Beispiel #1
        private void _DrawText(Graphics g, Size bmpSize, CFont font, List <CTextElement> elements)
            Font fo = CFonts.GetSystemFont(font);

            float maxHeight = elements.Select(el => el.Height).Max();
            int   lineCount = elements.Last().Line + 1;

            //Have to use size in em not pixels!
            float   emSize        = fo.Size * fo.FontFamily.GetCellAscent(fo.Style) / fo.FontFamily.GetEmHeight(fo.Style);
            float   outlineSize   = CFonts.GetOutlineSize(font) * font.Height;
            SColorF outlineColorF = CFonts.GetOutlineColor(font);

            outlineColorF.A = outlineColorF.A * _TextColor.A;

            using (var path = new GraphicsPath())
                using (var pen = new Pen(outlineColorF.AsColor(), outlineSize / 2))
                    pen.LineJoin  = LineJoin.Round;
                    pen.Alignment = PenAlignment.Outset;
                    float top        = (bmpSize.Height - _MarginBottom - _MarginTop - maxHeight * lineCount) / 2 + _MarginTop;
                    int   nextLineEl = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++)
                        int firstEl = nextLineEl;
                        for (; nextLineEl < elements.Count; nextLineEl++)
                            if (elements[nextLineEl].Line > i)

                        string line = elements.GetRange(firstEl, nextLineEl - firstEl).Aggregate("", (current, element) => current + element.Text);
                        float  left;
                        if (lineCount == 1 || (i == 1 && lineCount == 3))
                            //Center Text if this is the only line or the middle line
                            float width = _GetWidth(elements, firstEl, nextLineEl - 1);
                            left = (bmpSize.Width - _MarginLeft - _MarginRight - width) / 2 + _MarginLeft;
                        else if (i == lineCount - 1)
                            //Place last line at right
                            float width = _GetWidth(elements, firstEl, nextLineEl - 1);
                            left = bmpSize.Width - width - _MarginRight;
                            left = _MarginLeft;
                        //g.DrawString(line, fo, new SolidBrush(_TextColor.AsColor()), left, top, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
                        path.AddString(line, fo.FontFamily, (int)fo.Style, emSize, new PointF(left, top), StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
                        top += maxHeight + _LineSpace;
                    g.DrawPath(pen, path);
                    g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(_TextColor.AsColor()), path);
Beispiel #2
        private static void _DrawDebugInfos()
            if (CConfig.Config.Debug.DebugLevel == EDebugLevel.TR_CONFIG_OFF)

            List <String> debugOutput = new List <string> {
                CTime.GetFPS().ToString("FPS: 000")

            if (CConfig.Config.Debug.DebugLevel >= EDebugLevel.TR_CONFIG_LEVEL1)
                debugOutput.Add(CSound.GetStreamCount().ToString(CLanguage.Translate("TR_DEBUG_AUDIO_STREAMS") + ": 00"));
                debugOutput.Add(CVideo.GetNumStreams().ToString(CLanguage.Translate("TR_DEBUG_VIDEO_STREAMS") + ": 00"));
                debugOutput.Add(CDraw.TextureCount().ToString(CLanguage.Translate("TR_DEBUG_TEXTURES") + ": 00000"));
                long memory = GC.GetTotalMemory(false);
                debugOutput.Add((memory / 1000000L).ToString(CLanguage.Translate("TR_DEBUG_MEMORY") + ": 00000 MB"));

                if (CConfig.Config.Debug.DebugLevel >= EDebugLevel.TR_CONFIG_LEVEL2)
                    debugOutput.Add(CRecord.GetToneAbs(0).ToString(CLanguage.Translate("TR_DEBUG_TONE_ABS") + " P1: 00"));
                    debugOutput.Add(CRecord.GetMaxVolume(0).ToString(CLanguage.Translate("TR_DEBUG_MAX_VOLUME") + " P1: 0.000"));
                    debugOutput.Add(CRecord.GetToneAbs(1).ToString(CLanguage.Translate("TR_DEBUG_TONE_ABS") + " P2: 00"));
                    debugOutput.Add(CRecord.GetMaxVolume(1).ToString(CLanguage.Translate("TR_DEBUG_MAX_VOLUME") + " P2: 0.000"));

