Beispiel #1
        private void calculatetotal()
            double payment, receipt, intrest, openbalance, openintrest, closingbalance, closingintrest;

            payment = 0;
            receipt = 0;
            intrest = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.Rows.Count; i++)
                payment += getdoublevalue(i, 4);
                receipt += getdoublevalue(i, 5);
                intrest += getdoublevalue(i, 7);
            double.TryParse(textBox4.Text, out openbalance);
            double.TryParse(textBox5.Text, out openintrest);
            closingbalance = payment - receipt;
            closingintrest = intrest + double.Parse(textBox5.Text);
            string result;

            Supporter.set_two_digit_precision(payment.ToString(), out result);
            textBox6.Text = result;
            Supporter.set_two_digit_precision(receipt.ToString(), out result);
            textBox7.Text = result;
            Supporter.set_two_digit_precision(intrest.ToString(), out result);
            textBox8.Text = result;
            Supporter.set_two_digit_precision(closingintrest.ToString(), out result);
            textBox9.Text = result;
            Supporter.set_two_digit_precision(closingbalance.ToString(), out result);
            textBox10.Text = result;
Beispiel #2
        private void txt_acntname_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (txt_acntname.Text == "" || btn_save.Text != "Save")
            DataTable dt = internalData.customer.get(new e_columns[] { e_columns.e_name }, e_db_operation.e_getUnique);
            string    x  =, dt, 3);

            if (x != "")
                txt_acntname.Text = ""; txt_acntname.Focus();
Beispiel #3
        private void ledger()
            if (textBox2.Text == "")
            if (textBox3.Text == "")
            float a;
            int   b;

            if (!int.TryParse(textBox2.Text, out b) || !float.TryParse(textBox3.Text, out a))
            DataTable           ledger = con.getTable(string.Format("select dbo.inddatevar(date) as date1,transtype,detail,exp,payment,recepit from ledger_showall where n ='{0}' and c = '{1}' order by date", comboBox1.Text, comboBox3.Text));
            intrest_calculation ic     = new intrest_calculation(ledger);

            ic.calculate(gettype(), dateTimePicker3.Value, double.Parse(textBox3.Text), int.Parse(textBox2.Text), dateTimePicker1.Value, dateTimePicker2.Value);

            DataTable dt = con.getTable(string.Format("select isnull(sum(isnull(payment,0)),0) - isnull(sum(isnull(recepit,0)),0) from ledger_showall where n = '{0}' and c = '{1}' and date < dbo.indvardate('{2}')", comboBox1.Text, comboBox3.Text, dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString().Split(Convert.ToChar(" "))[0]));

            textBox4.Text  = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
            dt             = con.getTable(string.Format("select isnull(sum(isnull(payment,0)),0) - isnull(sum(isnull(recepit,0)),0) from ledger_showall where n = '{0}' and c = '{1}' and date <= dbo.indvardate('{2}')", comboBox1.Text, comboBox3.Text, dateTimePicker2.Text.ToString().Split(Convert.ToChar(" "))[0]));
            textBox10.Text = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
            string res;

            Supporter.set_two_digit_precision(ic.openint.ToString(), out res);
            textBox5.Text            = res;
            dt                       = con.getTable(string.Format("select date,transtype,detail1 as detail,exp,payment,recepit,days,intrest from printledger where dbo.indvardate(date) between dbo.indvardate('{0}') and dbo.indvardate('{1}') order by dbo.indvardate(date)", dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString().Split(Convert.ToChar(" "))[0], dateTimePicker2.Text.ToString().Split(Convert.ToChar(" "))[0]));
            dataGridView1.DataSource = dt;
            dataGridView1.Columns[3].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
            dataGridView1.Columns[4].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
            dataGridView1.Columns[5].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
            dataGridView1.Columns[6].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
            dataGridView1.Columns[7].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
Beispiel #4
        public static string withpoint(string amt)
            string abc;

