFields = entity.Fields;
            string fileTempPath = "";
            string clipboard = "";
            string generalCommand = "evaluate";
            EntityRecord commands = new EntityRecord();
            if (!postObject.IsNullOrEmpty() && postObject.Properties().Any(p => p.Name == "fileTempPath"))
                fileTempPath = postObject["fileTempPath"].ToString();

            if (!postObject.IsNullOrEmpty() && postObject.Properties().Any(p => p.Name == "clipboard"))
                clipboard = postObject["clipboard"].ToString();

            if (!postObject.IsNullOrEmpty() && postObject.Properties().Any(p => p.Name == "general_command"))
                generalCommand = postObject["general_command"].ToString(); //could be "evaluate" & "evaluate-import" the first will just evaluate, the second one will evaluate and import if all is fine

            if (!postObject.IsNullOrEmpty() && generalCommand == "evaluate-import" &&
                postObject.Properties().Any(p => p.Name == "commands") && !((JToken)postObject["commands"]).IsNullOrEmpty())
                var commandsObject = postObject["commands"].Value<JObject>();
                if (!commandsObject.IsNullOrEmpty() && commandsObject.Properties().Any())
                    foreach (var property in commandsObject.Properties())
                        commands[property.Name] = ((JObject)property.Value).ToObject<EntityRecord>();

            if (fileTempPath == "" && clipboard == "")
                response.Success = false;
                response.Message = "Both clipboard and file CSV sources are empty!";
                return response;

            CsvReader csvReader = null;
            string csvContent = "";
            bool usingClipboard = false;
            //CASE: 1 If fileTempPath != "" -> get the csv from the file
            if (fileTempPath != "")
                if (fileTempPath.StartsWith("/fs"))
                    fileTempPath = fileTempPath.Remove(0, 3);

                if (!fileTempPath.StartsWith("/"))
                    fileTempPath = "/" + fileTempPath;

                fileTempPath = fileTempPath.ToLowerInvariant();

                DbFileRepository fs = new DbFileRepository();
                DbFile file = fs.Find(fileTempPath);

                if (file == null)
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "Import failed! File does not exist!";
                    response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("fileTempPath", fileTempPath, "Import failed! File does not exist!"));
                    return response;

                byte[] fileBytes = file.GetBytes();
                MemoryStream fileStream = new MemoryStream(fileBytes);
                TextReader reader = new StreamReader(fileStream);
                csvReader = new CsvReader(reader);
            //CASE: 2 If fileTempPath == "" -> get the csv from the clipboard
                csvContent = clipboard;
                usingClipboard = true;
                csvReader = new CsvReader(new StringReader(csvContent));

            csvReader.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord = true;
            csvReader.Configuration.IsHeaderCaseSensitive = false;
            if (usingClipboard)
                csvReader.Configuration.Delimiter = "\t";
            //The evaluation object has two properties - errors and warnings. Both are objects
            //The error validation object should return arrays by field name ex. {field_name:[null,null,"error message"]}
            //The warning validation object should return arrays by field name ex. {field_name:[null,null,"warning message"]}
            var evaluationObj = new EntityRecord();
            evaluationObj["errors"] = new EntityRecord();
            evaluationObj["warnings"] = new EntityRecord();
            evaluationObj["records"] = new List<EntityRecord>();
            evaluationObj["commands"] = new EntityRecord(); // the commands is object with properties the fieldNames and the following object as value {command: "to_create" | "no_import" | "to_update", fieldType: 14, fieldName: "name", fieldLabel: "label"}
            var statsObject = new EntityRecord();
            statsObject["to_create"] = 0;
            statsObject["no_import"] = 0;
            statsObject["to_update"] = 0;
            statsObject["errors"] = 0;
            statsObject["warnings"] = 0;
            evaluationObj["stats"] = statsObject;
            evaluationObj["general_command"] = generalCommand;

            List<string> columnNames = csvReader.FieldHeaders.ToList();
            foreach (var columnName in columnNames)
                //Init the error list for this field
                if (!((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"]).GetProperties().Any(p => p.Key == columnName))
                    ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"])[columnName] = new List<string>();
                //Init the warning list for this field
                var warningList = new List<string>();
                if (!((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["warnings"]).GetProperties().Any(p => p.Key == columnName))
                    ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["warnings"])[columnName] = new List<string>();

                bool existingField = false;

                Field currentFieldMeta = null;
                Field relationEntityFieldMeta = null;
                Field relationFieldMeta = null;
                Entity relationEntity = null;
                string direction = "origin-target";
                EntityRelationType relationType = EntityRelationType.OneToMany;
                string fieldEnityName = entity.Name;
                string fieldRelationName = string.Empty;

                if (!commands.GetProperties().Any(p => p.Key == columnName))
                    commands[columnName] = new EntityRecord();
                    ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["command"] = "no_import";
                    ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["entityName"] = fieldEnityName;
                    ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["fieldType"] = FieldType.TextField;
                    ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["fieldName"] = columnName;
                    ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["fieldLabel"] = columnName;

                if (columnName.Contains(RELATION_SEPARATOR))
                    var relationData = columnName.Split(RELATION_SEPARATOR).Select(x => x.Trim()).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)).ToList();
                    if (relationData.Count > 2)
                        ((List<string>)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"])[columnName]).Add(string.Format("The specified field name '{0}' is incorrect. Only first level relation can be specified.", columnName));
                        ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;

                    string relationName = relationData[0];
                    string relationFieldName = relationData[1];

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(relationName) || relationName == "$" || relationName == "$$")
                        ((List<string>)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"])[columnName]).Add(string.Format("Invalid relation '{0}'. The relation name is not specified.", columnName));
                        ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;
                    else if (!relationName.StartsWith("$"))
                        ((List<string>)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"])[columnName]).Add(string.Format("Invalid relation '{0}'. The relation name is not correct.", columnName));
                        ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;
                        relationName = relationName.Substring(1);

                    //check for target priority mark $$
                    if (relationName.StartsWith("$"))
                        relationName = relationName.Substring(1);
                        direction = "target-origin";

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(relationFieldName))
                        ((List<string>)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"])[columnName]).Add(string.Format("Invalid relation '{0}'. The relation field name is not specified.", columnName));
                        ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;

                    var relation = relations.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == relationName);
                    if (relation == null)
                        ((List<string>)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"])[columnName]).Add(string.Format("Invalid relation '{0}'. The relation does not exist.", columnName));
                        ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;

                    if (relation.TargetEntityId != entity.Id && relation.OriginEntityId != entity.Id)
                        ((List<string>)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"])[columnName]).Add(string.Format("Invalid relation '{0}'. The relation field belongs to entity that does not relate to current entity.", columnName));
                        ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;