                    if (CConfig.Config.Debug.DebugLevel >= EDebugLevel.TR_CONFIG_LEVEL3)
                        debugOutput.Add(CSongs.NumSongsWithCoverLoaded.ToString(CLanguage.Translate("TR_DEBUG_SONGS") + ": 00000"));

                        if (CConfig.Config.Debug.DebugLevel >= EDebugLevel.TR_CONFIG_LEVEL_MAX)
                            debugOutput.Add(_Cursor.X.ToString(CLanguage.Translate("TR_DEBUG_MOUSE") + " : (0000/") + _Cursor.Y.ToString("0000)"));
            CFont   font = new CFont("Normal", EStyle.Normal, 25);
            SColorF gray = new SColorF(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f);
            float   y    = 0;

            foreach (string txt in debugOutput)
                float      textWidth = CFonts.GetTextWidth(txt, font);
                RectangleF rect      = new RectangleF(CSettings.RenderW - textWidth, y, textWidth, CFonts.GetTextHeight(txt, font));
                CDraw.DrawRect(gray, new SRectF(rect.X, rect.Top, rect.Width, rect.Height, CSettings.ZNear));
                CFonts.DrawText(txt, font, rect.X, rect.Y, CSettings.ZNear);
                y += rect.Height;
Beispiel #3
        public Bitmap GetCover(string text, string firstCoverPath)
            if (!_Valid)
            text = CLanguage.Translate(_Theme.Text.Text.Replace("%TEXT%", text));
            using (Bitmap bmpImage = new Bitmap(_Image))
                Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(bmpImage.Width, bmpImage.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
                        g.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                        g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                        g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

                        _DrawBackground(g, bmpImage, firstCoverPath);

                        if (text != "")
                            CFont font = new CFont(_Theme.Text.Font);
                            Font  fo   = CFonts.GetSystemFont(font);
                            IEnumerable <string> textParts = _SplitText(text);
                            List <CTextElement>  elements  = textParts.Select(line => new CTextElement(line, g, fo)).ToList();
                            float factor = _DistributeText(elements, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
                            foreach (CTextElement element in elements)
                            font.Height *= factor / (1f + CFonts.GetOutlineSize(font)); //Adjust for outline size
                            _DrawText(g, bmp.GetSize(), font, elements);
                catch (Exception)
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads theme fonts from skin file
        /// </summary>
        public static void LoadThemeFonts(string ThemeName, string FontFolder, XPathNavigator navigator)
            string value = string.Empty;
            int i = 1;
            while (CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/Folder", navigator, ref value, value))
                SFont sf = new SFont();
                sf.Folder = value;

                sf.IsThemeFont = true;
                sf.ThemeName = ThemeName;

                bool ok = true;

                ok &= CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileNormal", navigator, ref value, value);
                sf.FileNormal = value;
                value = Path.Combine(FontFolder, Path.Combine(sf.Folder, value));
                CFont f = new CFont(value);
                sf.Normal = f;
                string name = String.Empty;
                ok &= CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/Name", navigator, ref name, value);
                sf.Name = name;
                ok &= CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileItalic", navigator, ref value, value);
                sf.FileItalic = value;
                value = Path.Combine(FontFolder, Path.Combine(sf.Folder, value));
                f = new CFont(value);
                sf.Italic = f;

                ok &= CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileBold", navigator, ref value, value);
                sf.FileBold = value;
                value = Path.Combine(FontFolder, Path.Combine(sf.Folder, value));
                f = new CFont(value);
                sf.Bold = f;