            Supporter.set_two_digit_precision(amt, out abc);
            //if (amt == "")
            //    return "0.00";
            //if (amt.Contains("."))
            //    string[] y = amt.Split(Convert.ToChar( "."));
            //    if (y[1].Length == 0)
            //        return amt + "00";
            //    else if (y[1].Length == 1)
            //        return amt + "0";
            //    else if (y[1].Length == 2)
            //        return amt;
            //    else return y[0] + "." + y[1].Substring(0, 2);
            //    return amt + ".00";
        public void calculate(int type, DateTime caldate, double percent, int caldays, DateTime opendate, DateTime closedate)
            //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(gap_in_financial_year(new DateTime(2011, 4, 1), new DateTime(2013, 4, 1),0).ToString());
            //type 0 month
            //type 1 quater
            //type 2 halfyearly
            //type 3 1 yearly
            double     calintrest = 0;
            Connection con        = new Connection();

            con.exeNonQurey("delete from printledger");
            if (Dt.Rows.Count == 0)
            DateTime date = converttodate(Dt.Rows[0][0].ToString());

            DateTime amountdate;
            double   amount = 0;
            DateTime prevdate, curdate;

            prevdate = getdate(0);
            double total = 0;

            double calint2 = 0;
            double calint3 = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                curdate = getdate(i);
                DateTime pd1 = prevdate;


                int abc = gap_in_financial_year(prevdate, curdate, type);

                DateTime p   = prevdate;
                int      xyz = abc;
                while (abc != 0)
                    DateTime d = getstartdate(getenddate(p, type).AddDays(1), type);
                    p        = d;
                    amount   = amount + calint2;
                    calint3 += calint2 + intrest(d, calint3 + calint2, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Opening balance");
                    if (DateTime.Compare(d, opendate) <= 0)
                        openint = calint3;// +intrest(d, calint3, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Closing intrest");
                        //openint = calintrest + intrest(d, calintrest, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Closing intrest"); ;

                    //if (DateTime.Compare(d, opendate) < 0 && xyz == 1)
                    //    openint = calint3;//+ intrest(d, calint3, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Closing intrest"); ;
                    //    //openint = calintrest;// +intrest(d, calintrest, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Closing intrest"); ;

                    //calint3 += calint2 + intrest(d, total, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Opening balance");

                    double ci1 = calintrest;
                    calintrest = calintrest + intrest(d, amount, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Opening balance");

                    int a = getenddate(d, type).Subtract(d).Days + 1;
                    int b = caldate.Subtract(d).Days + 1;
                    if (b < a)
                        a = b;

                    string res;
                    Supporter.set_two_digit_precision(total.ToString(), out res);
                    string date11 = two_length_string(d.Day.ToString()) + "/" + two_length_string(d.Month.ToString()) + "/" + d.Year.ToString();
                    if (res != "0.00")
                        con.exeNonQurey(string.Format("insert into printledger(date,detail,exp,payment,recepit,days,intrest,transtype,detail1) values('{0}','{1}',{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},'Opening balance',NULL)",
                                                      date11, "Opening Balance", "NULL", res, "NULL",
                                                      intrest(d, total, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Opening balance")));
                    calint2 = intrest(d, total, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Opening balance");



                //int abc = gap_in_financial_year(prevdate, curdate,type);
                //bool xyz = false;
                //if (abc == 1)
                //    xyz = true;
                //    amount = amount + calintrest;

                //    calintrest += intrest(getstartdate(curdate, type), amount, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Opening balance");
                //    pd1 = getstartdate(getenddate(pd1,type).AddDays(1),type);
                //    DateTime d = getstartdate(pd1, type);

                //    int a = getnextdate(getenddate(d,type), type).Subtract(d).Days + 1;
                //    int b = caldate.Subtract(d).Days + 1;
                //    if (b < a)
                //        a = b;
                //    string res;
                //    Supporter.set_two_digit_precision(total.ToString(), out res);
                //    string date11 = two_length_string(d.Day.ToString()) + "/" + two_length_string(d.Month.ToString()) + "/" + d.Year.ToString();
                //    con.exeNonQurey(string.Format("insert into printledger(date,detail,exp,payment,recepit,days,intrest,transtype,detail1) values('{0}','{1}',{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},'Opening balance',NULL)",
                //        date11, "Opening Balance", "NULL", res, "NULL",
                //        a.ToString(),
                //        intrest(getstartdate(curdate, type), total, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Opening balance")));
                //    Supporter.set_two_digit_precision((amount - total).ToString(), out res);