                    if (relation.OriginEntityId == relation.TargetEntityId)
                        if (direction == "origin-target")
                            relationEntity = entity;
                            relationEntityFieldMeta = relationEntity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == relation.TargetFieldId);
                            currentFieldMeta = relationEntity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == relationFieldName);
                            relationFieldMeta = entity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == relation.OriginFieldId);
                            relationEntity = entity;
                            relationEntityFieldMeta = relationEntity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == relation.OriginFieldId);
                            currentFieldMeta = relationEntity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == relationFieldName);
                            relationFieldMeta = entity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == relation.TargetFieldId);
                    else if (relation.OriginEntityId == entity.Id)
                        //direction doesn't matter
                        relationEntity = entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == relation.TargetEntityId);
                        relationEntityFieldMeta = relationEntity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == relation.TargetFieldId);
                        currentFieldMeta = relationEntity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == relationFieldName);
                        relationFieldMeta = entity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == relation.OriginFieldId);
                        //direction doesn't matter
                        relationEntity = entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == relation.OriginEntityId);
                        relationEntityFieldMeta = relationEntity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == relation.OriginFieldId);
                        currentFieldMeta = relationEntity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == relationFieldName);
                        relationFieldMeta = entity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == relation.TargetFieldId);

                    if (currentFieldMeta == null)
                        ((List<string>)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"])[columnName]).Add(string.Format("Invalid relation '{0}'. Fields with such name does not exist.", columnName));
                        ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;

                    if (currentFieldMeta.GetFieldType() == FieldType.MultiSelectField || currentFieldMeta.GetFieldType() == FieldType.TreeSelectField)
                        ((List<string>)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"])[columnName]).Add(string.Format("Invalid relation '{0}'. Fields from Multiselect and Treeselect types can't be used as relation fields.", columnName));
                        ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;

                    if (relation.RelationType == EntityRelationType.OneToOne &&
                        ((relation.TargetEntityId == entity.Id && relationFieldMeta.Name == "id") || (relation.OriginEntityId == entity.Id && relationEntityFieldMeta.Name == "id")))
                        ((List<string>)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"])[columnName]).Add(string.Format("Invalid relation '{0}'. Can't use relations when relation field is id field.", columnName));
                        ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;

                    fieldEnityName = relationEntity.Name;
                    fieldRelationName = relationName;
                    relationType = relation.RelationType;
                    currentFieldMeta = entity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == columnName);

                if (currentFieldMeta != null)
                    existingField = true;

                if (!existingField && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fieldRelationName))
                    ((List<string>)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"])[columnName]).Add(string.Format("Creation of a new relation field is not allowed.", columnName));
                    ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;

                #region << Commands >>
                //we need to init the command for this column - if it is new field the default is do nothing, if it is existing the default is update
                if (existingField)
                    if (generalCommand == "evaluate")
                        ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["command"] = "to_update";
                        ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["relationName"] = fieldRelationName;
                        ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["relationDirection"] = direction;
                        ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["relationType"] = relationType;
                        ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["entityName"] = fieldEnityName;
                        ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["fieldType"] = currentFieldMeta.GetFieldType();
                        ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["fieldName"] = currentFieldMeta.Name;
                        ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["fieldLabel"] = currentFieldMeta.Label;

                        bool hasPermisstion = SecurityContext.HasEntityPermission(EntityPermission.Update, entity);
                        if (!hasPermisstion)
                            ((List<string>)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"])[columnName]).Add($"Access denied. Trying to update record in entity '{entity.Name}' with no update access.");
                            ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;

                    ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["currentFieldMeta"] = currentFieldMeta;
                    ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["relationEntityFieldMeta"] = relationEntityFieldMeta;
                    ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["relationFieldMeta"] = relationFieldMeta;
                    if (generalCommand == "evaluate")
                        //we need to check wheather the property of the command match the fieldName
                        ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["command"] = "to_create";
                        ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["entityName"] = fieldEnityName;
                        ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["fieldType"] = FieldType.TextField;
                        ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["fieldName"] = columnName;
                        ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["fieldLabel"] = columnName;

                        bool hasPermisstion = SecurityContext.HasEntityPermission(EntityPermission.Create, entity);
                        if (!hasPermisstion)
                            ((List<string>)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"])[columnName]).Add($"Access denied. Trying to create record in entity '{entity.Name}' with no create access.");
                            ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;

            evaluationObj["commands"] = commands;

                Dictionary<string, EntityRecord> fieldsFromRelationList = new Dictionary<string, EntityRecord>();
                Dictionary<string, string> rowRecordData = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                foreach (var columnName in columnNames)
                    string fieldValue = csvReader.GetField<string>(columnName);
                    rowRecordData[columnName] = fieldValue;

                    EntityRecord commandRecords = ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName]);
                    Field currentFieldMeta = new TextField();
                    if (commandRecords.GetProperties().Any(p => p.Key == "currentFieldMeta"))
                        currentFieldMeta = (Field)commandRecords["currentFieldMeta"];

                    if (columnName.Contains(RELATION_SEPARATOR))
                        string relationName = (string)((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["relationName"];
                        string relationDirection = (string)((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["relationDirection"];
                        string relationEntityName = (string)((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["entityName"];

                        EntityRelationType relationType = (EntityRelationType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EntityRelationType), (((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["relationType"]).ToString());
                        Field relationEntityFieldMeta = (Field)((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["relationEntityFieldMeta"];
                        Field relationFieldMeta = (Field)((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["relationFieldMeta"];

                        var relation = relations.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == relationName);

                        string relationFieldValue = "";
                        if (columnNames.Any(c => c == relationFieldMeta.Name))
                            relationFieldValue = csvReader.GetField<string>(relationFieldMeta.Name);

                        QueryObject filter = null;
                        if ((relationType == EntityRelationType.OneToMany && relation.OriginEntityId == relation.TargetEntityId && relationDirection == "origin-target") ||
                            (relationType == EntityRelationType.OneToMany && relation.OriginEntityId != relation.TargetEntityId && relation.OriginEntityId == entity.Id) ||
                            relationType == EntityRelationType.ManyToMany)
                            //expect array of values
                            if (!columnNames.Any(c => c == relationFieldMeta.Name) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(relationFieldValue))
                                ((List<string>)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"])[columnName]).Add(string.Format("Invalid relation '{0}'. Relation field does not exist into input record data or its value is null.", columnName));
                                ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;

                            List<string> values = new List<string>();
                            if (relationFieldValue.StartsWith("[") && relationFieldValue.EndsWith("]"))
                                values = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<string>>(relationFieldValue);
                            if (values.Count < 1)

                            List<QueryObject> queries = new List<QueryObject>();
                            foreach (var val in values)
                                queries.Add(EntityQuery.QueryEQ(currentFieldMeta.Name, val));

                            filter = EntityQuery.QueryOR(queries.ToArray());
                            filter = EntityQuery.QueryEQ(currentFieldMeta.Name, DbRecordRepository.ExtractFieldValue(fieldValue, currentFieldMeta, true));

                        EntityRecord fieldsFromRelation = new EntityRecord();

                        if (fieldsFromRelationList.Any(r => r.Key == relation.Name))
                            fieldsFromRelation = fieldsFromRelationList[relationName];
                            fieldsFromRelation["columns"] = new List<string>();
                            fieldsFromRelation["queries"] = new List<QueryObject>();
                            fieldsFromRelation["direction"] = relationDirection;
                            fieldsFromRelation["relationEntityName"] = relationEntityName;