                ok &= CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileBoldItalic", navigator, ref value, value);
                sf.FileBoldItalic = value;
                value = Path.Combine(FontFolder, Path.Combine(sf.Folder, value));
                f = new CFont(value);
                sf.BoldItalic = f;

                sf.Outline = 0f;
                ok &= CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/Outline", navigator, ref sf.Outline);

                sf.OutlineColor = new SColorF(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
                ok &= CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorR", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.R);
                ok &= CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorG", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.G);
                ok &= CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorB", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.B);
                ok &= CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorA", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.A);

                if (ok)
                    CLog.LogError("Error loading theme fonts for theme \"" + ThemeName + "\": Error in Font" + i.ToString());

            CLog.StartBenchmark(1, "BuildGlyphs");
            CLog.StopBenchmark(1, "BuildGlyphs");
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Load default fonts
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool LoadFontList()
            bool loaded = false;
            XPathDocument xPathDoc = null;
            XPathNavigator navigator = null;

                xPathDoc = new XPathDocument(System.IO.Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderFonts, CSettings.sFileFonts));
                navigator = xPathDoc.CreateNavigator();
                loaded = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                CLog.LogError("Error loading default fonts: " + e.Message);
                loaded = false;
                if (navigator != null)
                    navigator = null;

                if (xPathDoc != null)
                    xPathDoc = null;

            if (loaded)
                string value = string.Empty;
                int i = 1;
                while (CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/Folder", navigator, ref value, value))
                    string Folder = value;

                    CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileNormal", navigator, ref value, value);
                    value = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),
                        Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderFonts, Path.Combine(Folder, value)));
                    CFont f = new CFont(value);
                    SFont sf = new SFont();
                    sf.Normal = f;

                    string name = String.Empty;
                    CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/Name", navigator, ref name, value);
                    sf.Name = name;
                    sf.IsThemeFont = false;
                    sf.ThemeName = String.Empty;
                    CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileItalic", navigator, ref value, value);
                    value = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),
                        Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderFonts, Path.Combine(Folder, value)));
                    f = new CFont(value);
                    sf.Italic = f;

                    CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileBold", navigator, ref value, value);
                    value = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),
                        Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderFonts, Path.Combine(Folder, value)));
                    f = new CFont(value);
                    sf.Bold = f;

                    CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileBoldItalic", navigator, ref value, value);
                    value = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),
                        Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderFonts, Path.Combine(Folder, value)));
                    f = new CFont(value);
                    sf.BoldItalic = f;

                    sf.Outline = 0f;
                    CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/Outline", navigator, ref sf.Outline);

                    sf.OutlineColor = new SColorF(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
                    CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorR", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.R);
                    CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorG", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.G);
                    CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorB", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.B);
                    CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorA", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.A);

            return loaded;
Beispiel #6
 public void DrawText(string text, CFont font, float x, float y, float z, SColorF color, float begin, float end)
     CFonts.DrawText(text, font, x, y, z, color, begin, end);
Beispiel #7
 public void DrawTextReflection(string text, CFont font, float x, float y, float z, SColorF color, float reflectionSpace, float reflectionHeight)
     CFonts.DrawTextReflection(text, font, x, y, z, color, reflectionSpace, reflectionHeight);
Beispiel #8
 public void DrawText(string text, CFont font, float x, float y, float z, SColorF color, bool allMonitors = true)
     CFonts.DrawText(text, font, x, y, z, color, allMonitors);
Beispiel #9
 public void DrawText(string text, CFont font, float x, float y, float z, SColorF color)
     CFonts.DrawText(text, font, x, y, z, color);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads theme fonts from skin file
        /// </summary>
        public static void LoadThemeFonts(string ThemeName, string FontFolder, XPathNavigator navigator)
            string value = string.Empty;
            int    i     = 1;

            while (CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/Folder", navigator, ref value, value))
                SFont sf = new SFont();
                sf.Folder = value;

                sf.IsThemeFont = true;
                sf.ThemeName   = ThemeName;

