Beispiel #1
       /// <summary>
       /// Add Title visual to DrawingArea
       /// </summary>
       /// <param name="chart">Chart</param>
       /// <param name="title">Title to add</param>
       /// <param name="panel">Panel where title to be added</param>
       /// <param name="width">Available width for title</param>
       /// <param name="height">Available height for title</param>
        private void AddTitle(Chart chart, Title title, Panel panel, Double width, Double height)
            Double tempFontSize = title.InternalFontSize;
            title.Chart = chart;


            title.CreateVisualObject(new ElementData() { Element = title });

            Size size = Graphics.CalculateVisualSize(title.Visual);

            if (title.InternalVerticalAlignment == VerticalAlignment.Top || title.InternalVerticalAlignment == VerticalAlignment.Bottom
                || (title.InternalVerticalAlignment == VerticalAlignment.Center && title.InternalHorizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Center))
                if (size.Width > width && (chart.ActualWidth - width) < width)
                    if (title.InternalFontSize == 1)
                        goto OUT;

                    title.IsNotificationEnable = false;
                    title.InternalFontSize -= 1;
                    title.IsNotificationEnable = true;
                    goto RECREATE_TITLE;
                if (size.Height >= height || title.Height >= height)
                    if (title.InternalFontSize == 1)
                        goto OUT;

                    title.IsNotificationEnable = false;
                    title.InternalFontSize -= 1;
                    title.IsNotificationEnable = true;
                    goto RECREATE_TITLE;

            title.IsNotificationEnable = false;
            title.InternalFontSize = tempFontSize;
            title.IsNotificationEnable = true;

            // Add title Visual as children of panel
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns label for DataPoint
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataPoint"></param>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="height"></param>
        /// <param name="isPositive"></param>
        /// <param name="markerLeft"></param> 
        /// <param name="markerTop"></param> 
        /// <param name="labelCanvas"></param> 
        /// <param name="IsSetPosition">Whether to set the position while creating it (in this function itself) </param>
        /// <returns>New position of the label</returns>
        private static Point CreateLabel4LineDataPoint(DataPoint dataPoint, Double width, Double height, Boolean isPositive,
            Double markerLeft, Double markerTop, ref Canvas labelCanvas, Boolean IsSetPosition)
            Point retVal = new Point();

            if (dataPoint.LabelVisual != null)
                Panel parent = dataPoint.LabelVisual.Parent as Panel;

                if (parent != null)

            Chart chart = dataPoint.Chart as Chart;

            if (dataPoint.Faces == null || Double.IsNaN(dataPoint.InternalYValue))
                return retVal;

            if ((Boolean)dataPoint.LabelEnabled && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataPoint.LabelText))
                LabelStyles autoLabelStyle = (LabelStyles)dataPoint.LabelStyle;

                Title tb = new Title()
                    Text = dataPoint.TextParser(dataPoint.LabelText),
                    InternalFontFamily = dataPoint.LabelFontFamily,
                    InternalFontSize = dataPoint.LabelFontSize.Value,
                    InternalFontWeight = (FontWeight)dataPoint.LabelFontWeight,
                    InternalFontStyle = (FontStyle)dataPoint.LabelFontStyle,
                    InternalBackground = dataPoint.LabelBackground,
                    InternalFontColor = Chart.CalculateDataPointLabelFontColor(dataPoint.Chart as Chart, dataPoint, dataPoint.LabelFontColor, autoLabelStyle),
                    Padding = new Thickness(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
                    Tag = new ElementData() { Element = dataPoint }

                tb.CreateVisualObject(new ElementData() { Element = dataPoint });

                Double labelLeft = 0;
                Double labelTop = 0;
                Double gap = 6;

                if (Double.IsNaN(dataPoint.LabelAngle) || dataPoint.LabelAngle == 0)
                    SetLabelPosition4LineDataPoint(dataPoint, width, height, isPositive, markerLeft, markerTop, ref labelLeft, ref labelTop, gap, new Size(tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Width, tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Height));

                    retVal.X = labelLeft;
                    retVal.Y = labelTop;

                    if (IsSetPosition)
                        tb.Visual.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, labelLeft);
                        tb.Visual.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, labelTop);

