Beispiel #1
        public override bool Build()
            /* Creating new node with state data.
             * This node will set the destination which attached NPC will move to.
             * The pointer will exit this node when the NPC will be in the destination.

            //Preparing data

            Node start = NodeBuilder.Start(this);

            AddNode(start, null, "Start");

            //Defining action which will be invoked when the pointer will enter our node
            Action onEnter = delegate

            //Defining condition which will move pointer to the next node
            Func <bool> condition = delegate

            //Creating data object
            StateData data = new StateData(onEnter, null, null, (condition, 0));

            //Creating node
            Node movingNode = new Node(data);

            //Adding node and connect to the start node
            AddNode(movingNode, null, "Moving node");

            /* Let's create other node, which will print the message "Test debug" when the pointer reaches this node.
             * Pointer will exit this node automatically.

            //Debug log node data
            StateData debugLogData = new StateData(delegate { Debug.Log("Test debug"); }, null, null);
            //Debug log node itself
            Node debugLogNode = new Node(debugLogData);

            //Adding node and connect to the (earlier created) moving node
            AddNode(debugLogNode, movingNode, "Debug node");

            //Let's create a node which will set the destination as second waypoint

            //Create node object (similar to movingNode)
            Node moveBackNode = new Node(
                new StateData(
                    (delegate { return(npcOwner.Agent.InDestination()); }, 0)

            //Add new node to the tree
            AddNode(moveBackNode, debugLogNode, "Move back node");

            //Connect new node to the start node, whereby our tree becomes endless.
            ConnectNodes("Move back node", "Moving node");

Beispiel #2
        public override bool Build()
            InterruptCondition = delegate
            #region Start Group

            Node start = NodeBuilder.Start(this);
            AddNode(start, null, "Start");


            #region Nodes Initialize

            Node shoot          = null;
            Node idle           = null;
            Node searchForActor = null;

            //TODO: Rewrite nodes code using NodeContainers (in order to get rid of strings)
            NodeContainer shootContainer          = new NodeContainer(shoot);
            NodeContainer idleContainer           = new NodeContainer(idle);
            NodeContainer searchForActorContainer = new NodeContainer(searchForActor);


            #region Idle state

            //TODO: Remove this unneccesary condition
            Func <bool> seesActorCondition = delegate
                return(npcOwner.focusedTarget != null &&
            Func <bool> seesEnemyCondition = delegate
                return(npcOwner.focusedTarget != null &&
                       npcOwner.focusedTarget.ActorFraction != npcOwner.ActorFraction &&

            StateData idleStateData = new StateData
                delegate { npcOwner.Animator.SetTrigger("Idle" + npcOwner.EquipedWeapon.Settings.HoldingType.ToString()); },
                (seesActorCondition, 0)
            idle = new Node(idleStateData);
            idleContainer.AttachedNode = idle;
            Node idleSeesActorSwitch = NodeBuilder.Switch("Idle State", ("Shoot State", seesEnemyCondition));
            AddNode(idle, start, "Idle State");
            AddNode(idleSeesActorSwitch, idle, "Idle State: Sees actor switch");


            #region Shoot State

            Func <bool> enemyIsDead = delegate
                return(npcOwner.focusedTarget != null && npcOwner.focusedTarget.IsDead);

            Action shootingAction = delegate

            StateData shootStateData = new StateData
                delegate { Debug.Log("Shoot on sate"); shootingAction.Invoke(); }, //On update
                (enemyIsDead, 0),
                (() => { return(true); }, 1)
            shoot = new Node(shootStateData);
            shootContainer.AttachedNode = shoot;
            AddNode(shoot, idleSeesActorSwitch, "Shoot State");
            // Idle is now child of shooting state with localId = 0
            ConnectNodes("Shoot State", "Idle State");

            Action searchForActorContext = delegate
                // Interruption
                if (seesActorCondition() && seesEnemyCondition())

            Func <bool> noSearchResultCondition = delegate

            StateData searchForActorData = new StateData
                () => { npcOwner.Agent.SetDestination(npcOwner.TargetLastSeenPosition); },
                (noSearchResultCondition, 1)

            searchForActor = new Node(searchForActorData);
            searchForActorContainer.AttachedNode = searchForActor;

            // Shooting choice-node with localId = 1
            Node shootingChoiceNode = NodeBuilder.Choice
                "Shoot State",
                "Shoot State: Search State",
                () => { return(npcOwner.focusedTarget != null && !npcOwner.focusedTarget.IsDead && npcOwner.CanSeeActor(npcOwner.focusedTarget)); }
            AddNode(shootingChoiceNode, shoot, "Shoot State: Choice");
            AddNode(searchForActor, shoot, "Shoot State: Search State");
            // shoot is now child of searchForActor with localId = 0
            ConnectNodes("Shoot State: Search State", "Shoot State");
            // idle is now child of searchForActor with localId = 1
            ConnectNodes("Shoot State: Search State", "Idle State");

