private static void ReadSpectralCoefficients(CriHcaFrame frame, BitReader reader)
            for (int sf = 0; sf < SubframesPerFrame; sf++)
                foreach (CriHcaChannel channel in frame.Channels)
                    for (int s = 0; s < channel.CodedScaleFactorCount; s++)
                        int resolution = channel.Resolution[s];
                        int bits       = CriHcaTables.QuantizedSpectrumMaxBits[resolution];
                        int code       = reader.PeekInt(bits);
                        if (resolution < 8)
                            bits = CriHcaTables.QuantizedSpectrumBits[resolution][code];
                            channel.QuantizedSpectra[sf][s] = CriHcaTables.QuantizedSpectrumValue[resolution][code];
                            // Read the sign-magnitude value. The low bit is the sign
                            int quantizedCoefficient = code / 2 * (1 - (code % 2 * 2));
                            if (quantizedCoefficient == 0)
                            channel.QuantizedSpectra[sf][s] = quantizedCoefficient;
                        reader.Position += bits;

                    Array.Clear(channel.Spectra[sf], channel.CodedScaleFactorCount, 0x80 - channel.CodedScaleFactorCount);
Beispiel #2
        private static void CalculateNoiseLevel(CriHcaFrame frame)
            int highestBand   = frame.Hca.BaseBandCount + frame.Hca.StereoBandCount - 1;
            int availableBits = frame.Hca.FrameSize * 8;
            int maxLevel      = 255;
            int minLevel      = 0;
            int level         = BinarySearchLevel(frame.Channels, availableBits, minLevel, maxLevel);

            // If there aren't enough available bits, remove bands until there are.
            while (level < 0)
                highestBand -= 2;
                if (highestBand < 0)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Bitrate is set too low.");

                foreach (CriHcaChannel channel in frame.Channels)
                    channel.ScaleFactors[highestBand + 1] = 0;
                    channel.ScaleFactors[highestBand + 2] = 0;

                level = BinarySearchLevel(frame.Channels, availableBits, minLevel, maxLevel);

            frame.AcceptableNoiseLevel = level;
Beispiel #3
 private static void ApplyIntensityStereo(CriHcaFrame frame)
     if (frame.Hca.StereoBandCount <= 0)
     for (int c = 0; c < frame.Channels.Length; c++)
         if (frame.Channels[c].Type != ChannelType.StereoPrimary)
         for (int sf = 0; sf < SubframesPerFrame; sf++)
             double[] l      = frame.Channels[c].Spectra[sf];
             double[] r      = frame.Channels[c + 1].Spectra[sf];
             double   ratioL = IntensityRatioTable[frame.Channels[c + 1].Intensity[sf]];
             double   ratioR = ratioL - 2.0;
             for (int b = frame.Hca.BaseBandCount; b < frame.Hca.TotalBandCount; b++)
                 r[b]  = l[b] * ratioR;
                 l[b] *= ratioL;
Beispiel #4
        private static void EncodeIntensityStereo(CriHcaFrame frame)
            if (frame.Hca.StereoBandCount <= 0)

            for (int c = 0; c < frame.Channels.Length; c++)
                if (frame.Channels[c].Type != ChannelType.StereoPrimary)

                for (int sf = 0; sf < SubframesPerFrame; sf++)
                    double[] l = frame.Channels[c].Spectra[sf];
                    double[] r = frame.Channels[c + 1].Spectra[sf];

                    double energyL     = 0;
                    double energyR     = 0;
                    double energyTotal = 0;

                    for (int b = frame.Hca.BaseBandCount; b < frame.Hca.TotalBandCount; b++)
                        energyL     += Math.Abs(l[b]);
                        energyR     += Math.Abs(r[b]);
                        energyTotal += Math.Abs(l[b] + r[b]);
                    energyTotal *= 2;

                    double energyLR    = energyR + energyL;
                    double storedValue = 2 * energyL / energyLR;
                    double energyRatio = energyLR / energyTotal;
                    energyRatio = Clamp(energyRatio, 0.5, Math.Sqrt(2) / 2);

                    int quantized = 1;
                    if (energyR > 0 || energyL > 0)
                        while (quantized < 13 && CriHcaTables.IntensityRatioBoundsTable[quantized] >= storedValue)
                        quantized   = 0;
                        energyRatio = 1;

                    frame.Channels[c + 1].Intensity[sf] = quantized;