                    Double depth3D = chart.ChartArea.PLANK_DEPTH / chart.PlotDetails.Layer3DCount * (chart.View3D ? 1 : 0);

                    if (!dataPoint.IsLabelStyleSet && !dataPoint.Parent.IsLabelStyleSet)
                        if (isPositive)
                            if (labelTop < -depth3D)
                                autoLabelStyle = LabelStyles.Inside;
                            if (labelTop + tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Height > chart.PlotArea.BorderElement.Height - depth3D + chart.ChartArea.PLANK_THICKNESS)
                                autoLabelStyle = LabelStyles.Inside;

                    if (autoLabelStyle != dataPoint.LabelStyle)
                        SetLabelPosition4LineDataPoint(dataPoint, width, height, isPositive, markerLeft, markerTop, ref labelLeft, ref labelTop, gap, new Size(tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Width, tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Height));

                        retVal.X = labelLeft;
                        retVal.Y = labelTop;

                        if (IsSetPosition)
                            tb.Visual.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, labelLeft);
                            tb.Visual.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, labelTop);
                    if (isPositive)
                        Point centerOfRotation = new Point(markerLeft,
                            markerTop - tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Height / 2);
                        Double radius = dataPoint.Marker.MarkerSize.Height / 2 * dataPoint.Marker.ScaleFactor;
                        Double angle = 0;
                        Double angleInRadian = 0;

                        if (autoLabelStyle == LabelStyles.OutSide)
                            if (dataPoint.LabelAngle > 0 && dataPoint.LabelAngle <= 90)
                                angle = dataPoint.LabelAngle - 180;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                radius += tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Width;
                                angle = (angleInRadian - Math.PI) * (180 / Math.PI);
                                ColumnChart.SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);
                            else if (dataPoint.LabelAngle >= -90 && dataPoint.LabelAngle < 0)
                                angle = dataPoint.LabelAngle;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                ColumnChart.SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);
                            centerOfRotation = new Point(markerLeft,
                                markerTop + dataPoint.Marker.MarkerSize.Height / 2);
                            if (dataPoint.LabelAngle >= -90 && dataPoint.LabelAngle < 0)
                                angle = 180 + dataPoint.LabelAngle;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                radius += tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Width + 3;
                                angle = (angleInRadian - Math.PI) * (180 / Math.PI);
                                ColumnChart.SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);
                            else if (dataPoint.LabelAngle > 0 && dataPoint.LabelAngle <= 90)
                                //radius += 3;
                                angle = dataPoint.LabelAngle;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                ColumnChart.SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);
                        Point centerOfRotation = new Point();
                        Double radius = dataPoint.Marker.MarkerSize.Height / 2 * dataPoint.Marker.ScaleFactor;
                        Double angle = 0;
                        Double angleInRadian = 0;

                        if (autoLabelStyle == LabelStyles.OutSide)
                            centerOfRotation = new Point(markerLeft,
                                markerTop + dataPoint.Marker.MarkerSize.Height / 2);

                            if (dataPoint.LabelAngle >= -90 && dataPoint.LabelAngle < 0)
                                angle = 180 + dataPoint.LabelAngle;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                radius += tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Width;
                                angle = (angleInRadian - Math.PI) * (180 / Math.PI);
                                ColumnChart.SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);
                            else if (dataPoint.LabelAngle > 0 && dataPoint.LabelAngle <= 90)
                                angle = dataPoint.LabelAngle;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                ColumnChart.SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);
                            centerOfRotation = new Point(markerLeft,
                                markerTop - dataPoint.Marker.MarkerSize.Height / 2);

                            if (dataPoint.LabelAngle > 0 && dataPoint.LabelAngle <= 90)
                                angle = dataPoint.LabelAngle - 180;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                radius += tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Width + 3;
                                angle = (angleInRadian - Math.PI) * (180 / Math.PI);
                                ColumnChart.SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);
                            else if (dataPoint.LabelAngle >= -90 && dataPoint.LabelAngle < 0)
                                //radius += 3;
                                angle = dataPoint.LabelAngle;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                ColumnChart.SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);

                if (autoLabelStyle != dataPoint.LabelStyle)
                    tb.TextElement.Foreground = Chart.CalculateDataPointLabelFontColor(dataPoint.Chart as Chart, dataPoint, dataPoint.LabelFontColor, (dataPoint.InternalYValue <= 0 ? LabelStyles.OutSide : autoLabelStyle));

                dataPoint.LabelVisual = tb.Visual;

                dataPoint.LabelVisual.Width = tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Width;
                dataPoint.LabelVisual.Height = tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Height;


            return retVal;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create visual object of the Legend
        /// </summary>
        internal void CreateVisualObject()
            if (!(Boolean)Enabled)
                Visual = null;

