Beispiel #1
        protected virtual void PointerSet()
            if (!enabled || !destinationSetActive || !pointerContactTarget || !CanActivate() || InvalidConstantBeam())

            activateDelayTimer = Time.time + activateDelay;

            var setInteractableObject = pointerContactTarget.GetComponent <VRTK_InteractableObject>();

            if (PointerActivatesUseAction(setInteractableObject))
                if (setInteractableObject.IsUsing())
                else if (!setInteractableObject.holdButtonToUse)

            if ((!playAreaCursor || !playAreaCursor.HasCollided()) && !PointerActivatesUseAction(interactableObject))
                OnDestinationMarkerSet(SetDestinationMarkerEvent(pointerContactDistance, pointerContactTarget, pointerContactRaycastHit, destinationPosition, controllerIndex));

            if (!isActive)
                destinationSetActive = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// The ValidPlayArea method is used to determine if there is a valid play area and if it has had any collisions.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>Returns true if there is a valid play area and no collisions. Returns false if there is no valid play area or there is but with a collision detected.</returns>
 public virtual bool ValidPlayArea()
     return(!playareaCursor || !playareaCursor.IsActive() || !playareaCursor.HasCollided());