Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        ///  This function takes FiltersModel and an empty list of AttDeptSummary as input and 
        ///  gives a populated AttDeptSummary as output. If there is any dept selected in the filter
        ///  it will iterate through all the departments if there is no dept selected it will try to
        ///  find all the depts of the company.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fm"> FiltersModel </param>
        /// <param name="attDeptList">Empty List of AttDeptSummary</param>
        /// <returns>Populated List of AttDeptSummary</returns>
        public List<AttDeptSummary> GetListForAttDepartmentsSummary(FiltersModel fm, string _dateFrom,string _dateTo)
            List<AttDeptSummary> attDeptList = new List<AttDeptSummary>();
            TAS2013Entities db = new TAS2013Entities();
               //To get the query from the db
            QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder();
            //Get the Department filters
            List<FiltersAttributes> departments = new List<FiltersAttributes>();

            departments = fm.DepartmentFilter;
            //if more then 0 it means some departments are selected now we iterate over them and see
            //how many employee does one dept has. The table empView is the most suitable db for this case.
            if (departments.Count > 0)
            //do nothing still cater for it in future there might be a need
            //if there is no department list in the filter then first get the company's department and then do the same as above.
            foreach (var comp in fm.CompanyFilter)
            int compID = Convert.ToInt16(comp.ID);
            List<Department> depts = db.Departments.Where(aa => aa.CompanyID == compID).ToList();
            foreach (var dept in depts)
                departments.Add(new FiltersAttributes() { ID=dept.DeptID + "", FilterName=dept.DeptName });

            //NOw run the departments if they are from the department filter or from the company itself

            foreach (var dept in departments)

            DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from EmpView where DeptID=" + dept.ID);
            List<EmpView> EmView = dt.ToList<EmpView>();


            foreach (DateTime day in EachDay(Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom), Convert.ToDateTime(_dateTo)))
                AttDeptSummary singleInstance = new AttDeptSummary();
                singleInstance.Department = dept.FilterName;
                singleInstance.TotalStrength = EmView.Count();
                singleInstance.Total = singleInstance.TotalStrength;
                singleInstance.Location = EmView.FirstOrDefault().LocName;
                singleInstance.Section = EmView.FirstOrDefault().SectionName;
                singleInstance.Company = EmView.FirstOrDefault().CompName;
                singleInstance.CardSwapped = 0;
                singleInstance.Absent = 0;
                singleInstance.OnLeave = 0;
                string dynamicQueryForEmps = GetDynamicQueryForEmps(EmView);
                string queryForCardSwapped = "select * from AttData where (TimeIn is not null AND AttDate = '" + day + "') AND ";
                string queryForAbsent = "select * from AttData where (StatusAB = 1 AND AttDate = '" + day + "') AND ";
                string queryOnLeave = "select * from AttData where (StatusHL = 1 OR StatusLeave =1  AND StatusSL=1 AND AttDate = '" + day + "') AND ";

                queryForCardSwapped = queryForCardSwapped + dynamicQueryForEmps;

                singleInstance.CardSwapped = qb.GetValuesfromDB(queryForCardSwapped).ToList<AttData>().Count();
                queryForAbsent = queryForAbsent + dynamicQueryForEmps;
                singleInstance.Absent = qb.GetValuesfromDB(queryForAbsent).ToList<AttData>().Count(); queryOnLeave = queryOnLeave + dynamicQueryForEmps;
                singleInstance.OnLeave = qb.GetValuesfromDB(queryOnLeave).ToList<AttData>().Count();

                //foreach (var emp in EmView)

                //s= singleInstance.CardSwapped + db.AttDatas.Where(aa => aa.TimeIn != null && aa.AttDate == day && aa.EmpID == emp.EmpID).Count();
                //singleInstance.Absent = singleInstance.Absent+ db.AttDatas.Where(aa => aa.StatusAB == true && aa.AttDate == day && aa.EmpID == emp.EmpID).Count();
                //singleInstance.OnLeave = singleInstance.OnLeave + db.AttDatas.Where(aa => (aa.StatusHL == true || aa.StatusLeave == true || aa.StatusSL == true) && aa.AttDate == day && aa.EmpID == emp.EmpID).Count();

