private static void AddMapNeighbors(MapNode[,] lookup)
     //Add neighbors
     for (int y = 0; y < lookup.Height(); y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < lookup.Width(); x++)
             bool isLeftNotSame = lookup.CanGetLeft(x) && lookup.GetAt(x, y).Color != lookup.GetLeftOf(x, y).Color;
             bool isAboveNotSame = lookup.CanGetAbove(y) && lookup.GetAt(x, y).Color != lookup.GetAboveOf(x, y).Color;
             bool isRightNotSame = lookup.CanGetRight(x) && lookup.GetAt(x, y).Color != lookup.GetRightOf(x, y).Color;
             bool isBelowNotSame = lookup.CanGetBelow(y) && lookup.GetAt(x, y).Color != lookup.GetBelowOf(x, y).Color;
             MapNode currentNode = lookup.GetAt(x, y);
             if (isAboveNotSame)
                 currentNode.AddNeighbor(lookup.GetAboveOf(x, y));
             if (isLeftNotSame)
                 currentNode.AddNeighbor(lookup.GetLeftOf(x, y));
             if (isRightNotSame)
                 currentNode.AddNeighbor(lookup.GetRightOf(x, y));
             if (isBelowNotSame)
                 currentNode.AddNeighbor(lookup.GetBelowOf(x, y));
Beispiel #2
 public void Merge(MapNode mergingNode)
     this._neighbors = new HashSet<MapNode>(this._neighbors.Union(mergingNode._neighbors)); //take all of mergingNode's neighbors
     //update other nodes of mergingNode's deletion
     foreach (MapNode mergingNodesNeighbors in mergingNode._neighbors)
     this._neighbors.Remove(this); //can't have reference to yourself
     this.Color = mergingNode.Color;
     mergingNode._neighbors.Clear(); //@OPTIMIZE We don't have to remove them, it should be understood that the node is invalid
        //private static TreeNode[,] ToTreeNode(MapNode[,] lookup)
        //    TreeNode[,] treeLookup = new TreeNode[lookup.Height(), lookup.Width()];
        //    for (int y = 0; y < lookup.Height(); y++)
        //    {
        //        for (int x = 0; x < lookup.Width(); x++)
        //        {
        //            TreeNode treeNode = new TreeNode(lookup.GetAt(x, y).Color);
        //            treeLookup.SetAt(x, y, treeNode);
        //            throw new NotImplementedException("Doesn't keep the same reference for touching colors");
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return treeLookup;
        private static MapNode[,] BuildLookupGrid(Color[,] board)
            MapNode[,] lookup = new MapNode[board.Height(), board.Width()];

            //build lookup
            for (int y = 0; y < board.Height(); y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < board.Width(); x++)
                    //Create MapNode
                    bool isLeftSame = board.CanGetLeft(x) && board.GetAt(x, y) == board.GetLeftOf(x, y);
                    bool isAboveSame = board.CanGetAbove(y) && board.GetAt(x, y) == board.GetAboveOf(x, y);

                    if (isLeftSame && isAboveSame) //check above & to the left
                        MapNode left = lookup.GetLeftOf(x, y);
                        MapNode above = lookup.GetAboveOf(x, y);
                        lookup.SetAt(x, y, left);
                        if (left != above)
                            //update "above's" references to left
                            for (int updateY = y; updateY >= 0; updateY--)
                                for (int updateX = x; updateX >= 0; updateX--)
                                    if (lookup.GetAt(updateX, updateY) == above)
                                        lookup.SetAt(updateX, updateY, left);
                    else if (isLeftSame) // check to the left
                        lookup.SetAt(x, y, lookup.GetLeftOf(x, y));
                    else if (isAboveSame) // check above
                        lookup.SetAt(x, y, lookup.GetAboveOf(x, y));
                        lookup.SetAt(x, y, new MapNode(board.GetAt(x, y)));
            return lookup;
Beispiel #4
        private void Clone(Dictionary<MapNode, MapNode> originalToClone)
            //Add yourself to lookup
            MapNode thisClone;
            if (!originalToClone.TryGetValue(this, out thisClone)) //Determines if this MapNode has been visited yet
                thisClone = new MapNode(this.Color);
                originalToClone.Add(this, thisClone);
                //Add neighbors to lookup
                foreach (MapNode neighbor in _neighbors)
                    neighbor.Clone(originalToClone); //guarentees the neighbor will be in the lookup
                    MapNode neighborClone = originalToClone[neighbor];
                    if (!thisClone._neighbors.Contains(neighborClone))

Beispiel #5
 public void AddNeighbor(MapNode node)