                    for (int b = frame.Hca.BaseBandCount; b < frame.Hca.TotalBandCount; b++)
                        l[b] = (l[b] + r[b]) * energyRatio;
                        r[b] = 0;
 private static bool UnpackingWasSuccessful(CriHcaFrame frame, BitReader reader)
     // 128 leftover bits after unpacking should be high enough to get rid of false negatives,
     // and low enough that false positives will be uncommon.
     return(reader.Remaining >= 16 && reader.Remaining <= 128 ||
            FrameEmpty(frame) ||
            frame.AcceptableNoiseLevel == 0 && reader.Remaining >= 16);
 public static bool UnpackFrame(CriHcaFrame frame, BitReader reader)
     if (!UnpackFrameHeader(frame, reader))
     ReadSpectralCoefficients(frame, reader);
     return(UnpackingWasSuccessful(frame, reader));
Beispiel #7
        private static void DecodeFrame(byte[] audio, CriHcaFrame frame, short[][] pcmOut)
            var reader = new BitReader(audio);

            UnpackFrame(frame, reader);
            PcmFloatToShort(frame, pcmOut);
Beispiel #8
 private static void RunImdct(CriHcaFrame frame)
     for (int sf = 0; sf < SubframesPerFrame; sf++)
         foreach (CriHcaChannel channel in frame.Channels)
             channel.Mdct.RunImdct(channel.Spectra[sf], channel.PcmFloat[sf]);
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes this <see cref="CriHcaEncoder"/>. Any preexisting state is reset, and the encoder
        /// will be ready to accept PCM audio via <see cref="Encode"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">The configuration to be used when creating the HCA file.</param>
        public void Initialize(CriHcaParameters config)
            if (config.ChannelCount > 8)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(config.ChannelCount), "HCA channel count must be 8 or below");

            CutoffFrequency = config.SampleRate / 2;
            Quality         = config.Quality;
            PostSamples     = 128;

            Hca = new HcaInfo
                ChannelCount    = config.ChannelCount,
                TrackCount      = 1,
                SampleCount     = config.SampleCount,
                SampleRate      = config.SampleRate,
                MinResolution   = 1,
                MaxResolution   = 15,
                InsertedSamples = SamplesPerSubFrame

            Bitrate = CalculateBitrate(Hca, Quality, config.Bitrate, config.LimitBitrate);
            CalculateBandCounts(Hca, Bitrate, CutoffFrequency);

            int inputSampleCount = Hca.SampleCount;

            if (config.Looping)
                Hca.Looping          = true;
                Hca.SampleCount      = Math.Min(config.LoopEnd, config.SampleCount);
                Hca.InsertedSamples += GetNextMultiple(config.LoopStart, SamplesPerFrame) - config.LoopStart;
                CalculateLoopInfo(Hca, config.LoopStart, config.LoopEnd);
                inputSampleCount  = Math.Min(GetNextMultiple(Hca.SampleCount, SamplesPerSubFrame), config.SampleCount);
                inputSampleCount += SamplesPerSubFrame * 2;
                PostSamples       = inputSampleCount - Hca.SampleCount;


            int totalSamples = inputSampleCount + Hca.InsertedSamples;

            Hca.FrameCount      = totalSamples.DivideByRoundUp(SamplesPerFrame);
            Hca.AppendedSamples = Hca.FrameCount * SamplesPerFrame - Hca.InsertedSamples - inputSampleCount;

            Frame            = new CriHcaFrame(Hca);
            Channels         = Frame.Channels;
            PcmBuffer        = CreateJaggedArray <short[][]>(Hca.ChannelCount, SamplesPerFrame);
            PostAudio        = CreateJaggedArray <short[][]>(Hca.ChannelCount, PostSamples);
            HcaOutputBuffer  = new Queue <byte[]>();
            BufferPreSamples = Hca.InsertedSamples - 128;
Beispiel #10
 private static void PcmFloatToShort(CriHcaFrame frame, short[][] pcm)
     for (int c = 0; c < frame.Channels.Length; c++)
         for (int sf = 0; sf < SubframesPerFrame; sf++)
             for (int s = 0; s < SamplesPerSubFrame; s++)
                 int sample = (int)(frame.Channels[c].PcmFloat[sf][s] * (short.MaxValue + 1));
                 pcm[c][sf * SamplesPerSubFrame + s] = Helpers.Clamp16(sample);
        public static CriHcaKey FindKey(HcaInfo hca, byte[][] audio)
            var frame  = new CriHcaFrame(hca);
            var buffer = new byte[hca.FrameSize];

            foreach (CriHcaKey key in Keys)
                if (TestKey(frame, audio, key, buffer))
Beispiel #12
 private static void CalculateFrameHeaderLength(CriHcaFrame frame)
     foreach (CriHcaChannel channel in frame.Channels)
         if (channel.Type == ChannelType.StereoSecondary)
             channel.HeaderLengthBits += 32;
         else if (frame.Hca.HfrGroupCount > 0)
             channel.HeaderLengthBits += 6 * frame.Hca.HfrGroupCount;
Beispiel #13
        private static void CalculateEvaluationBoundary(CriHcaFrame frame)
            if (frame.AcceptableNoiseLevel == 0)
                frame.EvaluationBoundary = 0;