                        fieldsFromRelationList[relationName] = fieldsFromRelation;

                foreach (var fieldsFromRelation in fieldsFromRelationList)
                    EntityRecord fieldsFromRelationValue = fieldsFromRelation.Value;
                    List<string> columnList = (List<string>)fieldsFromRelationValue["columns"];
                    List<QueryObject> queries = (List<QueryObject>)fieldsFromRelationValue["queries"];
                    string relationDirection = (string)fieldsFromRelationValue["direction"];
                    string relationEntityName = (string)fieldsFromRelationValue["relationEntityName"];
                    QueryObject filter = EntityQuery.QueryAND(queries.ToArray());

                    var relation = relations.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Name == fieldsFromRelation.Key);

                    //get related records
                    QueryResponse relatedRecordResponse = recMan.Find(new EntityQuery(relationEntityName, "*", filter, null, null, null));

                    if (!relatedRecordResponse.Success || relatedRecordResponse.Object.Data.Count < 1)
                        foreach (var columnName in columnList)
                            ((List<string>)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"])[columnName]).Add(string.Format("Invalid relation '{0}'. The relation record does not exist.", columnName));
                            ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;
                    else if (relatedRecordResponse.Object.Data.Count > 1 && ((relation.RelationType == EntityRelationType.OneToMany && relation.OriginEntityId == relation.TargetEntityId && relationDirection == "target-origin") ||
                        (relation.RelationType == EntityRelationType.OneToMany && relation.OriginEntityId != relation.TargetEntityId && relation.TargetEntityId == entity.Id) ||
                        relation.RelationType == EntityRelationType.OneToOne))
                        //there can be no more than 1 records
                        foreach (var columnName in columnList)
                            ((List<string>)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"])[columnName]).Add(string.Format("Invalid relation '{0}'. There are multiple relation records matching this value.", columnName));
                            ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;

                    fieldsFromRelationList[fieldsFromRelation.Key]["relatedRecordResponse"] = relatedRecordResponse;

                var rowRecord = new EntityRecord();
                if ((int)statsObject["errors"] == 0)
                    foreach (var columnName in columnNames)
                        string fieldValue = rowRecordData[columnName];
                        EntityRecord commandRecords = ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName]);
                        Field currentFieldMeta = new TextField();
                        if (commandRecords.GetProperties().Any(p => p.Key == "currentFieldMeta"))
                            currentFieldMeta = (Field)commandRecords["currentFieldMeta"];
                        string fieldEnityName = (string)commandRecords["entityName"];
                        string command = (string)commandRecords["command"];

                        bool existingField = false;
                        if (command == "to_update")
                            existingField = true;

                        if (existingField)
                            #region << Validation >>

                            var errorsList = (List<string>)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"])[columnName];
                            var warningList = (List<string>)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["warnings"])[columnName];

                            if (columnName.Contains(RELATION_SEPARATOR))
                                string relationName = (string)((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["relationName"];
                                string relationDirection = (string)((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["relationDirection"];
                                string relationEntityName = (string)((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["entityName"];

                                EntityRelationType relationType = (EntityRelationType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EntityRelationType), (((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["relationType"]).ToString());
                                Field relationEntityFieldMeta = (Field)((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["relationEntityFieldMeta"];
                                Field relationFieldMeta = (Field)((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["relationFieldMeta"];

                                var relation = relations.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == relationName);

                                QueryResponse relatedRecordResponse = (QueryResponse)fieldsFromRelationList[relationName]["relatedRecordResponse"];

                                var relatedRecords = relatedRecordResponse.Object.Data;
                                List<Guid> relatedRecordValues = new List<Guid>();
                                foreach (var relatedRecord in relatedRecords)

                                string relationFieldValue = "";
                                if (columnNames.Any(c => c == relationFieldMeta.Name))
                                    relationFieldValue = rowRecordData[relationFieldMeta.Name];

                                if (relation.RelationType == EntityRelationType.OneToOne &&
                                    ((relation.OriginEntityId == relation.TargetEntityId && relationDirection == "origin-target") || relation.OriginEntityId == entity.Id))
                                    if (!columnNames.Any(c => c == relationFieldMeta.Name) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(relationFieldValue))
                                        errorsList.Add(string.Format("Invalid relation '{0}'. Relation field does not exist into input record data or its value is null.", columnName));
                                        ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;
                                else if (relation.RelationType == EntityRelationType.OneToMany &&
                                    ((relation.OriginEntityId == relation.TargetEntityId && relationDirection == "origin-target") || relation.OriginEntityId == entity.Id))
                                    if (!columnNames.Any(c => c == relationFieldMeta.Name) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(relationFieldValue))
                                        errorsList.Add(string.Format("Invalid relation '{0}'. Relation field does not exist into input record data or its value is null.", columnName));
                                        ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;
                                else if (relation.RelationType == EntityRelationType.ManyToMany)
                                    foreach (Guid relatedRecordIdValue in relatedRecordValues)
                                        Guid relRecordId = Guid.Empty;
                                        if (!Guid.TryParse(relationFieldValue, out relRecordId))
                                            errorsList.Add("Invalid record value for field: '" + columnName + "'. Invalid value: '" + fieldValue + "'");
                                            ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;

                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fieldValue))
                                if (currentFieldMeta.Required && currentFieldMeta.Name != "id")
                                    errorsList.Add("Field is required. Value can not be empty!");
                                    ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;
                            else if (!(fieldValue.StartsWith("[") && fieldValue.EndsWith("]")))
                                FieldType fType = (FieldType)currentFieldMeta.GetFieldType();
                                switch (fType)
                                    case FieldType.AutoNumberField:
                                    case FieldType.CurrencyField:
                                    case FieldType.NumberField:
                                    case FieldType.PercentField:
                                            decimal decValue;
                                            if (!decimal.TryParse(fieldValue, out decValue))
                                                errorsList.Add("Value have to be of decimal type!");
                                                ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;
                                    case FieldType.CheckboxField:
                                            bool bValue;
                                            if (!bool.TryParse(fieldValue, out bValue))
                                                errorsList.Add("Value have to be of boolean type!");
                                                ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;
                                    case FieldType.DateField:
                                    case FieldType.DateTimeField:
                                            DateTime dtValue;
                                            if (!DateTime.TryParse(fieldValue, out dtValue))
                                                errorsList.Add("Value have to be of datetime type!");
                                                ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;
                                    case FieldType.MultiSelectField:

                                    case FieldType.SelectField:
                                            if (!((SelectField)currentFieldMeta).Options.Any(o => o.Key == fieldValue))
                                                errorsList.Add("Value does not exist in select field options!");
                                                ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;
                                    case FieldType.TreeSelectField:

                                    case FieldType.GuidField:
                                            Guid gValue;
                                            if (!Guid.TryParse(fieldValue, out gValue))
                                                errorsList.Add("Value have to be of guid type!");
                                                ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;


                            ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"])[columnName] = errorsList;

                            //validate the value for warnings
                            ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["warnings"])[columnName] = warningList;

                        #region << Data >>
                        //Submit row data

                        if (!(command == "no_import" && generalCommand == "evaluate-import"))
                            rowRecord[columnName] = fieldValue;

                    if (enableWebHooks && generalCommand == "evaluate-import")
                        #region << WebHook Filters >>