            ElementData tag = new ElementData { Element = this, VisualElementName = "Legend" };

            Visual = new Border() { Tag = tag };
            Grid innerGrid = new Grid() { Tag = tag };

            (Visual as Border).Child = innerGrid;

            LegendContainer = new StackPanel() { Tag = tag };

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Title))
                Title legendTitle = new Title();

                if (TitleBackground != null)
                    legendTitle.InternalBackground = TitleBackground;

                legendTitle.InternalHorizontalAlignment = TitleAlignmentX;
                legendTitle.InternalVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                legendTitle.TextAlignment = TitleTextAlignment;


                legendTitle.Measure(new Size(Double.MaxValue, Double.MaxValue));

                if (legendTitle.DesiredSize.Width > InternalMaxWidth)
                    legendTitle.Visual.Width = InternalMaxWidth;


            Grid legendContent = CreateLegendContent();
            legendContent.Tag = tag;


            LegendContainer.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            LegendContainer.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;



            Visual.Cursor = this.Cursor;
            Visual.Measure(new Size(Double.MaxValue, Double.MaxValue));

            if (!Double.IsPositiveInfinity(InternalMaxHeight) && InternalMaxHeight < Visual.DesiredSize.Height)
                Visual.Height = InternalMaxHeight;
                Visual.Height = Visual.DesiredSize.Height;

            if (!Double.IsPositiveInfinity(InternalMaxWidth) && InternalMaxWidth < Visual.DesiredSize.Width + InternalPadding.Left)
                Visual.Width = InternalMaxWidth;
            else if (Layout == Layouts.GridLayout)
                Visual.Width = Visual.DesiredSize.Width + InternalPadding.Left;
                Visual.Width = Visual.DesiredSize.Width;

            PlotArea plotArea = (Chart as Chart).PlotArea;

            RectangleGeometry rectGeo = new RectangleGeometry();
            rectGeo.Rect = new Rect(InternalBorderThickness.Left, InternalBorderThickness.Top, Visual.Width - InternalBorderThickness.Left - InternalBorderThickness.Right, Visual.Height - InternalBorderThickness.Top - InternalBorderThickness.Bottom);
            rectGeo.RadiusX = CornerRadius.TopLeft;
            rectGeo.RadiusY = CornerRadius.TopRight;
            LegendContainer.Clip = rectGeo;


            if (VerticalAlignment == System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Bottom && (HorizontalAlignment == System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center
                || HorizontalAlignment == System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left || HorizontalAlignment == System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Right
                || HorizontalAlignment == System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Stretch))
                Visual.Margin = new Thickness(0, DEFAULT_MARGIN, 0, 0);
            else if (VerticalAlignment == System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top && (HorizontalAlignment == System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center
                || HorizontalAlignment == System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left || HorizontalAlignment == System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Right
                || HorizontalAlignment == System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Stretch))
                Visual.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, DEFAULT_MARGIN);
            else if (HorizontalAlignment == System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left && (VerticalAlignment == System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Center
                || VerticalAlignment == System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Stretch))
                Visual.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, DEFAULT_MARGIN, 0);
            else if (HorizontalAlignment == System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Right && (VerticalAlignment == System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Center
                || VerticalAlignment == System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Stretch))
                Visual.Margin = new Thickness(DEFAULT_MARGIN, 0, 0, 0);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create labels for DataPoint
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataPoint">DataPoint</param>
        /// <returns>Border</returns>
        private static Border CreateLabelForDataPoint(DataPoint dataPoint, Boolean isStreamLine, Int32 sliceIndex)
            Title title = new Title()
                IsNotificationEnable = false,
                Chart = dataPoint.Chart,
                Text = dataPoint.TextParser(dataPoint.LabelText),
                InternalFontSize = (Double)dataPoint.LabelFontSize,
                InternalFontColor = (isStreamLine && sliceIndex == 0) ? Chart.CalculateDataPointLabelFontColor(dataPoint.Chart as Chart, dataPoint, null, LabelStyles.OutSide) : Chart.CalculateDataPointLabelFontColor(dataPoint.Chart as Chart, dataPoint, dataPoint.LabelFontColor, (LabelStyles)dataPoint.LabelStyle),
                InternalFontFamily = dataPoint.LabelFontFamily,
                InternalFontStyle = (FontStyle)dataPoint.LabelFontStyle,
                InternalFontWeight = (FontWeight)dataPoint.LabelFontWeight,
                InternalBackground = dataPoint.LabelBackground