                //    if (DateTime.Compare(d, opendate) < 0)
                //    {
                //        openint = calintrest + intrest(d, calintrest, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Closing intrest"); ;
                //    }
                //    //curdate = getstartdate(getenddate(curdate, type).AddDays(1), type);
                //    abc--;

                    int a = getnextdate(curdate, type).Subtract(getdate(i)).Days + 1;
                    int b = caldate.Subtract(getdate(i)).Days + 1;
                    if (b < a)
                        a = b;
                    if (Dt.Rows[i][1].ToString() == "Bill")
                        a -= 60;
                    double d = intrest(getdate(i), amount, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Opening balance");
                    con.exeNonQurey(string.Format("insert into printledger(date,detail,exp,payment,recepit,days,intrest,transtype,detail1) values('{0}','{1}',{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},'{7}','{8}')",
                                                  Dt.Rows[i][0], Dt.Rows[i][1].ToString() + "--" + Dt.Rows[i][2].ToString(), getnullstr(i, 3),
                                                  getnullstr(i, 4), getnullstr(i, 5),
                                                  intrest(getdate(i), getamount(i), caldate, percent, caldays, type, Dt.Rows[i][1].ToString()), Dt.Rows[i][1].ToString(), Dt.Rows[i][2].ToString()));
                amountdate  = converttodate(Dt.Rows[i][0].ToString());
                amount     += getamount(i);
                total       = total + getamount(i);
                calintrest += intrest(getdate(i), getamount(i), caldate, percent, caldays, type, Dt.Rows[i][1].ToString());
                calint2    += intrest(getdate(i), getamount(i), caldate, percent, caldays, type, Dt.Rows[i][1].ToString());
                if (DateTime.Compare(curdate, opendate) < 0)
                    double x = intrest(getstartdate(getenddate(curdate, type), type), calintrest, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Closing intrest");
                    openint = calintrest + intrest(getstartdate(getenddate(curdate, type), type), calintrest, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Closing intrest");
                prevdate = curdate;


            int abc1 = gap_in_financial_year(converttodate(dt.Rows[dt.Rows.Count - 1][0].ToString()), caldate, type);

            DateTime p1   = converttodate(dt.Rows[dt.Rows.Count - 1][0].ToString());
            int      xyz1 = abc1;

            while (abc1 != 0)
                DateTime d = getstartdate(getenddate(p1, type).AddDays(1), type);
                p1     = d;
                amount = amount + calint2;

                double ci1 = calintrest;
                calintrest = calintrest + intrest(d, amount, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Opening balance");

                int a = getenddate(d, type).Subtract(d).Days + 1;
                int b = caldate.Subtract(d).Days + 1;
                if (b < a)
                    a = b;

                string res;
                Supporter.set_two_digit_precision(total.ToString(), out res);
                string date11 = two_length_string(d.Day.ToString()) + "/" + two_length_string(d.Month.ToString()) + "/" + d.Year.ToString();
                if (res != "0.00")
                    con.exeNonQurey(string.Format("insert into printledger(date,detail,exp,payment,recepit,days,intrest,transtype,detail1) values('{0}','{1}',{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},'Opening balance',NULL)",
                                                  date11, "Opening Balance", "NULL", res, "NULL",
                                                  intrest(d, total, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Opening balance")));
                calint2 = intrest(d, total, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Opening balance");
                if (DateTime.Compare(d, opendate) <= 0 && xyz1 > 1)
                    openint = ci1 + intrest(d, ci1, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Closing intrest");;

                if (DateTime.Compare(d, opendate) < 0 && xyz1 == 1)
                    openint = calintrest;// +intrest(d, calintrest, caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Closing intrest"); ;


            total1        = total;
            grandtotal1   = amount;
            intresttotal1 = calintrest;
            int aaaa = DateTime.Compare(getstartdate(caldate, type), getstartdate(getdate(dt.Rows.Count - 1), type));

            //if ((DateTime.Compare(getstartdate(caldate, type), getstartdate(getdate(dt.Rows.Count - 1),type)) > 0) && (DateTime.Compare(getstartdate(caldate,type),getstartdate(opendate,type)) == 0))
            //    DateTime d = getstartdate(caldate, type);
            //    string date11 = two_length_string(d.Day.ToString()) + "/" + two_length_string(d.Month.ToString()) + "/" + d.Year.ToString();
            //    string bal = total.ToString();
            //    int diff = caldate.Subtract(d).Days;
            //    con.connent();
            //    con.exeNonQurey(string.Format("insert into printledger(date,detail,exp,payment,recepit,days,intrest,transtype,detail1) values('{0}','{1}',{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},'Opening balance',NULL)",
            //                date11, "Opening Balance", "NULL", bal, "NULL",
            //                diff.ToString(),
            //                intrest(d,Convert.ToDouble(bal), caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Opening balance")));
            //    con.disconnect();