                        Guid? recordId = null;
                        if (rowRecord.GetProperties().Any(p => p.Key == "id") && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)rowRecord["id"]))
                            Guid id;
                            if (Guid.TryParse((string)rowRecord["id"], out id))
                                recordId = id;
                        //WEBHOOK FILTERS << create_record_input_filter >> AND << update_record_input_filter >>
                            dynamic hookFilterObj = new ExpandoObject();
                            hookFilterObj.record = rowRecord;
                            hookFilterObj.recordId = recordId;
                            hookFilterObj.controller = controller;
                            string webHookName = (!recordId.HasValue || recordId.Value == Guid.Empty) ? SystemWebHookNames.CreateRecordInput : SystemWebHookNames.UpdateRecordInput;
                            hookFilterObj = hooksService.ProcessFilters(webHookName, entityName, hookFilterObj);
                            rowRecord = hookFilterObj.record;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            response.Success = false;
                            response.Object = evaluationObj;
                            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            response.Message = (!recordId.HasValue || recordId.Value == Guid.Empty) ?
                                "Plugin error in web hook create_record_input_filter: " + ex.Message :
                                "Plugin error in web hook update_record_input_filter: " + ex.Message;
                            return response;
                            //throw new Exception("Plugin error in web hook update_record_input_filter: " + ex.Message);
                        }// <<<

                        var validationErrors = new List<ErrorModel>();

                        //WEBHOOK FILTER << update_record_validation_errors_filter >>
                            dynamic hookFilterObj = new ExpandoObject();
                            hookFilterObj.errors = validationErrors;
                            hookFilterObj.record = rowRecord;
                            hookFilterObj.recordId = recordId;
                            hookFilterObj.controller = controller;
                            string webHookName = (!recordId.HasValue || recordId.Value == Guid.Empty) ? SystemWebHookNames.CreateRecordValidationErrors : SystemWebHookNames.UpdateRecordValidationErrors;
                            hookFilterObj = hooksService.ProcessFilters(SystemWebHookNames.UpdateRecordValidationErrors, entityName, hookFilterObj);
                            validationErrors = hookFilterObj.errors;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            response.Success = false;
                            response.Object = evaluationObj;
                            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            response.Message = (!recordId.HasValue || recordId.Value == Guid.Empty) ?
                                "Plugin error in web hook create_record_validation_errors_filter: " + ex.Message :
                                "Plugin error in web hook update_record_validation_errors_filter: " + ex.Message;
                            return response;
                            //throw new Exception ("Plugin error in web hook update_record_validation_errors_filter: " + ex.Message));
                        }// <<<

                        if (validationErrors.Count > 0)
                            List<string> errorsList = (List<string>)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["errors"])["id"];
                            foreach (var validationError in validationErrors)
                                ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;

                    foreach (var columnName in columnNames)
                        EntityRecord commandRecords = ((EntityRecord)commands[columnName]);
                        string command = (string)commandRecords["command"];

                        string fieldValue = csvReader.GetField<string>(columnName);
                        if (!(command == "no_import" && generalCommand == "evaluate-import"))
                            rowRecord[columnName] = fieldValue;


            while (csvReader.Read());

            foreach (var columnName in columnNames)
                if (commands.GetProperties().Any(p => p.Key == columnName))

            if ((int)statsObject["errors"] > 0)
                if (generalCommand == "evaluate-import")
                    response.Success = false;
                    //evaluationObj["general_command"] = "evaluate";
                response.Object = evaluationObj;
                return response;

            if (generalCommand == "evaluate-import")
                using (DbConnection connection = DbContext.Current.CreateConnection())

                        int fieldCreated = 0;
                        foreach (var columnName in columnNames)
                            string command = (string)((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["command"];

                            if (command == "to_create")
                                FieldType fieldType = (FieldType)Enum.Parse(typeof(FieldType), (((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["fieldType"]).ToString());
                                string fieldName = (string)((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["fieldName"];
                                string fieldLabel = (string)((EntityRecord)commands[columnName])["fieldLabel"];
                                var result = entMan.CreateField(entity.Id, fieldType, null, fieldName, fieldLabel);

                                if (!result.Success)
                                    string message = result.Message;
                                    if (result.Errors.Count > 0)
                                        foreach (ErrorModel error in result.Errors)
                                            message += " " + error.Message;
                                    throw new Exception(message);

                        int successfullyCreatedRecordsCount = 0;
                        int successfullyUpdatedRecordsCount = 0;

                        List<EntityRecord> records = (List<EntityRecord>)evaluationObj["records"];
                        foreach (EntityRecord record in records)
                            EntityRecord newRecord = record;
                            QueryResponse result;
                            if (!newRecord.GetProperties().Any(x => x.Key == "id") || newRecord["id"] == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(newRecord["id"].ToString()))
                                newRecord["id"] = Guid.NewGuid();
                                if (enableWebHooks)
                                    //WEBHOOK FILTER << create_record_pre_save_filter >>
                                        dynamic hookFilterObj = new ExpandoObject();
                                        hookFilterObj.record = newRecord;
                                        hookFilterObj.recordId = (Guid)newRecord["id"];
                                        hookFilterObj.controller = controller;
                                        hookFilterObj = hooksService.ProcessFilters(SystemWebHookNames.CreateRecordPreSave, entityName, hookFilterObj);
                                        newRecord = hookFilterObj.record;
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        throw new Exception("Plugin error in web hook create_record_pre_save_filter: " + ex.Message);
                                    }// <<<

                                result = recMan.CreateRecord(entityName, newRecord);

                                if (result.Success)

                                if (result.Success && enableWebHooks)
                                    //WEBHOOK ACTION << create_record >>
                                        dynamic hookActionObj = new ExpandoObject();
                                        hookActionObj.record = result.Object.Data[0];
                                        hookActionObj.result = result;
                                        hookActionObj.controller = controller;
                                        hooksService.ProcessActions(SystemWebHookNames.CreateRecordAction, entityName, hookActionObj);
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        throw new Exception("Plugin error in web hook create_record_success_action: " + ex.Message);
                                    }// <<<
                                if (enableWebHooks)
                                    Guid id;
                                    if (Guid.TryParse((string)newRecord["id"], out id))
                                        newRecord["id"] = id;
                                    //WEBHOOK FILTER << update_record_pre_save_filter >>
                                        dynamic hookFilterObj = new ExpandoObject();
                                        hookFilterObj.record = newRecord;
                                        hookFilterObj.recordId = new Guid(newRecord["id"].ToString());
                                        hookFilterObj.controller = controller;
                                        hookFilterObj = hooksService.ProcessFilters(SystemWebHookNames.UpdateRecordPreSave, entityName, hookFilterObj);
                                        newRecord = hookFilterObj.record;
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        throw new Exception("Plugin error in web hook update_record_pre_save_filter: " + ex.Message);
                                    }// <<<
                                result = recMan.UpdateRecord(entityName, newRecord);

                                if (result.Success)

                                if (result.Success && enableWebHooks)
                                    //WEBHOOK ACTION << update_record_success_action >>
                                        dynamic hookActionObj = new ExpandoObject();
                                        hookActionObj.record = result.Object.Data[0];
                                        hookActionObj.oldRecord = newRecord;
                                        hookActionObj.result = result;
                                        hookActionObj.recordId = result.Object.Data[0]["id"];
                                        hookActionObj.controller = controller;
                                        hooksService.ProcessActions(SystemWebHookNames.UpdateRecordAction, entityName, hookActionObj);
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        throw new Exception("Plugin error in web hook update_record_success_action: " + ex.Message);
                                    }// <<<