            int availableBits = frame.Hca.FrameSize * 8;
            int maxLevel      = 127;
            int minLevel      = 0;
            int level         = BinarySearchBoundary(frame.Channels, availableBits, frame.AcceptableNoiseLevel, minLevel, maxLevel);

            frame.EvaluationBoundary = level >= 0 ? level : throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #14
 private static void CalculateFrameResolutions(CriHcaFrame frame)
     foreach (CriHcaChannel channel in frame.Channels)
         for (int i = 0; i < frame.EvaluationBoundary; i++)
             channel.Resolution[i] = CalculateResolution(channel.ScaleFactors[i], frame.AcceptableNoiseLevel - 1);
         for (int i = frame.EvaluationBoundary; i < channel.CodedScaleFactorCount; i++)
             channel.Resolution[i] = CalculateResolution(channel.ScaleFactors[i], frame.AcceptableNoiseLevel);
         Array.Clear(channel.Resolution, channel.CodedScaleFactorCount, channel.Resolution.Length - channel.CodedScaleFactorCount);
        private static bool TestKey(CriHcaFrame frame, byte[][] audio, CriHcaKey key, byte[] buffer)
            int startFrame = FindFirstNonEmptyFrame(audio);
            int endFrame   = Math.Min(audio.Length, startFrame + FramesToTest);

            for (int i = startFrame; i < endFrame; i++)
                Array.Copy(audio[i], buffer, audio[i].Length);
                CryptFrame(frame.Hca, buffer, key, true);
                var reader = new BitReader(buffer);
                if (!CriHcaPacking.UnpackFrame(frame, reader))
Beispiel #16
        private static bool FrameEmpty(CriHcaFrame frame)
            if (frame.AcceptableNoiseLevel > 0)

            // If all the scale factors are 0, the frame is empty
            foreach (CriHcaChannel channel in frame.Channels)
                if (channel.ScaleFactorDeltaBits > 0)
Beispiel #17
        private static void CalculateHfrScale(CriHcaFrame frame)
            HcaInfo hca = frame.Hca;

            if (hca.HfrGroupCount == 0)

            int hfrStartBand = hca.StereoBandCount + hca.BaseBandCount;
            int hfrBandCount = Math.Min(hca.HfrBandCount, hca.TotalBandCount - hca.HfrBandCount);

            foreach (CriHcaChannel channel in frame.Channels)
                if (channel.Type == ChannelType.StereoSecondary)

                double[] groupSpectra = channel.HfrGroupAverageSpectra;

                for (int group = 0, band = 0; group < hca.HfrGroupCount; group++)
                    double sum   = 0.0;
                    int    count = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < hca.BandsPerHfrGroup && band < hfrBandCount; band++, i++)
                        for (int subframe = 0; subframe < SubframesPerFrame; subframe++)
                            sum += Math.Abs(channel.ScaledSpectra[hfrStartBand - band - 1][subframe]);
                        count += SubframesPerFrame;

                    double averageSpectra = sum / count;
                    if (averageSpectra > 0.0)
                        groupSpectra[group] *= Math.Min(1.0 / averageSpectra, Math.Sqrt(2));

                    channel.HfrScales[group] = FindScaleFactor(groupSpectra[group]);
Beispiel #18
        private static void DequantizeFrame(CriHcaFrame frame)
            foreach (CriHcaChannel channel in frame.Channels)

            for (int sf = 0; sf < SubframesPerFrame; sf++)
                foreach (CriHcaChannel channel in frame.Channels)
                    for (int s = 0; s < channel.CodedScaleFactorCount; s++)
                        channel.Spectra[sf][s] = channel.QuantizedSpectra[sf][s] * channel.Gain[s];
Beispiel #19
        public static short[][] Decode(HcaInfo hca, byte[][] audio, CriHcaParameters config = null)
            var pcmOut    = Helpers.CreateJaggedArray <short[][]>(hca.ChannelCount, hca.SampleCount);
            var pcmBuffer = Helpers.CreateJaggedArray <short[][]>(hca.ChannelCount, SamplesPerFrame);

            var frame = new CriHcaFrame(hca);

            for (int i = 0; i < hca.FrameCount; i++)
                DecodeFrame(audio[i], frame, pcmBuffer);

                CopyPcmToOutput(pcmBuffer, pcmOut, hca, i);
                //CopyBuffer(pcmBuffer, pcmOut, hca.InsertedSamples, i);