            //    openint = (calintrest) + intrest(d, (calintrest), caldate, percent, caldays, type, "Closing intrest");
Beispiel #6
        private int save()
            int       maxrecepitno, cuttent;
            DataTable dt = internalData.viewRecepit.get(new e_columns[] { e_columns.e_recepitno }, e_db_operation.e_getAll);

            maxrecepitno = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute(string.Format("max({0})", internalData.viewRecepit.column_to_str(e_columns.e_recepitno)), string.Empty)) + 1;
            cuttent      = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text);
            if (textBox1.Text == "" || comboBox2.Text == "" || comboBox1.Text == "" || textBox4.Text == "" || textBox2.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Please fill all fields", "warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            string xxaabb = con.exesclr(string.Format("check_bill_receipt_number 'Receipt',{0}", textBox1.Text));

            if (xxaabb == "1")
                Supporter.message_error("Cannot use deleted Receipt number please change Receipt number");
            if (textBox3.Text == "")
                textBox3.Text = "0.00";
            string zero = "null", four = "null", five = "null", six = "null", ten = "null";

            if (textBox1.Text != "")
                zero = textBox1.Text;
            if (textBox2.Text != "")
                four = textBox2.Text;
            if (textBox3.Text != "")
                five = textBox3.Text;
            if (textBox4.Text != "")
                six = textBox4.Text;
            if (textBox8.Text != "")
                ten = textBox8.Text;
            string abc = dateTimePicker1.Text;
            string x;

            if (button1.Text == "Save")
                x = con.exesclr(string.Format("exec add_recepit {0} , '{1}' , '{2}' , '{3}' , {4} , {5} , {6} , '{7}' , '{8}' , '{9}' , '{10}' , '{11}' , '{12}'", zero, dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString().Split(Convert.ToChar(" "))[0], comboBox1.Text, comboBox2.Text, four, five, six, textBox7.Text, comboBox3.Text, textBox6.Text, ten, textBox9.Text, textBox20.Text));
                x = con.exesclr(string.Format("exec add_recepit {0} , '{1}' , '{2}' , '{3}' , {4} , {5} , {6} , '{7}' , '{8}' , '{9}' , '{10}' , '{11}' , '{12}'", zero, dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString().Split(Convert.ToChar(" "))[0], comboBox1.Text, comboBox2.Text, four, five, six, textBox7.Text, comboBox3.Text, textBox6.Text, ten, textBox9.Text, textBox20.Text));
            if (x == "0")
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid customer name", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                comboBox1.Focus(); comboBox1.Select();
                company = 1;
            else if (x == "1")
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid Bank name", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                comboBox3.Focus(); comboBox3.Select();
                company = 1;
                if (button1.Text == "Save")
                    for (int i = maxrecepitno; i < cuttent; i++)
                        con.exeNonQurey(string.Format("insert into recepit(recepitno) values({0})", i.ToString()));
                    MessageBox.Show("Recepit Saved Successfully", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    MessageBox.Show("Recepit Updated Successfully", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                comboBox1.Focus(); comboBox1.Select();
                con.exeNonQurey("delete from temp_recepit");
                string zero1 = "null", four1 = "null", five1 = "null", six1 = "null", ten1 = "null";
                if (textBox1.Text != "")
                    zero1 = textBox1.Text;
                if (textBox2.Text != "")
                    four1 = textBox2.Text;
                if (textBox3.Text != "")
                    five1 = textBox3.Text;
                if (textBox4.Text != "")
                    six1 = textBox4.Text;
                if (textBox8.Text != "")
                    ten1 = textBox8.Text;
                if (ten1.ToLower() == "null")
                    ten1 = "    ------";
                con.exeNonQurey(string.Format("insert into temp_recepit(recepitno , date , customername , city , amount , cd , total , bankname , checknumber , rupeeword , billno , through , manualrecepit , note) values({0} ,'{1}' ,'{2}'  ,'{3}' , {4},{5},{6},'{7}','{8}' , '{9}' , '{10}' , '{11}' , '{12}' , '{13}' )", zero1, dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString().Split(Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToChar(" ")))[0], comboBox1.Text + " " + comboBox2.Text, comboBox2.Text, four1, five1, six1, comboBox3.Text, textBox6.Text, textBox5.Text, ten1, textBox9.Text, textBox7.Text, textBox20.Text));