       = day;

            return attDeptList;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        ///  This function takes FiltersModel and an empty list of AttDeptSummary as input and
        ///  gives a populated AttDeptSummary as output. If there is any dept selected in the filter
        ///  it will iterate through all the departments if there is no dept selected it will try to
        ///  find all the depts of the company.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fm"> FiltersModel </param>
        /// <param name="attDeptList">Empty List of AttDeptSummary</param>
        /// <returns>Populated List of AttDeptSummary</returns>
        public List <AttDeptSummary> GetListForAttDepartmentsSummary(FiltersModel fm, string _dateFrom, string _dateTo)
            List <AttDeptSummary> attDeptList = new List <AttDeptSummary>();
            TAS2013Entities       db          = new TAS2013Entities();
            //To get the query from the db
            QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder();
            //Get the Department filters
            List <FiltersAttributes> departments = new List <FiltersAttributes>();

            departments = fm.DepartmentFilter;
            //if more then 0 it means some departments are selected now we iterate over them and see
            //how many employee does one dept has. The table empView is the most suitable db for this case.
            if (departments.Count > 0)
                //do nothing still cater for it in future there might be a need
            //if there is no department list in the filter then first get the company's department and then do the same as above.
                foreach (var comp in fm.CompanyFilter)
                    int compID = Convert.ToInt16(comp.ID);
                    List <Department> depts = db.Departments.Where(aa => aa.CompanyID == compID).ToList();
                    foreach (var dept in depts)
                        departments.Add(new FiltersAttributes()
                            ID = dept.DeptID + "", FilterName = dept.DeptName
            //NOw run the departments if they are from the department filter or from the company itself

            foreach (var dept in departments)
                DataTable      dt     = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from EmpView where DeptID=" + dept.ID);
                List <EmpView> EmView = dt.ToList <EmpView>();


                foreach (DateTime day in EachDay(Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom), Convert.ToDateTime(_dateTo)))
                    AttDeptSummary singleInstance = new AttDeptSummary();
                    singleInstance.Department    = dept.FilterName;
                    singleInstance.TotalStrength = EmView.Count();
                    singleInstance.Total         = singleInstance.TotalStrength;
                    singleInstance.Location      = EmView.FirstOrDefault().LocName;
                    singleInstance.Section       = EmView.FirstOrDefault().SectionName;
                    singleInstance.Company       = EmView.FirstOrDefault().CompName;
                    singleInstance.CardSwapped   = 0;
                    singleInstance.Absent        = 0;
                    singleInstance.OnLeave       = 0;
                    string dynamicQueryForEmps = GetDynamicQueryForEmps(EmView);
                    string queryForCardSwapped = "select * from AttData where (TimeIn is not null AND AttDate = '" + day + "') AND ";
                    string queryForAbsent      = "select * from AttData where (StatusAB = 1 AND AttDate = '" + day + "') AND ";
                    string queryOnLeave        = "select * from AttData where (StatusHL = 1 OR StatusLeave =1  AND StatusSL=1 AND AttDate = '" + day + "') AND ";

                    queryForCardSwapped = queryForCardSwapped + dynamicQueryForEmps;

                    singleInstance.CardSwapped = qb.GetValuesfromDB(queryForCardSwapped).ToList <AttData>().Count();
                    queryForAbsent             = queryForAbsent + dynamicQueryForEmps;
                    singleInstance.Absent      = qb.GetValuesfromDB(queryForAbsent).ToList <AttData>().Count(); queryOnLeave = queryOnLeave + dynamicQueryForEmps;
                    singleInstance.OnLeave     = qb.GetValuesfromDB(queryOnLeave).ToList <AttData>().Count();

                    //foreach (var emp in EmView)

                    //s= singleInstance.CardSwapped + db.AttDatas.Where(aa => aa.TimeIn != null && aa.AttDate == day && aa.EmpID == emp.EmpID).Count();
                    //singleInstance.Absent = singleInstance.Absent+ db.AttDatas.Where(aa => aa.StatusAB == true && aa.AttDate == day && aa.EmpID == emp.EmpID).Count();
                    //singleInstance.OnLeave = singleInstance.OnLeave + db.AttDatas.Where(aa => (aa.StatusHL == true || aa.StatusLeave == true || aa.StatusSL == true) && aa.AttDate == day && aa.EmpID == emp.EmpID).Count();

           = day;