            // If its a StreamLine funnel then default size of the Title should be a bit bigger 
            if (isStreamLine && sliceIndex == 0 && dataPoint.GetValue(DataPoint.LabelFontSizeProperty) == null && dataPoint.Parent.GetValue(DataPoint.LabelFontSizeProperty) == null)
                title.InternalFontSize = 11.5;

            title.CreateVisualObject(new ElementData() { Element = dataPoint });

            if (!(Boolean)dataPoint.LabelEnabled)
                title.Visual.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            return title.Visual;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns label for DataPoint
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chart"></param>
        /// <param name="barParams"></param>
        /// <param name="dataPoint"></param>
        /// <param name="canvasLeft"></param>
        /// <param name="canvasTop"></param>
        /// <param name="canvasRight"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static void CreateLabel(Chart chart, Size barVisualSize, Boolean isPositive, Boolean isTopOfStack, DataPoint dataPoint,
            Double canvasLeft, Double canvasTop, Double canvasRight, Canvas labelCanvas)
            if (dataPoint.Faces == null)

            LabelStyles autoLabelStyle = (LabelStyles)dataPoint.LabelStyle;

            if (isPositive || dataPoint.YValue == 0)
                isPositive = true;

            // Calculate proper position for Canvas top
            canvasTop -= 7;

            Double angle = 0;

            if ((Boolean)dataPoint.LabelEnabled && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataPoint.LabelText))
                Title tb = new Title()
                    Text = dataPoint.TextParser(dataPoint.LabelText),
                    InternalFontFamily = dataPoint.LabelFontFamily,
                    InternalFontSize = dataPoint.LabelFontSize.Value,
                    InternalFontWeight = (FontWeight)dataPoint.LabelFontWeight,
                    InternalFontStyle = (FontStyle)dataPoint.LabelFontStyle,
                    InternalBackground = dataPoint.LabelBackground,
                    InternalFontColor = Chart.CalculateDataPointLabelFontColor(dataPoint.Chart as Chart, dataPoint, dataPoint.LabelFontColor, autoLabelStyle),
                    Tag = new ElementData() { Element = dataPoint }


                tb.CreateVisualObject(new ElementData() { Element = dataPoint });

                Double labelTop = 0;
                Double labelLeft = 0;

                Double outsideGap = (chart.View3D ? 5 : 3);
                Double insideGap = (chart.View3D ? 4 : 3);

                if (Double.IsNaN(dataPoint.LabelAngle) || dataPoint.LabelAngle == 0)
                    Boolean isVertical = false;

                    if (!dataPoint.IsLabelStyleSet && !dataPoint.Parent.IsLabelStyleSet && !isTopOfStack && dataPoint.Parent.RenderAs != RenderAs.Bar)
                        autoLabelStyle = LabelStyles.Inside;

                    CalculateAutoPlacement(chart.View3D, dataPoint, barVisualSize, isPositive, autoLabelStyle, ref labelLeft, ref labelTop, ref angle,
                        canvasLeft, canvasTop, canvasRight, isVertical, insideGap, outsideGap, tb);

                    tb.Visual.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, labelLeft);
                    tb.Visual.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, labelTop);

                    tb.Visual.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0, 0.5);
                    tb.Visual.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform()
                        CenterX = 0,
                        CenterY = 0,
                        Angle = angle

                    if (!dataPoint.IsLabelStyleSet && !dataPoint.Parent.IsLabelStyleSet)
                        if (isPositive)
                            if (labelLeft + tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Width > chart.PlotArea.BorderElement.Width)
                                autoLabelStyle = LabelStyles.Inside;
                            if (labelLeft < 0)
                                autoLabelStyle = LabelStyles.Inside;

                    if (autoLabelStyle != dataPoint.LabelStyle)
                        CalculateAutoPlacement(chart.View3D, dataPoint, barVisualSize, isPositive, autoLabelStyle, ref labelLeft, ref labelTop, ref angle,
                        canvasLeft, canvasTop, canvasRight, isVertical, insideGap, outsideGap, tb);

