Beispiel #1
 public Form1()
     Graphics dc = this.CreateGraphics();  // create Graphics object
     FontInfo KeyFontFormat1 = new FontInfo( "Arial", 12f, FontStyle.Bold);
     BoardKey1 = new BoardKey(PositionLeft, PositionRight, KeySizeSqu, dc, KeyFontFormat1);
     this.Show();  // show control box to user
     top = -1;
     top_buffer = -1;
     string s_val = System.String.Empty;
Beispiel #2
        private void Form1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && ((e.X >= PositionLeft) && (e.X <= PositionLeft + 10 * KeySizeSqu) && (e.Y <= PositionRight + 4 * KeySizeSqu) && (e.Y >= PositionRight)))
            {//first time button click
                CatchStart = true;//change state to start painting 
                top = -1;
                ColorCord tmp = new ColorCord("", -1, -1, -1, -1, false);
                Word = "";
                key_old = "";
                tmp = BoardKey1.ConvCoord2String(PositionLeft, PositionRight, e.X, e.Y, KeySizeSqu, Max_SquMinDistance);
                if (tmp.Flag)
                    WordPosStack[++top] = tmp;
                    //CurvePointIndex[top] = 1;
                    Word += tmp.key;
                    key_old = tmp.key;
                    index_times = 1 ;
                    FontInfo KeyFontFormat1 = new FontInfo("Arial", 12f, FontStyle.Bold);
                    BoardKey1.KeyIndexPlus(WordPosStack[top], KeyFontFormat1, KeySizeSqu, index_times);
            if ( e.Button == MouseButtons.Right && CatchStart)
            {//right button which cause double
                ColorCord tmp = new ColorCord("", -1, -1, -1, -1, false);
                tmp = BoardKey1.ConvCoord2String(PositionLeft, PositionRight, e.X, e.Y, KeySizeSqu, Max_SquMinDistance);
                if (tmp.Flag && index_times<2)
                {//Comment: a restriction added: if you click the same key twice, then we only record the key for once 
                 //cause there is no English word that has trible same letters
                    WordPosStack[++top] = tmp;
                    Word += tmp.key;
                    key_old = tmp.key;
                    //curve point cal:double letters
                    if (top > 1)
                        vectoriplus1.X = WordPosStack[top].RX - WordPosStack[top - 1].RX;
                        vectoriplus1.Y = WordPosStack[top].RY - WordPosStack[top - 1].RY;
                        CurvePointIndex[top - 1] = 1;
                        vectori = vectoriplus1;
                    else if (top == 1)
                        vectori.X = WordPosStack[top].RX - WordPosStack[top - 1].RX;
                        vectori.Y = WordPosStack[top].RY - WordPosStack[top - 1].RY;
                        CurvePointIndex[top - 1] = 1;
                    {//top=0, theorical, no possible this will happen

Beispiel #3
        private void Form1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && top>-1)
                CatchStart = false;
                CurvePointIndex[0] = 1;
                CurvePointIndex[top] = 1;
                if(WordPosStack[top].key == " " && top>0)
                    CurvePointIndex[--top] = 1;
                if (top == 0 && WordPosStack[top].key == " ")
                    this.textBox1.Paste(" ");
                    bool Flag = true;
                    //Word find
                    List<string> Result = new List<string>();
                    Result = Org_Word.Find(Word.ToLower(), CurvePointIndex);
                    string tmp = "";
                    int min_lenth = Word.Length;
                    if (Result.Count != 0)
                        foreach (string ResultWord in Result)
                            if (Word.Length - ResultWord.Length < min_lenth)
                                tmp = ResultWord.ToUpper();
                        if (Flag)
                            CurvePointIndex = new int[MaxLenthWord];
                            CurvePointIndex[0] = CurvePointIndex[top] = 1;
                            Flag = false;
                            goto WordFind;
                        tmp = Word;
                    input_buffer[++top_buffer] = tmp;

                    if (tmp.Length > 1)
                        buffer += tmp + " ";
                        this.textBox1.Paste(tmp + " ");
                    else if(tmp.Length == 1)
                        buffer += tmp;
                    { }
                //Create a new word string
                Graphics hc = this.CreateGraphics();
                hc.Clear(this.BackColor);// if need to save path, then comment this line
                FontInfo KeyFontFormat1 = new FontInfo("Arial", 12f, FontStyle.Bold);
                BoardKey1 = new BoardKey(PositionLeft, PositionRight, KeySizeSqu,hc, KeyFontFormat1);
                Word = "";
                top = -1;
            if(e.Button == MouseButtons.Right && CatchStart && top>-1)
                FontInfo KeyFontFormat1 = new FontInfo("Arial", 12f, FontStyle.Bold);
                BoardKey1.KeyIndexPlus(WordPosStack[top], KeyFontFormat1, KeySizeSqu, index_times);
Beispiel #4
        private void Form1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (CatchStart)
                Graphics dc = this.CreateGraphics();
                dc.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(Color.BlueViolet), e.X, e.Y, 10, 12);
                ColorCord tmp = BoardKey1.ConvCoord2String(PositionLeft, PositionRight, e.X, e.Y, KeySizeSqu, SquMinDistance);
                if ((tmp.key != key_old) && tmp.Flag)
                    Word += tmp.key;
                    key_old = tmp.key;
                    WordPosStack[++top] = tmp;
                    index_times = 1;
                    FontInfo KeyFontFormat1 = new FontInfo("Arial", 12f, FontStyle.Bold);
                    BoardKey1.KeyIndexPlus(WordPosStack[top], KeyFontFormat1, KeySizeSqu, index_times);
                    //Curve point cal
                    if (top > 1)
                        vectoriplus1.X = WordPosStack[top].RX - WordPosStack[top - 1].RX;
                        vectoriplus1.Y = WordPosStack[top].RY - WordPosStack[top - 1].RY;
                        if ((vectoriplus1.X - vectori.X == 0) && (vectoriplus1.Y - vectori.Y == 0))
                            CurvePointIndex[top - 1] = 0;
                            CurvePointIndex[top - 1] = 1;
                        vectori = vectoriplus1;
                    else if (top == 1)
                        vectori.X = WordPosStack[top].RX - WordPosStack[top - 1].RX;
                        vectori.Y = WordPosStack[top].RY - WordPosStack[top - 1].RY;
                        CurvePointIndex[top - 1] = 1;
                    {//top=0, there is only one point, then do nothing