                            if (!result.Success)
                                string message = result.Message;
                                if (result.Errors.Count > 0)
                                    foreach (ErrorModel error in result.Errors)
                                        message += " " + error.Message;
                                throw new Exception(message);

                        ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["to_create"] = successfullyCreatedRecordsCount;
                        ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["to_update"] = successfullyUpdatedRecordsCount;
                        ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["total_records"] = records.Count;
                        ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["fields_created"] = fieldCreated;

                    catch (Exception e)


                        ((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] = (int)((EntityRecord)evaluationObj["stats"])["errors"] + 1;

                        response.Success = false;
                        response.Object = evaluationObj;
                        response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            #if DEBUG
                        response.Message = e.Message + e.StackTrace;
                            response.Message = "Import failed! An internal error occurred!";

                response.Object = evaluationObj;
                return response;

            response.Object = evaluationObj;
            return response;
Beispiel #15
 public IActionResult Logout()
     var responseObj = new ResponseModel();
     responseObj.Object = null;
     responseObj.Success = true;
     responseObj.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
     return DoResponse(responseObj);
Beispiel #16
        public IActionResult SprintDetails(Guid? sprintId = null, string scope = "user")
            var response = new ResponseModel();
            var runningSprints = new List<EntityRecord>();
            var currentSprint = new EntityRecord();
            var userDictionary = new Dictionary<Guid, EntityRecord>();
                Guid? currentSprintId = null;

                #region << Get all users >>
                    var query = new EntityQuery("user");
                    var queryResponse = recMan.Find(query);
                    if (!queryResponse.Success)
                        response.Success = false;
                        response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        response.Message = "Error: " + queryResponse.Message;
                        response.Object = null;
                        return Json(response);
                    foreach (var user in queryResponse.Object.Data)
                        userDictionary[(Guid)user["id"]] = user;


                #region << Init the current sprint id >>
                if (sprintId == null)
                    //Get all current sprints
                        var sprintFields = "id";
                        var queryFilter = EntityQuery.QueryAND(EntityQuery.QueryLTE("start_date", DateTime.UtcNow), EntityQuery.QueryGTE("end_date", DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1)));
                        var sortRulesList = new List<QuerySortObject>();
                        var sortRule = new QuerySortObject("start_date", QuerySortType.Ascending);
                        var query = new EntityQuery("wv_sprint", sprintFields, queryFilter, sortRulesList.ToArray());
                        var queryResponse = recMan.Find(query);
                        if (!queryResponse.Success)
                            response.Success = false;
                            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            response.Message = "Error: " + queryResponse.Message;
                            response.Object = null;
                            return Json(response);
                        if (queryResponse.Object.Data.Any())
                            runningSprints = queryResponse.Object.Data;
                            response.Success = true;
                            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            response.Message = "Sprints successfully read, but no current sprints found!";
                            response.Object = null;
                            return Json(response);

                    //Find the first sprint that is current to the current data
                    currentSprintId = (Guid)runningSprints[0]["id"];
                    currentSprintId = sprintId;


                #region << Get current sprint details >>
                    var fields = "id,start_date,end_date,name," +
                    "$,$wv_sprint_n_n_wv_task.code,$wv_sprint_n_n_wv_task.owner_id, $wv_sprint_n_n_wv_task.priority,$wv_sprint_n_n_wv_task.status,$wv_sprint_n_n_wv_task.subject," +
                    "$wv_sprint_n_n_wv_task.x_billable_hours,$wv_sprint_n_n_wv_task.x_nonbillable_hours,$wv_sprint_n_n_wv_task.estimation," +
                    var queryFilter = EntityQuery.QueryEQ("id", currentSprintId);
                    var query = new EntityQuery("wv_sprint", fields, queryFilter);
                    var queryResponse = recMan.Find(query);
                    if (!queryResponse.Success)
                        response.Success = false;
                        response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        response.Message = "Error: " + queryResponse.Message;
                        response.Object = null;
                        return Json(response);
                    if (!queryResponse.Object.Data.Any())
                        response.Success = false;
                        response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        response.Message = "There is no sprint with this Id";
                        response.Object = null;
                        return Json(response);

                    currentSprint = queryResponse.Object.Data[0];
                    var sprintRoleRecords = (List<EntityRecord>)currentSprint["$role_n_n_wv_sprint"];
                    //Check if the current user can see the sprint
                    var userRoles = SecurityContext.CurrentUser.Roles;
                    var userCanAccessSprint = false;
                    foreach(var role in sprintRoleRecords) {
                        if(userRoles.Any(x => x.Id == (Guid)role["id"])) {
                            userCanAccessSprint = true;
                    if(!userCanAccessSprint) {
                        response.Success = true;
                        response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        response.Message = "no access";
                        response.Object = null;
                        return Json(response);


                var processedSprintObject = new EntityRecord();
                processedSprintObject["id"] = (Guid)currentSprint["id"];
                processedSprintObject["start_date"] = (DateTime)currentSprint["start_date"];
                processedSprintObject["end_date"] = (DateTime)currentSprint["end_date"];
                processedSprintObject["name"] = (string)currentSprint["name"];
                processedSprintObject["estimation"] = (decimal)0;
                processedSprintObject["logged"] = (decimal)0;
                processedSprintObject["tasks_not_started"] = new List<EntityRecord>();
                processedSprintObject["tasks_in_progress"] = new List<EntityRecord>();
                processedSprintObject["tasks_completed"] = new List<EntityRecord>();
                foreach (var task in (List<EntityRecord>)currentSprint["$wv_sprint_n_n_wv_task"])
                    if ((scope == "user" && (Guid)task["owner_id"] == SecurityContext.CurrentUser.Id) || scope != "user")
                        var proccessedTask = new EntityRecord();
                        proccessedTask["id"] = (Guid)task["id"];
                        proccessedTask["code"] = (string)task["code"];
                        proccessedTask["priority"] = (string)task["priority"];
                        proccessedTask["status"] = (string)task["status"];
                        proccessedTask["subject"] = (string)task["subject"];
                        proccessedTask["estimation"] = (decimal)task["estimation"];
                        proccessedTask["logged"] = (decimal)task["x_nonbillable_hours"] + (decimal)task["x_billable_hours"];
                        proccessedTask["owner_username"] = (string)userDictionary[(Guid)task["owner_id"]]["username"];
                        proccessedTask["owner_image"] = (string)userDictionary[(Guid)task["owner_id"]]["image"];
                        switch ((string)task["status"])
                            case "not started":
                            case "in progress":
                            case "completed":
                        processedSprintObject["estimation"] = (decimal)processedSprintObject["estimation"] + (decimal)task["estimation"];
                        processedSprintObject["logged"] = (decimal)processedSprintObject["logged"] + (decimal)proccessedTask["logged"];
                processedSprintObject["estimation"] = Math.Round((decimal)processedSprintObject["estimation"],2);
                processedSprintObject["logged"] = Math.Round((decimal)processedSprintObject["logged"],2);
                response.Success = true;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = "My projects successfully read";
                response.Object = processedSprintObject;

                return Json(response);
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = "Error: " + ex.Message;
                response.Object = null;
                return Json(response);
Beispiel #17
        public IActionResult UpdateEntityRecord(string entityName, Guid recordId, [FromBody]EntityRecord postObj)
            if (!postObj.Properties.ContainsKey("id"))
                postObj["id"] = recordId;