                        tb.Visual.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, labelLeft);
                        tb.Visual.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, labelTop);

                    if (chart.SmartLabelEnabled)
                        if (dataPoint.Parent.RenderAs == RenderAs.StackedBar || dataPoint.Parent.RenderAs == RenderAs.StackedBar100)
                            if (!isVertical)
                                if (autoLabelStyle == LabelStyles.Inside)
                                    if (barVisualSize.Width < tb.Visual.Width)
                    if (isPositive)
                        Point centerOfRotation = new Point(canvasRight + (((Double)dataPoint.MarkerSize / 2) * (Double)dataPoint.MarkerScale),
                            canvasTop + barVisualSize.Height / 2 + 6);

                        Double radius = 0;
                        angle = 0;
                        Double angleInRadian = 0;

                        if (autoLabelStyle == LabelStyles.OutSide)
                            if (dataPoint.LabelAngle <= 90 && dataPoint.LabelAngle >= -90)
                                angle = dataPoint.LabelAngle;
                                radius += 4;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);
                            centerOfRotation = new Point(canvasRight - (((Double)dataPoint.MarkerSize / 2) * (Double)dataPoint.MarkerScale),
                            canvasTop + barVisualSize.Height / 2 + 6);

                            if (dataPoint.LabelAngle > 0 && dataPoint.LabelAngle <= 90)
                                angle = dataPoint.LabelAngle - 180;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                radius += tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Width + 3;
                                angle = (angleInRadian - Math.PI) * (180 / Math.PI);
                                SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);
                            else if (dataPoint.LabelAngle >= -90 && dataPoint.LabelAngle < 0)
                                angle = dataPoint.LabelAngle - 180;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                radius += tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Width + 4;
                                angle = (angleInRadian - Math.PI) * (180 / Math.PI);
                                SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);
                        Point centerOfRotation = new Point(canvasLeft - (((Double)dataPoint.MarkerSize / 2) * (Double)dataPoint.MarkerScale),
                            canvasTop + barVisualSize.Height / 2 + 6);

                        Double radius = 0;
                        angle = 0;
                        Double angleInRadian = 0;

                        if (autoLabelStyle == LabelStyles.OutSide)
                            if (dataPoint.LabelAngle > 0 && dataPoint.LabelAngle <= 90)
                                angle = dataPoint.LabelAngle - 180;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                radius += tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Width + 3;
                                angle = (angleInRadian - Math.PI) * (180 / Math.PI);
                                SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);
                            else if (dataPoint.LabelAngle >= -90 && dataPoint.LabelAngle < 0)
                                angle = dataPoint.LabelAngle - 180;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                radius += tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Width + 3;
                                angle = (angleInRadian - Math.PI) * (180 / Math.PI);
                                SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);
                            centerOfRotation = new Point(canvasLeft + (((Double)dataPoint.MarkerSize / 2) * (Double)dataPoint.MarkerScale),
                            canvasTop + barVisualSize.Height / 2 + 6);

                            if (dataPoint.LabelAngle <= 90 && dataPoint.LabelAngle >= -90)
                                angle = dataPoint.LabelAngle;
                                radius += 3;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);

                if (autoLabelStyle != dataPoint.LabelStyle)
                    tb.TextElement.Foreground = Chart.CalculateDataPointLabelFontColor(dataPoint.Chart as Chart, dataPoint, dataPoint.LabelFontColor, (dataPoint.YValue == 0 ? LabelStyles.OutSide : autoLabelStyle));

                dataPoint.LabelVisual = tb.Visual;
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Place label for DataPoint
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="visual">Visual</param>
        /// <param name="labelCanvas">Canvas for label</param>
        /// <param name="dataPoint">DataPoint</param>
        internal static void CreateAndPositionLabel(Canvas labelCanvas, DataPoint dataPoint)
            if (dataPoint.LabelVisual != null)
                Panel parent = dataPoint.LabelVisual.Parent as Panel;

                if(parent != null)
            if ((Boolean)dataPoint.LabelEnabled && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataPoint.LabelText))
                Canvas dataPointVisual = dataPoint.Faces.Visual as Canvas;