                if (tmp.key == " ")
                    CatchStart = false;
Beispiel #5
        internal BoardKey(int PositionLeft, int PositionUp, int KeySizeSqu, Graphics DC,FontInfo _FontInfo )
            dc = DC;
            PointF pointF;
            BluePen_Key = new Pen(Color.Blue, 3);
            font = new Font(_FontInfo.FontName, _FontInfo.FontSize,_FontInfo._FontStyle);
            sizeF = dc.MeasureString(KeyName[0], font);

            //boundary calculation: left to right
            boundary[0,0] = PositionLeft;
            boundary[0,1] = PositionLeft+firline_KeyNumber*KeySizeSqu;
            boundary[1,0] = PositionLeft;
            boundary[1,1] = PositionLeft+Secline_KeyNumber*KeySizeSqu;
            boundary[2,0] = PositionLeft+KeySizeSqu;
            boundary[2,1] = PositionLeft+Thrline_KeyNumber*KeySizeSqu;
            boundary[3,0] = PositionLeft+KeySizeSqu;
            boundary[3,1] = PositionLeft+Thrline_KeyNumber*KeySizeSqu;
            boundarybottom = PositionUp + 4 * KeySizeSqu;

            int iPositionLeft = PositionLeft, iPositionUp = PositionUp;
            for (int i = 0; i < firline_KeyNumber; ++i)
                pointF = new PointF(iPositionLeft + KeySizeSqu / 2 - sizeF.Width / 2,
                        iPositionUp + KeySizeSqu / 2 - sizeF.Height / 2 + 1);// Note: 1 is for correct the position
                KeyPosition[i].X = (float)iPositionLeft;
                KeyPosition[i].Y = (float)iPositionUp;
                dc.DrawRectangle(BluePen_Key, iPositionLeft, iPositionUp, KeySizeSqu, KeySizeSqu);
                dc.DrawString(KeyName[i], font, Brushes.Black, pointF);
                iPositionLeft += KeySizeSqu;

            iPositionLeft = PositionLeft;
            iPositionUp += KeySizeSqu;
            for (int i = firline_KeyNumber; i < Secline_KeyNumber + firline_KeyNumber; ++i)
                pointF = new PointF(iPositionLeft + KeySizeSqu / 2 - sizeF.Width / 2,
                     iPositionUp + KeySizeSqu / 2 - sizeF.Height / 2 + 1);// Note: 1 is for correct the position
                KeyPosition[i].X = (float)iPositionLeft;
                KeyPosition[i].Y = (float)iPositionUp;
                dc.DrawRectangle(BluePen_Key, iPositionLeft, iPositionUp, KeySizeSqu, KeySizeSqu);
                dc.DrawString(KeyName[i], font, Brushes.Black, pointF);
                iPositionLeft += KeySizeSqu;

            iPositionLeft = PositionLeft+KeySizeSqu;
            iPositionUp += KeySizeSqu;
            for (int i = Secline_KeyNumber+firline_KeyNumber; i < keyNumver; ++i)
                pointF = new PointF(iPositionLeft + KeySizeSqu / 2 - sizeF.Width / 2,
                     iPositionUp + KeySizeSqu / 2 - sizeF.Height / 2 + 1);// Note: 1 is for correct the position
                KeyPosition[i].X = (float)iPositionLeft;
                KeyPosition[i].Y = (float)iPositionUp;
                dc.DrawRectangle(BluePen_Key, iPositionLeft, iPositionUp, KeySizeSqu, KeySizeSqu);
                dc.DrawString(KeyName[i], font, Brushes.Black, pointF);
                iPositionLeft += KeySizeSqu;

            iPositionLeft = PositionLeft + KeySizeSqu;
            iPositionUp += KeySizeSqu;
            dc.DrawRectangle(BluePen_Key, iPositionLeft, iPositionUp, KeySizeSqu * Thrline_KeyNumber, KeySizeSqu);
            KeyPosition[keyNumver].X = (float)iPositionLeft;
            KeyPosition[keyNumver].Y = (float)iPositionUp;
Beispiel #6
 public void KeyIndexPlus(ColorCord pos, FontInfo KeyFont, int KeySizeSqu, int times)
     PointF pointF = new PointF(pos.pointF.X + KeySizeSqu - sizeF.Width,
                 pos.pointF.Y );
     dc.DrawString(times.ToString(), font, Brushes.Red, pointF);