                bool ok = true;

                ok           &= CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileNormal", navigator, ref value, value);
                sf.FileNormal = value;
                value         = Path.Combine(FontFolder, Path.Combine(sf.Folder, value));
                CFont f = new CFont(value);
                sf.Normal = f;

                string name = String.Empty;
                ok     &= CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/Name", navigator, ref name, value);
                sf.Name = name;

                ok           &= CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileItalic", navigator, ref value, value);
                sf.FileItalic = value;
                value         = Path.Combine(FontFolder, Path.Combine(sf.Folder, value));
                f             = new CFont(value);
                sf.Italic     = f;

                ok         &= CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileBold", navigator, ref value, value);
                sf.FileBold = value;
                value       = Path.Combine(FontFolder, Path.Combine(sf.Folder, value));
                f           = new CFont(value);
                sf.Bold     = f;

                ok &= CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileBoldItalic", navigator, ref value, value);
                sf.FileBoldItalic = value;
                value             = Path.Combine(FontFolder, Path.Combine(sf.Folder, value));
                f             = new CFont(value);
                sf.BoldItalic = f;

                sf.Outline = 0f;
                ok        &= CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/Outline", navigator, ref sf.Outline);

                sf.OutlineColor = new SColorF(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
                ok &= CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorR", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.R);
                ok &= CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorG", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.G);
                ok &= CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorB", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.B);
                ok &= CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Fonts/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorA", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.A);

                if (ok)
                    CLog.LogError("Error loading theme fonts for theme \"" + ThemeName + "\": Error in Font" + i.ToString());

            CLog.StartBenchmark(1, "BuildGlyphs");
            CLog.StopBenchmark(1, "BuildGlyphs");
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Load default fonts
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool LoadFontList()
            bool           loaded    = false;
            XPathDocument  xPathDoc  = null;
            XPathNavigator navigator = null;

                xPathDoc  = new XPathDocument(System.IO.Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderFonts, CSettings.sFileFonts));
                navigator = xPathDoc.CreateNavigator();
                loaded    = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                CLog.LogError("Error loading default fonts: " + e.Message);
                loaded = false;
                if (navigator != null)
                    navigator = null;

                if (xPathDoc != null)
                    xPathDoc = null;

            if (loaded)
                string value = string.Empty;
                int    i     = 1;
                while (CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/Folder", navigator, ref value, value))
                    string Folder = value;

                    CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileNormal", navigator, ref value, value);
                    value = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),
                                         Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderFonts, Path.Combine(Folder, value)));
                    CFont f  = new CFont(value);
                    SFont sf = new SFont();
                    sf.Normal = f;

                    string name = String.Empty;
                    CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/Name", navigator, ref name, value);
                    sf.Name        = name;
                    sf.IsThemeFont = false;
                    sf.ThemeName   = String.Empty;

                    CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileItalic", navigator, ref value, value);
                    value = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),
                                         Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderFonts, Path.Combine(Folder, value)));
                    f         = new CFont(value);
                    sf.Italic = f;

                    CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileBold", navigator, ref value, value);
                    value = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),
                                         Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderFonts, Path.Combine(Folder, value)));
                    f       = new CFont(value);
                    sf.Bold = f;

                    CHelper.GetValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/FileBoldItalic", navigator, ref value, value);
                    value = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),
                                         Path.Combine(CSettings.sFolderFonts, Path.Combine(Folder, value)));
                    f             = new CFont(value);
                    sf.BoldItalic = f;

                    sf.Outline = 0f;
                    CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/Outline", navigator, ref sf.Outline);

                    sf.OutlineColor = new SColorF(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
                    CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorR", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.R);
                    CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorG", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.G);
                    CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorB", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.B);
                    CHelper.TryGetFloatValueFromXML("//root/Font" + i.ToString() + "/OutlineColorA", navigator, ref sf.OutlineColor.A);