                Title tb = new Title()
                    Text = dataPoint.TextParser(dataPoint.LabelText),
                    FontFamily = dataPoint.LabelFontFamily,
                    FontSize = dataPoint.LabelFontSize.Value,
                    FontWeight = (FontWeight)dataPoint.LabelFontWeight,
                    FontStyle = (FontStyle)dataPoint.LabelFontStyle,
                    Background = dataPoint.LabelBackground,
                    FontColor = Chart.CalculateDataPointLabelFontColor(dataPoint.Chart as Chart, dataPoint, dataPoint.LabelFontColor, LabelStyles.OutSide)

                tb.CreateVisualObject(new ElementData() { Element = dataPoint });
                tb.Visual.Height = tb.Height;
                tb.Visual.Width = tb.Width;
                dataPoint.LabelVisual = tb.Visual;

                // Double labelTop = (Double)dataPointVisual.GetValue(Canvas.TopProperty) - tb.Height;
                // Double labelLeft = (Double)dataPointVisual.GetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty) + (dataPointVisual.Width - tb.Width) / 2;

                // if (labelTop < 0) labelTop = (Double)dataPointVisual.GetValue(Canvas.TopProperty);
                // if (labelLeft < 0) labelLeft = 1;
                // if (labelLeft + tb.ActualWidth > labelCanvas.Width)
                //    labelLeft = labelCanvas.Width - tb.ActualWidth - 2;

                // tb.Visual.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, labelLeft);
                // tb.Visual.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, labelTop);

                SetLabelPosition(dataPoint, labelCanvas.Width, labelCanvas.Height);

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns label for DataPoint
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chart"></param>
        /// <param name="columnParams"></param>
        /// <param name="dataPoint"></param>
        /// <param name="canvasLeft"></param>
        /// <param name="canvasTop"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static void CreateLabel(Chart chart, Size columnVisualSize, Boolean isPositive, Boolean isTopOfStack, DataPoint dataPoint, Double canvasLeft, Double canvasTop, ref Canvas labelCanvas)
            if (dataPoint.Faces == null)

            if ((Boolean)dataPoint.LabelEnabled && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataPoint.LabelText))
                LabelStyles autoLabelStyle = (LabelStyles)dataPoint.LabelStyle;

                if (isPositive || dataPoint.YValue == 0)
                    isPositive = true;

                // Calculate proper position for Canvas top
                if (isPositive)
                    canvasTop -= 6;
                    canvasTop -= 8;

                Double angle = 0;

                Title tb = new Title()
                    Text = dataPoint.TextParser(dataPoint.LabelText),
                    InternalFontFamily = dataPoint.LabelFontFamily,
                    InternalFontSize = dataPoint.LabelFontSize.Value,
                    InternalFontWeight = (FontWeight)dataPoint.LabelFontWeight,
                    InternalFontStyle = (FontStyle)dataPoint.LabelFontStyle,
                    InternalBackground = dataPoint.LabelBackground,
                    InternalFontColor = Chart.CalculateDataPointLabelFontColor(dataPoint.Chart as Chart, dataPoint, dataPoint.LabelFontColor, autoLabelStyle),
                    Padding = new Thickness(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
                    Tag = new ElementData() { Element = dataPoint }

                tb.CreateVisualObject(new ElementData() { Element = dataPoint });

                Double labelLeft = 0;
                Double labelTop = 0;
                Double outsideGap = 4;
                Double insideGap = 6;

                if (Double.IsNaN(dataPoint.LabelAngle) || dataPoint.LabelAngle == 0)
                    Boolean isVertical = false;
                    if (columnVisualSize.Width < tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Width)
                        tb.Visual.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0, 0.5);
                        tb.Visual.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform()
                            CenterX = 0,
                            CenterY = 0,
                            Angle = -90

                        isVertical = true;
                        isVertical = false;

                    if (!dataPoint.IsLabelStyleSet && !dataPoint.Parent.IsLabelStyleSet && !isTopOfStack && dataPoint.Parent.RenderAs != RenderAs.Column)
                        autoLabelStyle = LabelStyles.Inside;

                    if (dataPoint.Parent.RenderAs == RenderAs.StackedColumn100 && chart.View3D
                        && isTopOfStack)
                        if (!dataPoint.IsLabelStyleSet && !dataPoint.Parent.IsLabelStyleSet && !isVertical && tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Height >= columnVisualSize.Height)
                            autoLabelStyle = LabelStyles.OutSide;