            //WEBHOOK FILTER << update_record_input_filter >>
                dynamic hookFilterObj = new ExpandoObject();
                hookFilterObj.record = postObj;
                hookFilterObj.recordId = recordId;
                hookFilterObj.controller = this;
                hookFilterObj = hooksService.ProcessFilters(SystemWebHookNames.UpdateRecordInput, entityName, hookFilterObj);
                postObj = hookFilterObj.record;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return Json(CreateErrorResponse("Plugin error in web hook update_record_input_filter: " + ex.Message));
            }// <<<

            var validationErrors = new List<ErrorModel>();
            //TODO implement validation

            //WEBHOOK FILTER << update_record_validation_errors_filter >>
                dynamic hookFilterObj = new ExpandoObject();
                hookFilterObj.errors = validationErrors;
                hookFilterObj.record = postObj;
                hookFilterObj.recordId = recordId;
                hookFilterObj.controller = this;
                hookFilterObj = hooksService.ProcessFilters(SystemWebHookNames.UpdateRecordValidationErrors, entityName, hookFilterObj);
                validationErrors = hookFilterObj.errors;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return Json(CreateErrorResponse("Plugin error in web hook update_record_validation_errors_filter: " + ex.Message));
            }// <<<

            if (validationErrors.Count > 0)
                var response = new ResponseModel();
                response.Success = false;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Errors = validationErrors;
                response.Message = "Validation error occurred!";
                response.Object = null;
                return Json(response);

            //clear authentication cache
            if (entityName == "user")

            //Create transaction
            var result = new QueryResponse();
            using (var connection = DbContext.Current.CreateConnection())
                    //WEBHOOK FILTER << update_record_pre_save_filter >>
                        dynamic hookFilterObj = new ExpandoObject();
                        hookFilterObj.record = postObj;
                        hookFilterObj.recordId = new Guid(postObj["id"].ToString());
                        hookFilterObj.controller = this;
                        hookFilterObj = hooksService.ProcessFilters(SystemWebHookNames.UpdateRecordPreSave, entityName, hookFilterObj);
                        postObj = hookFilterObj.record;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        return Json(CreateErrorResponse("Plugin error in web hook update_record_pre_save_filter: " + ex.Message));
                    }// <<<

                    result = recMan.UpdateRecord(entityName, postObj);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var response = new ResponseModel();
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Message = "Error while saving the record: " + ex.Message;
                    response.Object = null;
                    return Json(response);

            //WEBHOOK ACTION << update_record_success_action >>
                dynamic hookActionObj = new ExpandoObject();
                hookActionObj.record = postObj;
                hookActionObj.oldRecord = postObj;
                hookActionObj.result = result;
                hookActionObj.recordId = recordId;
                hookActionObj.controller = this;
                hooksService.ProcessActions(SystemWebHookNames.UpdateRecordAction, entityName, hookActionObj);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return Json(CreateErrorResponse("Plugin error in web hook update_record_success_action: " + ex.Message));
            }// <<<

            return DoResponse(result);
Beispiel #18
        public IActionResult AllTaskUserCanSee(string listName, int page = 0)
            var response = new ResponseModel();
                //var queryString = HttpContext.Request.QueryString;
                #region << Can user read tasks >>
                //Get current user
                ErpUser user = SecurityContext.CurrentUser;
                //Get entity meta
                var entity = entMan.ReadEntity("wv_task").Object;
                //check if user role has permissions
                var canRead = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanRead.Any(z => z == x.Id));
                var canCreate = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanCreate.Any(z => z == x.Id));
                var canUpdate = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanUpdate.Any(z => z == x.Id));
                var canDelete = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanDelete.Any(z => z == x.Id));

                if (!canRead)
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "You do not have permission to read the projects in this system";
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    return Json(response); //return empty object
                var taskQueryResponse = new QueryResponse();
                var userCanSeeProjectIds = new List<Guid>();
                #region << Generate list of projects user can see >>
                    var requestedFields = "id,$,$,$";
                    //QueryObject filterObj = EntityQuery.QueryEQ("id", recordId);
                    QueryObject filterObj = null;
                    EntityQuery resultQuery = new EntityQuery("wv_project", requestedFields, filterObj, null, null, null, null);
                    QueryResponse result = recMan.Find(resultQuery);
                    var resultRecordsList = new List<EntityRecord>();
                    if (!result.Success)
                        response.Success = false;
                        response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        response.Message = result.Message;
                        response.Object = null;
                        return Json(response);
                    foreach (var record in result.Object.Data)
                        //Check if user can view the object
                        var userIsPM = false;
                        var userIsStaff = false;
                        var userIsCustomer = false;
                        #region << Check user roles >>
                        foreach (var userRole in user.Roles)
                            if (!userIsPM)
                                userIsPM = ((List<EntityRecord>)record["$user_1_n_project_owner"]).Any(z => (Guid)z["id"] == user.Id);
                            if (!userIsStaff)
                                userIsStaff = ((List<EntityRecord>)record["$role_n_n_project_team"]).Any(z => (Guid)z["id"] == userRole.Id);
                            if (!userIsCustomer)
                                userIsCustomer = ((List<EntityRecord>)record["$role_n_n_project_customer"]).Any(z => (Guid)z["id"] == userRole.Id);

                        if (userIsPM || userIsStaff || userIsCustomer)

                #region << Get tasks >>
                    var fields = "id,code,number,subject,start_date,end_date,status,priority,$,$user_1_n_task_owner.image";

                    QueryObject rootFilterSection = null;
                    QueryObject auxFilterSection = null;
                    QueryObject projectIdFilterSection = null;

                    #region << project id filters >>
                    var projectIdRulesList = new List<QueryObject>();
                    foreach (var projectId in userCanSeeProjectIds)
                        var projectIdRule = EntityQuery.QueryEQ("project_id", projectId);
                    projectIdFilterSection = EntityQuery.QueryOR(projectIdRulesList.ToArray());