Beispiel #20
        public static void PackFrame(CriHcaFrame frame, Crc16 crc, byte[] outBuffer)
            var writer = new BitWriter(outBuffer);

            writer.Write(0xffff, 16);
            writer.Write(frame.AcceptableNoiseLevel, 9);
            writer.Write(frame.EvaluationBoundary, 7);

            foreach (CriHcaChannel channel in frame.Channels)
                WriteScaleFactors(writer, channel);
                if (channel.Type == ChannelType.StereoSecondary)
                    for (int i = 0; i < SubframesPerFrame; i++)
                        writer.Write(channel.Intensity[i], 4);
                else if (frame.Hca.HfrGroupCount > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < frame.Hca.HfrGroupCount; i++)
                        writer.Write(channel.HfrScales[i], 6);

            for (int sf = 0; sf < SubframesPerFrame; sf++)
                foreach (CriHcaChannel channel in frame.Channels)
                    WriteSpectra(writer, channel, sf);

            for (int i = writer.Position / 8; i < frame.Hca.FrameSize - 2; i++)
                writer.Buffer[i] = 0;

            WriteChecksum(writer, crc, outBuffer);
Beispiel #21
        private static bool UnpackFrameHeader(CriHcaFrame frame, BitReader reader)
            int syncWord = reader.ReadInt(16);

            if (syncWord != 0xffff)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid frame header");

            byte[] athCurve = frame.AthCurve;
            frame.AcceptableNoiseLevel = reader.ReadInt(9);
            frame.EvaluationBoundary   = reader.ReadInt(7);

            foreach (CriHcaChannel channel in frame.Channels)
                if (!ReadScaleFactors(channel, reader))

                for (int i = 0; i < frame.EvaluationBoundary; i++)
                    channel.Resolution[i] = CalculateResolution(channel.ScaleFactors[i], athCurve[i] + frame.AcceptableNoiseLevel - 1);

                for (int i = frame.EvaluationBoundary; i < channel.CodedScaleFactorCount; i++)
                    channel.Resolution[i] = CalculateResolution(channel.ScaleFactors[i], athCurve[i] + frame.AcceptableNoiseLevel);

                if (channel.Type == ChannelType.StereoSecondary)
                    ReadIntensity(reader, channel.Intensity);
                else if (frame.Hca.HfrGroupCount > 0)
                    ReadHfrScaleFactors(reader, frame.Hca.HfrGroupCount, channel.HfrScales);
Beispiel #22
        private static void ReconstructHighFrequency(CriHcaFrame frame)
            HcaInfo hca = frame.Hca;

            if (hca.HfrGroupCount == 0)

            // The last spectral coefficient should always be 0;
            int totalBandCount = Math.Min(hca.TotalBandCount, 127);

            int hfrStartBand = hca.BaseBandCount + hca.StereoBandCount;
            int hfrBandCount = Math.Min(hca.HfrBandCount, totalBandCount - hca.HfrBandCount);

            foreach (CriHcaChannel channel in frame.Channels)
                if (channel.Type == ChannelType.StereoSecondary)

                for (int group = 0, band = 0; group < hca.HfrGroupCount; group++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < hca.BandsPerHfrGroup && band < hfrBandCount; band++, i++)
                        int highBand = hfrStartBand + band;
                        int lowBand  = hfrStartBand - band - 1;
                        int index    = channel.HfrScales[group] - channel.ScaleFactors[lowBand] + 64;
                        for (int sf = 0; sf < SubframesPerFrame; sf++)
                            channel.Spectra[sf][highBand] = ScaleConversionTable[index] * channel.Spectra[sf][lowBand];
Beispiel #23
        private static void CalculateHfrGroupAverages(CriHcaFrame frame)
            HcaInfo hca = frame.Hca;

            if (hca.HfrGroupCount == 0)

            int hfrStartBand = hca.StereoBandCount + hca.BaseBandCount;

            foreach (CriHcaChannel channel in frame.Channels)
                if (channel.Type == ChannelType.StereoSecondary)

                for (int group = 0, band = hfrStartBand; group < hca.HfrGroupCount; group++)
                    double sum   = 0.0;
                    int    count = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < hca.BandsPerHfrGroup && band < SamplesPerSubFrame; band++, i++)
                        for (int subframe = 0; subframe < SubframesPerFrame; subframe++)
                            sum += Math.Abs(channel.Spectra[subframe][band]);
                        count += SubframesPerFrame;

                    channel.HfrGroupAverageSpectra[group] = sum / count;
Beispiel #24
 private static void RestoreMissingBands(CriHcaFrame frame)