                    CalculateAutoPlacement(chart.View3D, dataPoint, columnVisualSize, isPositive, autoLabelStyle, ref labelLeft, ref labelTop, ref angle,
                        canvasLeft, canvasTop, isVertical, insideGap, outsideGap, tb, isTopOfStack);

                    tb.Visual.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, labelLeft);
                    tb.Visual.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, labelTop);

                    tb.Visual.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0, 0.5);
                    tb.Visual.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform()
                        CenterX = 0,
                        CenterY = 0,
                        Angle = angle
                    Double depth3D = chart.ChartArea.PLANK_DEPTH / chart.PlotDetails.Layer3DCount * (chart.View3D ? 1 : 0);

                    if (!dataPoint.IsLabelStyleSet && !dataPoint.Parent.IsLabelStyleSet)
                        if (isPositive)
                            if (isVertical)
                                if (labelTop + outsideGap - tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Width < -depth3D)
                                    autoLabelStyle = LabelStyles.Inside;
                                if (labelTop < -depth3D)
                                    autoLabelStyle = LabelStyles.Inside;
                            if (isVertical)
                                if (labelTop + outsideGap + 2 > chart.PlotArea.BorderElement.Height - depth3D + chart.ChartArea.PLANK_THICKNESS)
                                    autoLabelStyle = LabelStyles.Inside;
                                if (labelTop + tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Height > chart.PlotArea.BorderElement.Height - depth3D + chart.ChartArea.PLANK_THICKNESS)
                                    autoLabelStyle = LabelStyles.Inside;

                    if (autoLabelStyle != dataPoint.LabelStyle)
                        CalculateAutoPlacement(chart.View3D, dataPoint, columnVisualSize, isPositive, autoLabelStyle, ref labelLeft, ref labelTop, ref angle,
                        canvasLeft, canvasTop, isVertical, insideGap, outsideGap, tb, isTopOfStack);

                        tb.Visual.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, labelLeft);
                        tb.Visual.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, labelTop);

                        tb.Visual.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0, 0.5);
                        tb.Visual.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform()
                            CenterX = 0,
                            CenterY = 0,
                            Angle = angle

                    if (chart.SmartLabelEnabled)
                        if (dataPoint.Parent.RenderAs == RenderAs.StackedColumn || dataPoint.Parent.RenderAs == RenderAs.StackedColumn100)
                            if (isVertical)
                                if (autoLabelStyle == LabelStyles.Inside)
                                    if (columnVisualSize.Height < tb.Visual.Width)
                    if (isPositive)
                        Point centerOfRotation = new Point(canvasLeft + columnVisualSize.Width / 2,
                            canvasTop - (((Double)dataPoint.MarkerSize / 2) * (Double)dataPoint.MarkerScale));

                        Double radius = 0;
                        angle = 0;
                        Double angleInRadian = 0;

                        if (autoLabelStyle == LabelStyles.OutSide)
                            if (dataPoint.LabelAngle > 0 && dataPoint.LabelAngle <= 90)
                                angle = dataPoint.LabelAngle - 180;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                radius += tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Width;
                                angle = (angleInRadian - Math.PI) * (180 / Math.PI);
                                SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);
                            else if (dataPoint.LabelAngle >= -90 && dataPoint.LabelAngle < 0)
                                angle = dataPoint.LabelAngle;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);
                            centerOfRotation = new Point(canvasLeft + columnVisualSize.Width / 2,
                            canvasTop + (((Double)dataPoint.MarkerSize / 2) * (Double)dataPoint.MarkerScale));
                            radius = 4;
                            if (dataPoint.LabelAngle >= -90 && dataPoint.LabelAngle < 0)
                                angle = 180 + dataPoint.LabelAngle;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                radius += tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Width + 5;
                                angle = (angleInRadian - Math.PI) * (180 / Math.PI);
                                SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);
                            else if (dataPoint.LabelAngle > 0 && dataPoint.LabelAngle <= 90)
                                radius += 5;
                                angle = dataPoint.LabelAngle;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);
                        Point centerOfRotation = new Point();

                        Double radius = 0;
                        angle = 0;
                        Double angleInRadian = 0;

                        if (autoLabelStyle == LabelStyles.OutSide)
                            centerOfRotation = new Point(canvasLeft + columnVisualSize.Width / 2,
                            canvasTop + (((Double)dataPoint.MarkerSize / 2) * (Double)dataPoint.MarkerScale) + 10);

                            radius = 4;