                    #region << Aux filters & Sort>>
                    var sortRulesList = new List<QuerySortObject>();
                    var queryString = HttpContext.Request.QueryString.ToString();
                    var queryKeyValueList = QueryHelpers.ParseQuery(queryString);
                    var auxRulesList = new List<QueryObject>();
                    var getListObject = entMan.ReadRecordList(entity.Name, listName).Object;
                    //Currently we will hardcode the query generation
                    //auxFilterSection = RecordListQuery.ConvertQuery(getListObject.Query);
                    QueryObject auxRule = new QueryObject();
                    foreach (var query in queryKeyValueList)
                        switch (query.Key.ToLowerInvariant())
                            case "code":
                                auxRule = new QueryObject();
                                auxRule = EntityQuery.QueryContains("code", (string)query.Value);
                            case "subject":
                                auxRule = new QueryObject();
                                auxRule = EntityQuery.QueryContains("subject", (string)query.Value);
                            case "status":
                                auxRule = new QueryObject();
                                auxRule = EntityQuery.QueryEQ("status", (string)query.Value);
                            case "priority":
                                auxRule = new QueryObject();
                                auxRule = EntityQuery.QueryEQ("priority", (string)query.Value);
                            case "sortby":
                                var sortRule = new QuerySortObject((string)query.Value, QuerySortType.Descending);
                                if (!queryKeyValueList.ContainsKey("sortOrder") || (string)queryKeyValueList["sortOrder"] == "ascending")
                                    sortRule = new QuerySortObject((string)query.Value, QuerySortType.Ascending);

                    auxFilterSection = EntityQuery.QueryAND(auxRulesList.ToArray());
                    //Add default sort by created_on
                    var defaultSortRule = new QuerySortObject("created_on", QuerySortType.Ascending);


                    rootFilterSection = EntityQuery.QueryAND(projectIdFilterSection, auxFilterSection);

                    //Calculate page
                    var pageSize = getListObject.PageSize;
                    var skipRecords = (page - 1) * pageSize;

                    var taskQuery = new EntityQuery("wv_task", fields, rootFilterSection, sortRulesList.ToArray(), skipRecords, pageSize, null);

                    taskQueryResponse = recMan.Find(taskQuery);
                    if (!taskQueryResponse.Success)
                        response.Success = false;
                        response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        response.Message = taskQueryResponse.Message;
                        response.Object = null;
                        return Json(response);
                var taskList = new List<EntityRecord>();
                #region << Post-process >>

                foreach (var task in taskQueryResponse.Object.Data)
                    var record = new EntityRecord();
                    record["id"] = (Guid)task["id"];
                    record["code"] = (string)task["code"];
                    record["subject"] = (string)task["subject"];
                    record["start_date"] = (DateTime)task["start_date"];
                    record["end_date"] = (DateTime)task["end_date"];
                    record["status"] = (string)task["status"];
                    record["priority"] = (string)task["priority"];
                    var taskOwnerIdList = new List<Guid>();
                    var taskOwnerImageList = new List<string>();
                    var taskOwnerId = (Guid)((List<EntityRecord>)task["$user_1_n_task_owner"])[0]["id"];
                    var taskOwnerImage = (string)((List<EntityRecord>)task["$user_1_n_task_owner"])[0]["image"];
                    record["$field$user_1_n_task_owner$id"] = taskOwnerIdList;
                    record["$field$user_1_n_task_owner$image"] = taskOwnerImageList;

                response.Success = true;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = "Successful read";
                response.Object = taskList;

                return Json(response);

            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = ex.Message;
                response.Object = null;
                return Json(response);
Beispiel #19
        public IActionResult DeleteRecord(Guid recordId, string entityName)
            //WEBHOOK FILTER << delete_record_input_filter >>
                dynamic hookFilterObj = new ExpandoObject();
                hookFilterObj.recordId = recordId;
                hookFilterObj.controller = this;
                hookFilterObj = hooksService.ProcessFilters(SystemWebHookNames.DeleteRecordInput, entityName, hookFilterObj);
                recordId = hookFilterObj.recordId;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return Json(CreateErrorResponse("Plugin error in web hook delete_record_input_filter: " + ex.Message));
            }// <<<

            var validationErrors = new List<ErrorModel>();

            //WEBHOOK FILTER << delete_record_validation_errors_filter >>
                dynamic hookFilterObj = new ExpandoObject();
                hookFilterObj.errors = validationErrors;
                hookFilterObj.recordId = recordId;
                hookFilterObj.controller = this;
                hookFilterObj = hooksService.ProcessFilters(SystemWebHookNames.DeleteRecordValidationErrors, entityName, hookFilterObj);
                validationErrors = hookFilterObj.errors;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return Json(CreateErrorResponse("Plugin error in web hook delete_record_validation_errors_filter: " + ex.Message));
            }// <<<

            if (validationErrors.Count > 0)
                var response = new ResponseModel();
                response.Success = false;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Errors = validationErrors;
                response.Message = "Validation error occurred!";
                response.Object = null;
                return Json(response);

            //Create transaction
            var result = new QueryResponse();
            using (var connection = DbContext.Current.CreateConnection())

                    //WEBHOOK FILTER << delete_record_pre_save_filter >>
                        dynamic hookFilterObj = new ExpandoObject();
                        hookFilterObj.recordId = recordId;
                        hookFilterObj.controller = this;
                        hookFilterObj = hooksService.ProcessFilters(SystemWebHookNames.DeleteRecordPreSave, entityName, hookFilterObj);
                        recordId = hookFilterObj.recordId;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        return Json(CreateErrorResponse("Plugin error in web hook delete_record_pre_save_filter: " + ex.Message));
                    }// <<<

                    result = recMan.DeleteRecord(entityName, recordId);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var response = new ResponseModel();
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Message = "Error while delete the record: " + ex.Message;
                    response.Object = null;
                    return Json(response);

            //WEBHOOK ACTION << delete_record_success_action >>
                dynamic hookActionObj = new ExpandoObject();
                hookActionObj.recordId = recordId;
                hookActionObj.result = result;
                hookActionObj.controller = this;
                hooksService.ProcessActions(SystemWebHookNames.DeleteRecordAction, entityName, hookActionObj);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return Json(CreateErrorResponse("Plugin error in web hook delete_record_success_action: " + ex.Message));
            }// <<<

            return DoResponse(result);
Beispiel #20
        public IActionResult AllActivitiesUserCanSee(string label = "all", int page = 1)
            var response = new ResponseModel();
                //var queryString = HttpContext.Request.QueryString;
                #region << Can user read activities >>
                //Get current user
                ErpUser user = SecurityContext.CurrentUser;
                //Get entity meta
                var entity = entMan.ReadEntity("wv_project_activity").Object;
                //check if user role has permissions
                var canRead = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanRead.Any(z => z == x.Id));
                var canCreate = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanCreate.Any(z => z == x.Id));
                var canUpdate = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanUpdate.Any(z => z == x.Id));
                var canDelete = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanDelete.Any(z => z == x.Id));

                if (!canRead)
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "You do not have permission to read the activities in this system";
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    return Json(response); //return empty object

                var activityQueryResponse = new QueryResponse();
                var userCanSeeProjectIds = new List<Guid>();
                #region << Generate list of projects user can see >>
                    var requestedFields = "id,$,$,$";
                    //QueryObject filterObj = EntityQuery.QueryEQ("id", recordId);
                    QueryObject filterObj = null;
                    EntityQuery resultQuery = new EntityQuery("wv_project", requestedFields, filterObj, null, null, null, null);
                    QueryResponse result = recMan.Find(resultQuery);
                    var resultRecordsList = new List<EntityRecord>();
                    if (!result.Success)
                        response.Success = false;
                        response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        response.Message = result.Message;
                        response.Object = null;
                        return Json(response);
                    foreach (var record in result.Object.Data)
                        //Check if user can view the object
                        var userIsPM = false;
                        var userIsStaff = false;
                        var userIsCustomer = false;
                        #region << Check user roles >>
                        foreach (var userRole in user.Roles)
                            if (!userIsPM)
                                userIsPM = ((List<EntityRecord>)record["$user_1_n_project_owner"]).Any(z => (Guid)z["id"] == user.Id);
                            if (!userIsStaff)
                                userIsStaff = ((List<EntityRecord>)record["$role_n_n_project_team"]).Any(z => (Guid)z["id"] == userRole.Id);
                            if (!userIsCustomer)
                                userIsCustomer = ((List<EntityRecord>)record["$role_n_n_project_customer"]).Any(z => (Guid)z["id"] == userRole.Id);