                            if (dataPoint.LabelAngle >= -90 && dataPoint.LabelAngle < 0)
                                angle = 180 + dataPoint.LabelAngle;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                radius += tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Width;
                                angle = (angleInRadian - Math.PI) * (180 / Math.PI);
                                SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);
                            else if (dataPoint.LabelAngle > 0 && dataPoint.LabelAngle <= 90)
                                angle = dataPoint.LabelAngle;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);
                            centerOfRotation = new Point(canvasLeft + columnVisualSize.Width / 2,
                            canvasTop - (((Double)dataPoint.MarkerSize / 2) * (Double)dataPoint.MarkerScale));

                            if (dataPoint.LabelAngle > 0 && dataPoint.LabelAngle <= 90)
                                angle = dataPoint.LabelAngle - 180;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                radius += tb.TextBlockDesiredSize.Width;
                                angle = (angleInRadian - Math.PI) * (180 / Math.PI);
                                SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);
                            else if (dataPoint.LabelAngle >= -90 && dataPoint.LabelAngle < 0)
                                //radius += 3;  
                                angle = dataPoint.LabelAngle;
                                angleInRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
                                SetRotation(radius, angle, angleInRadian, centerOfRotation, labelLeft, labelTop, tb);

                if (autoLabelStyle != dataPoint.LabelStyle)
                    tb.TextElement.Foreground = Chart.CalculateDataPointLabelFontColor(dataPoint.Chart as Chart, dataPoint, dataPoint.LabelFontColor, (dataPoint.YValue == 0 ? LabelStyles.OutSide : autoLabelStyle));

                dataPoint.LabelVisual = tb.Visual;

Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Create visual object of the Legend
        /// </summary>
        internal void CreateVisualObject()
            if (!(Boolean)Enabled)
                Visual = null;

            ElementData tag = new ElementData { Element = this, VisualElementName = "Legend" };

            Visual = new Border() { Tag = tag };
            Grid innerGrid = new Grid() { Tag = tag };
            (Visual as Border).Child = innerGrid;

            LegendContainer = new StackPanel() { Tag = tag };

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Title))
                Title legendTitle = new Title();

                if (TitleBackground != null)
                    legendTitle.InternalBackground = TitleBackground;

                legendTitle.InternalHorizontalAlignment = TitleAlignmentX;
                legendTitle.InternalVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                legendTitle.TextAlignment = TitleTextAlignment;


                legendTitle.Measure(new Size(Double.MaxValue, Double.MaxValue));

                if (legendTitle.DesiredSize.Width > InternalMaxWidth)
                    legendTitle.Visual.Width = InternalMaxWidth;


            Grid legendContent = CreateLegendContent();
            legendContent.Tag = tag;


            LegendContainer.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            LegendContainer.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;



            Visual.Cursor = this.Cursor;
            Visual.Measure(new Size(Double.MaxValue, Double.MaxValue));

            if (!Double.IsPositiveInfinity(InternalMaxHeight) && InternalMaxHeight < Visual.DesiredSize.Height)
                Visual.Height = InternalMaxHeight;
                Visual.Height = Visual.DesiredSize.Height;

            if (!Double.IsPositiveInfinity(InternalMaxWidth) && InternalMaxWidth < Visual.DesiredSize.Width + InternalPadding.Left)
                Visual.Width = InternalMaxWidth;
                Visual.Width = Visual.DesiredSize.Width + InternalPadding.Left;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Create labels for DataPoint
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataPoint">DataPoint</param>
        /// <returns>Border</returns>
        private static Border CreateLabelForDataPoint(DataPoint dataPoint, Int32 sliceIndex)
            Title title = new Title()
                IsNotificationEnable = false,
                Chart = dataPoint.Chart,
                Text = dataPoint.TextParser(dataPoint.LabelText),
                InternalFontSize = (Double)dataPoint.LabelFontSize,
                InternalFontColor = Chart.CalculateDataPointLabelFontColor(dataPoint.Chart as Chart, dataPoint, dataPoint.LabelFontColor, (LabelStyles)dataPoint.LabelStyle),
                InternalFontFamily = dataPoint.LabelFontFamily,
                InternalFontStyle = (FontStyle)dataPoint.LabelFontStyle,
                InternalFontWeight = (FontWeight)dataPoint.LabelFontWeight,
                InternalBackground = dataPoint.LabelBackground

            title.CreateVisualObject(new ElementData() { Element = dataPoint });

            if (!(Boolean)dataPoint.LabelEnabled)
                title.Visual.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            return title.Visual;