                        if (userIsPM || userIsStaff || userIsCustomer)

                #region << Get activities >>
                    var fields = "id,label,created_on,description,subject," +
                    "$user_wv_project_activity_created_by.username,$user_wv_project_activity_created_by.image," +

                    QueryObject rootFilterSection = null;
                    QueryObject auxFilterSection = null;
                    QueryObject projectIdFilterSection = null;

                    #region << project id filters >>
                    var projectIdRulesList = new List<QueryObject>();
                    foreach (var projectId in userCanSeeProjectIds)
                        var projectIdRule = EntityQuery.QueryEQ("project_id", projectId);
                    projectIdFilterSection = EntityQuery.QueryOR(projectIdRulesList.ToArray());

                    #region << Aux filters & Sort>>
                    var auxRulesList = new List<QueryObject>();
                    QueryObject auxRule = new QueryObject();
                    if (label != "all")
                        auxRule = EntityQuery.QueryEQ("label", label);

                    auxFilterSection = EntityQuery.QueryAND(auxRulesList.ToArray());
                    //Add default sort by created_on
                    var sortRulesList = new List<QuerySortObject>();
                    var defaultSortRule = new QuerySortObject("created_on", QuerySortType.Descending);


                    rootFilterSection = EntityQuery.QueryAND(projectIdFilterSection, auxFilterSection);

                    //Calculate page
                    var pageSize = 10;
                    var skipRecords = (page - 1) * pageSize;

                    var activityQuery = new EntityQuery("wv_project_activity", fields, rootFilterSection, sortRulesList.ToArray(), skipRecords, pageSize, null);

                    activityQueryResponse = recMan.Find(activityQuery);
                    if (!activityQueryResponse.Success)
                        response.Success = false;
                        response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        response.Message = activityQueryResponse.Message;
                        response.Object = null;
                        return Json(response);

                response.Success = true;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = "Successful read";
                response.Object = activityQueryResponse.Object.Data;

                return Json(response);

            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message = ex.Message;
                response.Object = null;
                return Json(response);
Beispiel #21
 public IActionResult GetPlugins()
     var responseObj = new ResponseModel();
     responseObj.Object = new PluginService().Plugins;
     responseObj.Success = true;
     responseObj.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
     return DoResponse(responseObj);
        public ResponseModel ExportListRecordsToCsv(string entityName, string listName, Stream exportStream, Dictionary<string, string> queries, int count = 10)
            ResponseModel response = new ResponseModel();
            response.Message = "Records successfully exported";
            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            response.Success = true;
            response.Object = null;

            EntityListResponse entitiesResponse = entMan.ReadEntities();
            List<Entity> entities = entitiesResponse.Object;
            Entity entity = entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == entityName);

            if (entity == null)
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Success = false;
                response.Message = "Export failed! Entity with such name does not exist!";
                response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("entityName", entityName, "Entity with such name does not exist!"));
                return response;

            bool hasPermisstion = SecurityContext.HasEntityPermission(EntityPermission.Read, entity);
            if (!hasPermisstion)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Message = "Export failed! Trying to read records from entity '" + entity.Name + "' with no read access.";
                response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel { Message = "Access denied." });
                return response;

            List<EntityRelation> relations = new List<EntityRelation>();
            var relationResponse = relMan.Read();
            if (relationResponse.Success)
                relations = relationResponse.Object;

                RecordList listMeta = entity.RecordLists.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == listName);

                QueryObject queryObj = null;
                if (queries.Count > 0)
                    List<QueryObject> queryObjList = new List<QueryObject>();

                    if (listMeta != null)
                        foreach (var query in queries)
                            if (listMeta.Columns.Any(c => c.DataName == query.Key))
                                queryObjList.Add(EntityQuery.QueryContains(query.Key, query.Value));

                    if (queryObjList.Count == 1)
                        queryObj = queryObjList[0];
                    else if (queryObjList.Count > 1)
                        queryObj = EntityQuery.QueryAND(queryObjList.ToArray());

                int page = 1;
                int pageSize = 100;
                int offset = 0;

                while (true)
                    var stream = new MemoryStream();

                    if (count > 0 && count < (pageSize * page))
                        pageSize = count < pageSize ? count : (count - (pageSize * (page - 1)));

                    List<EntityRecord> records = null;
                    if (count == -1)
                        records = recMan.GetListRecords(entities, entity, listName, null, queryObj, null, true, returnAllRecords: true);
                        int recordsCount = records.Count();
                        pageSize = recordsCount > 0 ? recordsCount : 0;
                        records = recMan.GetListRecords(entities, entity, listName, page, queryObj, pageSize, true);

                    if (records.Count > 0)
                        var textWriter = new StreamWriter(stream);
                        var csv = new CsvWriter(textWriter);
                        csv.Configuration.QuoteAllFields = true;

                        if (page == 1)
                            foreach (var prop in records[0].Properties)
                                var listItem = listMeta.Columns.FirstOrDefault(c => c.DataName == prop.Key);
                                if (prop.Key.StartsWith("$field") && listItem == null)
                                    continue;// remove id field from relation that are not inserted as columns
                                string name = prop.Key;
                                if (prop.Key.StartsWith("$field$"))
                                    name = prop.Key.Remove(0, 7);
                                    name = "$" + name.Replace('$', '.');

                        foreach (var record in records)
                            foreach (var prop in record.Properties)
                                if (prop.Value != null)
                                    if (prop.Value is List<object>)
                                        var listItem = (RecordListRelationFieldItem)listMeta.Columns.FirstOrDefault(c => c.DataName == prop.Key);
                                        if (prop.Key.StartsWith("$field") && listItem == null)
                                            continue;// remove id field from relation that are not inserted as columns
                                        var type = listItem != null ? listItem.Meta.GetFieldType() : FieldType.GuidField;
                                        if (prop.Key.StartsWith("$field"))
                                            var relationData = prop.Key.Split('$').Select(x => x.Trim()).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)).ToList();
                                            var relation = relations.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == relationData[1]);
                                            if (relation.RelationType == EntityRelationType.ManyToMany ||
                                                (relation.RelationType == EntityRelationType.OneToMany && relation.OriginEntityId == entity.Id))
                                            else if (((List<object>)prop.Value).Count > 0)
                                                csv.WriteField(((List<object>)prop.Value)[0] ?? "");
                                        else if (type != FieldType.MultiSelectField && type != FieldType.TreeSelectField)
                                            if (((List<object>)prop.Value).Count > 0)



                    byte[] buffer = stream.ToArray();
                    exportStream.Write(buffer, offset, buffer.Length);
                    offset += buffer.Length;

                    if (records.Count <= pageSize)

            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Success = false;
                response.Message = ex.Message;
                return response;


            return response;